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Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience

Adele Diamond, PhD, FRSC

Canada Research Chair Tier 1 Professor
of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
at the University of British Columbia

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Phone: 604.822.7220
Fax: 604.822.7232
E-mail: adele•diamond@ubc•ca

   Prof. Adele Diamond
   Canada Research Chair in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
   Department of Psychiatry
   University of British Columbia (UBC)
   2255 Wesbrook Mall,  Room G842    
   Vancouver, BC   V6T 2A1 

Curriculum Vitae: www.devcogneuro.com/diamond_vitae.pdf

Fellow, Royal Society of Canada (2009- )

Recognized as among the 15 most influential neuroscientists in the world
today (2014)

Local Affiliations

Canada Research Chair Tier 1
Professor of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience (2004- )
Dept. of Psychiatry, University of British Columbia (UBC)

Head, Program in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience,
Dept. of Psychiatry, UBC (2008- )


Graduate Program in Neuroscience,

Undergraduate Program in Cognitive Systems,

Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health, UBC

Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP)

BC Children's Hospital Research Institute (BCCHR; formerly Child and Family Research Institute)

Kids Brain Health Network (formerly known as NeuroDevNet) dedicated to helping children
overcome neurodevelopmental disorders

Founding Fellow, Institute of Mental Health, UBC (2006-)

Faculty Fellow, Green College at UBC (2007-2009)

Founding Member, CIRCA (Centre for Interdisciplinary Research and Collaboration in Autism) at UBC (2010- )

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Brief Biosketch

Adele Diamond, PhD, FRSC is the Canada Research Chair Tier I Professor of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience at University of British Columbia (UBC), Vancouver, BC, Canada. A Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada, she has been named one of the “2000 Outstanding Women of the 20th Century,” has been listed as one the 15 most influential neuroscientists alive today, and her impact was recently ranked among the top 0.01% of all scientists across all fields. She received her BA from Swarthmore (Phi Beta Kappa), her PhD from Harvard, and was a postdoctoral fellow at Yale Medical School.

Prof. Diamond co-founded the field of Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience and continues to be recognized as a world leader in both Psychology and Neuroscience as evidenced by her impact, awards, success in research funding, leadership roles, and abundant invitations to speak across disciplines, professions, and nations. She has held federal research grants continuously for over 40 years (since her graduate school days) and overseen over $24 million in research funding. She has given over 600 keynote addresses and invited talks, including at the White House and to the Dalai Lama as well as in 38 countries across 6 continents. Her work has been cited over 64,000 times and has an h-index of 74. She heads the Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Program at UBC, has served on over 25 external advisory boards and 10 editorial boards, including those of all 3 major journals in Developmental Psychology. Her many awards include the Award for Lifetime Contributions to Developmental Psychology in the Service of Science and Society from the American Psychological Association, the International Mind, Brain and Education Society’s Translation Award (the highest award that society gives), election to Fellow of the American Psychology Association, Association for Psychological Science, the Huttenlocher Award from the international Flux Society for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience (that society's most prestigious award), and Society of Experimental Psychologists, as well as honorary doctorates from Swarthmore College, Ben-Gurion Univ., and Cambridge Univ.

Prof. Diamond’s specialty is executive functions, which depend on the brain’s prefrontal cortex and interrelated neural regions. Executive functions enable us to resist temptations and automatic impulsive reactions, stay focused, mentally play with ideas, reason, problem-solve, flexibly adjust to changed demands or priorities, and see things from new and different perspectives. Prof. Diamond’s lab studies how executive functions are affected by biological factors (such as genes and neurochemistry) and by environmental ones (for example, impaired by stress or improved by interventions).

She has demonstrated that executive functions emerge and can be assessed as early as the first year of life, and shown that interventions can improve executive functions even in very young children. Her work has demonstrated ways to help children grasp concepts and succeed at tasks long thought beyond their ability and has changed how people think about cognitive development in emphasizing the importance of inhibiting reactions that get in the way of demonstrating knowledge that is already present.

Her work on the unusual properties of the dopamine system in prefrontal cortex led to her identifying the biological mechanism causing executive function deficits in children treated for phenylketonuria (PKU) and definitively documenting those deficits and their effect on the brain, resulting in guidelines for the medical treatment of PKU changing around the globe – an example of how changing behavior (diet) can affect neurochemistry and brain function. Global changes to clinical practice followed two other subsequent discoveries by her. Thus, on three separate occasions her discoveries have led to improvements in the treatment of medical disorders.

More recently, Prof. Diamond has derived new principles for how to improve executive functions and debunked previously-accepted ones. She offers a markedly different perspective from traditional medical practice in holding that treating physical health, without also addressing social and emotional health is less efficient or efficacious. Prof. Diamond also offers a markedly different perspective from mainstream education and has shown that focusing exclusively on training cognitive skills is less efficient, and ultimately less successful, than also addressing social, emotional, spiritual, and physical needs. She has shown that many issues are not simply education issues or health issues; they are both.

Prof. Diamond is also known as an exceptional communicator, both in writing and in speaking, making complicated concepts easily understandable across fields and to the lay public. She has been instrumental in bringing researchers and practitioners together across fields and in jump-starting countless collaborations. One of her many humanitarians projects was recently recognition by the establishment of the "Adele Diamond Foundation" in her honor to further efforts to help Maasai children receive a quality education.

Research Interests

My lab integrates developmental, cognitive science, neuroscience, and molecular genetic methods to study prefrontal cortex (PFC) and the most complex cognitive abilities ('executive functions' [EFs]) that rely on PFC and interrelated brain regions. EFs include being able to 'think outside the box' and see things from other perspectives (cognitive flexibility), mentally relating different ideas and facts to one another (working memory), and giving a considered response rather than an impulsive one, resisting temptations, and staying focused (inhibitory control, including selective attention). These abilities are crucial for problem-solving, creativity, and reasoning, and for success in all life's aspects.

One goal of the lab is to examine fundamental questions about how PFC and EFs are influenced by biological factors (such as genes and neurochemistry) and by environmental factors (including detrimental influences such as poverty or stress and facilitative ones such as interventions). For example, the lab examines ways in which unusual properties of PFC dopamine system contribute to the exceptional sensitivity and vulnerability of PFC and EFs to environmental and genetic variations that have little effect elsewhere in the brain, and how at least some of these effects are different in men and women.

One unusual aspect of the DA system in PFC is a relative dearth of DA transporter proteins, the best way for clearing away released DA. This has many interesting and practical consequences. One of those relates to attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). We predict, and are testing, that physicians prescribing the correct dose of psychostimulants for controlling hyperactivity in patients with ADHD are prescribing too high a dose for patients’ cognitive problems. Physicians decide on the optimal psychostimulant dose for a child with ADHD by asking the child’s parent how the child is doing on different doses. The parent bases his/her answer on the child’s behavior. No one tests the child’s cognitive skills.

Another goal of the lab is to find practical ways to help children develop healthy EFs, and thus to help more children thrive. We offer a markedly different perspective from mainstream education in hypothesizing that focusing exclusively on training cognitive skills is less efficient, and ultimately less successful, than also addressing youths’ emotional, social, and physical needs. Our hypothesis is that besides training the skill(s) of interest, it’s important to support those skills by lessening things that impair them and enhancing things that support them.

Researchers and educators tend to focus on one aspect of a person in isolation. For example, efforts to study or to improve cognitive skills (such as EFs) or academic performance are generally done ignoring whether participants are happy or sad, lonely or healthy. Yet sadness, stress, loneliness, or poor health causes one’s EF performance to be worse and works against efforts to improve EFs or academic outcomes. Conversely, EFs are better when one feels emotionally and socially nourished and healthy. Social and/or emotional aspects of, or adjuncts to, a program to improve cognitive skills might be key to whether and/or how much that program succeeds.

We hope our research might fundamentally change the approach and underlying assumptions (i.e., shift the paradigm) of how to improve cognitive skills and how to educate children. We expect to show that focusing exclusively on training cognition might not be the best way to improve cognition; emotional and social factors might be key to whether cognition improves.

Traditional activities that have been part of all cultures throughout time (e.g., dance, music-making, play and sports) address all these aspects of a person -- they challenge our EFs (requiring focus, concentration, and working memory), make us happy and proud, provide a sense of belonging, and help our bodies develop. Recently we have turned our attention to the possible roles of music, dance, storytelling, traditional martial arts, positive sports, yoga, mindfulness, and even circus for improving executive functions, academic outcomes and mental and physical health.

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Significant Contributions

1. In the 1980s, my work opened up a new field of inquiry, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, which marked a milestone in the integration of developmental psychology, cognitive science, and neuroscience.

Developmental psychologists and neuroscientists used to know little of one another’s work. As a graduate student, I realized that for 50 years developmental psychologists and neuroscientists had been using essentially the same behavioral task without knowing it. Developmental psychologists called it “A-not-B” and used it to study cognitive development in infants; neuroscientists called it “delayed response” and used it to study the functions of prefrontal cortex (PFC) in monkeys.

Building on that insight, I undertook a systematic program of research to chart the developmental progression of human infants on A-not-B and delayed response plus a transparent barrier task (to obtain converging evidence from a very different paradigm), the developmental progression of infant monkeys on the 3 tasks, the effect of lesions on adult monkeys' performance of those tasks, and the effect of lesions on infant monkeys' performance of the tasks (see Table below).

Behavioral Tasks:
Delayed Response
Object Retrieval
Human infants show a clear developmental progression from 7½ -12 months. Diamond, 1985 Diamond & Doar, 1989 Diamond, 1988
Adult monkeys with lesions of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex fail. Diamond & Goldman-Rakic, 1989 Diamond & Goldman-Rakic, 1989 Diamond & Goldman-Rakic, 1985
Adult monkeys with lesions of posterior parietal cortex succeed. Diamond & Goldman-Rakic, 1989 Diamond & Goldman-Rakic, 1989 Diamond & Goldman-Rakic, 1985
Adult monkeys with lesions of the hippo-campal formation succeed. Diamond, Zola-Morgan, & Squire, 1989 Squire & Zola-Morgan, 1983 Diamond, Zola-Morgan, & Squire, 1989
Infant monkeys show a clear developmental progression from 1½ -4 months. Diamond & Goldman-Rakic, 1986 Diamond & Goldman-Rakic, 1986 Diamond & Goldman-Rakic, 1986
5-month-old infant monkeys, who received lesions of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex at 4 months, fail. Diamond & Goldman-Rakic, 1986 Diamond & Goldman-Rakic, 1986  

This established the first strong link between early cognitive development and the functions of a specific brain region. That gave encouragement to others that rigorous experimental work addressing brain-behavior relations was possible in infants, which people at that time still thought was impossible until my work. It also fundamentally altered the scientific understanding of PFC early in development; clearly it was not silent as accepted wisdom had held. Even though PFC is very immature early in life and takes a very long time to develop, it can already subserve elementary versions of the highest cognitive functions during the first year of life.

I went on to facilitate many of the earliest collaborations between developmental and cognitive scientists, on the one hand, and neuroscientists on the other beginning with the landmark conference I organized in 1989 (“Development and Neural Bases of Higher Cognitive Functions”) that brought together developmental scientists, cognitive psychologists and neuroscientists, using observable behaviors they were assessing in common paradigms to bridge the communication gap between disciplines. The NYAS volume that resulted from that meeting was so popular, it sold out in record time. The conference birthed over a half dozen new collaborations -- the earliest collaborations between developmental and cognitive scientists, on the one hand, and neuroscientists on the other. Throughout my career up to the present, I have actively connected people to one another and facilitated countless scientific collaborations and friendships.

2. In the 1990s, my team made two discoveries that led to worldwide improvements in the medical treatment for phenylketonuria (PKU), improving the lives of thousands of children. I identified the biological mechanism causing EF deficits in children treated for PKU. I provided the first demonstration of a visual deficit in treated PKU children (which changed international guidelines for the age of treatment onset).

see: www.apa.org/research/action/pku.aspx

After demonstrating that maturation of PFC played a role in early cognitive development, a natural next question was, “What’s changing in PFC to make these cognitive advances possible?” I hypothesized that at least part of the answer was increasing levels of dopamine in PFC. But how to study the role of dopamine in modulating PFC cognitive functions (“executive functions [EFs]) in humans early in life? No one had ever done anything like that. Again, the answer lay in integrating two fields. Researchers and clinicians working on inborn errors of metabolism had noticed that children ‘well-treated’ for phenylketonuria (PKU) seemed to show selective EF deficits, but no one could imagine a mechanism that could explain that, so reports of such deficits were largely ignored. Neuropharmacologists studying the mesocortical dopamine system in rats had shown that if there is only a modest reduction in the dopamine precursor, tyrosine, PFC is selectively affected. I realized that the latter might provide a mechanism to account for the former because children ‘well-treated’ for PKU typically had slightly elevated blood levels of phenylalanine (Phe) and slightly reduced blood levels of tyrosine. Since Phe and tyrosine compete to enter the brain, a modest elevation in the Phe to tyrosine ratio in blood would result in a modest reduction in the amount of tyrosine reaching the brain – a reduction sufficient to impact PFC but too small to impact other brain regions.

To test that hypothesis, I again turned to work in both humans and animals. My team combine (a) neurochemical work in animals -- creating the first animal model of treated PKU along the way (Diamond et al., 1994) and the first genetic animal model of treated PKU (Zagreda et al., 1999) -- with (b) longitudinal testing of 5 groups (those with PKU, those with a related disorder [hyperphenyla-laninemia], siblings of the PKU patients, matched controls, and infants and children from the general population) at each of 3 age ranges (infants, toddlers, and children) using an extensive neurocognitive battery (Diamond et al., 1997). My team was thereby able to demonstrate the mechanism causing the deficits that had so confounded those working on inborn errors of metabolism and the team demonstrated how those deficits could be prevented. While the longitudinal study documented the extent and nature of the cognitive deficits and the levels of Phe and tyrosine associated with them, the animal models tested the hypothesized neural mechanism underlying the cognitive deficits (i.e., slightly too little tyrosine reaching the brain, which lowered DA levels in PFC but not in other brain regions because of unusual properties of the DA system in PFC [faster firing rate & faster DA turnover]). Diamond’s team, thus, showed definitively that the then-accepted treatment for PKU left EF deficits, discovered the causal mechanism, and demonstrated what to do about the problem. The medical community swiftly acted on these findings, changing the guidelines around the world for the treatment of PKU.

Midway through, I learned that the dopamine system in the retina shares the same unusual properties as those that cause PFC to be sensitive to reductions in available tyrosine too small to affect other brain regions. To be consistent, I had to predict that retinal function would also be adversely impacted in children treated for PKU, so I ventured into vision science to investigate that together with pediatric optometrist, Dr. Chaya Herzberg. Sure enough, my team identified the first visual deficit reported in children treated for PKU – impaired contrast sensitivity. Two superficially unrelated behavioral effects (a selective cognitive deficit and a selective visual deficit) were found to have same underlying cause.

Diamond, A. (2001). A model system for studying the role of dopamine in prefrontal cortex during early development in humans. In C. Nelson & M. Luciana (Eds.), Handbook of developmental cognitive neuroscience (pp. 433-472). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. Reprinted (2002) in Reader in brain development and cognition. Blackwell Press.

Zagreda, L., Goodman, J., Druin, D.P., McDonald, D., & Diamond, A. (1999). Cognitive deficits in a genetic mouse model of the most common biochemical cause of human mental retardation. Journal of Neuroscience, 19, 6175-6182.

Diamond, A., Prevor, M.B., Callender, G., & Druin, D.P. (1997). Prefrontal cortex cognitive deficits in children treated early and continuously for PKU. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development (Monograph #252), 62 (4), 1-207.
see also: www.apa.org/research/action/pku.aspx

Diamond, A. & Herzberg, C. (1996). Impaired sensitivity to visual contrast in children treated early and continuously for PKU. Brain, 119, 523-538.

Diamond, A., Ciaramitaro, V., Donner, E., Djali, S., & Robinson, M. (1994). An animal model of early-treated PKU. Journal of Neuroscience, 14, 3072-3082

My team had found converging evidence from two very different domains, vision and cognition, in support of my hypothesis about the mechanism causing cognitive deficits in PKU children when their Phe levels were maintained at what had been thought to be safe levels (3-5 times normal; 360-600 μmol/L). One discrepancy troubled me, however. PFC cognitive deficits were closely related to children’s current levels of Phe. The visual deficits were not. The deficit in contrast sensitivity was closely related to what the children’s Phe levels had been during the first month of life.

By the time my team studied contrast sensitivity, we knew what range of Phe levels produced a deficit and so only sampled from within that range. Having a truncated range of current Phe levels could easily have accounted for the failure to find a relation between contrast sensitivity and current Phe levels. However, a child born with PKU is usually not started on treatment for the disorder until about 10 days of age. The visual system is maturing very rapidly during the days and weeks right after birth. Perhaps the excessively high levels of Phe reaching the brain during those first days after birth impairs the visual system.

To test that hypothesis I brought in pairs of siblings, both of whom had PKU, as well as children from the general population. The importance of the sibling pairs was that while PKU in the first child born with the disorder is not detected until the heel prick test after birth, amniocentesis is performed for all later-born children and so it is known if any of those children have PKU before birth. The first-born children started dietary treatment on average at 11 days of age, while the later-born children started the diet on average at 3 days of age. I found consistently that the first PKU sibling in a family had poorer contrast sensitivity at low levels of contrast than his or her younger PKU sibling and than children from the general population. The children whose brains were exposed to massive levels of Phe for the first 10 days of life showed no deficits in visual acuity or in determining form from texture, but they were impaired in contrast sensitivity at very low levels of contrast and in determining form from motion. These deficits were evident over 10 years later when we tested the children. This is in striking parallel to the findings of Daphne Maurer and Terri Lewis who have found that children exposed to very degraded visual input for only the first few weeks after birth (children born with congenital cataracts who received surgery to correct their eyesight within the first month of life). There is still a role for current Phe levels in the contrast sensitivity deficit of PKU children, as high Phe levels during the first 10 days of age are related to deficits only at very low contrast, but PKU children have impaired contrast sensitivity across all spatial frequencies and levels of contrast. Both neonatal and current Phe levels appear to matter.

My presentation of these data at the NIH Consensus Conference on PKU, led to the new recommendation for US national health policy. Based on this presentation, US national guidelines for when dietary treatment for PKU should begin changed from by 14-21 days of age to “as soon as possible, and no later than 7-10 days after birth.”

Diamond, A. (2000). Recent research findings on the effects of age at diet initiation on the visual system. Invited presentation at the NIH Consensus Development Conference on “Phenylketonuria (PKU): Screening and Management,” Bethesda, MD, 16 October 2000.

Diamond, A. (2007). Consequences of variations in genes that affect dopamine in prefrontal cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 17, 161-170.

From 2000 to the present, I had continued to extend our understanding to how the unusual properties of prefrontal DA system contribute to PFC’s vulnerability to environmental and genetic variations that have little effect elsewhere. One such discovery again changed medical practice:

3. An unusual property of the DA system in PFC is a relative dearth of dopamine transporter protein. Dopamine transporter is abundant in the striatum but sparse in PFC. When you hear that stimulants like methylphenidate (MPH) aid ADHD by “inhibiting reuptake,” that is referring to inhibiting reuptake of DA by dopamine transporter proteins on presynaptic neurons. Clearly the mechanism by which stimulants remediate the cognitive deficits (the EF deficits) in ADHD had to be different.

I demonstrated that ADHD without hyperactivity (ADHD-inattentive) is a fundamentally different disorder from the other forms of ADHD, which include hyperactivity. They differ in genetic and neural bases, cognitive profiles, responses to medication, and patterns of comorbidity. That demonstration resonated deeply, impacting clinical practice. Websites on ADHD-inattentive soared from 4 to 1,000’s. The Founder and Head of the Dutch ADD Assoc. (Stichting ADD Nederland), Karin Windt, wrote: “Dr. Diamond changed millions of lives…. For the first time [those of us with the primarily inattentive form of ADHD] were heard and finally understood…. Through my work we are now able to explain to others why ADD is so different from ADHD. This question remained unanswered until my article appeared in 2005.

Based on the neurobiology, I next hypothesized that most children with ADHD are being over-medicated for optimal cognitive (EF) results. ADHD involves lower levels of DA in PFC and the striatum. PFC is most linked to cognitive deficits in ADHD and the striatum to behavioral problems. At the moderate-to-high doses often prescribed for ADHD, MPH inhibits re-uptake of DA by dopamine transporters, which primarily affects the striatum, where dopamine transporter protein is plentiful. Recent neuroscience findings, however, show MPH acts differently at low doses; at low doses it increases DA specifically in PFC.

Most ADHD patients on MPH are getting a dose targeting their behavioral dysregulation (parents base feedback to doctors on the child’s behavior; no one uses cognitive tests to determine dose). I hypothesized that the MPH dose for controlling hyperactivity in patients with ADHD is too high for aiding patients’ cognition. I predicted that ADHD patients would perform better on EF tests of attention and working memory, and tests of reading and math, when on half their dose. Indeed, my lab has largely confirmed that prediction in a double-blind crossover design. This has the strong potential to change the standard of care for ADHD.

Half of the ADHD patients (ages 6-18) have been tested first in the my lab on their current MPH dose and in their second session on half that; half the patients were tested on half their current dose first (order counter-balanced). Neither researchers nor patients knew who received which dose when (double blind). A pharmacy prepared identical-looking capsules of the child’s current dose and half that.

Ling, D. S., Balce, K., Weiss, M., Murray, C., & Diamond, A. (September 23, 2019). Patients with ADHD are being overmedicated (for optimal cognitive performance). Poster presented at the International Brain Research Organisation World Congress of Neuroscience Meeting, Daegu, South Korea.

Diamond, A. (2005). ADD (ADHD without hyperactivity), a neurobiologically and behaviorally distinct disorder from ADHD (with hyperactivity). Development and Psychopathology, 17, 807-825.

4. Also in the 2000s, my team made discoveries that are refining our understanding PFC DA system and the catechol-o-methyltransferase (COMT) gene:

Scientific results are rarely perfectly neat and clean. It is true that children with PKU whose Phe levels were mildly elevated were impaired on all six of the tasks that required working memory and inhibitory control, but they performed well on three other tasks that also tax working memory (two self-ordered pointing tasks and a temporal order memory task). There’s solid evidence that those tasks also depend on dorsolateral PFC. I had predicted that performance on all tasks dependent on dorsolateral PFC would be impaired in PKU children with mildly elevated Phe levels. Why on earth were they not impaired on these three tasks? I hadn’t a clue. But again I was unwilling to let the inconsistency remain uninvestigated.

An opportunity arose to test whether self-ordered pointing was really insensitive to variations in PFC DA levels. The best way to clear released DA is with the dopamine transporter protein. PFC is unusual in having a relative dearth of dopamine transporter. Unlike other brain regions, PFC has to rely on the COMT enzyme to clear DA. For persons of European origin, they are as likely to have a version of the COMT gene that codes for a fast-acting COMT enzyme, leaving less DA in PFC (i.e., valine [Val] at codon 158) as they are to have a version of the COMT gene that codes for a sluggish COMT enzyme, leaving more DA around longer in PFC (i.e., methionine [Met] at codon 158). Thus, I predicted that COMT genotype would affect performance on tasks requiring working memory and inhibitory control (like my Hearts and Flowers task) but would not affect self-ordered pointing performance. To investigate this, I needed to add techniques in molecular genetics to my arsenal. The results confirmed my prediction that while self-ordered pointing depends on PFC, it is not sensitive to the level of DA in PFC. These results challenged accepted notions that since DA is important for some PFC-dependent cognitive functions, it is important for all. The differential sensitivity of distinct cognitive abilities to specific neurotransmitters opens up possibilities for targeted pharmacological interventions.

My team obtained the first evidence of the relation of polymorphisms of the COMT gene to EF performance in children, providing an existence proof that differences in genotype can be related to differences in cognition in normal children.

More recently, my team obtained the first evidence of the much-predicted double dissociation between the effect of stress on cognitive skills (EFs) dependent on PFC by COMT genotype. Many have predicted that mild stress, by raising PFC DA levels, should aid EFs of COMT-Vals (bringing their PFC DA levels up, closer to optimal) and impair EFs of COMT-Mets (raising their PFC DA levels past optimal). My team tested 140 men and women in a within-subject crossover design using extremely mild social evaluative stress. On trials requiring EFs (incongruent trials) of the Flanker/Reverse Flanker task, COMT-Val158 homozygotes performed better when mildly stressed than when calmer, while COMT-Met158 carriers performed worse when mildly stressed. Two other teams previously tried to obtain this, but only found stress impairing EFs of COMT-Mets, not improving EFs of COMT-Vals. It seems my team found both because we used a much milder stressor. That work shows that the bandwidth for stress having a facilitative effect on EFs is exceedingly narrow.

My team pioneered evidence of a sex difference in which polymorphism of the COMT gene is more beneficial for EFs. Estrogen down-regulates COMT gene transcription; the COMT enzyme is 30% less active in women than men (a less active COMT enzyme clears DA more slowly, leaving more DA around longer in PFC). I and my team have hypothesized that women have higher baseline levels of DA in PFC (a more optimum level) and males. That would be consistent with disorders of too little DA in PFC (e.g., ADHD) being more common in males and disorders of too much DA in PFC (e.g., anxiety and depression) being more common in females. With estrogen resulting in a slower COMT enzyme, further slowing of the enzyme by the COMT gene polymorphism with methionine at codon 158 could result in too much DA in PFC (too much or too little DA in PFC impairs EFs). Indeed, my team, led by graduate student Jeanette Evans, found that the COMT gene variant usually associated with better EFs for men (COMT-Met158) is not the variant associated with better EFs for women, at least when their estrogen levels are high (instead COMT-Val158 is).

My team was also the first to demonstrate that the COMT gene variant most beneficial for EFs varies with the menstrual cycle. Since the sex difference is estrogen-mediated, which variant of the COMT gene is most beneficial for women varies with the menstrual cycle. Within genotype, half the women were tested first when their estrogen levels were high (midluteal menstrual phase) and then when their estrogen levels were low (follicular phase), and half with the reverse order. Men were tested at comparable intervals. As predicted, when estrogen levels were high, women homozygous for the Val version of COMT showed better EF than females homozygous for Met; men showed the standard result (better EF with the Met-Met version of COMT). During the menstrual phase when estrogen levels are low, females showed the male pattern of better EF by those with the Met-Met COMT genotype.

This led to their most recent finding, which is that the classic Yerkes-Dodson curve that describes performance on any difficult cognitive task as being better under slight stress than when calm is not true of women when their estradiol levels are elevated. (Women, it seems, don’t need stress to perform optimally.) This is consistent with many men often needing to put themselves under pressure (e.g., by procrastinating) or get themselves in dangerous or risky situations to perform at their best.

Zareyan, S., Zhang, H., Wang, J., Song, W., Hampson, E., Abbott, D., & Diamond, A. (2021). First demonstration of double dissociation between COMT-Met158 and COMT-Val158 cognitive performance when stressed and when calmer. Cerebral Cortex, 31, 1411-1426. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhaa276 [Epub 30 Oct. 2020 ahead of print.]

Zhang, H. (2017). Estrogen-mediated sex differences in the effects of social evaluative stress on executive functions. (Master’s Thesis in Neuroscience). University of British Columbia, Canada.

Diamond, A. (2011). Biological and social influences on cognitive control processes dependent on prefrontal cortex. Progress in Brain Research, 189, 319-339. (special issue: “Gene Expression to Neurobiology and Behavior: Human Brain Development and Developmental Disorders”)

Evans, J. W., Fossella, J., Hampson, E., Kirschbaum, C., & Diamond, A. (2009). Gender differences in the cognitive functions sensitive to the level of dopamine in prefrontal cortex. Presented at the Association for Psychological Science (APS) annual meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Diamond, A. (2007). Consequences of variations in genes that affect dopamine in prefrontal cortex. Cerebral Cortex, 17, 161-170.

Diamond, A., Briand, L., Fossella, J., & Gehlbach, L. (2004). Genetic and neurochemical modula-tion of prefrontal cognitive functions in children. American Journal of Psychiatry, 161, 125-132.

5. I and my colleagues have discovered powerful examples of how biological and environmental factors interact to produce a behavior. For example, it is not possible to say which genotype of the COMT gene or the serotonin-regulatory gene (SLC6A4) is associated with better EFs without taking into account environmental factors (stress in the case of COMT and mother’s mood in the case of SLC6A4). The COMT gene with methionine at codon 158 is associated with better EFs at baseline, but worse EFs in the face of stress. While the version of the COMT gene with valine at codon 158 is usually associated with not-as-good EFs at baseline, persons with this genotype are better able to tolerate stress and so show better EFs than COMT-Mets under stressful conditions.

The EFs of children with at least one short allele of the SLC6A4 gene look fine even if the child’s mom reports many depressive symptoms (i.e., like COMT-Vals, they show resilience and relative insensitivity to environmental risk). The EFs of children with two long forms of the SLC6A4 gene, on the other hand, are very affected by mother’s mood. If their mom is sadder, these children display worse EFs than any other group; but if their mom is happier, these children’s EFs are better than any group. Thus, given a sadder mother, children with one or more short allele of the SLC6A4 gene show the best EFs, but given a mom who is not sad, children with two long alleles of the gene show the best EFs. It is not possible to say which genotype of either gene (COMT or SLC6A4) is the best for EFs without also taking into account environmental factors.

Zareyan, S., Zhang, H., Wang, J., Song, W., Hampson, E., Abbott, D., & Diamond, A. (2021). First demonstration of double dissociation between COMT-Met158 and COMT-Val158 cognitive performance when stressed and when calmer. Cerebral Cortex, 31, 1411-1426. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhaa276 [Epub 30 Oct. 2020 ahead of print.]

Weikum, W. M., Grunau, R. E., Brain, U., Chau, C. M. Y., Boyce, W. T., Diamond, A., & Oberlander, T. F. (2013). Prenatal serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SRI) antidepressant exposure and serotonin transporter promoter genotype (SLC6A4) influence executive functions at 6 years of age. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 7, Article 180.

Diamond, A. (2009). The interplay of biology and the environment broadly defined. Developmental Psychology, 45, 1–8.

6. My team has obtained findings with direct and important implications for education. The Diamond et al. (2007) Science paper, showing that the early childhood school curriculum, Tools of the Mind, improves children’s executive functions (EFs) and that the better children’s EFs the better their performance on standardized academic measures, ignited worldwide interest in intervening early to improve EFs by researchers, educators, and funders by showing it’s possible to improve the EFs of 4-5 year-olds (many had thought that too early).

Diamond et al. (2007) was the first study to show that EFs can be improved in regular public-school classes (without expensive, highly technical equipment, 1:1 attention, or specialists) and that play seems critical. It indicated that play may aid academic goals instead of taking time away from achieving them. Indeed, stronger results were found than in computerized training studies with young children. If throughout the school-day EFs were supported and progressively challenged, benefits generalized and transferred to new activities, different from anything the children had ever done before. Daily EF ‘exercise’ may then aid EF development and mental health, much as physical exercise improves our bodies and our physical health.

James Griffin, Chief of the Child Development and Behavior Branch of NICHD, pronounced at a conference that the Diamond et al. (2007) study was responsible for an explosion of interest by funders and researchers in the possibility of intervening early to improve EFs to head off mental health problems and school failure and to give children a better chance in life. Indeed, the study has affected early education worldwide. As a direct result of that study, 4 countries (Chile, Ecuador, Indonesia, Peru), the Ktunaxa First Nation, and 3 US states (AZ, MD, WA) have started to reform their early education systems.

That first study was small (only 3 schools, 147 children). I followed that up with the first randomized control trial of Tools in Canada (Diamond et al., 2019). Though both groups of kindergarten children were comparable in the Fall, by Spring those in Tools exceeded control children in reading, writing, EFs, joy in coming to school, and instances of helping and being kind to others. Tools classes reported less bullying, refusals to be paired with another child, and stress. Tools teachers reported less burnout and more enthusiasm for teaching in the Spring than control teachers, though enthusiasm had been comparable in the Fall. The results were markedly better than the same teachers obtained the year before Tools started and than closely-matched comparison teachers had in the same year.

I and my colleagues again used random assignment to investigate outcomes among 4th and 5th graders of an elementary school program (MindUp) that involves mindfulness and caring for others (social responsibility). Children who received training in mindfulness plus social-responsibility (1) improved more in mindfulness, EFs, stress regulation, empathy, optimism, & emotional control, (2) tended to have better math grades & less school absenteeism, (3) showed greater decreases in depression and aggression, and (4) were rated by peers as more trustworthy, kind, and helpful than children who received only the regular social-responsibility curriculum.

Diamond, A., Lee, C., Senften, P., Lam, A., & Abbott, D. (2019). Randomized control trial of Tools of the Mind: Marked benefits to kindergarten children and their teachers. PLoS ONE, 14, 1-27. doi.org/10.1371/journal.pone.0222447

Schonert-Reichl, K. A., Oberle, E., Diamond, A., Lawlor, M. S., Abbott, D., Thompson, K., & Oberlander, T. F. (2015). Enhancing cognitive and social – emotional development through a simple-to-administer mindfulness-based school program for elementary school children: A randomized controlled trial. Developmental Psychology, 51, 52-66.

Diamond, A., Barnett, W. S., Thomas, J., & Munro, S. (2007). Preschool program improves cognitive control. Science, 318, 1387-1388.

7. My team has demonstrated ways to help children grasp concepts and succeed at tasks long thought beyond their ability. Each demonstration was theoretically motivated and involved either a novel application of a familiar theory or tested a new theoretical conceptualization. All the methods they’ve piloted have been simple enough for parents and teachers to use, & have proven especially useful for those working with children with learning difficulties. Sometimes a child who cannot grasp something when it is taught one way can readily grasp it when it is presented a different way (thus educators should be wary about giving up and need to have faith in the potential of each child to succeed).

For example, my team cut by more than half the age at which infants can demonstrate the ability to deduce abstract rules with important implications for improving outcomes for children with autism. In doing so, they demonstrated that spatial and temporal proximity are less important than a physical connection between stimulus and reward. While most people had thought that infants could not succeed at the delayed nonmatching to sample (DNMS) task because of a maturing memory ability, I and my colleagues showed that the critical late-maturing competence required for infants’ success on DNMS is the ability to grasp the relation between stimulus and reward when there is no obvious physical connection between them (Diamond, Churchland et al. 1999; Diamond, Lee, & Hayden 2003; Diamond 2006).

On each DNMS trial, a new sample object is presented; the subject displaces it to retrieve a reward. After a delay, the sample and a novel object are presented; choice of the novel object is always rewarded. Hence, the subject needs to deduce the rule to always go to the new (non-matching) object. Children generally do not succeed at DNMS, even with delays of only 5 or 10 sec, until they are almost 2 years old (~20-21 months). In a Velcro condition, I and my colleagues attached the reward (still a separate object in its own right) to the base of the stimulus. The stimuli were still presented atop wells, and the rewards were still out-of-sight in the wells, but instead of the reward remaining in the well when a stimulus was displaced, the reward moved with the stimulus. In this condition, where the rewards were physically connected to (though detachable from) the stimuli, most infants of 9 or 12 months succeeded at the 5-sec training delay and continued to perform comparably at the longer delay (30 sec). Thus, when the reward and stimulus were physically connected, the task was easy for infants.

I hypothesized that children with autism might have a similar problem in grasping the conceptual connections between physically unconnected things. I predicted that by physically connecting items that are meant to be conceptually connected, some children with autism would be able to grasp concepts and understand connections that had eluded them. Thus, I hypothesis was that children with autism (even preschoolers with mild developmental delays) are capable of deducing abstract rules (such as same or different) if there is a direct, physical connection between stimuli and rewards. Most behavioral training with children with autism or developmental delays has not considered whether it matters if cue and referent are physically connected. It would be wonderful if making such a simple change could enable these children to grasp concepts previously thought to be beyond their ability.

My team found, as predicted, that about twice as many children with autism succeed in the Velcro (physically attached) condition as in the standard DNMS condition. Further, if children are primed with pretest trials where no reward objects are used (as in Diamond, 1995), children with autism consistently pick the novel object on those pretest trials and then go on to succeed at the standard DNMS protocol where they are again always to pick the novel object.

More recently, I and my colleagues cut by over a year, the age at which children can demonstrate (a) conditional reasoning and (b) the ability to switch sorting criteria (Diamond et al., 1999; Ling et al., 2021). They did that by integrating color and shape in the stimuli for the former and separating color and shape in the stimuli for the latter, in both cases perceptually bootstrapping the relevant cognitive competence.

Ling, D. S., Wong, C. D., & Diamond, A. (2021). Children only 3 years old can succeed at conditional “if, then” reasoning much earlier than anyone had thought possible. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 571891. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.571891

Ling, D. S., Wong, C. D., & Diamond, A. (2016). Do children need reminders on the Day-Night task, or simply some way to prevent them from responding too quickly? Cognitive Development, 37, 67-72. [Epub 4 Nov 2015 ahead of print]

Diamond, A. (2006). Bootstrapping conceptual deduction using physical connection: Rethinking frontal cortex. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 10, 212-218.

Diamond, A., Carlson, S. M., & Beck, D. M. (2005). Preschool children’s performance in task switching on the dimensional change card sort task: Separating the dimensions aids the ability to switch. Developmental Neuropsychology, 28, 689-729.

Kirkham, N. Z., Cruess, L., & Diamond, A. (2003). Helping children apply their knowledge to their behavior on a dimension-switching task. Developmental Science, 6, 449-467.

Diamond, A., Lee, E-Y., & Hayden, M. (2003). Early success in using the relation between stimulus and reward to deduce an abstract rule: Perceived physical connectedness is key. Developmental Psychology, 39, 825-847.

Diamond, A., Kirkham, N. Z., & Amso, D. (2002). Conditions under which young children CAN hold two rules in mind and inhibit a prepotent response. Developmental Psychology, 38, 352–362.

Diamond, A. & Lee, E.-Y. (2000). Inability of 5-month-old infants to retrieve a contiguous object: A failure of conceptual understanding or of control of action? Child Development, 71, 1477-1494.

Diamond, A., Churchland, A., Cruess, L., & Kirkham, N. (1999). Early developments in the ability to understand the relation between stimulus and reward. Developmental Psychology, 35, 1507-1517.

Diamond, A. (1995). Evidence of robust recognition memory early in life even when assessed by reaching behavior. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 59, 419-456.

Diamond, A., Towle, C., & Boyer, K. (1994). Young children's performance on a task sensitive to the memory functions of the medial temporal lobe in adults, the delayed nonmatching to sample task, reveals problems that are due to non-memory related task demands. Behavioral Neuroscience, 108, 1–22.

Diamond, A. (1990d). Rate of maturation of the hippocampus and the developmental progression of children's performance on the delayed non-matching to sample and visual paired comparison tasks. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 608, 394-426.

Diamond, A. & Gilbert, J. (1989). Development as progressive inhibitory control of action: Retrieval of a contiguous object. Cognitive Development, 4, 223-249.

8. My work has fundamentally changed the way people think about cognitive development. My awakened interest in the role of inhibitory control in development by the seminal discovery that cognitive development proceeds not only by acquiring new skills and knowledge but also by the increasing ability to inhibit habitual or reflexive reactions that get in the way of demonstrating what is already known. It is not enough to know the right thing to do, you must do it, and sometimes an inability to inhibit inappropriate reactions gets in the way. It had been widely assumed, until my work, that naturally if you knew what you should do you would do it. I demonstrated that between knowing the correct response and implementing it, another step, long ignored, is often required. When a strong competing response is present, inhibition of that response is needed. I demonstrated that the biggest challenge for young children is not recall or recognition memory (they’re excellent at that) but inhibiting prepotent responses.

I and my colleagues went on to refine understanding of how responses become prepotent and how response prepotency is overcome. For example, when required to inhibit a dominant response, young children can succeed when they take their time or when some way can be found to cause them to delay responding for just a few seconds. Does that help because children need that additional time to compute the thoughtful response or does that help simply because the incorrect dominant response needs time to passively decay? Simpson et al. (2012) definitively demonstrated it is the latter.

I had also elucidated how the characteristics of EF skills differ in children and adults on the one hand (Davidson et al., 2006), and, on the other hand, that EF errors typical of children are still present in adults, it is simply those errors are more subtle in adults (Diamond & Kirkham, 2005). Researchers have known since at least 1995 that while inhibiting a prepotent response is demanding, if that is required on all trials of a block, adults are as fast and as accurate at that as on the corresponding block where the prepotent response is correct on every trial. My team found this is not true of children. Children from 6 years of age through their teens are slower and less accurate on the block demanding inhibition on every trial (Davidson et al., 2006). Thus, just increasing demands on inhibitory control, without any additional demands on working memory or cognitive flexibility, takes a toll on children’s EF performance that is completely absent in adults. Indeed, increasing demands on inhibitory control is more difficult for young children (ages 4-9 years) than increasing demands on how much information they must hold in mind from two items to six. The opposite is true for adults.

People tend to think of cognition as ‘higher’ and later-maturing and of motor as ‘lower’ and earlier-maturing. However, motor development shows as long a period of development as cognitive skills. In 2000, I published a seminal paper on close interrelations between the cerebellum and PFC and between motor development and cognitive development. I had demonstrated that sometimes the motor skills are the limiting factors and the later to mature, rather than the cognitive skills. Often a cognitive ability has assumed to be lacking based on task performance, but it has turned out that the motor requirements of the task caused the problem rather than the cognitive ability not being present (e.g., Diamond & Gilbert, 1989; Diamond & Lee, 2000). People had not realized until my work that motor development and cognitive development, far from being independent, are fundamentally intertwined. My work served to build bridges between two fields that had rarely talked, cognitive science and kinesiology.

Wright, A. & Diamond, A. (2014). An effect of inhibitory load in children while keeping working memory load constant. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1-9. (Special issue on Development of Executive Function during Childhood).

Simpson, A., Riggs, K. J., Beck, S. R., Gorniak, S. L., Wu, Y., Abbott, D., & Diamond, A. (2012). Refining the understanding of inhibitory control: How response prepotency is created and overcome. Developmental Science, 15, 62-73.

Shing, Y. L., Lindenberger, U., Diamond, A., Li, S-C., & Davidson, M. C. (2010). Memory maintenance and inhibitory control differentiate from early childhood to adolescence. Developmental Neuropsychology, 35, 679–697

Diamond, A. (2009). When in competition against engrained habits, is conscious representation sufficient or is inhibition of the habit also needed? Developmental Science, 12, 20–22.

Diamond, A. & Amso, D. (2008). Contributions of neuroscience to our understanding of cognitive development. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 17, 136–141.

Davidson, M. C., Amso, D., Anderson, L. C., & Diamond, A. (2006). Development of cognitive control and executive functions from 4-13 years: Evidence from manipulations of memory, inhibition, and task switching. Neuropsychologia, 44, 2037–2078.

Diamond, A. & Kirkham, N. Z. (2005). Not quite as grown-up as we like to think: Parallels between cognition in childhood and adulthood. Psychological Science, 16, 291–297.

Rennie, D., Bull, R., & Diamond, A. (2004). Executive functioning in preschoolers: Reducing the inhibitory demands of the dimensional change card sort task. Developmental Neuropsychology, 26, 423–443.

Diamond, A. & Lee, E.-Y. (2000). Inability of 5-month-old infants to retrieve a contiguous object: A failure of conceptual understanding or of control of action? Child Development, 71, 1477-1494.

Diamond, A. (2000). Close interrelation of motor development and cognitive development and of the cerebellum and prefrontal cortex. Child Development, 71, 44–56.

Diamond, A. & Taylor, C. (1996). Development of an aspect of executive control: Development of the abilities to remember what I said and to "Do as I say, not as I do." Developmental Psychobiology, 29, 315–334.

Diamond, A. (1995). Evidence of robust recognition memory early in life even when assessed by reaching behavior. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology, 59, 419–456.

Gerstadt, C., Hong, Y., & Diamond, A. (1994). The relationship between cognition and action: Performance of 3½ - 7 year old children on a Stroop-like day-night test. Cognition, 53, 129-153.

Diamond, A., Cruttenden, L., & Neiderman, D. (1994). A-not-B with multiple wells: I. Why multiple wells are sometimes easier than two wells. II. Memory or memory + inhibition? Developmental Psychology, 30, 192–205.

Diamond, A. & Gilbert, J. (1989). Development as progressive inhibitory control of action: Retrieval of a contiguous object. Cognitive Development, 4, 223-249.

9. The reviews by me and my colleagues of which programs and interventions have been shown to improve EFs have revolutionized thinking about how to best improve EFs.

Diamond & Ling (2020) is the first review to look at ALL the different methods employed to improve executive functions (not just cognitive training approaches, or just physical exercise approaches, but all methods tried thus far) and at ALL ages (not just in children or just in the elderly). To almost everyone’s great surprise, we found that a little-studied approach – Mindful Movement practices (such as taekwondo and t’ai chi) – shows by far the best results for improving EFs at all ages. Promising school programs come in second. Both approaches show better results than any Cognitive Training. Third best at improving EFs is non-computerized cognitive training. Might these three approaches show better results than any computerized training because they involve more in-person interaction between trainer and trainee? Despite many claims that aerobic-exercise improves EFs, we found that resistance-training interventions and aerobic-exercise interventions are the least effective at improving EFs. That probably reflects how physical-activity interventions have been structured rather than that physical activity does not benefit EFs.

Based on these reviews, I derived several general principles concerning to how to improve EFs, such as: (a) EF training transfers, but the transfer is very narrow. People improve on the skills they practice and that transfers to other contexts where those same skills are needed, but people only improve on what they practice. To get diverse benefits, diverse skills must be practiced. (b) Those with initially poorest EFs consistently benefit the most (not due to ceiling effects or regression to the mean). Thus early EF training might be an excellent candidate for reducing inequality (because it should improve the EFs of the most needy children most). (c) Whether EF gains are seen depends on the way an activity is done. Thus it is critical to look at what actually happens in a program; programs nominally the same can obtain markedly different results because of how the programs were delivered. I predict that the way an activity is done, such as trainers’ ability to make the activity enjoyable and to communicate their unwavering faith in participants and the program, whether the activity is personally meaningful and relevant to the participants, inspiring a deep commitment and emotional investment to the activity and to one another, will likely prove more decisive than what the activity is.

Diamond, A. & Ling, D. S. (2019). Review of the evidence on, and fundamental questions about, efforts to improve executive functions, including working memory. In J. Novick, M.F. Bunting, M.R. Dougherty & R. W. Engle (Eds.), Cognitive and working memory training: Perspectives from psychology, neuroscience, and human development (pp. 143-431). NYC, York, NY: Oxford University Press. ISBN:978-0199974467

Diamond, A. & Ling, D. S. (2019). Aerobic-exercise and resistance-training interventions have been among the least effective ways to improve executive functions of any method tried thus far. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 37, 1-14. [Epub 14 June 2018 ahead of print]

Diamond, A. & Ling, D. S. (2016). Conclusions about interventions, programs, and approaches for improving executive functions that appear justified and those that, despite much hype, do not. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 18, 34-48. [Epub 7 Dec 2015 ahead of print]

Diamond, A. (2015). Effects of physical exercise on executive functions: Going beyond simply moving to moving with thought. Annals of Sports Medicine and Research, 2, 1-5.

Diamond, A. (2012). Activities and programs that improve children’s executive functions. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 21, 335-341

Diamond, A. & Lee, K. (2011). Interventions shown to aid executive function development in children 4-12 years old. Science, 333, 959-964.

10.   I had deepened our understanding of interrelations between social and emotional functioning and EFs. Since 2000, I have shown that nowhere is the importance of social, emotional, and physical health for cognitive health more evident than with PFC and EFs, and that focusing exclusively on training cognitive skills is less efficient, and ultimately less successful, than also addressing emotion-al, social, and physical needs. While training and challenging EFs is needed for them to improve, indirectly supporting EFs by lessening things that impair them (like stress and sadness) and enhancing things that support them (like social support and physical vitality) is also critical. Most researchers studying how to improve EFs have focused almost exclusively on directly training EFs (or improving aerobic fitness to improve EFs), ignoring powerful emotional and social factors that affect EFs.

Much of my work has focused on the detrimental effects of stress, even mild stress, on EFs (e.g., Zareyan et al., 2021). Being stressed because you’re worried about what others might think of you (social evaluative stress) or might think of your performance (performance anxiety) is not beneficial for EFs of most people, and for the those for whom a benefit can be found, the stress must be exceedingly mild. Diamond and Ling (2019a) found that by far the most efficacious approach to improving EFs is mindfulness that involves movement (e.g., tai chi and taekwondo). That is likely because of the role of mindful movement in reducing how stressed or anxious a person feels. Second in efficacy are (a) school programs that build community and reduce stress and (b) more sedentary mindfulness practices, which also reduces stress.

Zareyan, S., Zhang, H., Wang, J., Song, W., Hampson, E., Abbott, D., & Diamond, A. (2021). First demonstration of double dissociation between COMT-Met158 and COMT-Val158 cognitive performance when stressed and when calmer. Cerebral Cortex, 31, 1411-1426.

Paoletti, P. & Diamond, A. (2020). The science of education for peace: Tools to sow peace in and around us [24-page Booklet]. Assisi, Italy: Fondazione Patrizio Paoletti.

Diamond, A. & Ling, D. S. (2019a). Review of the evidence on, and fundamental questions about, efforts to improve executive functions, including working memory. In J. Novick, M.F. Bunting, M.R. Dougherty & R. W. Engle (Eds.), Cognitive and working memory training: Perspectives from psychology, neuroscience, and human development (pp. 143-431). NYC, NY: Oxford University Press.

Neuenschwander, R., Hookenson, K., Brain, U., Grunau, R.E., Devlin, A.M., Weinberg, J., Diamond, A., & Oberlander, T.F. (2018). Children’s stress regulation mediates the association between depressed and anxious prenatal maternal mood and children's executive functions for boys, but not girls. Developmental Psychopathology, 30, 953 - 969.

Diamond, A. (2015). Research that helps us move closer to a world where each child thrives. Research in Human Development, 12, 288–294.

Skarlicki, D., Kay, A., Diamond, A., & Soloway, G. (2015). Reducing interpersonal conflict through mindfulness training: Emotion regulation as mediator. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2015, 18056.

Diamond, A. (2014). Executive functions: Insights into ways to help more children thrive. Zero to Three, 35, 9–17.

Diamond, A. (2014). Want to optimize executive functions and academic outcomes? Simple, just nourish the human spirit. Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology, 37, 203–230.

Diamond, A. (2011). Biological and social influences on cognitive control processes dependent on prefrontal cortex. Progress in Brain Research, 189, 319–339.

Diamond, A. (2010). The evidence base for improving school outcomes by addressing the whole child and by addressing skills and attitudes, not just content. Early Education and Development, 21, 780–793.

Blair, C. & Diamond, A. (2008). Biological processes in prevention and intervention: Promotion of self-regulation and the prevention of early school failure. Development and Psychopathology, 20, 899–911.

Diamond, A. (2007). Interrelated and interdependent. Developmental Science, 10, 152–158.

11. The international translational conference series (called ‘Brain Development and Learning’) that I created in 2006 and continued to organize and host for 7 more years was deeply significant in educating the public about scientific findings and providing evidence to help people make informed decisions in caring for children. The series clearly tapped an important need. People found these conferences extremely valuable (most said “the very best conference” they had ever attended) and folks came from ALL over BC, every Canadian province and territory (except PEI), almost half of the US states, and scores of other countries, including 15-20 First Nations.
(see: http://braindevelopmentandlearning.com/BDL2013/locations_2013.html )

The purpose of the conference series was to be of service to the community -- to highlight successful, innovative programs and present important scientific findings in neuroscience, child development, and mental health in ways that parents, doctors, teachers, social workers, and others could understand, see the immediate relevance of, and USE. It had a ripple effect, as those attending the meeting brought what they learned back to their communities and organizations and educated others.

These were not your typical scientific conferences, where scientists talk to scientists. I set a tone where learning went in both directions, not just from speakers to audience. The conferences were beloved in part because of their ‘feel’ - a comfortable, grounded, relaxed atmosphere of mutual respect and feeling of community. One of the best aspects of the conferences was the informal interactions between presenters and conference attendees.

Comments from participants included: “This conference is better than the best that I can imagine.” “The speakers are exceptional, the organization of the conference is supreme, the spirit of the whole conference is great; this is the best conference I ever attended.” Attendance doubled in 2008 and doubled again in 2010; 99% of the 755 attendees at the 4th conference in 2013 rated it outstanding (as did 99% of the 638 attendees of the prior conference in this series)! Many attendees said the conferences are life-changing.

I worked very hard with potential applicants from Third World countries to obtain a Canadian visitor visa so that they can attend. In the 2013 conference, 11 of the 12 people I helped were able to obtain visas. People from over 30 countries attended. My greatest success was making it possible for the only child and adolescent psychiatrist in Gaza, Dr. Sami Owaida, MD, to attend. See:
www.straight.com/life/404381/vancouverites-unite-help-palestinian-doctor-attend-brain-development-conference and/or

Sample feedback on the 2006 meeting: braindevelopmentandlearning.com/oldbdl2006/BDL2006.html

“For years I have seen people try to bring educators together with health specialists, or either with researchers. I have never seen any effort work as well as what you put together in Vancouver.”

“I like the way it used basic science research to speak to clinical practice (I am a child psychiatrist).”

“As a teacher of special ed at the elementary level (age 4-14) for 30 years, I found this conference to be wonderful! Awesome organization! Awesome program! Helpful friendly people! A wonderful experience!!"

“I spoke with many professionals who work with children in complementary ways to what I do; this isn’t something I normally have an opportunity to do. Talking to and hearing from researchers directly is a way to narrow or collapse the time lag between research and implementation in the classroom. Very exciting for both sides.”

Sample feedback on the 2008 meeting: braindevelopmentandlearning.com/oldbdl2008/bdl2008.html

“I think you guys may very well have achieved best practice in conference organization!”

“Extremely well organized with attention to detail. Very friendly and welcoming.”

“As a Special Education Coordinator for my school board I can assure you that the information I received will be shared throughout the district - ripples in a pond.”

Sample feedback on the 2010 meeting: braindevelopmentandlearning.com/oldbdl2010/bdl2010.htmlml

“How powerful an experience it was! I came away charged up with renewed energy.”

“CME doesn’t get any better.”

“Outstanding speakers! Outstanding organization! New research presented in clear, elegant and exciting manner. One of the most enjoyable conferences I’ve attended.”

“You brought together classroom teachers, researchers, clinicians, nurses, etc. That mix rarely happens.”

“Thanks for one the best conference I have ever attended - it was inspiring. I came away with new ideas to work on and things to put directly into my pediatric practice.”

“This is an important conference that has vital information to inform public policy. This has been a tremendous learning experience. I have learned a lot and can leave with excellent resources.”

“Thank you for creating so many possibilities for collaboration and learning during the conference. Adele, the conference was an absolute revelation on so many levels. Your spirit pervaded the lectures, discussions and rest times – it was such an open and enriching conference. A chance to engage both intellectually and emotionally – something very rare in conferences these days.“

“Most impressive was the comfortable, grounded, open atmosphere that had a feeling of community.”

“I LOVED the science content. Practitioner conferences I can find all over the place, much harder for me to find and access science sessions.”

“There was a wonderful feeling of mutual respect. Open forums for discussion. People from so many different backgrounds with shared interests.”

“It felt like a marathon of many 'a-ha' and 'oh' moments. There were many new understandings and confirmations of my own experiences…that will deepen and render more effective my practice as a teacher. What was most evident was the open, enthusiastic spirit of the event which appeared to be a reflection of yourself and your genuine way with people.”

Sample feedback on the 2013 meeting: http://braindevelopmentandlearning.com/BDL2013/feedback_2013.html

"Literally the best conference I ever attended. Especially impressive aspects were seeing the respect and integration of the different areas of expertise."

"Thank you for this transformative experience! What a wonderful collection of people and what a moving set of presentations and connections that unfolded!"

"You attracted and organized knowledgeable, passionate, and humble researchers. Thank you for motivating us to examine and expand our own clinical practices."

"No other conference brings together the neuroscience of mental health and child development with leading-edge program developers and practitioners. The intersection of science and practice was truly unique and incredibly thought-provoking and useful to my pediatric practice. The format of the conference allows for really in-depth presentations as well as lots of time to interact with speakers and other participants."

"Such an extraordinary conference. It was truly life-changing. Beyond my expectations."

"Enthused with applying what I have learned."

"A remarkable conference with profound implications."

See the very extensive online resources for attendees & others:

12.The 1-of-a-kind, interdisciplinary, translational, cross-cultural 4-day conference: ‘A Joyous Celebration of Ideas, the Arts, Science, & Efforts to Make the World a Better Place (held July 17-20, 2023 in Vancouver), attended by >400 from 45 countries & most Canadian provinces (plus many more online) that I conceived of, organized, and hosted. The 90 speakers included a Nobel Laureate, Commander of the British Empire, National Medal of Honor recipient, 3 Members of the Order of Canada, & several indigenous persons (Ktunaxa, Canada; Zuni, USA: Marma, Bangladesh; Maasai, Kenya). Most who attended found it the best conference they’d ever been to, exceptionally beneficial/ unforgettable/ mind-expanding/ game-changing (a humbling, inspiring and priceless experience), and a new model for interdisciplinary creative processes (it set a standard for how we convene, how we share and learn from each other):

“I cannot express the magnitude of the gift you shared last week. The amazing collection of global leaders, scientists, artists, and practitioners assembling in Vancouver to present their work. I’m still reveling in the experience, just beginning to share ideas and contacts with colleagues, and imagine the learning will continue to unfold in the weeks and months ahead.”

“I’ll never forget the conference. It has transformed me. I'll be processing insights gained for many years to come. Such a life-changing experience.”

“Writing with immense gratitude and a heart filled with warmth after attending the extraordinary conference you orchestrated. I can’t begin to express how deeply moved and inspired I am by the incredible event, bringing together people from various fields, expertise, and ways of knowing to celebrate humanity and explore fascinating intersections of arts, science, and education.”

“I was truly impressed by the audience's richness and diversity, as well as the collaborative spirit that permeated the event.”

Many new collaborations emerged from the meeting (“from your conference I have had several projects pop up. I am still marinating in the joy you created, the connections that manifest;” “left me with an indelible impression and some wonderful new colleagues with whom I plan to collaborate;” “I’m already following up with several people I met and hope we can find a way to collaborate going forward”).

Many developed new connections with folks from other countries and/or fields (“The connections I made at the conference were very meaningful. It was an exceptional experience and I keep telling everyone about how special an event it was.”)

Ripple effects: “I am inspired, humbled, and excited about joyfully sharing with others what I have learned and the amazing resources I learned about.” “This was an event that is still reverberating and creating positive creative change in the world.” “This has planted seeds of greatness in the hearts of those who came and in those whose words and actions they will influence.”

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(as of 20 Dec. 2024: 64,117 citations; h-index: 74)
source: Google Scholar Citation

(* = Student Co-Author;    T = Res. Tech. [between undergrad. & grad.] or Postdoctoral Co-Author)

ORCID ID: https://orcid.org/0000-0002-1453-6434

Faith, L., Bush C.-A., & Diamond, A. (in prep.) EFs2theRescue: An Early Years Resource for Executive Function Development to be published by Cambridge University Press in 2025

Kitil, M.J., Diamond, A., Guhn, M., & Schonert-Reichl, K.A. (in prep.). Longitudinal relations of executive functions to academic achievement and well-being in adolescence.

Molyneux*, T.M. & Diamond, A. (in prep.). Getting to the heart of JUMP Math: A multiple case study exploring the qualities of the math learning environment during JUMP Math lessons.

Ling*, D.S. & Diamond, A. (submitted). A qualitative study of lived experience in children with ADHD.

Haenjohn, J., Supwirapakorn, W., Tongkhambanchong, S., Namyen, J., Charoenkittayawut, S. & Diamond, A. (submitted). Executive functions in Thai adolescents: Development of an inventory measure, its factors and norms.

Hutchison, S.M., Brain, U., Grunau, R.E., Diamond, A. & Oberlander, T.M. (submitted) Maternal perinatal depressive symptoms, prenatal maternal selective serotonin reuptake inhibitor antidepressants, and executive functions in children: A 12-year longitudinal study.

Diamond, A. (2025). Insights from a career at the border of developmental psychology and cognitive neuroscience. Annual Review of Developmental Psychology,7 doi:10.1146/annurev-devpsych-010923-114435. [[Epub 23 Jan 2025 ahead of print: uncorrected PDF] (pdf)

DelRosso, L.M., Vega-Flores, G., Ferri, R., Mogavero, M. & Diamond, A. (2022). Assessment of executive and cognitive functions in children with restless sleep disorder: A pilot study. Brain Sciences, 12: 1289. doi:10.3390/brainsci12101289. (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. (2022). How to sharpen executive functions: Activities to hone brain skills. ADDitude Magazine. https://www.additudemag.com/how-to-improve-executive-function-adhd (pdf)

Diamond, A. (2022). Forward to Laurie Faith, Peg Dawson, & Carol-Anne Bush (2022). Executive function skills in the classroom: Overcoming barriers, building strategies (pp. vii-viii). NY: Guildford Press. ISBN: 978-1462548927.(pdf)

Diamond, A. (2022). Reflections on Montessori Education – Opportunities and Challenges. In Jaap de Brouwer & Patrick Sins (Eds.), Perspectives on Montessori (pp. 9-16). Lierderholthuis, Netherlands: Saxion Progressive Education University Press. ISBN: 9492618567 (pdf)

Fernandes*, V.R., Scipião-Ribeiro, M.L., Araújo, N.B., Mota, N.B., Ribeiro, S., Diamond, A. & Deslandes, A.C. (2022). Effects of Capoeira on children’s executive functions: A randomized controlled trial. Mental Health and Physical Activity, 22: 100451. doi:10.1016/j.mhpa.2022.100451 (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A., Lye*, C.T., Prasad*, D., & Abbott, D. (2021) One size does not fit all: Assuming the same normal body temperature for everyone is not justified. PLoS ONE, 16: e0245257. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0245257 PMID: 33534845 (abstract) (pdf)

Ling*, D. S., Wong*, C. D., & Diamond, A. (2021). Children only 3 years old can succeed at conditional “if, then” reasoning much earlier than anyone had thought possible. Frontiers in Psychology, 11, 57189. doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2020.571891 PMID: 33488445 (abstract) (pdf)

Zareyan*, S., Zhang*, H., Wang, J., Song, W., Hampson, E., Abbott, D., & Diamond, A. (2021). First demonstration of double dissociation between COMT-Met 158 and COMT-Val 158 cognitive performance when stressed and when calmer. Cerebral Cortex, 31, 1411-1426. doi:10.1093/cercor/bhaa276 [Epub 30 Oct. 2020 ahead of print.] (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. (2020). Executive functions. In J.L. Michaud, C. Bulteau, D. Cohen, & A. Gallagher (Eds.), Handbook of Clinical Neurology, 173, 225-240. Amsterdam: Elsevier. ISBN:978-0444641502 (abstract) (pdf)

Paoletti, P. & Diamond, A. (2020). The science of education for peace: Tools to sow peace in and around us [24-page Booklet]. Assisi, Italy: Fondazione Patrizio Paoletti. (pdf)

Ciesielski, K.T.R., Stern, M.E., Diamond, A., Khan, S., Busa, E.A., Goldsmith, T.E., van der Kouwe, A., Fischl, B., & Rosen, B.R. (2019). Maturational changes in human dorsal and ventral visual networks. Cerebral Cortex, 1-19 [Epub 30 March 2019 ahead of print] doi:10.1093/cercor/bhz053 PMID:30927361 (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A., Lee*, C., Senften*, P., Lam*, A., & Abbott, D. (2019). Randomized control trial of Tools of the Mind: Marked benefits to kindergarten children and their teachers. PLoS ONE, 14, 1-27. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0222447 PMID:31527919 (abstract) (pdf)

To download the paper including all supplemental material, click here.

Diamond, A. & Ling*, D. S. (2019). Review of the evidence on, and fundamental questions about, efforts to improve executive functions, including working memory. In J. Novick, M.F. Bunting, M.R. Dougherty & R. W. Engle (Eds.), Cognitive and working memory training: Perspectives from psychology, neuroscience, and human development (pp. 143-431). NYC, NY: Oxford University Press. ISBN:978-0199974467

To download table of contents, and abstract plus overview, click here.

To download the chapter (with live links to the supplemental material), click here.

To download the supplemental online material, click here.

This is the size of a monograph with 288 printed pages and another 154 pages of supplemental information online.

Diamond, A. & Ling*, D. S. (2019). Aerobic-exercise and resistance-training interventions have been among the least effective ways to improve executive functions of any method tried thus far. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 37, 1-14. [Epub 14 June 2018 ahead of print] doi:10.1016/j.dcn.2018.05.001 PMID:29909061 (abstract) (pdf)

- This article was chosen as 1 of 2 “must-read” articles from 2018 for anyone interested in the association between chronic physical activity and cognition by:

Eliakim, A., Falk, B., Armstrong, N., Baptista, F., Behm, D. G., Dror, N., ... & Nemet, D. (2019). Expert’s Choice: 2018’s Most Exciting Research in the Field of Pediatric Exercise Science. Pediatric Exercise Science, 31, 1-27. doi.org/10.1123/pes.2019-0010

- Top 1 percentile for all articles cited in the journal in 2019

Singh, A., Saliasi, E., van den Berg, V., Uijtdewilligen, L., de Groot, R.H.M., Jolles, J., Andersen, L.B., Bailey, R., Chang, Y.-K., Diamond, A., Ericsson, I., Etnier, J.L., Fedewa, A.L., Hillman, C.H.; McMorris, T., Pesce, C.; Puehse, U., Tomporowski, P.D., & Chinapaw, M.J.M. (2019). Effects of physical activity interventions on cognitive and academic performance in children and adolescents: A novel combination of a systematic review and recommendations from an expert panel. British Journal of Sports Medicine, 53, 640-647. [Epub 30 July 2018 ahead of print]. doi:10.1136/bjsports-2017-098136 PMID:30061304 (abstract) (pdf)

Hirsh-Pasek, K., Aber, J. L., Bezos, J., Blair, C.B., Brotman, L. M., Diamond, A., Fernald, A., Galinsky, E., Gopnik, A., Gunnar, M., Kuhl, P. K., McClelland, M., Meltzoff, A. N., Shonkoff, J. P., & Zelazo, P. D. (2018). The enormous cost of toxic stress: Repairing damage to refugee and separated children [statement on behalf of the Scientific Advisory Group, Early Childhood of the Bezos Family Foundation]. Future Development Blog. Washington, DC: The Brookings Institution. (pdf)
     - Received over 1,200 views when posted on Brookings Brief (10 July 2018.)

Neuenschwander, R., Hookenson, K., Brain, U., Grunau, R.E., Devlin, A.M., Weinberg, J., Diamond, A., & Oberlander, T.F. (2018). Children’s stress regulation mediates the association between depressed and anxious prenatal maternal mood and children's executive functions for boys, but not girls. Developmental Psychopathology, 30, 953-969. doi:10.1017/S095457941800041X (abstract) (pdf)

Park, M., Brain, U., Grunau, R. E., Diamond, A., & Oberlander, T. F. (2018). Maternal depression trajectories from pregnancy to 3 years postpartum are associated with children's behavior and executive functions at 3 and 6 years. Archives of Women’s Mental Health, 21, 353-363. [Epub 16 Jan 2018 ahead of print]   doi:10.1007/s00737-017-0803-0 PMID:29340801 (abstract) (pdf)

Hogan, J., Cordes, S., Holochwost, S., Ryu, E., Diamond, A. , & Winner, E. (2017). Is more time in general music class associated with stronger extra-musical outcomes in kindergarten? Early Childhood Research Quarterly, 45, 238-248. [Epub 19 Dec 2017 ahead of print] doi:10.1016/j.ecresq.2017.12.004 (pdf)

Diamond, A. (2016). Developing and supporting “executive function.” The World Ensemble: Newsletter for the Worldwide El Sistema Movement, 3, 1. (pdf)
     - Simultaneously published in Spanish for Latin America.
     - Version with footnotes: (pdf)

Diamond, A. (2016). Why improving and assessing executive functions early in life is critical. In P. McCardle, L. Freund, & J. A. Griffin (Eds.), Executive Function in Preschool-age Children: Integrating Measurement, Neurodevelopment and Translational Research, (pp. 11-43). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.   doi:110.13140/RG.2.1.2644.6483 (pdf)

- The figure for the model of EFs appears in :

Barbara A. Wilson, Jill Winegardner, Caroline M. van Heugten, & Tamara Ownsworth [Eds.] (2017). Neuropsychological rehabilitation: The international handbook . Florence, KY: Taylor & Francis (Psychology Press). ISBN: 978-1138643116

Santa-Cruz, C. & Rosas, R. (2017). Mapping of executive functions/Cartografía de las funciones ejecutivas. Estudios de Psicología, 38, 284-310

Colón-Díaz, K., Torres-Rodíguez, D., & García Coll, C. (2017). Conociendo el desarrollo desde la concepción hasta el periodo hasta el period preescolar. [Spanish: Knowing the development from conception through the preschool period.] In Cynthia García Coll & Nicole Vélez Agosto [Eds.], Perspectiva en Desarrollo Humano: Prevención y Promoción en Niños y Adolescents. [Spanish: Human Development Perspectives: Prevention and Promotion in Children and Adolescents,] Vol.1., Cayey, Puerto Rico: Publicaciones Gaviotao. ISBN: 978-1615052837

Diamond, A. & LingT, D.S. (2016). Conclusions about interventions, programs, and approaches for improving executive functions that appear justified and those that, despite much hype, do not. Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, 18, 34-48. [Epub 2015 Dec 7 ahead of print]   doi:10.1016/j.dcn.2015.11.005 PMID:26749076 NIHMS:743147 (abstract) (pdf)

      - Consistently in the top 15 most downloaded papers from this journal since publication through today (2023)

      - 3rd most downloaded paper in the journal in 2016 & 2023

      - 1st most downloaded paper in the journal in 2019

      - 2nd top-rated paper in the journal in 2016

      - 2nd most cited paper in the journal in 2019 & 2020

LingT, D.S., Kelly, M., & Diamond, A. (2016). Human-animal interaction and the development of executive functions. In L.S. Freund, S. McCune, L. Esposito, N.R. Gee, & P. McCardle (Eds.), Social Neuroscience of Human-Animal Interaction, (pp. 51-72). Washington, DC: American Psychological Association.   doi:10.1037/14856-004 (pdf)

LingT, D.S., Wong*, C. D., & Diamond, A. (2016). Do children need reminders on the Day-Night task, or simply some way to prevent them from responding too quickly? Cognitive Development, 37, 67-72. [Epub 04 Nov 2015 ahead of print]   doi:10.1016/j.cogdev.2015.10.003 PMID:26949287 NIHMS:736453 (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. (2015). Research that helps us move closer to a world where each child thrives. Research in Human Development, 12, 288 - 294. (This is the “Just One Wish Issue” with guest editors Richard A. Settersten Jr. & Megan McClelland.) [Epub 27 Aug. 2015 ahead of print.]   doi:10.1080/15427609.2015.1068034 PMID:26635510 NIHMS:718503 (abstract) (pdf)

- Reprinted in:

Richard A. Settersten Jr. & Megan M. McClelland (Eds.) (2017). The study of human development: The future of the field. New York, NY: Routledge.

Diamond, A. (2015). Effects of physical exercise on executive functions: Going beyond simply moving to moving with thought. Annals of Sports Medicine and Research, 2, 1-5. PMID:26000340 NIHMS:657538 (abstract) (pdf)

Schonert-Reichl, K. A., Oberle, E., Diamond, A., Lawlor*, M. S., Abbott, D., Thompson, K., & Oberlander, T.F. (2015). Enhancing cognitive and social – emotional development through a simple-to-administer mindfulness-based school program for elementary school children: A randomized controlled trial. Developmental Psychology, 51, 52-66. (Special Section on Mindfulness and Compassion in Human Development)   doi:10.1037/a0038454   PMID:25546595   NIHMS:660668 (abstract) (pdf)

Skarlicki, D., Kay, A., Diamond, A., & Soloway, G. (2015). Reducing interpersonal conflict through mindfulness training: Emotion regulation as mediator. Academy of Management Proceedings, 2015, 18056 (abstract)

Diamond, A. (2014). Executive functions: Insights into ways to help more children thrive. Zero to Three, 35, 9 - 17. (pdf)

Diamond, A. (2014). Editor of Special Issue, Perspectives on Language and Literacy: A Quarterly Publication of the International Dyslexia Association, 40 (2). (special issue on executive functions)

Diamond, A.  (2014). Understanding executive functions: What helps or hinders them and how executive functions and language development mutually support one another. Perspectives on Language and Literacy: A Quarterly Publication of the International Dyslexia Association, 40 (2), 7-11. (pdf)

Diamond, A. (2014). Whether coordinative (soccer) exercise improves executive functioning in kindergarten children has yet to be demonstrated. Experimental Brain Research, 232. 2045. doi:10.1007/s00221-014-3920-2 PMID:24728129 (pdf)

Zarchi*, O., Diamond, A., Weinberger, R., Abbott, D., Carmel, M., Frisch, A., Michaelovsky, E. , Gruber, R., Green, T., Weizman, A., & Gothelf, D. (2014). A comparative study of the neuropsychiatric and neurocognitive phenotype in two microdeletion syndromes: Velocardiofacial (22q11. 2 deletion) and Williams (7q11. 23 deletion) syndromes. European Psychiatry, 29, 203-210. [Epub 17 Sept. 2013 ahead of print]   doi:10.1016/j.eurpsy.2013.07.001 PMID: 24054518 (abstract) (pdf)

Wright*, A. & Diamond, A. (2014). An effect of inhibitory load in children while keeping working memory load constant. Frontiers in Psychology, 5, 1-9. (Special issue on Development of Executive Function during Childhood).   doi:10.3389/fpsyg.2014.00213.   PMID:24672502 (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. (2014). Want to optimize executive functions and academic outcomes? Simple, just nourish the human spirit. Minnesota Symposia on Child Psychology, 37, 203-230. PMID:25360055 NIHMS:605270 (pdf)
     - This paper, not the whole volume, was printed in 2015 in a book in Portuguese.

Diamond, A. (2013). Ways to achieve the goals of education: insights from neuroscience, psychology, and teaching. Bulletin of Tibetology, 49, 35-68. (pdf)

Weikum, W. M., Grunau, R. E., Brain, U., Chau*, C. M. Y., Boyce, W. T., Diamond, A., & Oberlander, T. F. (2013). Prenatal serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SRI) antidepressant exposure and serotonin transporter promoter genotype (SLC6A4) influence executive functions at 6 years of age. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience, 7, Article 180.  doi:10.3389/fncel.2013.00180   PMID:24130516 (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. (2013). Executive Functions. Annual Review of Psychology, 64, 135-168. [Epub Sept 27, 2012 ahead of print]   doi:10.1146/annurev-psych-113011-143750   PMID:23020641   NIHMS:602706 (abstract) (pdf)

- Among the top 10 most downloaded papers in 2020 & 2021 from Annual Reviews across all fields even though this was published back in 2013.

- Table 1 and Figure 4 translated into Italian in a book describing a motor program enriched with cognitive tasks for kindergarten children:

Marianna Alesi, Claudia Galassi & Annamaria Pepi (2016). PMA. Programma motorio arricchito: Educare allo sviluppo motorio e allo sviluppo delle funzioni esecutive in età prescolare. Bergamo, Italy: Edizioni Junior. ISBN: 978-8884347787.    

- Figure 4 translated into Portuguese in:

Ricardo Franco de Lima (2015). Neuropsychological rehabilitation program in executive functions for students with developmental dyslexia : Elaboration and efficacy (Unpublished doctoral thesis). University of Campinas (UNICAMP), Brazil.

- Figure 4 appeared in PhD dissertation (2022) of Anne Elisabeth Brandt, St Olavs hospital, Univ. hospital, Trondheim, Norway

- Figure 4 to appear in paper tentatively titled Executive functions in survivors of intimate partner violence: A systematic review for submission to Family Violence by clinical psychologist Lauren Beardsley, PhD, North Wales Clinical Psychology Programme

Xiayi Zhou, an Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) specialist in China, translated this article into Chinese in 2024 and posted it on her social blog to reach the educational and research community, especially those working with children with ASD in Chinese-speaking regions.

Diamond, A. (2012). Activities and programs that improve children’s executive functions. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 21, 335-341.  doi:10.1177/0963721412453722 PMID:25328287 NIHMS:602709 (abstract) (pdf)
     - Appeared in Psychology Progress (which alerts the scientific community to breaking journal articles considered to represent the best in Psychology research)

Diamond, A. (2012). How I came full circle from the social end of psychology, to neuroscience, and back again, in an effort to understand the development of cognitive control. In R. F. Subotnik, A. Robinson, C. M. Callahan, & P. Johnson (Eds.), Malleable Minds: Translating Insights from Psychology and Neuroscience to Gifted Education, (pp. 55-84). Storrs, CT: The National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented, U. of Conn.   doi:10.13140/RG.2.1.2972.3284 (pdf)

Simpson, A., Riggs, K.J., Beck, S.R., GorniakT, S.L., WuT, Y., Abbott, D., & Diamond, A. (2012). Refining the understanding of inhibitory processes: How response prepotency is created and overcome. Developmental Science, 15, 62-73. [Epub Nov 28, 2011 ahead of print].   doi:10.1111/j.1467-7687.2011.01105.x   PMID:22251293   NIHMS:393793 (abstract) (pdf)

Green, T.,T WeinbergerT, R., Diamond, A., BerantT, M., HirschfeldT, L., FrischT, A., ZarchiT, O., Weizman, A., & Gothelf, D. (2011). The effect of methylphenidate on prefrontal cognitive functioning, inattention, and hyperactivity in velocardiofacial syndrome. Journal of Child and Adolescent Psychopharmacology, 21, 589-595.   doi:10.1089/cap.2011.0042   PMID:22149470 (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. & LeeT, K. (2011). Response. In Mercer, J., Martial arts research: Weak evidence [Letter to the editor]. Science, 334, 310-1.   doi:10.1126/science.334.6054.311-a  PMID:22021838 (pdf)

Diamond, A. & LeeT, K. (2011). Interventions shown to aid executive function development in children 4-12 years old. Science, 333, 959-964.   doi:10.1126/science.1204529 PMID:21852486 NIHMS:310326 (abstract) (pdf)
see also: Supplemental material
     - Reprinted in German in Sabine Kubesch (ed., 2014), Exekutive funktionen und selbstregulation: Neurowissenschaftliche grundlagen un transfer in die pädagogische praxis (pp. 145-161). Bern, Switzerland: Verlag Hans Huber AG. (pdf)

Diamond, A. (2011). Biological and social influences on cognitive control processes dependent on prefrontal cortex. Progress in Brain Research, 189, 319-339. (special issue entitled “Gene Expression to Neurobiology and Behavior: Human Brain Development and Developmental Disorders”)   doi:10.1016/B978-0-444-53884-0.00032-4   PMID:21489397   NIHMS:602710 (abstract) (pdf)
     - Reprinted in German in Sabine Kubesch (ed., 2014), Exekutive funktionen und selbstregulation: Neurowissenschaftliche grundlagen un transfer in die pädagogische praxis (pp. 19-47). Bern, Switzerland: Verlag Hans Huber AG. (pdf)

Shing, Y.L.T, Lindenberger, U., Diamond, A., Li, S-C., & Davidson, M.C. (2010). Memory maintenance and inhibitory control differentiate from early childhood to adolescence. Developmental Neuropsychology, 35, 679-697. doi:10.1080/87565641.2010.508546 PMID:21038160 NIHMS:249666 (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. (2010). The evidence base for improving school outcomes by addressing the whole child and by addressing skills and attitudes, not just content. Early Education and Development, 21, 780-793.   doi:10.1080/10409289.2010.514522   (abstract) (pdf)
     - UN Committee on the Rights of the Child circulated this to all its members.
     - Margaret Nkrumah of Ghana circulated it among African leaders.

Diamond, A. (2009). Apprendre à apprendre, Dossier de La Recherche, 34, 88-92. PMID:20936089 NIHMS:93334 (pdf)
     - Re-published June 2016 in a special issue of Dossier de La Recherche on intelligence.

Diamond, A. (2009). The interplay of biology and the environment broadly defined. Developmental Psychology, 45, 1-8.   doi:10.1037/a0014601 PMID:19209985 NIHMS:89168 (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. (2009). All or none hypothesis: A global-default mode that characterizes the brain and mind. Developmental Psychology, 45, 130-138.   doi:10.1037/a0014025 PMID:19209996 NIHMS:89169 (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. (2009). When in competition against engrained habits, is conscious representation sufficient or is inhibition of the habit also needed? Developmental Science, 12, 20-22.   doi:10.1111/j.1467-7687.2008.00773.x PMID:19120407  NIHMS:85959 (abstract) (pdf)

Blair, C. & Diamond, A. (2008).  Biological processes in prevention and intervention: Promotion of self-regulation and the prevention of early school failure. Development and Psychopathology, 20, 899-911.   doi:10.1017/S0954579408000436   (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. & Amso, D. (2008). Contributions of neuroscience to our understanding of cognitive development. Current Directions in Psychological Science, 17, 136-141.   doi:10.1111/j.1467-8721.2008.00563.x PMID:18458793 NIHMS:46856 (abstract) (pdf)
     - Reprinted in MDExplorer, a new Serbian journal focusing on biomedicine (2010).

Diamond, A. (2008). [Letter to the editor]. In Mercer, J., Minding controls in curriculum study. Science, 319, 1185 - 1186. (pdf)

Diamond, A., Barnett, W.S., Thomas, J., & MunroT, S. (2007). Preschool program improves cognitive control. Science, 318, 1387-1388.   doi:10.1126/science.1151148   PMID:18048670   NIHMS:36247 (abstract) (pdf)
     - Reported in numerous news outlets, including New York Times, Chicago Tribune, the UK Telegraph, BBC, & NPR
     - Ignited an explosion of interest by funders & researchers in the possibility of intervening early to improve EFs
     - see also: http://www.nytimes.com/2009/09/27/magazine/27tools-t.html
     - & also: http://www.devcogneuro.com/images/Pubs/National_Scientific_Council_on_the_Developing_Child2009.pdf
     - Featured in the article, "Smart start" [also published under the digital title: "How to prime preschoolers for success"] by Lisa Guernsey in Scientific American (Oct. 2020)

Diamond, A. (2007). Consequences of variations in genes that affect dopamine in prefrontal cortex.  Cerebral Cortex 17, 161-170.   doi:10.1093/cercor/bhm082 PMID:17725999  NIHMS:38403 (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. (2007). Interrelated and interdependent. Developmental Science, 10, 152-158.   doi:10.1111/j.1467-7687.2007.00578.x PMID:17181714  NIHMS:16727 (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. (2006). Bootstrapping conceptual deduction using physical connection: Rethinking frontal cortex. Trends in Cognitive Sciences, 10, 212-218.   doi:10.1016/j.tics.2006.03.003 PMID:16584909  NIHMS:10332 (abstract) (pdf)

Davidson, M.C.,T AmsoT, D., AndersonT, L.C., & Diamond, A. (2006). Development of cognitive control and executive functions from 4-13 years: Evidence from manipulations of memory, inhibition, and task switching. Neuropsychologia, 44, 2037 - 2078.   doi:10.1016/j.neuropsychologia.2006.02.006 PMID:16580701 NIHMS:9720 (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. (2006). The early development of executive functions. In E. Bialystok & F. Craik (Eds.), Lifespan Cognition: Mechanisms of Change (pp. 70-95). New York, NY: Oxford University Press. (pdf)

Diamond, A., Carlson, S.M., & Beck*, D.M. (2005). Preschool children's performance in task switching on the dimensional change card sort task: Separating the dimensions aids the ability to switch. Developmental Neuropsychology, 28, 689-729.   doi:10.1207/s15326942dn2802_7 PMID:16144433 NIHMS:9706 (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. (2005). ADD (ADHD without hyperactivity), a neurobiologically and behaviorally distinct disorder from ADHD (with hyperactivity). Development and Psychopathology, 17, 807-825.   doi:10.1017/S0954579405050388 (abstract) (pdf)
     - The Founder and Head of the Dutch ADD Assoc. (Stichting ADD Nederland), Karin Windt, wrote: “Dr. Diamond changed millions of lives [by writing her article]…. For the first time we were heard and finally understood… The number of websites on ADD has increased from 4 to thousands…. Many people with attention deficits have great talents, often a high IQ, and are innovative and creative. However, they are seen as daydreamers who cannot concentrate well. In the old days we would be called stupid or lazy….Through her work we are now able to explain to others why ADD is so different from ADHD. This question remained unanswered until her article appeared in 2005.”
     - Table 1 excerpted and modified for the website IADHD.org in 2021

Prevor*, M.B. & Diamond, A. (2005). Color-object interference in young children: A Stroop effect in children 3½-6½ years old. Cognitive Development, 20, 256-278.   doi:10.1016/j.cogdev.2005.04.001 PMID:18079980 NIHMS:16819 (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. & Kirkham, N.Z. (2005). Not quite as grown-up as we like to think: Parallels between cognition in childhood and adulthood. Psychological Science, 16, 291-297.   doi:10.1111/j.0956-7976.2005.01530.x PMID:15828976  NIHMS:16818 (abstract) (pdf)

Rennie*, D., Bull, R., & Diamond, A. (2004). Executive functioning in preschoolers: Reducing the inhibitory demands of the dimensional change card sort task. Developmental Neuropsychology, 26, 423-443.   PMID:15276903 (abstract) (pdf)

Munakata, Y., Casey, B.J., & Diamond, A. (2004). Developmental cognitive neuroscience: Progress and potential. Trends in Cognitive Science, 8, 122-128. doi:10.1016/j.tics.2004.01.005 PMID:15301752 (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A., BriandT, L., FossellaT, J., & Gehlbach, L. (2004). Genetic and neurochemical modulation of prefrontal cognitive functions in children. American Journal of Psychiatry, 161, 125-132. PMID:14702260 (abstract) (pdf)
     - Highlighted by the journal in its “In this Issue” page.
     - Rated as “Exceptional” by H1 Connect.
     - Ranked No. 2 in the Hidden Jewels Top 10 in Neuroscience  by the Faculty of 1000.

Wilkinson, K.M., RossT, E., & Diamond, A. (2003). Fast mapping of multiple words: Insights into when “the information provided” does and does not equal “the information perceived.” Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology, 24, 739-762. doi:10.1016/j.appdev.2003.09.006 (abstract) (pdf)

KirkhamT, N.Z. & Diamond, A. (2003). Sorting between theories of perseveration: Performance in conflict tasks requires memory, attention, and inhibition [Response]. Developmental Science , 6, 474-476. (pdf)

KirkhamT, N.Z., CruessT, L., & Diamond, A. (2003). Helping children apply their knowledge to their behavior on a dimension-switching task. Developmental Science , 6, 449-467.   doi:10.1111/1467-7687.00300 (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A., Lee*, E-Y., & HaydenT, M. (2003). Early success in using the relation between stimulus and reward to deduce an abstract rule: Perceived physical connectedness is key. Developmental Psychology, 39, 825-847. doi:10.1037/0012-1649.39.5.825 (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A., KirkhamT , N.Z., & Amso, D.T (2002). Conditions under which young children CAN hold two rules in mind and inhibit a prepotent response. Developmental Psychology, 38, 352–362.   doi:10.1037//0012-1649.38.3.352   PMID:12005379 (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. (2002). Normal development of prefrontal cortex from birth to young adulthood: Cognitive functions, anatomy, and biochemistry. In D.T. Stuss & R.T. Knight (eds.), Principles of frontal lobe function (pp. 466-503). London, UK: Oxford University Press. (pdf)

Diamond, A. (2002). A model system for studying the role of dopamine in prefrontal cortex during early development in humans. In M.H. Johnson, Y. Munakata, & R.O. Gilmore (eds.), Brain Development and Cognition: A Reader. (pp. 441-493). Oxford, UK: Blackwell Publishers. (pdf)

Diamond, A. (2001). Looking closely at infants’ performance, and experimental procedures, in the A-not-B task. The Behavioral and Brain Sciences, 24, 38-41. doi:10.1017/S0140525X01253916 (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. (2001). A model system for studying the role of dopamine in prefrontal cortex during early development in humans. In C. Nelson & M. Luciana (eds.), Handbook of developmental cognitive neuroscience (pp. 433-472). Cambridge, MA: MIT Press. (pdf)
      - Reprinted in M.H. Johnson, Y. Munakata, & R.O. Gilmore (eds.). (2002).  Reader in brain development and cognition. London, UK: Blackwell Press.

Diamond, A. (2001). Prefrontal cortex development and development of cognitive functions. In Neil J. Smelser and Paul B. Baltes (Editors),  International Encyclopedia of the Social and Behavioral Sciences (pp. 11976-11982). Oxford, UK: Pergamon. (pdf)

Diamond, A. & Lee*, E.-Y. (2000). Inability of 5-month-old infants to retrieve a contiguous object: A failure of conceptual understanding or of control of action? Child Development, 71, 1477-1494. doi:10.1111/1467-8624.00241 (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. (2000). Toward an understanding of the human frontal lobes. (Review of the book The human frontal lobes: Functions and disorders. B. L. Miller & J. L. Cummings [Eds.]). Contemporary Psychology: APA Review of Books, 45, 564-565. (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. (2000). Close interrelation of motor development and cognitive development and of the cerebellum and prefrontal cortex. Child Development, 71, 44-56. doi:10.1111/1467-8624.00117 PMID:10836557 (Special issue: New Directions for Child Development in the 21st Century). (abstract) (pdf)

Johnson, M.H., Aslin, R., Diamond, A., Hood, B., & Spelke, L. (2000). Human brain development: Perception, attention, and memory. Report for the Sackler Institute, commissioned by the McDonnell Foundation.

Diamond, A., Churchland*, A., CruessT, L., & KirkhamT, N. (1999). Early developments in the ability to understand the relation between stimulus and reward. Developmental Psychology, 35, 1507-1517. PMID:10563738. (abstract) (pdf)

ZagredaT, L., GoodmanT, J., Druin, D.P., McDonald, D., & Diamond, A. (1999). Cognitive deficits in a genetic mouse model of the most common biochemical cause of human mental retardation. Journal of Neuroscience, 19, 6175-6182. PMID:10407053. (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. (1999). Developmental psychology in its social and cultural context. Society for Research in Child Development Newsletter, 42, 5-8. (pdf)

Diamond, A. (1999). Development of cognitive functions linked to prefrontal cortex. In N.A. Fox, L.A. Leavit, & J.G. Warhol (eds.), The Role of Early Experience in Infant Development, 131-144. New Brunswick, NJ: Johnson & Johnson. (pdf)

Diamond, A. (1999). Review of Comparative Neuropsychology. Edited by A. David Milner, Oxford Univ. Press, for Trends in Neurosciences, 22, 283 - 284. (pdf)

Diamond, A., S. Badali, L. Cruess, D. Amso, M. Davidson, & S. Oross. (1999). Long-lasting, selective visual deficits from short-term exposure to high neonatal phenylalanine levels in humans. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 25, 501 - 501

O'Craven, K. M., A. Diamond, L. Cruess, R. Bergida, R. L. Savoy, & M. Davidson (1999). Further fMRI-based studies of memory and inhibition in prefrontal cortex of adults. Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting Abstracts. (abstract)

Zagreda, L., Goodman, J., Michalak, M., Druin, D., & Diamond, A. (1998). Cognitive deficits in a genetic mouse model of the most common biochemical cause of human mental retardation, PKU.  Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 24, 341.

Diamond, A., O'Craven, K.M., & Savoy, R.L. (1998).  Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex contributions to   working  memory  and  inhibition  as  revealed  by  fMRI.  Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 24, 1251.

Diamond, A. (1998). Understanding the A-not-B error: Working memory vs. reinforced response, or active vs. latent trace. Developmental Science, 1, 185-189. (abstract) (pdf)

Albert, M., Diamond, A., Fitch, H., Neville, H., Rapp, P., & Tallal, P. (1998). Cognitive Development. In F.E. Bloom, S.C. Landis, J.L. Roberts, L.R.Squire, & M.J. Zigmond (ed.s). Fundamental Neuroscience (pp. 1313-1338). San Diego, CA: Academic Press. (pdf)

Savoy, R. L. I., Diamond, A., & O'Craven, K. M. (1998). Dorsolateral prefrontal cortex contributions to working memory and inhibition as revealed by fMRI. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 24, 1251.

Diamond, A., Prevor*, M.B., Callender*, G., & Druin, D.P. (1997). Prefrontal cortex cognitive deficits in children treated early and continuously for PKU. Monographs of the Society for Research in Child Development (Monograph #252), 62 (4), 1-207. PMID:9421921 (abstract) (pdf)

- see: Research in action: Lessening PKU's damaging effects on children

Diamond, A. (1996). Evidence for the importance of dopamine for prefrontal cortex functions early in life. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society (London) Series B, 351, 1483-1494. (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. & Herzberg, C. (1996). Impaired sensitivity to visual contrast in children treated early and continuously for PKU. Brain, 119, 523-538. (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. & Taylor*, C. (1996). Development of an aspect of executive control: Development of the abilities to remember what I said and to "Do as I say, not as I do." Developmental Psychobiology, 29, 315-334. (abstract) (pdf)

Strupp, B. & Diamond, A. (1996). Assessing cognitive function in animal models of mental retardation. Mental Retardation Developmental Disabilities Research Reviews, 2, 216-226. (pdf)

Churchland, A. & Diamond, A. (1996).  Solving the riddle of the late appearance of success on the delayed nonmatching to sample task.  Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 22, 281.

Diamond, A. (1995). Evidence of robust recognition memory early in life even when assessed by reaching behavior. Journal of Experimental Child Psychology (Special Issue [Guest Editor, Nora Newcombe]), 59, 419-456. (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. (1995).  Frontal lobe involvement in cognitive changes during early development.    Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, 1, 132.

Diamond, A. (1994). Phenylalanine levels of 6-10 mg/dl may not be as benign as once thought. Acta Pædiatrica, 83 (Supplement 407), 89-91. (pdf)

Diamond, A., Ciaramitaro*, V., Donner*, E., DjaliT, S., & Robinson, M. (1994). An animal model of early-treated PKU. Journal of Neuroscience, 14, 3072-3082. (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A., Cruttenden*, L., & Neiderman*, D. (1994). A-not-B with multiple wells: I. Why multiple wells are sometimes easier than two wells. II. Memory or memory + inhibition? Developmental Psychology, 30, 192-205. (pdf)

Diamond, A., Towle*, C., & Boyer*, K. (1994). Young children's performance on a task sensitive to the memory functions of the medial temporal lobe in adults, the delayed nonmatching to sample task, reveals problems that are due to non-memory related task demands. Behavioral Neuroscience, 108, 659-680. (abstract) (pdf)

Gerstadt*, C., Hong*, Y., & Diamond, A. (1994). The relationship between cognition and action: Performance of 3½-7 year old children on a Stroop-like day-night test. Cognition, 53, 129-153. (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A., Werker, J., & Lalonde*, C. (1993). Toward understanding commonalities in the development of object search, detour navigation, categorization, and speech perception. In G. Dawson & K. Fischer (Eds.), Human Behavior and the Developing Brain (pp. 380-426). New York, NY: Guilford Press. (abstract) (pdf)

Herzberg, C. & Diamond, A. (1993).  Impaired contrast sensitivity in children with treated PKU, presumably due to dopaminergic deficiency.  Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 19, 772.

Diamond, A. (1992). Recognition memory assessed by looking versus reaching: Infants' performance on the visual paired comparison and delayed non-matching to sample tasks. Technical Report IRCS-92-11, University of Pennsylvania, Institute for Research in Cognitive Science.

Diamond, A., Ciaramitaro, V., Donner, E., Hurwitz, W., Lee, E., Grover, W., & Minarcik, C. (1992). Prefrontal cortex cognitive deficits in early-treated PKU: Results of a longititudinal study in children and of an animal model. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 18. (pdf)

Towle, C. & Diamond, A. (1991).  Developmental progression in children aged 1-5 years on the delayed non-matching to sample task, a test of hippocampal memory function in adult monkeys and human amnesic patients.  Abstracts of the Society for Research in Child Development, 8, 480.

Llamas, C. & Diamond, A. (1991).  Development of frontal cortex abilities in children between 3-8 years of age.  Abstracts of the Society for Research in Child Development, 8, 347.

Diamond, A. (1991). Frontal lobe involvement in cognitive changes during the first year of life. In K. R. Gibson & A. C. Petersen (Eds.), Brain maturation and cognitive development: Comparative and cross-cultural perspectives (pp. 127-180). New York, NY: Aldine de Gruyter. (pdf)

Diamond, A. (1991). Neuropsychological insights into the meaning of object concept development. In S. Carey & R. Gelman (Eds.), The epigenesis of mind: Essays on biology and knowledge (pp. 67-110). Hillsdale, NJ: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. (pdf)
        - Reprinted in M. H. Johnson (Ed.) (1993), Brain Development and Cognition: A Reader, Cambridge, MA: Basil Blackwell.

Diamond, A. (1991). Guidelines for the study of brain-behavior relationships during development. In H. Levin, H. Eisenberg, & A. Benton (Eds.), Frontal lobe function and dysfunction (pp. 339-378). New York, NY: Oxford U. Press. (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. (Ed.) (1990a). The development and neural bases of higher cognitive functions. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 608.

Diamond, A. (1990b). Introduction. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 608, xiii - lvi. (pdf)

Diamond, A. (1990c). The development and neural bases of memory functions as indexed by the A-not-B and delayed response tasks in human infants and infant monkeys. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 608, 267-317. (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. (1990d). Rate of maturation of the hippocampus and the developmental progression of children's performance on the delayed non-matching to sample and visual paired comparison tasks. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 608, 394-426. (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. (1990e). Developmental time course in human infants and infant monkeys, and the neural bases, of inhibitory control in reaching. Annals of the New York Academy of Sciences, 608, 637-676. (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. (1990f).  Why studies find earlier evidence of memory in looking than in reaching.  Infant Behavior and Development, 13.

Diamond, A., Cruttenden, L., & Neiderman, D. (1989).  Why have studies found better performance with multiple wells than with only two wells on A-not-B?, Society for Research in Child Development Abstracts, 6, 227.

Diamond, A. & Boyer, K. (1989).  A version of the Wisconsin Card Sort Test for use with preschool children, and an exploration of their sources of error.  Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 11, 83.

Diamond, A. (1989). Limbic-dependent memory: Early or late developing? Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 15, 343 - 343.

Diamond, A. & Doar*, B. (1989). The performance of human infants on a measure of frontal cortex function, the delayed response task. Developmental Psychobiology, 22, 271-294. (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. & Gilbert*, J. (1989). Development as progressive inhibitory control of action: Retrieval of a contiguous object. Cognitive Development, 4, 223-249. (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. & Goldman-Rakic, P. S. (1989). Comparison of human infants and rhesus monkeys on Piaget's A-not-B task: Evidence for dependence on dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Experimental Brain Research, 74, 24-40. (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A., Zola-Morgan, S., & Squire, L. R. (1989). Successful performance by monkeys with lesions of the hippocampal formation on A-not-B and object retrieval, two tasks that mark developmental changes in human infants. Behavioral Neuroscience, 103, 526-537. (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. & Boyer, K. (1989). A version of the Wisconsin Card Sort Test for use with preschool children, and an exploration of their sources of error. Journal of Clinical and Experimental Neuropsychology, 11, 83 - 83.

Diamond, A. (1989).  Limbic-dependent memory:  Early or late developing?  Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 15, 343.

Diamond, A. (1989).  Behavioral and anatomical approaches to the study of frontal and hippocampal functions in infants and toddlers, Society for Research in Child Development Abstracts, 6.

Diamond, A. (1988). Differences between adult and infant cognition: Is the crucial variable presence or absence of language? In L. Weiskrantz (Ed.), Thought without language (pp. 337-370). Oxford, UK: Oxford U. Press. (pdf)

Diamond, A. (1988). Abilities and neural mechanisms underlying A-not-B performance. Child Development, 59, 523-527. (pdf)

Diamond, A., Zola-Morgan, S., & Squire, L. R. (1987).  Performance of monkeys with hippocampal ablations on Piaget's A-not-B task.  Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 13, 206.

Diamond, A. & Gilbert, J. (1987).  Development as inhibitory control of action: Retrieval of a contiguous object.  Society for Research in Child Development Abstracts, 6, 64.

Goldman-Rakic, P. S. & Diamond, A. (1986). Comparative development in human infants and infant rhesus monkeys of cognitive functions that depend on prefrontal cortex. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 12, 742 - 742.

Diamond, A. (1985). The development of the ability to use recall to guide action, as indicated by infants' performance on A-not-B. Child Development, 56, 868-883. (abstract) (pdf)

Diamond, A. & Goldman-Rakic, P. S.  (1985). Evidence that maturation of the frontal cortex underlies behavioral changes during the first year of life:  I. The A-not- task.   Society for Research in Child Development Abstracts, 5, 85.

Diamond, A. & Goldman-Rakic, P. S. (1985). Evidence for involvement of prefrontal cortex in cognitive changes during the first year of life: Comparison of performance of human infant and rhesus monkeys on a detour task with transparent barrier. Society for Neuroscience Abstracts, 11, 832 - 832.

Diamond, A. (1983). Behavior changes between 6 to 12 months of age: What can they tell us about how the mind of the infant is changing? PhD Thesis, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA. Dissertation Abstracts International, 44(01B), 337. (pdf)

Diamond, A. & Goldman-Rakic, P. S.  (1983).  Comparison of performance on a Piagetian object permanence task in human infants and rhesus monkeys:  Evidence for involvement of prefrontal cortex.  Society for Neuroscience Abstracts (Part I), 9, 641.

Diamond, A. (1983).  The development of recall memory from seven to twelve months.  Society for Research in Child Development Abstracts, 4, 64.

Diamond, A. (1982).  Infants' understanding of object location and identity.  Infant Behavior and Development, 5, 66.

Diamond, A. (1981). Retrieval of an object from an open box: The development of visual-tactile control of reaching in the first year of life. Society for Research in Child Development Abstracts, 3, 78 - 78.

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Education and Training

Yale University
School of Medicine
Postdoctoral Fellow
(Laboratory of Patricia Goldman-Rakic)
Harvard University
Ph.D., 1983
Psychology and Social Relations Dept.,
Developmental Psychology (advisor, Jerome Kagan)
Swarthmore College
B.A., 1975
1) Psychology
2) Sociology & Anthropology
London School of Economics
Philosophy of Science (advisor, Imre Lakatos)

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Brain Development and Learning Conferences

For more information about the Brain Development and Learning Conferences that I founded and organized, visit the websites:

2023 A Joyous Celebration of Ideas, the Arts, Science, & Efforts to Make the World a Better Place.

2013 Brain Development and Learning Meeting:  braindevelopmentandlearning.com/BDL2013/
                               Online Resources

2010 Brain Development and Learning Meeting: braindevelopmentandlearning.com/oldbdl2010/bdl2010.html
                                In Utero Effects; Parent-Infant Interaction
                                Learning & Memory; Math and Reading
                                Respecting Cultural Differences
                                Mental Health; Promoting Joy, Resilience, and Creativity

2010 Conference Feedback: braindevelopmentandlearning.com/oldbdl2010/BDL_subpages_2010/feedback_big_2010.html

2010 Online Resources: braindevelopmentandlearning.com/Resources2010/

2008 Brain Development and Learning Meeting:   braindevelopmentandlearning.com/oldbdl2008/bdl2008.html
                               Prefrontal Cortex

2008 Conference Feedback: braindevelopmentandlearning.com/oldbdl2008/BDL_subpages_2008/sponsorsfeedback.html

2006 Brain Development and Learning Meeting:   braindevelopmentandlearning.com/oldbdl2006/BDL2006.html

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Current Grant Support and Funding
(continuous NIH /NSF support since 1975; continuous NIH R01 support 1986-2020)

MindEDU: Donation to the Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Lab research projects
PI: Adele Diamond

Project period: 09/01/2024 – 03/31/2027 Total direct costs: $50,000 USD


Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Discovery Grant #RGPIN-2024-06908:
“Improving Executive Functions”

PI: Adele Diamond

Project period: 04/01/2024 – 03/31/2029 Total direct costs: $235,000 CAN


Danish Foundation TrygFonden: On Track 2.0
PI: Signe Vangkilde
Co-investigator: Anne Marie Kristensen
Collaborator: Adele Diamond

Project period: 09/01/2024 – 08/31/2026 Total direct costs: $826,890 CAD


MindEDU: Donation to the Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Lab research projects
PI: Adele Diamond

Project period: 09/01/2023 – 03/31/2025 Total direct costs: $45,000 USD


Bezos Family Foundation: Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Lab
PI: Adele Diamond

Project period: 07/01/2023 – 06/31/2024 Total direct costs: $30,000 USD


MindEDU: Donation to the Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Lab research projects
PI: Adele Diamond

Project period: 09/01/2022 – 08/31/2024 Total direct costs: $100,000 USD


SSHRC Insight Development Grant: L'évolution du fonctionnement des jeunes en situation de vulnérabilité dans le cadre de leur suivi au Garage à Musique, un centre spécialisé de pédiatrie sociale en communauté.
PI: Alexandra Matte-Landry, Delphine Collin-Vézina & Isabelle Ouellet-Morin
collaborators : Adele Diamond, Patrick Coiteux & Hélène (Sioui) Trudel

Project period: 04/01/2022 – 03/31/2024 Total direct costs: $74,594 CAN


Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Discovery Grant #RGPIN-2018-06630:
“Improving Executive Functions”

PI: Adele Diamond

Project period: 04/01/2018 – 03/31/2023* Total direct costs: $235,000 CAN
*plus a one-year extension (to 03/31/2024) with funding due to COVID-19


Information and Communications Technology Council (ICTC): Work Integrated Learning Digital Program’s wage subsidy for a co-op student (WIL202021—0000015920)
PI: Adele Diamond

Project period: 01/04/2022 – 04/29/2022 Total direct costs: $7,500 CAN


The 21st Century Partnership for STEM Education: “EF+Math Program: Mathematical Thinkers Like Me”
PI: Stephen Weimar
collaborators: Adele Diamond, Arthur Powell, Ann Renninger, & Miriam Rosenberg-Lee

Project period: 2021 – 2024 Total direct costs: $2,200,000 US


COVID-19 Emergency Funding

PI: Adele Diamond

NSERC Covid Grant Supplement (June 2020): $7,520

Canada Research Continuity Emergency Fund (Nov 2020): $2,477


National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) R01 #DA037285: "Differences by Sex and Genotype in the Effects of Stress on Executive Functions”
PI: Adele Diamond (20% effort)
collaborators: Clemens Kirschbaum, Elizabeth Hampson, Weihong Song
Project period: 01/15/2014 - 03/31/2020 Total direct costs: $1,033,615 US

     To study the influences of gender (mediated by hormone levels) and genetic variation on executive functions, cognition and behavioral control when under mild stress and to replicate with humans the animal study findings of a sex difference in the effect of mild stress on cognition.


Bezos Family Foundation: “To Support Increased Administrative Capacity for Research Studies“
PI: Adele Diamond

Project period: 03/01/2017 – 03/31/2020 Total direct costs: $100,000 US


UBC Grants for Catalyzing Research Clusters: “UBC Research Cluster in Educational Neuroscience”
PI: Lara Boyd, Kimberly Schonert-Reichl & Rachel Weber

collaborator: Adele Diamond, Kalina Cristoff, Debbie Giaschi, Hagar Goldberg, Todd Handy, Shelly Hymel, Tim Oberlander, Eva Oberle, Naznin Virji-Babul, Taylor Webb, & Jill Zwicker

Project period: 01/01/2018 – 12/31/2018 Total direct costs: $100,000 CAN


Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council (NSERC) Discovery Grant #RGPIN-2017-05789: “Environmental and Biological Influences on Executive Functions”
PI: Adele Diamond

Project period: 04/01/2017 – 03/31/2018 Total direct costs: $28,000 CAN


Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute (VCHRI) Innovation and Translational Research Award: “Effects of Low-dose versus Normal-dose Psychostimulants on Executive Functions in Children with Attention-Deficit Hyperactive Disorder”
PI: Adele Diamond (10% effort)

co-investigator: Margaret Weiss, Candice Murray, & Daphne Ling
Project period: 07/01/2016 – 06/30/2018 Total direct costs: $49,993 CAN

     To study whether the stimulant dose for controlling hyperactivity in patients with attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD) is too high for aiding cognition. Most ADHD patients on stimulants are taking a dose targeting behavioural dysregulation (parents base feedback to doctors on the child’s behaviour; no one uses cognitive tests to determine dose). We’ll test the prediction that ADHD patients will perform better on attention, working memory, reading & math, when on half their dose.

Bezos Family Foundation: "Test of the Efficacy of Modified Kangaroo Care by a non-relative for Outcomes of Infants in Neonatal Intensive Care”
PI: Adele Diamond (10% effort)
Co-investigator: Daphne Ling
collaborators: Anne Synnes, Eli Puterman & Liisa Holsti
Project period: 03/01/2015 - 02/28/2017 Total direct costs: $100,000 US

     To study the efficacy of cuddling (i.e., modified kangaroo care) by a non-relative (adult volunteers) within a neonatal intensive care setting. We predict that an integrative healthcare treatment plan that includes parental cuddling plus non-relative cuddling will produce better health outcomes and better executive functions than a treatment plan that includes only parental cuddling.

Massachusetts Cultural Council: “Does a US‐Based El Sistema Music Program Improve Executive Functions, Academic Achievement, and Affective Development in Young Children? A Randomized Study”
PI: Sara Cordes
co-investigator: Adele Diamond, Ellen Winner
Project period: 01/01/2015 – 06/31/2018 Total direct costs: $45,000 US


BC Ministry of Health and BC Mental Health Foundation: “Seed Funds to Introduce a Pilot Program of Tools of the Mind to the Lower Mainland”
PI: Adele Diamond (15% effort)
collaborators: Kim Schonert-Reichl & Laurie Ford
Project period: 08/01/2011 - 06/30/2014 Total direct costs: $200,000 CAN

     For the first introduction of the evidence-based early-childhood program, Tools of the Mind, anywhere in Canada. Funds implementing a pilot introduction of Tools into randomly selected kindergartens in Vancouver, Surrey, & Coquitlam. Tools curriculum improves EFs & academics, at least short-term - at least in the US. We will address the next important questions: Are those benefits also seen in Canada? Are they ephemeral? Or, might they not only last but increase over time?

Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) Operating Grant #325848: "Attention Bias and Executive Functions in 9-14 year olds following Prenatal Antidepressant Exposure"
PI: Tim Oberlander
collaborators: Adele Diamond, Rollin Brant, Angela Devlin, Ruth Grunau, Joanne Weinberg
Project period: 03/03/2014 - 03/03/2019 Total direct costs: $1,170,840 CAN

Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council (SSHRC) Insight Grant: "Mindfulness and Work Performance”
PI: Dan Skarlicki
collaborators: Adele Diamond, Kim Schonert-Reichl
Project period: 04/1/2014 - 03/31/2019 Total direct costs: $148,000 CAN

Natural Sciences and Engineering Research Council of Canada (NSERC) EG #1502: “Neurochemical and Environmental Influences on the Cognitive Functions dependent on Prefrontal Cortex”
PI: Adele Diamond
Project period: 04/31/2012 - 03/31/2013 Total direct costs: $25,000 CAN

     To better understand the causes and consequences of stress reactivity in PFC, including gender differences in that and practical implications of that for education, parenting, labor force involvement, and personal well-being.

National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) R01 #DA019685: “Development of Cognitive Functions Linked to Frontal Lobe”
PI: Adele Diamond (25% effort) funded continuously for 25 years
Project period: 09/10/2004 - 3/09/2011 Total direct costs: $1,352,614 US

     The focus throughout all periods of this award has been to explore the cognitive requirements of tasks thought to depend on prefrontal cortex. This award forms the bedrock for Dr. Diamond’s larger endeavor to systematically investigate and dissect executive control functions, studying their development, neural bases, genetic and neurochemical modulation, and involvement in brain disorders -- from infancy through old age.
     The comprehensive and careful task manipulations here should yield important new information about the conditions under which children and adults of different ages succeed and fail at different types of executive functions. A notable strength is the parsing of inhibitory control into subtypes (such as inhibition at the level of attention and inhibition at the level of action; inhibition in the context of task-switching and inhibition in steady-state.)

National Institute of Mental Health (NIMH) R01 #MH071893: "Autism and the Development of Relational Awareness"
PI: Adele Diamond (15% effort)
co-investigator: Rebecca Landa at Kennedy Krieger Institute (KKI)
Project period: 1/01/2007 - 12/31/2013 Total direct costs: $2,104,016 US

     This project investigates the hypothesis that some young children with autism may need to see a physical connection to help them grasp an abstract conceptual connection. Preschool children with autism, even if mildly developmentally delayed, may well be able to learn abstract rules, but the way materials have been presented to them has not enabled them to demonstrate and use that ability. They can grasp relations between things (i.e., the conceptual connection between items), the hypothesis says, if those things are physically connected.

Canada Research Chair (CRC) Tier 1: “Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience”
PI: Adele Diamond
Project period: 9/01/2004 - 08/31/2011 Total direct costs: $1,400,000 CAN
Renewed: 09/01/2011 - 08/31/2018Total direct costs: $1,400,000 CAN
Renewed: 09/01/2018 - 08/31/2025Total direct costs: $1,400,000 CAN

     Exploring how genetics, neurochemistry and the environment affect prefrontal cortex, and what early-childhood practices and interventions lead to the best mental and physical health results. This research should lessen the costly public health burden of executive-function disorders, and improve the chances for all children to achieve their full potential.

Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) Award: “Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Laboratory”
PI: Adele Diamond (no % effort)
Project period: 9/01/2004 - 3/31/2013 Total direct costs with matching funds: $500,220 CAN

     For equipping PI’s laboratory at UBC.

National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) R01 #HD039783:  Pain in Preterm Infants: Development and Effects"
PI: Ruth Grunau
collaborator: Adele Diamond (2% effort), Angela Devlin, Anne Synnes, Joanne Weinberg, Steven Miller, & Urs Ribary
Project Period:  04/05/2008 - 11/30/2012 Total direct costs:  $1,062,496 US 

     This research addresses the effects of cumulative neonatal pain/stress on stress regulation and neuro-development attention, visual memory, EFs, & behavior in children born very prematurely.

UBC Hampton Research Endowment Fund #FAS F10-01301: “Using Social & Emotional Learning Interventions to Promote Resiliency & Positive Mental Health in Children & Teachers: Considering Psychological, Biological, & Contextual Processes”
PI: Kimberly Schonert-Reichl
co-investigator: Adele Diamond (5% effort) and Rob Roeser
Project period: 03/2011- 03/2013 Total direct costs: $25,000 CAN

     This research is looking at the possible benefits for students and for teachers of two different social-emotional school programs (MindUp & SMART) with children in grades 4-7 randomly assigned to one of four conditions.

Institute of Education Sciences [IES] / National Center for Education Research [NCER] / Cognition and Student Learning Research Grant Program [CASL] #R305B070240:
“Evaluating the Efficacy of Preschool Curricula in Improving Executive Functions and Self-Regulation”
PI: Adele Diamond (10% effort)
collaborators : Christopher Lonigan & Deborah Leong
Project period: 7/01/2007 - 06/30/2011 Total direct costs: $2,887,292 US
     with co-funding from:

Spencer Foundation: “Can Self-Regulation be Taught to Preschoolers? If so, does it help?”
PI: Adele Diamond (10% effort)
collaborators : Kim Schonert-Reichl, & Laurie Ford
Project period: 11/01/2006-6/31/2011 Total direct costs: $410,396 US

     Building on the ground-breaking work on the early development of executive functions and self-regulation from developmental cognitive neuroscience labs, we are using those research tools to investigate pre- and post-intervention levels of self-regulation and executive function and tracking the relation of those to academic achievement and behavior problems over time in at-risk children enrolled in evidence-based preschool programs with varying degrees and types of training in self-regulation and executive functions.
     What produces the best outcomes: Preschool teaching practices that emphasize academic skills or that emphasize that plus executive function (EF)? Can EF training be effective as a module added onto the curriculum or does it need to be interwoven throughout daily activities? Which interventions are most beneficial for which aspects of EFs and academic performance? Are there longterm benefits to training preschoolers in how to exercise EFs for academic performance and/or for averting behavioral, psychological, and/or learning problems? Objective, proven, neurocognitive pre- and post-intervention EF measures will be used to examine the effect of different preschool programs on academic outcomes in literacy and math. It includes roughly 2,000 children in 2 States (NM & MA) and involves randomized field trial with 4 levels of EF training, emphasizes painstakingly careful data collection and analysis, and includes state-of-the-art academic measures and procedures for tracing special education placement. The innovations being studied are evidence-based, easy to implement in under-funded classrooms, and readily transferable across cultures.

National Institutes of Health (NIH) R01 #HD044796: "Neurocognitive Development in Children Living in Poverty"
PI: Linda Mayes, M.D., Yale Univ. Med. Sch.
co-investigator: Adele Diamond (5% effort)
Project period: 3/01/2005 - 6/28/2010 Total direct costs: $2,350,000 US

     While many studies have shown an association between economic deprivation and impaired cognitive development in childhood, no studies have explored the impact of economic and environmental disadvantage on component neurocognitive capacities within executive control functions. We propose that one mechanism for the impact of poverty on cognitive development may be through delayed or impaired executive control functions (e.g., working memory & selective attention, more specifically through an impairment in inhibitory executive control functions), and we will investigate this bringing together five disciplines—behavioral neuroscience, epidemiology, child development, neuropsychology, and economics.


Past Grant Grant Support and Funding - click here.

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At the University of British Columbia taught the seminars:
Social, Emotional, and Cognitive Lifespan Development in Social, Cultural, and Biological Context

In the Dept. of Psychiatry:

In the Dept. of Department of Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education:

Comments from students on this seminar, variously taught in Departments of Psychiatry, Psychology, and Educational & Counselling Psychology at UBC

The Lifespan Social, Emotional, and Cognitive Development of the Person in its Social, Cultural,
and Biological Context

In the Dept. of Psychology:

At the University of Pennsylvania taught:

  • Developmental Psychology throughout the Life Cycle (PSYCH 180) from 1988 thru 1994
  • Special Topics in Developmental Psychology (PSYCH 280) from 1990 thru 1995

Comments from students at the University of Pennsylvania during the 7 years (1988 – 2004) this course was taught there

Comments from undergraduate students at MIT the one year this course was taught there

Directed Studies / Independent Studies courses taught at UBC

Directed Studies

2025:      Brianna Ragsdale, Integrated Sciences student. Directed studies on environmental effects on EFs, especially the negative effects of social injustices, inequality, and early adverse experiences. (PSYT 550 - winter term 2)

2024-25: Rachel Cheung, Neuroscience student, Year-long Directed Studies project looking at the benefits of music for older adults. (NSCI 448)

2024-25: Saanvi Jassal, Neuroscience student. Year-long capstone project to create a website explaining what executive functions, their core components, their neural bases, and disorders of executive function in an engaging, easy-to-understand way. (NSCI 400)

2024-25: Sarah Kuo, Biology and Neuroscience student. Year long capstone project for Neuroscience looking at the benefits of dance. (NSCI 400)

2024:      Cerita Hartman, Cognitive Systems student, Interdisciplinary Research Project analyzing verbal fluency results from the pilot for our Power of the Arts study. (COGS 402)

2024:      Cynthia Cui, Cognitive Systems student. Interdisciplinary Research Project analyzing flanker task results from 1,000 children between the ages of 5-18 years. (COGS 402)

2023-24: Ella Davidson, Psychology student. Honours Course where Ella led a double-blind, cross-over-design study in my lab on the effects of a low dose of methylphenidate (MPH) on the executive functions of stressed university students. (PSYC 449)

2022-23: Jonathon Naylor, Doctor of Pharmacy Candidate. The effect of stress and methylphenidate on executive functions in medical students. (Psychiatry 550)

2022:     Rachel Kortbeek, Cognitive Systems student: Completing the ‘Concentration’ study (Cognitive Systems 402)

2021-23: Priscilla Paz, Masters student in the School of Population and Public Health: “The relation of postural balance to executive functions” (Psychiatry 550)

2021:     Ishmam Bhuiyan, Honors Integrated Sciences student focusing on Physiology and disease & Microbiology: “Understanding prefrontal cortex and the cognitive abilities that depend on it, including environmental and biological factors that affect them” (Integrated Sciences 448)

2021:     April Hwang, Dietetics student: “Understanding executive functions, what impairs them, and how to improve them” (Psychiatry 550A)

2019:     Rabia Mir, Educational Philosophy MSc student: “Social, emotional, and cognitive development and how those are impacted by different educational practices” (Psychiatry 550)

2019:     Iris Xie, Psychology student: “The neurobiology behind why some approaches to improving executive functions work and others do not” (Psychology 450)

2019:     Tisha Dasgupta, Integrated Sciences student: “Differences by genotype and sex in the response of executive functions to stress” (Integrated Sciences Course 448)

2018-19: Ava Daeipour, Behavioral Neuroscience student: “Potential sex differences in the effects of mild stress on executive function” (Behavioural Neuroscience 480)

2017:     Hong Xu, Medical student: on the published literature related to a mixed-method pilot study on the effects of music therapy on adults with mild cognitive impairment (Flexible Enhance Learning: MEDD 419)

2016-17: Nicole Hemphill, Psychology student: “On the effects of joy and effects of stress on executive functions and health” (Psychiatry 366)

2016:     Moza Dole, Psychology student: (Cognitive Systems COGS 402)

2016:     Andi Zhang, pre-med undergraduate at Johns Hopkins University: “Possible benefits of familiar music or familiar poetry and/or stories for adults experiencing some cognitive decline”

2015:     Shahab Zareyan, Honors Biology student: Basic neuroanatomy, neurochemistry, and neurophysiology of prefrontal cortex (Integrated Sciences Course 448)

2014:     Sophia Lee, Integrated Science student: “On differences by genotype and sex in the effects of stress recognition” (Integrated Sciences Course 448)

2013-14 Mark Bichin, Psychology student: “On differences by genotype and sex in the effects of stress recognition” (entirely different topic than with Sophia) (Integrated Sciences Course 448)

2013-16 Samuel Leutheusser, Chemistry & Physics student: “Effects of stopping physical exercise for only one week on executive functions” (Science One)

2013-16 Patricia Angkiriwang, Biophysics student: “Effects of aerobic exercise on the cognitive functions dependent on prefrontal cortex and frontal lobes” (Science One)

2013:     Sneha Sheth, MSc student in Experimental Medicine: a lab rotation (Experimental Medicine Methodology MEDI 502)

2010-12 Nancy Wang, Physiology & Computer Science student: “Developmental progression on the Flanker test of selective attention throughout childhood” Co-author on paper in prep.

Independent Studies

2022:     Margaret Lee, Engineering physics student: Science Co-op project: to port our computer tasks to Gorilla.sc, a web-based platform (Science co-op: Jan. to April)

2020:     Elena Klimova: “Added benefit to executive functions of parent involvement in an El Sistema music program.” (Undergraduate Honors Thesis)

2018:     Ben Harder, Computer engineering student: Co-op project: to port our Flanker and Hearts & Flowers tasks to Unity, a web-based platform (Engineering co-op: May to Aug.)

2016:     Shahab Zareyan, Honors Biology student: “COMT genotype differences in the effect of stress on executive functions.” First author on the 2021 paper in Cerebral Cortex (Undergraduate Honours Thesis)

2015:     Shahab Zareyan, Honors Biology student: Co-op project: to participate in the effects of MPH on EFs in children with ADHD project (Science co-op: April to Aug.)

2013-14: Andy Wright, Biochemistry student: “An effect of inhibitory load in children while keeping working memory load constant.” (Undergraduate Honors Thesis) First author on the resulting 2014 paper in Frontiers in Psychology.

2007-08: Nancy Yu, Psychology student: “Is the Simon Effect attenuated in skilled pianists?”

2006-07: James Choi, Genetics student: “What underlies negative priming?”

2006-07: Cynda Ashton, Psychology student: “Development of aspects of self-regulation in 4-year-olds”

Other courses taught by Prof. Diamond

In Department of Psychology and Social Relations, Harvard University:

  • Cognitive Development in the Second Half of the First Year of Life: The Object Retrieval Experiment
  • Directed Reading and Research: Socioemotional Development during Infancy
  • Head Teaching Fellow, Psychology of the Human Life Cycle (Prof. George Goethals)
  • Teaching Fellow, Research Methods in Social Psychology

At Washington University, St. Louis:

  • Developmental Psychology: The Social and Emotional Growth of the Person
  • Developmental Psychology throughout the Life Cycle
  • Research Methods in Experimental Psychology
  • Seminar: Cognitive Development and its Relation to Maturation of the Brain
    (co-taught with Michael Posner in 1987)

At the University of Pennsylvania:

  • Research Methods in Developmental Psychology
  • Graduate Proseminar: Cognitive Development
  • Graduate Proseminar: Socio-Emotional Development
  • Graduate Proseminar: Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Graduate Seminar: Development and Neural Bases of Higher Cognitive Functions
  • Graduate Seminar: Systems Neuroscience (co-taught with other Neuroscience faculty)

In the Department of Brain & Cognitive Sciences, Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT):

  • Graduate Seminar: Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience
  • Developmental Psychology

At University of Massachusetts Medical School: Seminar on Developmental Psychology throughout the Life Cycle

At the University of British Columbia: Graduate Seminar: Prefrontal Cortex and Executive Functions

At the University of Memphis, TN.:

  • Taught a Cognitive Science Graduate Seminar (Emotion and Cognition), Institute for Intelligent Systems.
    Online due to COVID-19. (Feb. 24, 2021)

At Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel:

  • Taught an intensive 4-week course. Cognitive, social, and emotional development in cross-cultural and biological perspective. (Dec. 15, 2013 to Jan. 7, 2014)

At Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador:

  • Taught a set of three 2-hour invited course lectures for Prof. Nascira Ramia’s graduate course (Nov. 11, 12 and 13, 2014).

At the New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria:

  • Taught a week-long invited course (July 19-24, 2009). "Prefrontal cortex executive functions: Genetic and environmental influences and clinical implications." A week-long invited course. Center for Cognitive Science
    video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=CXgToTwPhNU

Visiting Professor (2003), University of California, San Francisco

Invited Instructor (2003), Merck Foundation summer course on the “Biology of Developmental Disabilities”

Invited Instructor (2001), Cold Spring Harbor summer course on “Development Cognitive Neuroscience”

Invited Instructor (2000), McDonnell Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience, Hanover, NH

Invited Instructor (1995), American Academy of Neurology course on Behavioral Neurology, Seattle, WA

McDonnell-Pew Visiting Fellow (1994), the Salk Institute and UCSD, La Jolla, CA

Harris Visiting Professor (1992), Committee on Developmental Psychology, Uni. of Chicago, IL

Invited Instructor (1991), McDonnell Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience, Hanover, New Hampshire (topic: Attention)

Invited Instructor (1991), European Training Programme in Brain & Behaviour Research, Zuoz, Switzerland (topic: Motor Development)

Certified to teach secondary school social studies

  • Student teacher, Nether Providence High School, Wallingford, PA 1974-75

Students Supervised or Co-Supervised

at UBC:

  • Graduate Advisor (2023 – present) —Jessie Chan, Neuroscience MSc program, supervisor.
  • Graduate Advisor (2022 – present) — Priscilla Paz, School of Population and Public Health PhD program.
  • Graduate Advisor (2021 – present) — Rabia Mir, Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program (ISGP) PhD program, supervisor. Co-author with AD on paper in prep. Recipient of the Doctoral Research Award: Canada Graduate Scholarship
  • Graduate Advisor (2021 – present) — Fatimah Bahrami, Neuroscience PhD program, supervisor.
  • Graduate Advisor (2017 – present) — Rena Del Pieve Gobbi, Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program (ISGP) PhD program, supervisor. Recipient of:
    • a) Interdisciplinary Studies (ISGP) fellowship
    • b) Michael W. Stahl Memorial Graduate Scholarship
    • c) Syd Vernon Graduate Student Award
    • d) President's Academic Excellence Initiative PhD Award
    • e) UBC Public Scholars Initiative Award (2020-21)
  • Graduate Advisor (2016 – present) — Daphne Ling, Neuroscience PhD program, supervisor. Co-author on 2019 and 2021 publications.
    Recipient of:
    • a) Frederick Banting and Charles Best Canada Graduate (Doctoral) Scholarship with the additional distinction to honor Nelson Mandela (2018-21)
    • b) Canada Graduate (Masters) Scholarship with the additional distinction to honor Nelson Mandela (2016-17)
    • c) IMH Marshall Scholarship Award (2019-20 & 2020-21)
    • d) Travel Award from the International Behavioural Neuroscience Society (IBNS) to attend the meeting in Cairns, Australia
    • e) World Congress Travel Grant from the International Brain Research Organisation (IBRO) to attend the meeting in Daegu, South Korea
  • Graduate Advisor (2021 – 2022) — Aqil Pirmohamed, Neuroscience MSc program, supervisor.
  • Graduate Advisor (2020 – 2024) — Leila Kosari, Neuroscience PhD program, supervisor.
  • Graduate Advisor (2019 – 2022) — Theresa Camozzi, ND, Neuroscience MSc program, supervisor.
  • Graduate Advisor (2015 - 2020) — Jennifer Kitil, Human Development, Learning, and Culture PhD program, dissertation committee. Co-author of a 2021 paper in prep.
  • Graduate Advisor (2019 – 2019) — Analia Barroetavena, Neuroscience MSc program, supervisor.
  • Graduate Advisor (2012 – 2018) — Kim Viljoen, Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program (ISGP) PhD program, supervisor.
  • Graduate Advisor (2014 – 2016) — Haolu Zhang, Neuroscience MSc program, supervisor. Co-author of a 2021 paper in prep.
  • Graduate Advisor (2012 – 2016) — Jacqueline Davis, Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program (ISGP) PhD program, supervisor. Recipient of:
    • Killam Doctoral Fellowship
  • Graduate Advisor (2012 – 2013) — Golnoush Alamian, Neuroscience MSc program, supervisor.
  • Graduate Advisor (2011) — Nicole Sanford, PhD Candidate in Neuroscience, supervisor.
  • Graduate Advisor (2011) — Kathleen Lee, PhD Candidate in Neuroscience, supervisor.
  • Graduate Advisor (2010 – 2011) — Kathleen Lee, Neuroscience MSc program, supervisor. Co-author w/ AD of a Science paper.
  • Graduate Advisor (2006 – 2010) — Jeanette Evans, PhD Candidate in Neuroscience, supervisor. Co-author on 2021 paper in prep. that will be paired with Haolu Zhang’s paper (see above).
    Recipient of:
    • a) NSERC Graduate Scholarship
    • b) CIHR Trainee Fellowship
  • Graduate Advisor (2008 – 2010) — Lisa Barker, MA candidate in Neuroscience, supervisor.
  • Graduate Advisor (2021 – present) — Tonje Molyneux, Human Development, Learning, and Culture PhD program, co-supervisor. Recipient of:
    • a) Killam Doctoral Scholarship
    • b) Canada Graduate (Doctoral) Scholarship-(2021-24).
    • c) UBC President’s Academic Excellence Initiative PhD Award (2022)
    • d) Dean of Education Scholarship (2021)
    • e) UBC President’s Academic Excellence Initiative PhD Award (2021)
    • f) UBC Four Year Doctoral Fellowship (4YF) (2021-24)
    • g) Tuey Graduate Scholarship (2021)
    • h) UBC Graduate Student Endowed Awards
    • i) Canada Graduate (Master’s) Scholarship-(2020-21)
  • Graduate Co-advisor (2020 – present) — Lisa Ritland, Lisa Ritland, Population and Public Health PhD program, co-supervisor.
    Recipient of:
    • a) Recipient of a prestigious UBC Four-Year Fellowship
    • b) UBC’s Friedman Award for Scholars in Health
  • Graduate Co-advisor (2016 - 2021) — Áurea Vericat, Cross Faculty Inquiry (CFI) Program in the Faculty of Education, PhD program, co-supervisor.
    Recipient of:
    • a) Four Year Doctoral Fellowship (4YF)
    • b) UBC Public Scholars Initiative
    • c) Graduate Support Initiative Award (GSI)
    • d) Dana Brynelsen Education Bursary
  • Graduate Co-advisor (2015 – 2017) — Julie Sauve, Human Development, Learning & Culture MA program, co-supervisor.
    Recipient of:
    • a) UBC Faculty of Education Graduate Award
    • b) UBC International Student Award
    • c) Award for Excellence in Teaching
  • Graduate Co-advisor (2015 – 2021) — Angela Low, Human Development, Learning & Culture PhD program, co-supervisor.
    Recipient of:
    • a) UBC Faculty of Education Graduate Award (2012- 2019)
    • b) Mary Elizabeth Simpson Scholarship (2019)
    • c) Public Scholars Award (2018)
    • d) Dean of Education Scholarship (2018)
    • e) UBC Graduate Student Entrance Scholarship (2016)
    • f) MITACs Elevate 2-year postdoctoral fellowship (2021)
  • Graduate Co-advisor (2013 – 2018) — Regina Lohndorf, Child & Family Studies, Univ. of Leiden PhD program, co-supervisor.
    Recipient of:
    • a) grant from Chilean National Commission on Scientific & Technological Research
  • Graduate Co-advisor (2014 – 2016) — Michele Sam, Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program (ISGP) MSc program, co-supervisor.
  • Graduate Co-advisor (2011 – 2015) — Hadas Av-Gay, Special Education PhD program, co-supervisor.
  • Adjunct Graduate Co-advisor (2005 – 2014) — Michelle Kozey, Educational & Counselling Psychology PhD program, co-supervisor.
    Recipient of:
    • a) SSHRC Graduate Fellowship
  • Member (2010 – 2014) — PhD Committee, Jay Hosking, Neuroscience.
  • Member (2010 – 2012) — PhD Committee, Jonathan Epp, Behavioral Neuroscience.
  • Member (2007 – 2010) — Master’s Committee, Jonathan Epp, Behavioral Neuroscience.
  • Member (2008 – 2009) — Master’s Committee, Tamara Crozier, Behavioral Neuroscience.
  • Member (2007 – 2009) — Membership Committee, Green College, UBC.
  • Member (2006 – 2009) — Master’s Committee, Kamyar Keramatian, Neuroscience.
  • Member (2005 – 2008) — Master’s Committee, Orsolya Magyar, Neuroscience.
  • Member (2004 – 2005) — Dissertation Committee, Heike Dumke, PhD Candidate in Neuroscience.
  • Chair (May 15, 2024) — Chaired the Doctoral Exam of Nikola Markovic, for the degree of Doctor of Musical Arts in the Faculty of Arts, dissertation entitled, “Between East and West - The Voice of Miloje Milojevic”)
  • Promoted the work of neuroscience PhD student, Andy Shih (advisor: Tim Murphy) and tried to spearhead multi-site clinical trials based on the implications of Andy’s work for minimizing the consequences of perinatal hypoxia/ischemia for the infant’s brain:
    • Organized & cooked a lunch at BC Children’s Hospital for a discussion between Andy, Mary Connolly (Head, Child Neurology), Philippe Chessex ( Head, Div. of Neonatology), & David Holtzman (Head, Neurology, Washington University Medical School)
    • Arranged for Andy to present at the Combined Perinatal Rounds at BC Children’s & Women’s

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Past Trainees

Many who've worked with Adele Diamond have gone on to their own independent accomplishments, such as:

Amber L. Story, PhD Deputy Division Director, Division of Behavioral & Cognitive Science, National Science Foundation (NSF), USA

Teresa Wilcox, PhD Assoc. Provost of Academic Personnel, Florida Atlantic Univ., Boca Raton, FL

Susan Rivera, PhD Dean, College of Behavioral and Social Sciences, Univ. of Maryland

Michiel Westenberg, PhD Prof & past Chair, Developmental Psychology, Leiden Univ.; past Scientific Director, National Inst. for the Study of Education and Human Dev., Netherlands

James Bailey, PhD Prof., Organizational Behavior & Development, George Washington Univ.

Katharine Verdolini Abbott, PhD, CCC-SLP, MDiv – Prof., Communication Science & Disorders, Univ. of Delaware

Ruth Litovsky, PhD incoming Academic Assoc. Dean of Natural & Biological Sciences, U. of Wisc.–Madison Chair & Oros Family Chair Prof, Communication Sci.s & Disorders jointly appointed in Surgery, Div. of Otolaryngology (Ruth made a major discovery in the assessment children’s auditory attention, which was patented.)

Elizabeth Donner, MD Assoc. Prof. & Michael Bahen Chair in Epilepsy Research, U. of Toronto & Director, Comprehensive Epilepsy Program, Neurology, Hospital for Sick Children

Anne Churchland, PhD Arnold Scheibel Inaugural Chair in Neuroscience & Prof. of Neurobiology, UCLA

Kristin Shutts, PhD Prof. & Assoc. Chair for Undergrad Studies, Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Wisconsin - Madison

Natasha Kirkham, PhD Prof., Developmental Psychology, Birkbeck College, Univ. of London, & President-Elect of the International Congress of Infant Studies (ICIS)

Glenda Callender, MD, FACS Ass’t Prof, Surgery, Yale Med. School

Jonathan Huppert, PhD Prof. & past Chair, Dept. of Psychology, Hebrew Univ., Jerusalem

Dima Amso, PhD Prof., Dept. Psychology, Columbia Univ., NY.

Melanie Stollstorff, PhD Ass’t. Prof. in Cognitive Neuroscience, Dept. of Psychology, Florida Internat. Univ.

Matt Davidson, PhD Ass’t. Prof., Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Massachusetts - Amherst

Vivian Ciaramitaro, PhD Ass’t. Prof., Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Massachusetts - Boston

Lisa Briand, PhD Ass’t. Prof., Dept. of Psychology, Temple Univ., Philadelphia, PA

Emily Jacobs, PhD Assoc. Prof., Psychology & Brain Sci.s, Univ. of California - Santa Barbara

Regina Lohndorf, PhD Ass’t. Prof., Pontificia Univ. Católica de Chile, Santiago

Vanessa Scoon, MA – Instructor, Early Childhood Education, Douglas College, New Westminster, BC

Nancy Wang, PhD Computer Vision Applied Scientist, Amazon, Berlin, Germany

Sam Leutheusser, PhD Assoc. Research Scholar, Gravity Initiative, Princeton Univ.

Angela Low, PhD Early Years Provincial Lead for the Provincial Health Services Authority of BC

Mery Prevor-Weiss, MD Ophthalmologist in private practice

Kim Dilda Shaw, MD Family Practice Physician at Moses H. Cone Memorial Hospital, Greensboro, NC

James Choi, MD, MPH, FRCSC Thoracic and Lung Transplant Surgeon, Vancouver Coastal Health

Theresa (Leze) Zagreda, DO Physician, Internal Medicine, Montefiore Medical Group, Bronx, NY

Andy Wright, MD Locum emergency physician and family doctor, working in various parts of rural BC

Cole Wong, MD Clinical Instructor, Dept. of Anesthesiology, Pharmacology & Therapeutics, UBC

Michelle Kozey-Hayes, PhD Clinical Psychologist, The Wishing Star: Lapointe Developmental Clinic, Surrey, BC

Kathleen Lee, PhD Clinical Psychologist, The Red Oak Centre, Toronto

Jeanette Evans, MD, CCFP Family Physician, Squamish, BC

Jennifer Kitil, PhD Research Coordinator, WIST Study, Dept. of Psychology, Univ.of Illinois Chicago

Áurea Vericat, MA Provincial Coordinator, First Nations Pedagogies Network, West Vancouver, BC

Ava Daeipour, MPH Clinical Research Associate, INSERM (National Institute of Health and Medical Research), Paris

Shahab Zareyan, MSc Started his own statistical consulting co., Toronto

Sameer Varmani, MSc Cancer Genetic Counselor, Sharp Healthcare, San Diego

Alexis Tennent, M. of Design Social Innovation Fellow, Center for Changemaking & Social Innovation, Toronto, ON

Undergraduate Independent Studies & Honor Theses Advised — click here.

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AWARDS & HONORS (for Named Lectures, Keynotes, and Plenary Addresses, see the next section below)

2024     Honorary Degree - awarded a Doctor of Science Degree honoris causa from the Univ. of Cambridge in the UK (19 Jun.)

2023     Faculty Merit Award, Faculty of Medicine, UBC.

2022     Faculty Merit Award, Faculty of Medicine, UBC.

Recipient of The Huttenlocher Award, the Flux Society for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience’s most prestigious award. This award honors a senior scientist who's made foundational, major contributions to the field. (8 Sept) https://fluxsociety.org/awards/huttenlocher-award

Awarded Lifetime Membership in the American Psychological Association.

2021     Faculty Merit Award, Faculty of Medicine, UBC

In recognition of Diamond's longstanding efforts to help Maasai children in Kenya gain a quality education, Loise Nashepai, a noted Kenyan educator and one of the only Maasai women to graduate university, along with others has founded the "Adele Diamond Foundation" to help more Maasai children attend school and to help girls rescued from early/forced marriage to get back on their feet and realize their dreams through a quality education.

2020     Honorary Degree - awarded an Honorary Doctor of Science Degree honoris causa from Swarthmore College (#1 ranked small college in the US) (24 May)
video: https://youtu.be/voJA-b0Wu9M

Voted ‘Super Duper Neuroscientist of the Year’ by the students in Prof. Kathryn Murphy’s undergraduate neuroscience class at McMaster Univ., Hamilton, ON (08 Dec)

“Executive Functions,” published in the Annual Review of Psychology back in 2013 was among the 10 most downloaded papers in 2020 from all Annual Reviews across all disciplines.

2019      Outstanding Academic Performance award by the Dean of Medicine.

Diamond's impact ranked as among the top 0.01% of all scientists across all scientific fields according to a new analysis. See: Ioannidis, J. P., Baas, J., Klavans, R., & Boyack, K. W. (2019). A standardized citation metrics author database annotated for scientific field. PLOS Biology, 17,1-6. doi:10.1371/journal.pbio.3000384

One of our publications was selected as 1 of the 23 most noteworthy publications in Pediatric Exercise in 2018 and 1 of the 2 most important in Physical Activity & Cognition in 2018 [doi.org/10.1123/pes.2019-0010]. The publication thus honored is: Diamond, A. & Ling, D. S. (2019). Aerobic-exercise and resistance-training interventions… published in Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience [doi.org/10.1016/j.dcn.2018.05.001]

2018      Outstanding Academic Performance Award from UBC Faculty of Medicine

First Annual North America Educateurs sans Frontières Lecture. Crossway Community, Washington, DC.

10th Annual Midsummer Public Lecture. Copenhagen, Denmark (sponsored by Elsass Institute & the University of Copenhagen).

Tier 1 Canada Research Chair – renewed (third time) for another 7 years

2017      see Keynote Addresses.

2016      Received the International Mind, Brain and Education Society (IMBES) Translation Award
This award recognizes senior scholars who've made significant progress towards strengthening links between research and practice translating research into practice in traditional or non-traditional contexts.
(This is the highest award that society gives.)

Recipient, Faculty Merit Award, Faculty of Medicine, UBC

Our paper, “Conclusions about interventions, programs, and approaches for improving executive functions that appear justified and those that, despite much hype, do not,” published in 2016, has consistently been one of the 15 most-downloaded papers from the journal, Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, since its publication through today (2022); it was the most downloaded paper from this journal in 2019 & the 2nd most cited paper in the journal in 2019 & 2020

Lecture - Performance co-presented with the children of the California Dance Institute at Semel Institute for Neuroscience & Human Behavior, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA

2015      Honorary Degree - awarded a Doctor of Philosophy honoris causa conferred by Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel. video (3 min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CnL4Ygzepgcbr
video (1 hour 8 min): https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jOBge2SbX2k&feature=youtu.be

2014      Recognized as one of the 15 most influential neuroscientists alive today (Sept.)
Only woman in the top 23.
One of only two Canadians in the top 30.

Received the Urie Bronfenbrenner Award for Lifetime Contributions to Developmental Psychology in the Service of Science and Society from the American Psychological Association. (Aug.) This lifetime achievement award is given to an individual whose work has, over a lifetime career, contributed not only to the science of developmental psychology, but who has also worked to apply developmental psychology to society.

Elected a Fellow of Division 1 (General Psychology) of the Am. Psychological Assoc. (APA)

2013      Visiting Professor. Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel

Recipient, Faculty Merit Award, Faculty of Medicine, UBC

2012     Diamond's article in Current Directions in Psych. Sci. appeared in Psychology Progress, which alerts the scientific community to breaking journal articles considered the best in psych.research (Dec. 9):

Profiled in a textbook titled Child Psychology, 3rd edition, by Alastair J. Younger, Ross Vasta, Scott A. Adler, Scott A. Miller, & Shari Ellis - in the 'Canadian Contributions' section – publisher: John Wiley & Sons

Public Address, sponsored by the Dalai Lama Centre, Vancity Theatre, Vancouver, BC

Worldwide Who's Who: 2012- present

2011      Inaugural speaker in Visiting Distinguished Scholar Program, Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute & School of Medicine, Roanoke, VA research.vtc.vt.edu/events/2011/dec/01/why-tools-of-the-mind/

Tier 1 Canada Research Chair - renewed for another 7 years

Recipient, Faculty Merit Award, Faculty of Medicine, UBC

2010      Valedictory Address, “Conference on Science, Spirituality, and Education;” presided over by the Dalai Lama, to advise the Government of Sikkim in its endeavor to overhaul the provincial education system so that they educate not only the head but also the heart, Gangtok, Sikkim, India

Recipient, Faculty Merit Award, Faculty of Medicine, UBC

Featured at Annual UBC Gala, “Celebrate Research Week,” a short video vignette was created for this on Prof. Diamond and her research:
video: www.devcogneuro.com/videos/Celebrate_Research_2010.mov

Hour-long interview, “Learning, Doing, Being – A New Science of Education”, which aired on the show, “On Being” with Krista Tippett, on National Public Radio (NPR) (re-aired 24 Oct. 2010). This was a re-broadcast of an interview on the show, “Speaking of Faith” that aired the year earlier (19 Nov 2009.) This re-airing of the NPR interview resulted in a 14 fold increase in visits to our lab website. We have never has so many people visit our website in one day as people did on Sunday 24 Oct 2010. Not even close.
audio https://soundcloud.com/onbeing/sets/adele-diamond-on-learning
with transcipt

2009      Recipient, YWCA Woman of Distinction Award (recognized nationally as an important award for women)

Recipient, Inaugural Distinguished Achievement Award for Service to the University and Community, awarded by the Faculty of Medicine, UBC

Elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Canada (RSC)

Elected a Fellow of the Society of Experimental Psychologists (SEP), the oldest honorary society for psychology

Recipient, Faculty Merit Award, Faculty of Medicine, UBC

One of three scientists invited to speak on stage with the Dalai Lama and another Nobel Peace Laureate, Mairead Maguire, on “Heart-Mind Education: Enhancing academic, social, and emotional competence” at the Orpheum Theatre, Vancouver; broadcast live worldwide by CTV as part of the Vancouver Peace Summit

video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=kD2cWBGMVAg

One of a handful of scientists invited to meet with the Dalai Lama for a week at his official residence in Dharamsala, India

Featured Researcher at the Board of Governor’s Meeting, University of British Columbia, Vancouver.

2008     Recipient, Faculty Merit Award, Faculty of Medicine, UBC

Who's Who Among Executives and Professionals, and in the 2008-2009 "Honors Edition"

2007      Opening of the Academic Year Address, Maastricht University, Netherlands
video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=uU3RCUWmmHU

Recipient, Faculty Merit Award, Faculty of Medicine, UBC

Research Grant from the Institute of Education Sciences [IES] (term: 2007-2011)

2006     Elected a Founding Fellow of the Association for Psychological Science (APS)

Recipient, Faculty Merit Award, Faculty of Medicine, UBC

Alberta Health FMR Visiting Scholar, Alberta Children's Hospital, University of Alberta, & Hotckiss Brain Institute, Calgary, AB

Woman of Distinction Finalist, YWCA Vancouver, BC

2005      Elected to the Board of Governors of the International Neuropsychological Society (INS)

Recipient, Faculty Merit Award, Faculty of Medicine, UBC

Brain Awareness Week Lecturer, McMaster University's Dept. of Psychiatry & Behavioral Neurosciences, Dept. of Psychology, and Brain-Body Institute, Hamilton, ON

Our paper in the American Journal of Psychiatry was ranked #2 in the Hidden Jewels Top 10 in Neuroscience by H1 Connect.

2004      Awarded a Tier 1 Canada Research Chair

Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI) Award

Invited Workshop at joint Internat’l Neuropsych. Society/ASSBI conference, Brisbane, Australia

2003      Elected to the Executive Board of the Cognitive Development Society

Visiting Professor, University of California, San Francisco

2002      Invited Workshop on "The Neuropsychology of Treated PKU," International Neuropsychological Society (INS) Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON

2000      21st Century Award for Achievement, International Biographical Centre, Cambridge, UK, named one of the “2000 Outstanding Women of the 20th Century,”one of the first so honored.

Named one of the “2000 Outstanding Women of the 20th Century,” IBC, Cambridge, UK.

1999      see Keynote Addresses.

1998      see Keynote Addresses.

1997      Named a Distinguished Scientific Lecturer by the American Psychological Association:
Eastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC
Western Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA

Elected a Fellow of APA, Division 6 (Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology) "in recognition of outstanding & unusual contributions to the science and profession of psychology"

1996      see Keynote Addresses.

1995      Invited Instructor, Am. Academy of Neurology course on Behavioral Neurology, Seattle, WA.

Presented the Master Lecture on Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.
"A Master Lecture is intended as a sort of tutorial in a particular field....The individuals invited to deliver these major addresses are people who are widely recognized as leaders in their fields...."

1994      Presented day-long workshop on "Child Neuropsychology: Cognitive Development & Disorders," in Brisbane, at invitation of the Australian Psychological Society

McDonnell-Pew Visiting Fellow at the Salk Institute and UCSD, La Jolla, CA.

1993      Elected a Fellow of APA, Division 7 (Developmental Psychology) "in recognition of outstanding & unusual contributions to the science and profession of psychology"

1992      Harris Visiting Professor, Committee on Developmental Psychology, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.

1991      Invited Instructor at the McDonnell Summer Institute in Cognitive Neuroscience, Hanover, New Hampshire (topic: Attention)

Invited Instructor at the European Training Programme in Brain & Behavior Research, Zuoz, Switzerland (topic: Motor Development)

1990      Invited by NSF to help select the Presidential Young Investigator Award winners

Young Faculty Award of the Natural Science Association, University of Pennsylvania

1989      Convener, Conference on the Development and Neural Bases of Higher Cognitive Functions. Funded by McDonnell Foundation, NIMH (Neuroscience and Behavioral Research Branches), EPA, & U. of P. New York Academy of Sciences, publisher.

Discussant, Minnesota Symposium in Child Psychology, Minneapolis, MN.

1988-1990    Lilly Foundation Faculty Teaching Fellow

1983-1986    NIMH Postdoctoral Fellowship #F32 MH09007

1983      NSF travel grant to attend a NATO Advanced Study Institute, Lyons, France

1982      Sloan Foundation postdoctoral fellowship award

1981      Radcliffe Grant for Graduate Women

1980      NSF Doctoral Dissertation Grant #BNS 8013-4471978

1977      NIMH Pre-doctoral Traineeship in Cross-Cultural Psychological Res. #MH14088-03

Graduate Student Research Award, Psychology Department

1975      NSF Graduate Fellowship

Danforth Graduate Fellowship

Phi Beta Kappa

Sigma Xi

Graduated with highest honor in Swarthmore College’s course program

Research Grant from the Philadelphia Fellowship Commission

1973      NIMH Undergraduate Research Fellowship

1972      Hunter Grubb Scholarship

1970-1975   Swarthmore National Scholarship

1970      Valedictorian, John Bowne High School, New York City, NY.

[up] [home]

Named Lectures, Keynotes, and Plenary Addresses

2024     Annual Mind and Society Dialogue Lecture. Brain Awareness Week. Lake Forest College, IL.

2023     Learning Together Conference, Child and Family Collaborative, York Region, ON. Online due to COVID-19.

Arthur L. Benton Lecture. New York Neuropsychology Group.

2022     Parenting is Heart Work Conference, Child and Family Collaborative in York Region, ON. Online due to COVID-19.

American Professional Society of ADHD and Related Disorders (APSARD) 2022 Annual Conference, Tucson, AZ. Online due to COVID-19.

Elsevier Distinguished Lecturer. Developmental Neurotoxicology Society.

2021     National Arts in Education Portal Conference, Galway, Ireland. Online due to COVID-19.

Parenting is Heart Work Conference, Family Day, Toronto, ON. Online due to COVID-19.

Learning & the Brain Conference: Science of Teaching at a Distance. Online due to COVID-19.

Invited Public Lecture. Cognitive Science Seminar (Emotion and Cognition), Institute for Intelligent Systems, Univ. of Memphis, TN. Online due to COVID-19.

2020      Keynote addresses postponed due to Covid-19.

2019      International Symposium presenting Patrizio Paoletti and Adele Diamond on Resilient Children: How to Help Our Children Become Responsible and Happy Adults - Neuroscientific, Psychological and Educational Perspectives, Monastero di San Biagio in Assisi, Italy.

Institut de Psychomotricité, Université Saint-Joseph, Beirut, Lebanon.

The Brain: An Owner’s Guide Series, Center for Brain Health, University of Texas at Dallas.

The Bernice Grafstein Lecture in Neuroscience, McGill University, Montreal, QC.

2018      Educateurs sans Frontières (EsF) Annual Conference, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Montessori Provincial Specialist Associations (PSA) Conference, Maple Ridge, BC.

National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program (NNADAP) Conference, Sault Ste Marie, ON.

Executive Functions Master Class with Professor Adele Diamond. Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, UK

Connections in Mind Annual Summit, London, UK.

Leggendo Metropolitano – an International Arts Festival, Cagliari, Italy.

Connecting Minds 2018 North American Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Richmond, BC.

“Brain Awareness Season,“ Oregon Health & Science University (OSHU) Brain Institute, Portland, OR.

Empowering and Promoting Healthy First Nation Communities, Dilico Anishinabek Family Care, Thunder Bay, ON.

First Annual North America Educateurs sans Frontières Lecture. Crossway Community, Washington, DC.

10th Annual Midsummer Public Lecture. Copenhagen, Denmark (sponsored by Elsass Institute & the University of Copenhagen).

2017      Children's Hospital Education Research Institute (CHERI), Sydney, Australia. (Two separate addresses)

2nd International Seminar on Neuroscience and Education as part of the Celebration for the 50th Anniversary of the Montessori-Palau School, Girona, Spain.

XXIX Institut Guttmann Annual Scientific Congress, the theme this time: Neuropsychology and School, Barcelona, Spain.

Continuing Education Program on “The Contribution of Executive Functions to Communication, Language and Learning among Children at Preschool and School-age,” Tel-Aviv University, Israel. (3-hours)

2016      Economic Mobility Pathways (EMPath; formerly the Crittenton Women's Union) Biennial Conference: ‘Disrupting the Poverty Cycle’, Boston, MA.

Montessori Institute of San Diego, La Jolla, CA.

Annual Meeting of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA), Cape Town, South Africa.

Mindful Society Conference, Toronto, ON

California K-12 Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents and Principals Conference, Los Angeles, CA.

Psychology Education Day 2016. Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON.

Boston Children’s Museum, Boston, MA.

International Neuropsychological Society (INS) Annual Meeting, Boston, MA

Children the Heart of the Matter Conference, Surrey, BC.

Centennial Niemeyer Lecture. Bank Street School for Children, NYC, NY

2015      Success by 6 / Okanagan Parent Conference, Kelowna, BC.

Developmental Behavioral Disorders & a Spectrum of Pediatric Challenges meeting,

Hilton Head Island, SC

Mindful Families, Schools & Communities: Research-to-Practice Promoting Child Well-Being meeting, Seattle, WA.

Increasing Mindfulness and Self-awareness in Children with Disorders of Executive Function, a joint conference of the Univ. of California - Irvine Dept. of Pediatrics, the Center for Autism & Neurodevelopmental Disorders, the Chapman U. Abilities Project, the Orange County Health Care Agency, and the Orange County Dept. of Education, Costa Mesa, CA.

Zlotowski Neuroscience Lecture, Ben Gurion Univ. of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel

2014      Cerebrum Conference, Lima, Peru

Early Childhood Education Conference, IDEA Institute, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador

American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA

Symposium on 'Creativity, Flexibility, Self-Control, and Discipline: Building Executive Function Skills in Young Children: Practice & Policy, ' Lipsitt-Duchin lecture series co-sponsored by Brown University and Rhode Island KIDS COUNT, Providence, RI

FLUX Integrative Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Conference, Los Angeles, CA

‘Interrelations between Sensory, Motor, and Cognitive Abilities during Typical and Atypical Development Conference’, Groningen University, Netherlands

2013      Cities Fit for Children Provinical Summit Pre-Conference: A special evening for parents and caregivers, Surrey, BC

103rd Arizona Town Hall, Grand Canyon, AZ

video of news program that references Dr. Diamond: www.azpbs.org/arizonahorizon/detailvid.php?id=14665

European Society of Pediatric Research Annual Meeting, Porto, Portugal

Northwest Cognitive and Memory Conference, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Surrey, BC

Educare Learning Network Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ

Gertrude Weigum Hinsz Lecture, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND

2012      First Things First Presummit Symposium on School Readiness, Phoenix, AZ

European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Utrecht, the Netherlands

‘Key Issues in Childhood Physical Activity Science,' 7th European Youth Heart Study Scientific Symposium, Madeira, Portugal

TrygFonden Multi-disciplinary symposium, "Improving the well-being of children and youth,” Copenhagen, Denmark

Special Symposium at Leiden University in Honor of Prof. Leo de Sonneville, Leiden, Netherlands

Early Childhood Education Research Forum, Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), Towson, MD

Pease Family Scholar Lecture, Dept. of Kinesiology, Iowa State University, Ames, IA

Zangwill Lecture in Experimental Psychology, Univ. of Cambridge, UK

2011      Roeper School, Bloomfield Hills, MI

Cross-Cultural Symposium on Early Childhood Education: Educating the Heart, Body and Mind, Richmond, BC

37th Minnesota Symposium on Child Psychology, Minneapolis, MN

New York Academy of Sciences, 2nd Annual Aspen Brain Forum, Conference on the Cognitive Neuroscience of Learning and Education, Aspen, CO

22nd Annual Boston Trauma Conference, Boston, MA

Ethical Culture Fieldston School, New York City, NY

Frijda Public Lecture in Cognitive Science,, Cognitive Science Center, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Logan Lecture, Centennial Academy, Montreal, QC

Pickering Lecture, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON

2010      “Making Connections Conference,” organized by UBC School Psychology Program, Richmond, BC

International Workshop on “Selection and Control Mechanisms in Perception and Action,” Jerusalem, Israel

Annual General Meeting, Association Montessori Internationale, Amsterdam, Netherlands

Royce Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB

Jane Holmes Bernstein Lecture in Developmental Neuropsychology, Children’s Hospital, Harvard University, Boston, MA

Robbie Case Memorial Lecture, University of Toronto’s Institute of Child Study, Toronto, ON

2009      Conference on “School Readiness and School Success: From research to policy and practice,” Quebec City, Quebec

Annual Conference, Australian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment (ASSBI), Sydney, AU

British Psychological Society Annual Meeting, Developmental Section, Nottingham, UK.

First Call: BC Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition, Honoring Our Advocacy Fundraiser, Vancouver, BC

Invited Address, APA Annual Convention Division 7 (Developmental), Toronto, ON

Invited Address, APA Annual Convention Division 40 (Neuropsychology), Toronto, ON

Invited Workshop, Australian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment (ASSBI) Annual Conference, Sydney, AU

Helen H. Molinari Memorial Lecture in Neuroscience, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY

John P. Zubek Memorial Lecture, Department of Psychology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg

2008      Commencement Address, the Eaton Arrowsmith School, Vancouver, BC

Keynote Address, Biennial Meeting of the International Conference on Infant Studies (ICIS), Vancouver, BC

RO Jones Memorial Speaker, Canadian Psychiatric Assoc. Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC

Birch Lecture, International Neuropsychological Society (INS) Annual meeting, Buenos Aires, Argentina

2007      “HELP Workshop on Innovative Assessment Practices – Supporting Families and Community,” Vancouver, BC

2006      see Awards & Honors.

2005      Invited Addresses: Annual Meeting of the International Neuropsychological Society (INS) & 17th European Conference on Neuro-Developmental Delay, Edinburgh, Scotland

Henry Dunn Lecture, the Northwest Pacific Pediatric Neurology Society Annual Meeting

Hira Panikkar Memorial Lecture, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, BC Children’s Hospital

2004      Biennial Conference on Human Development, Washington, DC.

Meeting on “Emerging Self-Regulation: The Measurement of Executive Function during Early Childhood,” Penn. State University

Annual Research Day, Psychiatry Dept., Faculty of Medicine, UBC, Vancouver, BC

2003      Keynote Address, Conference on ADHD and Apraxia, Annual Meeting on Movement Sciences, Columbia University, NYC

Invited Instructor, Merck Foundation summer course on the “Biology of Developmental Disabilities”

Invited presentation, NIH Inter-agency Conference on Prefrontal Cortex & Executive Function, NY.

2002      Distinguished Speaker, Cornell University, Department of Psychology, Ithaca, NY.

Opening Keynote Address, Conference on "Développement cognitif et troubles des apprentissages: Evaluer, comprendre, réduquer et prendre en charge," Strasbourg, France

Invited Address on "Self-Control in Young Children," Cuyahoga Community College, Cleveland, OH

Invited Symposium on "Prefrontal Cortex and Cognition: New Insights into Willful Behavior," American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Annual Meeting, Boston, MA

International Mtg on "PKU: Brain-Behavior Sequelae," Amsterdam, Netherlands International Meeting of Developmental Neurology, on "The Clumsy Child - Aetiology, Pathophysiology and Treatment," Groningen, Netherlands

2000      “Pediatric Neuroimaging and Drugs," NIDA Meeting, Bethesda, MD.

Biennial Congress of the German Psychological Association, Jena, Germany

ZERO TO THREE Leadership Development Initiative, New Orleans, LA.

Zlotowski Neuroscience Lecture, Annual Retreat of the Zlotowski Center for Neuroscience, Ben Gurion Univ.

1999      "Learning & the Brain" Conference, Boston, MA.

Conference on "Making a Difference by Learning Early," Sayre, PA.

Johnson & Johnson Pediatric Round Table: "The Role of Early Experience in Infant Development," Palm Beach, FL.

Hanse Workshop: "Executive Control & Frontal Lobe," Delmenhorst, Germany

International Society for Neonatal Screening Meeting, Stockholm, Sweden

1998      Invited Lecture, National Research Council, Nat'l Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC

Keynote Address, "Neuroscience of Memory" Conference, Dunedin, New Zealand.

Invited Lecture, Gruter Institute Conference on "Neurobiology, Human Behavior and the Law," Squaw Valley, CA.

Invited Lecture, the Society for Inborn Metabolic Disorders, Asilomar, CA.

1997      Lehigh University, Bethlehem, PA.

Eastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.

Western Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA.

Conference on "Executive Function & Developmental Psychopathology," Toronto, ON

Joint NIH/APA Conference on "Prevention: Contributions from Basic and Applied Research," Chicago, IL.

Montreal Neurological Institute (MNI) Meeting, "Neuropsychology: Beyond the Millenium," Montreal, QC.

1996      The Royal Society, London, England, March (meeting on "Executive and Cognitive Functions of Prefrontal Cortex”)

Wiley-Liss Symposium on "Brain Development" at the Teratology Society Annual Meeting, Keystone, CO.

Plenary Address, Cognitive Science Society Annual Mtg, San Diego, CA.

American Psychological Association Annual Meeting (Division 40: Clinical Neuropsychology), Toronto, ON.

Plenary Address, Conference La Pensée en Evolution, on the Centennial of the Birth of Jean Piaget, Geneva, Switzerland

National Academy of Sciences, Washington, DC.

Zero-to-Three Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.

1995      Plenary Address, Southeast Regional Genetics Meeting, Atlanta, GA.

1994      Prefrontal Cortex Symposium, Mujimba Beach, Australia

PKU Parents Conference, Walnut Creek, CA.

Biennial Conference on Human Development, Pittsburgh, PA. (topic: Early-Treated PKU: Deficits in Cognition
and Vision, and Why)

Tjossem Memorial Lecture at the University of Washington, Seattle, WA

1993      Special Lecture, Society for Research in Child Development, New Orleans, LA. (topic: The nature & causes of cognitive deficits in PKU even with dietary treatment)

American Psychoanalytic Association, New York, NY. (topic: Neurology of Memory)

Western Regional Meeting of the Society for the Study of Inborn Errors of Metabolism, Chicago, IL. (topic: Cognitive Deficits in Early-Treated PKU)

1992      Australian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment (ASSBI), Sydney, Australia (topic: Developmental Issues in Frontal Lobe Functioning)

Neurobehavioral Teratology Society Meeting, Boca Raton, FL. (topic: Behavioral Neuroscience and Neurotoxicology)

1991      Science Weekend, American Psychological Association Annual Convention, San Francisco, CA. (topic: Cognitive Development)

Annual Conference of New York Neuropsychology Group, New York City, NY. (topic: Child Neuropsychology: Cognitive Development & Disorders)

1988      International Conference on Infant Studies, Washington, DC.

Plenary Speaker, Jean Piaget Symposium, Philadelphia, PA.

Speaker in Visiting Scholars Series, Inst. of Child Development, Univ of Minn., Minneapolis, MN.

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Invited Talks and Conference Presentations

Keynotes and Addresses, Invited Workshops and Talks

Prof. Diamond has given over 600 invited addresses all across North America and to over 38 countries across six continents (including in Argentina, Australia, Austria, Belgium, Brazil, Bulgaria, Chile, Colombia, Czechoslovakia, Denmark, Ecuador, France, Germany, India, Indonesia [Bali & Java], Ireland, Israel, Italy, Lebanon, Mexico, the Netherlands, New Zealand, Peru, Poland, Portugal, Russia, South Africa, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Thailand, and the UK [England, Scotland, & Wales]) to audiences ranging from neurologists, psychiatrists, pediatricians, & neuropsychologists, educators, developmental psychologists, & early childcare providers, lawyers, administrators, & policymakers, cognitive scientists & neuroscientists, psychoanalysts, clinical psychologists, rehabilitation therapists, school psychologists, social workers, & parents, and to visual artists, musicians, & dancers.

Prof. Diamond has given the following named lectures: Harris Visiting Professor, Committee on Developmental Psychology, Univ. of Chicago, IL; Tjossem Memorial Lecture, Univ. of Washington, Seattle, WA; Master Lecture on Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience, Society for Research in Child Development Meeting, Indianapolis, IN; Distinguished Scientific Lecture, sponsored by the American Psychological Association, Eastern Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Washington, DC; Distinguished Scientific Lecture, sponsored by the American Psychological Association, Western Psychological Association Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA; Zlotowski Neuroscience Lecture, Annual Retreat of the Zlotowski Center for Neuroscience, Ben Gurion Univ.; Henry Dunn Lecture, Northwest Pacific Pediatric Neurology Society Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC; Dr. Hira Panikkar Memorial Lecture, Child and Adolescent Psychiatry, BC Children's Hospital, Vancouver; Opening of the Academic Year Address, Maastricht Univ., the Netherlands; Birch Lecture, International Neuropsychological Society Meeting, Buenos Aries, Argentina; R.O. Jones Memorial Lecture, Canadian Psychiatric Association Meeting, Vancouver, BC; John P. Zubek Memorial Lecture, Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Manitoba, Winnipeg, MB; Helen H. Molinari Memorial Lecture in Neuroscience, Center for Neuropharmacology and Neuroscience, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY; Robbie Case Memorial Lecture, Institute of Child Study, Univ. of Toronto, ON; Jane Holmes Bernstein Lecture in Developmental Neuropsychology, Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Children’s Hospital, Harvard Univ., Boston, MA; Pickering Lecture in Developmental Psychology, Carleton Univ., Ottawa, ON; Logan Lecture, Centennial Academy, Montreal, QC; Frijda Public Lecture, Cognitive Science Centre Amsterdam (CSCA) Summer School, Amsterdam, Netherlands; Zangwill Lecture in Experimental Psychology, Univ. of Cambridge, UK; Pease Family Scholar Lecture, Dept. of Kinesiology, Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA; Gertrude Weigum Hinsz Lecture, North Dakota State Univ., Fargo, ND; Lecture – Performance, co-presented with the children of the California Dance Institute at Semel Institute for Neuroscience & Human Behavior, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; Zlotowski Neuroscience Lecture, Ben Gurion Univ. of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel; Centennial Niemeyer Lecture, Bank Street School for Children, NYC, NY; 10th Annual Midsummer Public Lecture, Univ. of Copenhagen and Elsass Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark; First Annual North America Educateurs sans Frontières Lecture, Crossways Community, Washington, DC Bernice Grafstein Lecture in Neuroscience, McGill Univ., Montreal, QC; The Huttenlocher Award Lecture, Sorbonne Univ., Paris, France; Elsevier Distinguished Lecturer, Developmental Neurotoxicology Society; Arthur L. Benton Lecture, New York Neuropsychology Group.; Annual Mind and Society Dialogue Lecture. Brain Awareness Week. Lake Forest College, IL.

Upcoming Talks

Diamond, A. (to be presented Feb. 25, 2025). Executive functions: Intersection of cognitive neuroscience and social justice. Invited talk. The Distinguished Speaker Seminar, Neuroscience Graduate Program, Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles.

Diamond, A. (to be presented June 3 or 4, 2025). Title:tba. Keynote Address, the Choose Innovation Conference of the New Mexico Early Childhood Education and Cares Dept., Albuquerque, New Mexico.

Diamond, A. (to be presented July 31 or Aug 1, 2025). Title:tba. Opening Keynote Address, International Early Childhood Education Conference, Singapore.

Diamond, A. (to be presented July 31 or Aug 1, 2025). Title:tba. Invited workshop, International Early Childhood Education Conference, Singapore.

Diamond, A. (to be presented Aug. 2 - 7, 2025). Title:tba. Invited talk. An international school based in Singapore.

Talks Given

(see also: Named Lectures, Keynotes, and Plenary Addresses)

Diamond, A. (Jan. 28, 2025). Social-emotional well-being: Key to enhancing executive functions and school success. Invited talk. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Villarrica.

Diamond, A. (Jan. 22, 2025). An overview of executive functions: What they are and how we can foster them in the classroom. Keynote Address. Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago; in addition to having a packed in-person audience, was also live-streamed to a large audience.
video:  [in Spanish] https://www.youtube.com/live/ci_axA2ST4Y?si=adT3fcNjLsIHETBY

Diamond, A. (Jan. 16, 2025). What executive functions are and how teachers can foster them in the classroom. Invited talk. El PAR Explora [a scientific dissemination project of the Univ. of Chile together with the Univ. of Santo Tomás], Univ. of Chile, Santiago.

Diamond, A. (Jan. 14, 2025). Importance of reducing stress & increasing joy for people to be able to think clearly, creatively problem-solve, & exercise self-control. Invited Talk at the invitation of the Senate of Chile. Congreso Futuro 2025 Conference, Santiago, Chile
video: https://youtu.be/KtBUn2iXNhM?si=8R2FiH7S0jyLBb4S

Diamond, A. (Nov. 19, 2024). Creative ways to improve children’s executive functions (working memory, selective attention, self-control, and creative problem-solving). Special Invited Seminar: 90-min talk. Hosted by the University Milan-Bicocca, Italy; attended by persons at universities throughout Italy and beyond. Delivered online.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 30, 2024). Translating neurobiological insights into how to aid children’s executive functions: Maria Montessori had much of this right. Invited talk, Annual Mind and Society Dialogue Lecture. Brain Awareness Week. Lake Forest College, IL.
video: https://lakeforestcollege.hosted.panopto.com/Panopto/Pages/Viewer.aspx?id=34e615fe-7909-4840-8f66-b21e01546728

Diamond, A. (Oct. 24, 2024). My specialty is something called “executive functions.” Invited brief talk and Q&A in virtual symposium entitled “Let’s Talk Science of Learning,” a collaborative effort between Let’s Talk Science, Genome Canada, ArcticNet, Stem Cell Network, the Canadian Space Agency, and the Royal Society of Canada. Delivered online.
Link for the full 1-hour symposium (Adele Diamond’s talk is 2nd, and the Q&A begins after the 3rd talk): https://youtu.be/s5OpPp6-jmU

Diamond, A. (Sept 26, 2024). Ways to improve executive functions Invited talk. International Congress on Brain Sciences and Early Childhood Care and Education organized by UNESCO and the Babilou Family Foundation, at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France.
video: https://www.devcogneuro.com/videos/UNESCO_on_LinkedIn_educationstartsearly_26_Sept_2024.mp4

Diamond, A. (Sept 20, 2024). Executive functions: Social justice and neurobiology are closely related. Invited talk. International Conference on the Neuropsychology of Silence: Moving towards Peace. San Biagio, Italy. video: https://youtu.be/fUBK3diwxpI

Diamond, A. (July 17, 2024). What research tells us about executive functions and how that can be translated into practical strategies for teachers in everyday classrooms. Invited talk. Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning's virtual Science of Teaching and School Leadership Academy at St. Andrew's Episcopal School. Potomac, MD. Delivered online.
video: www.devcogneuro.com/videos/July_17_2024_Deep_Dive_Sesson_with_Adele_Diamond.mp4

Diamond, A. (May 18, 2024). Translating neurobiological insights concerning prefrontal cortex and executive functions into practical implications. Invited talk. Neuroscience MasterClass, Wumbox Learning Platform, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Delivered online.

Diamond, A. (April 13, 2024). What educators can do to help improve the executive functions of their students. Keynote Address. I Iberoamerican Conference on Innovation in Education. Colonia, Uruguay. Delivered online.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 27, 2024). Why social and emotional well-being is so critical for the best executive-function and school outcomes and some strategies for supporting it. Invited talk. NorCal Educational Leadership Consortium, Chico, CA. Delivered online.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 16, 2024). Executive functions and social and emotional needs: Implications for classroom design and learning. Invited talk. District Wide Professional Learning Day for the Delta School District focused on Mental Health/Wellness for Staff and Students, Delta, BC.

Diamond, A. (Jan. 29, 2024). An overview of executive functions: What they are and how educators can foster them. Invited talk. NorCal Educational Leadership Consortium, Chico, CA. Delivered online.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 15, 2023). Why dance, music, storytelling, & sports might be so important for children’s development and well-being. Invited talk. Association Montessori Internationale, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. Continuing Education credits provided. Online talk.
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7U0X8G6cXzY
audio only: You can listen at any one of these sites. Apple Podcasts Spotify;    Google Podcasts;    SoundCloud

Diamond, A. (Nov. 11, 2023). Interventions shown to aid executive function development in children. Invited talk. Neuroscience MasterClass, Wumbox Learning Platform, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Spanish translation of talk. Online talk. video: https://youtu.be/s8x9b_zs7WI

Diamond, A. (April 19, 2023). Supporting your children as they transition into kindergarten. Keynote Address. Learning Together conference, Child and Family Collaborative, York Region, ON. Online due to COVID-19.

Diamond, A. (March 25, 2023). Let's talk about renewing your sense of joy when working with children: A conversation between Silvia C. Dubovoy & Adele Diamond. Zoom webinar.

Diamond, A. (Jan. 9, 2023). Translating neurobiological insights concerning prefrontal cortex and executive functions into clinical implications. Invited talk. Arthur L. Benton Lecture. New York Neuropsychology Group. Continuing Education credits provided. Online due to COVID-19.
video: www.devcogneuro.com/videos/benton_lecture_new_york_neuropsychology_group_9_jan_2023.mp4

Diamond, A. (Nov. 8, 2022). What young children need is you! You are enough. Keynote Address. Parenting is Heart Work Conference, Child and Family Collaborative in York Region, ON. Online due to COVID-19.
video: www.devcogneuro.com/videos/diamond-Parenting-is-Heart-Work-Conf-8-nov-2022-small.mp4

Diamond, A. (Sept. 21, 2022). Some of the reasons why social and emotional well-being is so critical for the best executive-function and school outcomes. Invited talk. Creating Connections in Child Development: Linking Education and Executive Functions for 21st Century Skills in the Global South Webinar Series. Univ. of Cambridge. video: https://youtu.be/wBXI6U4GS8Y

Diamond, A. (Sept. 8, 2022). The Huttenlocher Award Lecture. Keynote Address by the recipient of The Huttenlocher Award, The Flux Society for Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Annual Meeting, Grand Amphitheatre, Sorbonne University, Paris, France.
video: www.devcogneuro.com/videos/Diamond_Huttenlocher_Award_Lecture_to_the_Flux_Congress_Paris_2022.mp4

Diamond, A. (July 30, 2022). Stress and executive functions. Invited talk. Neurogram Brain Fair Conference. (Neurogram is an organization run by high school and undergraduate students interested in neuroscience, psychology, and all things brain related). Online due to COVID-19.

Diamond, A. (July 20, 2022). How can children’s executive functions be improved? Invited talk. Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning's virtual Science of Teaching and School Leadership Academy at St. Andrew's Episcopal School. Potomac, MD. Online due to COVID-19.

Diamond, A. (June 28, 2022). What improves, and what impairs, executive functions. Keynote Address. Elsevier Distinguished Lecturer. Developmental Neurotoxicology Society. Online due to COVID-19. Continuing Education credits provided

Diamond, A. (June 23, 2022). Overview of executive functions: What they are and how they can be improved. Invited short talk. Webinar Series – Creating Connections in Child Development: Linking Education and Executive Functions for 21st Century Skills in the Global South. Univ. of Cambridge. Online due to COVID-19. video: https://youtu.be/MM-2eBZwW6k

Diamond, A. (April 19, 2022). Implications of the unusual properties of the dopamine neurons that project to prefrontal cortex. Invited talk. Integrative Center for Learning and Memory Symposium, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. In-person lecture.

Diamond, A. (March 30, 2022). The bidirectional relation between stress, on the one hand, and prefrontal cortex & executive functions. Invited guest lecture. Graduate seminar (Neuroscience 501: Module on Disorders of Cognition, Communication and Emotion), Neuroscience Graduate Program, UBC. In-class 2-hour lecture.

Diamond, A. (Jan. 14, 2022). Translating neurobiological insights into clinical implications and guidance for parents. Plenary Address. American Professional Society of ADHD and Related Disorders (APSARD) 2022 Annual Conference, Tucscon, AZ. Online due to COVID-19. Continuing Education credits provided
video: www.devcogneuro.com/videos/Diamond_14_Jan_2022_APSARD_Conference.mp4

Diamond, A. (Dec. 14, 2021). Optimizing executive functions in children and adults with ADHD. Invited talk. ADDitude ADHD Expert Webinars, ADDitude Magazine. Continuing Education credits provided. Online due to COVID-19.
video: https://youtu.be/Q5M_JSHQiio

Diamond, A. (Dec. 3, 2021). How educators can foster executive functions. 90-minute guest lecture for a graduate course on Neuroeducation. Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador. Online due to COVID-19.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 20, 2021). Bridging divides – Making connections between ideas, people, and fields of endeavor. Invited 15-min talk. Annual International Conference (21 Minutes: Talks on the Future.) Patrizio Paoletti Foundation. Rome, Italy. Online due to COVID-19
video: www.devcogneuro.com/videos/adele_diamond_21_minutes_2021_conference_20_nov_2021.mp4

Diamond, A. (Nov. 15, 2021). How and why dance, music, and storytelling might well support critical cognitive development in children and youth. Keynote Address. National Arts in Education Portal Conference, Galway, Ireland. Continuing Education credits provided. Online due to COVID-19.
video: www.devcogneuro.com/videos/national_arts_in_education_Ireland_15_nov_2021_videos_added.mp4

Diamond, A. (Nov. 9, 2021). What young children need is YOU! You are enough. Keynote Address, Parenting is Heart Work Conference, Child and Family Collaborative in York Region, Toronto, ON. Online due to COVID-19.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 14, 2021). Executive functions and stress in children. Invited talk. 5th Montessori Congress in Colombia. Continuing Education credits provided. Online due to COVID-19.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 12, 2021). The essentials of executive functions. Invited talk. Common Ground Speaker Series, San Francisco Bay Area, CA. Online due to COVID-19.
video: www.devcogneuro.com/videos/Common_Ground_Speaker_Series_Adele_Oct_2021.mp4

Diamond, A. (Oct. 1, 2021). Aspects of the environment and genetics that affect executive functions for good and for ill. Invited colloquium in "LaPsyDÉ Scientific Focus" Series, Laboratoire de Psychologie du Développement et de l’Éducation de l'Enfant, Université de Paris (Sorbonne), France. Online due to COVID-19.
video: www.devcogneuro.com/videos/Sorbonne_Paris_Adele_Diamond_Oct_1_2021.mp4

Diamond, A. (Sept. 15, 2021). Some implications of unusual properties of the dopamine system in prefrontal cortex for stress vulnerability and treatment of ADHD. Invited talk. Centre for Neuroscience Studies, Queen's University, Kingston, ON. Online due to COVID-19.

Diamond, A. (Sept. 2, 2021). A brief overview of executive functions: What they are, their neural basis, and what affects them. Invited talk. Dept. of Clinical Neuroscience, Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden. Online due to COVID-19.

Diamond, A. (Aug. 27, 2021). What does, and does not, improve executive functions, and why. Invited talk. Second Biennial Conference in Cognitive and Clinical Neuropsychology, Chennai, India. Online due to COVID-19.

Diamond, A. (July 28, 2021). How teens’ executive functions (like self-control, selective attention, and working memory) can be improved. Invited talk. Middle/High School Academy. Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning's virtual Science of Teaching and School Leadership Academy at St. Andrew's Episcopal School. Potomac, MD. Online due to COVID-19.

Diamond, A. (July 22, 2021). How executive functions (like self-control, selective attention, and working memory) can be improved in young children. Invited talk. Elementary Academy. Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning's virtual Science of Teaching and School Leadership Academy at St. Andrew's Episcopal School. Potomac, MD. Online due to COVID-19.

Diamond, A. (June 6, 2021). Social justice, serving others, & working to make the world a better place. Invited talk. Remarks to Swarthmore graduates on the occasion of receiving an honorary degree, Swarthmore, PA.

Diamond, A. (May 29, 2021). The pandemic is showing in stark relief the wisdom of Montessori practices. Invited talk & discussion. Fourth International Seminar on Neuroscience and Education (ISNE IV), Montessori Palau International Research and Training Center, Girona, Spain. Online due to COVID-19. The pre-recorded video of the talk appeared online from May 25-28 with the discussion live on May 29.

Diamond, A. (May 5, 2021). Techniques for improving executive functions. Neuropsychiatry Grand Rounds, UBC Hospital, Vancouver, BC. Continuing Education credits provided. Online due to COVID-19.

Diamond, A. (April 19, 2021). The bidirectional relation between stress and prefrontal cortex & executive functions. Invited guest lecture. Graduate seminar (Neuroscience 501: Module on Disorders of Cognition, Communication and Emotion), Neuroscience Graduate Program, UBC. 2-hour lecture online due to COVID-19. The online Q&A session occurred on April 23.
feedback: http://www.devcogneuro.com/Publications/Neuroscience_501_Graduate_Student_Feedback_2021_v2.jpg
video: www.devcogneuro.com/videos/(Lecture_Video)_Prefrontal_Cortex_And_Stress_Nrsc_501_001_2021-1.mp4

Diamond, A. (March 27, 2021). Relationship between motor activity and executive functions. Invited 3-hour Lecture, Past and present students in the Masters Program “Infanzia e Movimento: lo sviluppo da 0 a 6 anni”, Università di Verona, Italy. Online due to COVID-19.

Diamond, A. (March 2, 2021). Executive functions and mindful movement. Invited talk. Niroga Institute’s Advisory Board. Online due to COVID-19.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 24, 2021). Relations between social and emotional well-being and executive functions: What the research shows. Invited Public Lecture. Cognitive Science Seminar (Emotion and Cognition), Institute for Intelligent Systems, Univ. of Memphis, TN. Online due to COVID-19.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 20, 2021). The science of attention and executive function: Joyful ways to improve thinking, reasoning, and self-control. Keynote Address. Learning & the Brain Conference: Science of Teaching at a Distance. Continuing Education credits provided. Online due to COVID-19.
video: www.devcogneuro.com/videos/adele_diamond_learning_brain_conf_20_feb_2021.mp4

Diamond, A. (Feb. 20, 2021). Is even mild stress ever really a good thing? Social Science Foo Camp 2021 organized by Google, O'Reilly, and Digital Science, with support from Nature. Online due to COVID-19.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 18, 2021). How stress affects executive functions and practical ways to improve EFs. Invited talk for the 40 teachers finishing a Specialization in Neuroscience Applied to Education. Colégio Albert Sabin (a pre K-12 School), São Paulo, Brazil. Continuing Education credits provided. Online due to COVID-19.
video: https://youtu.be/ynu0IU-CvBE

Diamond, A. (Feb. 3, 2021). What neuroscience says about how stress affects executive functions and how to minimize those effects. Invited talk. Montessori México’s XXVI Congress. Continuing Education credits provided. Online due to COVID-19.
video: https://vimeo.com/518838214

Diamond, A. (Jan. 21, 2021). Effects of stress on executive functions and joyful ways to improve executive functions. Invited online talk to parents. Resurrection Episcopal Day School, New York. Online due to COVID-19.
video: www.devcogneuro.com/videos/resurrection_episcopal_day_school_lecture_21_jan_2021.mp4

Most 2020 scheduled invited addresses & keynotes were re-scheduled for 2021 or 2022 due to COVID-19.

Diamond, A. (Dec. 12, 2020). Effects of stress on prefrontal cortex, and factors that can help minimize negative effects and improve executive functions. Invited talk. Los Angeles County Dept. of Mental Health - UCLA Early Childhood Fellowship. Continuing Education credits provided. Online due to COVID-19.

Diamond, A. (Dec. 10, 2020). Techniques for improving executive functions that teachers can use, and why doing so is so important for learning. Invited talk. III Brazilian Symposium on Neuroscience. Continuing Education credits provided. Online due to COVID-19.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 25, 2020). Photo-immunology to ward off, or reduce, the intense cytokine storm, the lethal aspect of COVID-19. Lightning talk at Science Foo Virtual Conference organized by Google, O'Reilly, and Digital Science, with support from Nature. Online due to COVID-19.
video: http://www.devcogneuro.com/videos/Diamond_5-min_talk_Sci-Foo_on-UVB_for_Cytokine_Storms.wmv

Diamond, A. (Oct. 24, 2020). Rethinking health & education from an interdisciplinary lens: Social, affective, creative, & physical components. Invited talk at Science Foo Virtual Conference organized by Google, O'Reilly, and Digital Science, with support from Nature. Online due to COVID-19.

Diamond, A. (May 22, 2020). Rethinking the benefits of stress, even if mild, for prefrontal cortex function and cognitive performance. Invited ten-minute talk for Neuroscience Research Colloquium, Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health, Online due to COVID-19.

Diamond, A. (March 25, 2020). Prefrontal cortex: Unusual properties of the DA system in PFC and executive functions: Why they’re important, & what aids & impedes them. Invited guest lecture. Graduate seminar (Neuroscience 501: Module on Disorders of Cognition, Communication and Emotion), Neuroscience Graduate Program, UBC. Due to COVID-19, this 2-hour lecture was delivered online.

Diamond, A. (Dec. 16, 2019). Leveraging what we’ve learned about executive functions and the brain so that each child can thrive. Invited talk. Center for Educational Justice at Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago, Chile.
video: https://youtu.be/cwp_H9VYJ58

Diamond, A. (Dec. 13, 2019). Executive functions in children. Invited talk. Sociedade Brasileira de Psicanálise de São Paulo, Brazil.

Diamond, A. (Dec. 12, 2019). Ways to help children thrive. Invited talk. Universidade Mackenzie, São Paulo, Brazil.

Diamond, A. (Dec. 10, 2019). Insights from neuroscience & psychology into best practices for educating & raising children so they thrive. Invited talk. Itaú Social Foundation, São Paulo, Brazil.
video: https://live.popcast.com.br/ciclodedebates2019

Diamond, A. (Dec. 3, 2019). Insights from neuroscience & psychology into best practices for educating & raising children so they thrive. Invited talk. Várzea Grande, state of Mato Grosso, Brazil.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 28, 2019). Insights from neuroscience & psychology into best practices for educating & raising children so they thrive. Invited talk. São Luís, state of Maranhão, Brazil.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 25, 2019). Insights from neuroscience & psychology into best practices for educating & raising children so they thrive. Invited talk. Aquirás, state of Ceará, Brazil.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 7, 2019). Treating physical health, without also addressing social and emotional health is less efficient or effective. Invited talk for the Dalai Lama Center for Peace and Education, at Terminal City Club, Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 28, 2019). Effects of early life trauma and scientific insights into what can help promote resilience. Keynote Address. Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians: Health & Wellness Conference, Niagara Falls, ON.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 28, 2019). Reclaim the education of your children and the healing of yourself and others. Invited workshop. Association of Iroquois and Allied Indians: Health & Wellness Conference, Niagara Falls, ON.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 25, 2019). Some implications of the unusual properties of the dopamine neurons that project to prefrontal cortex. The Bernice Grafstein Lecture in Neuroscience, McGill University, Montreal, QC.
video: https://youtu.be/SSolQCi4Yos

Diamond, A. (Oct. 24, 2019). Interrelations of executive functions with emotional, social, and physical well-being: How can we help more children thrive? Invited talk, Centre for Research on Children and Families, McGill University, Montreal, QC.

Diamond, A. (Sept. 18, 2019). Addressing the seeming contradiction: People who are more physically active and better aerobically fit have better executive functions, but most aerobic-exercise and resistance-training interventions have produced little or no benefit to executive functions. Keynote Address. German Society of Sport Science Conference, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin, Germany.

Diamond, A. (Sept. 13, 2019). What can be done to treat or prevent the sequelae of early life trauma? Keynote Address. 3rd Iberoamerican Neuropsychology Congress & 2nd Colombian Society of Neuropsychology Congress, Cali, Colombia.
video: https://youtu.be/FQ8f_ZZm1eo

Diamond, A. (July 29, 2019). Workshop on trauma. Invited workshop. 7th Annual Assembly of Educateurs sans Frontières (EsF), Tepoztlán, Mexico

Diamond, A. (July 24, 2019). What if Montessori principles were applied to more than just education? Invited talk. 7th Annual Assembly of Educateurs sans Frontières (EsF), Tepoztlán, Mexico

Diamond, A. (July 9, 2019). Unpredictable Twists and Turns in the Process of Scientific Discovery. Keynote Address. 2019 Women Trainees in Neuroscience Conference, Chico Hot Springs, MT.

Diamond, A. (June 1, 2019). Invited talk. Early Childhood Scientific Advisory Group meeting, Bezos Family Foundation, Sedona, AZ.

Diamond, A. (May 11, 2019). What are executive functions and what works to help improve them? Invited talk. Jornada de Neuroeducación, Oviedo, Spain.

Diamond, A. (May 7, 2019). What characteristics might physical and mental activities need so they yield the most benefit to executive functions. Keynote Address. International Symposium presenting Patrizio Paoletti and Adele Diamond on Resilient Children: How to Help Our Children Become Responsible and Happy Adults - Neuroscientific, Psychological and Educational Perspectives, Monastero di San Biagio in Assisi, Italy.
video: http://www.devcogneuro.com/videos/2019_05_07_Adele_Diamond_BambiniResilienti.wmv

Diamond, A. (May 4, 2019). How executive functions (like self-control, selective attention, and working memory) can be improved. Keynote Address. Institut de Psychomotricité, Université Saint-Joseph, Beirut, Lebanon.

Diamond, A. (April 27, 2019). What can we learn from executive function research and the arts to help all children thrive? Invited talk. The 3rd International Seminar of Neuroscience and Education, Girona, Spain.

Diamond, A. (March 18, 2019). Frontal lobe and executive functions. Invited guest lecture. Graduate seminar (Neuroscience 501: Module on Disorders of Cognition, Communication and Emotion), Neuroscience Graduate Program, UBC.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 12, 2019). Surprising approaches to boosting brain power for you and your kids. Keynote Address. The Brain: An Owner’s Guide Series, Center for Brain Health, University of Texas at Dallas.

Diamond, A. (Jan. 10, 2019). Invited talk to Bill Gates along with some of his thought partners and technical advisors, Gates Foundation, Seattle, WA.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 15, 2018). Insights from neuroscience and psychology: What we all need to thrive. Invited talk. Innovations in Educational Neuroscience - Transforming Practice through Emerging Research Conference, UBC, Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 13, 2018). What can I say that would be helpful to you? Keynote Address. First Annual North America Educateurs sans Frontières Lecture. Crossway Community, Washington, DC.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 12, 2018). Some potentially surprising insights into what aid and impair executive functions. Invited talk. Center for Neurodevelopment and Imaging Research, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Baltimore, MD.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 8, 2018). Tea and conversation with Adele Diamond. Invited talk, Executive Function Center of New York, NY.
videos: https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCsUOV6oRYOH316Wd8eOdeNw

Diamond, A. (Nov. 2, 2018). Children need to feel proud of who they are. Invited talk. Xwemelch’stn Etsimxwawtxw – Capilano Little Ones School, West Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 22, 2018). Effects of early adverse experiences on the brain. Invited talk. BrainTalks: Epigenetics and Early Life Experiences. Faculty of Medicine, UBC, Vancouver. Continuing Education credits provided.
video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GRNDbKgJgD4

Diamond, A. (Oct. 19, 2018). Interrelations of executive functions with emotional, social, and physical health. Keynote Address. Montessori Provincial Specialist Associations (PSA) Conference, Maple Ridge, BC. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 16, 2018). Understanding the mechanisms by which adverse childhood experiences can have long-term adverse consequences. Keynote Address. National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program (NNADAP) Conference, Sault Ste Marie, ON. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 16, 2018). Breaking the cycle: Methods and strategies for protecting children against, and recovering from, adverse childhood experiences and PTSD. Invited workshop. National Native Alcohol and Drug Abuse Program (NNADAP) Conference, Sault Ste Marie, ON. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (Aug. 9, 2018). Not just some of the children: All the children. Keynote Address. Educateurs sans Frontières (EsF) Annual Conference, Stellenbosch, South Africa.

Diamond, A. (July 26, 2018). What executive functions are and some tests used to measure them. Invited talk. Educational Neuroscience and Healthy Child Development Cluster Meeting, UBC.

Diamond, A. (June 18, 2018). The importance of social and emotional health for brain health: The case of prefrontal cortex and executive functions. 10th Midsummer Public Lecture. University of Copenhagen & Elsass Institute, Copenhagen, Denmark.

Diamond, A. (June 14, 2018). What are executive functions and why are they relevant in the 21st century? Keynote Address. Connections in Mind Annual Summit, London, UK.

Diamond, A. (June 12, 2018). What does, and does not, improve executive functions, and why. Executive Functions Master Class with Professor Adele Diamond. Faculty of Education, University of Cambridge, UK.

Diamond, A. (June 7, 2018) Helping every child to succeed. Keynote address. Leggendo Metropolitano – an International Arts Festival, Cagliari, Italy.

Diamond, A. (May 28, 2018). Executive functions: What they are, how they unfold during development, how to assess them, and ways to improve them. Invited all-day (6 hour) talk. Groupe d’Action en Neuropsychologie Développementale (GrAND), Quebec City, QC.

Diamond, A. (May 19, 2018). Insights from psychology and neuroscience to help you succeed in university and on the job market. Keynote Address. Connecting Minds 2018 North American Psychology Undergraduate Research Conference, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Richmond, BC

Diamond, A. (May 14, 2018). The ‘secret sauce’ to honing the mind. Keynote Address. “Brain Awareness Season,“ Oregon Health & Science University’s Brain Institute, Portland, OR.
link: http://www.ohsu.edu/xd/health/services/brain/in-community/brain-awareness/lectures-events/lecture-recordings.cfm

Diamond, A. (May 3, 2018). Executive functions in the early years. Invited talk. Infant Mental Health Community Training Institute, Sick Kids, Toronto, ON.
video: https://youtu.be/cto3swwoKDQ
     Talk webcast to an external audience of >1000.

Diamond, A. (April 21, 2018). What executive functions are, their importance for education, and how to aid their development. Invited talk. Maria Montessori Education Centre, Calgary, AB.

Diamond, A. (April 20, 2018). Listen. Relax. Love. Enjoy. Invited evening talk to parents. Maria Montessori Education Centre, Calgary, AB.

Diamond, A. (April 4, 2018). Frontal lobe and executive functions. Invited guest lecture. Graduate seminar (Neuroscience 501: Module on Disorders of Cognition, Communication and Emotion), Neuroscience Graduate Program, UBC.

Diamond, A. (March 16, 2018). Executive functions: What they are, why they’re important, and how to improve them. Invited talk. Learning Differences Conference at the Harvard Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MA.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 20, 2018). How you, personally, can help your child thrive by following just a few simple principles. Keynote Address. Empowering and Promoting Healthy First Nation Communities, Dilico Anishinabek Family Care, Thunder Bay, ON. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 13, 2018). The cradle of executive functions: Supporting young children’s emotional, social, and physical needs. Invited talk. Institute for Early Childhood Education & Research (IECER) Graduate Student Brown Bag Lunch Series, UBC, Vancouver.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 31, 2017). The importance of engaging in non-academic pursuits to improve academic achievement. Invited talk. Brock House Society. Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (July 26, 2017). Why youth act the way they do: The impacts of stress and trauma on child and youth brain development and behavior. Stress-Resilience in Schools and Communities Conference, Niroga Institute, Oakland, CA.

Diamond, A. (July 6, 2017). Morning: Effects of early life trauma. Invited 2½ hour talk. Grounding Trauma “Thrive" Conference, Come and Sit Together (CAST) Canada, Ottawa, ON.

Diamond, A. (July 6, 2017). Afternoon: What we know about the brain and child development to help promote resilience. Invited 2½ hour talk. Grounding Trauma “Thrive" Conference, Come and Sit Together (CAST) Canada, Ottawa, ON.

Diamond, A. (May 26, 2017). Effects of early life trauma and what we know about the brain and child development to help promote resilience. Keynote Address. Children's Hospital Education Research Institute (CHERI), Sydney, Australia.

Diamond, A. (May 25, 2017). Evidence-based strategies for improving executive functions and the relation of that to academic, health and well-being outcomes. Keynote Address. Children's Hospital Education Research Institute (CHERI), Sydney, Australia.

Diamond, Adele. (May 17, 2017). How the arts and play can help improve executive functions. Invited public talk. Mercury Bay Area School, Whitianga, New Zealand.
article: www.devcogneuro.com/Publications/Diamond_mercury_bay_informer_whitianga_new_zealand_24_may_2017_page_6.pdf

Diamond, A. (May 13, 2017). How the arts and play can help improve the executive functions of our brains. Invited talk, Turning Point: The New Zealand Educators’ Neuroscience Conference, University of Auckland, New Zealand.

Diamond, A. (May 4, 2017). Biochemical and environmental influences on executive functions and clinical implications. Invited talk, Neuro Retreat, Karolinska Institute, Solna, Sweden.

Diamond, A. (April 27, 2017). What executive functions are and why nurturing the whole child may be critical for achieving the academic outcomes we all want for our children. Invited talk. Dept. of Human Sciences, University of Verona, Italy.

Diamond, A. (April 21, 2017). What executive functions are and how to aid their development. Keynote Address, 2nd International Seminar on Neuroscience and Education as part of the Celebration for the 50th Anniversary of the Montessori-Palau School, Girona, Spain.

Diamond, A. (April 20, 2017). Development of executive functions in young children, and the importance of executive functions for learning. Keynote Address, XXIX Institut Guttmann Annual Scientific Congress, the theme this time: Neuropsychology and School, Barcelona, Spain. Continuing Education credits provided.
video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=SeCX8hJ7H_8

Diamond, A. (April 13, 2017). Invited public talk at press conference. Federazione Italiana Sport Orientamento [Italian; "Federation of Italian Orienteering"], Rome, Italy.
video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=o7h8MF0TMog

Diamond, A. (April 12, 2017). What characteristics might physical activities need so they yield the most benefit to executive functions? Invited talk. Università di Roma - the Catholic education university - (LUMSA), Rome, Italy.

Diamond, A. (March 31, 2017). Frontal lobe and executive functions. Invited guest lecture. Graduate seminar (Neuroscience 501: Module on Disorders of Cognition, Communication and Emotion), Neuroscience Graduate Program, UBC.
feedback: http://www.devcogneuro.com/Publications/Neuroscience_501_Graduate_Student_Feedback_2017.pdf

Diamond, A. (March 21, 2017). Talk for the Behavioral Affective Science Seminar at UCSF. Invited talk. Dept. of Psychiatry, University of California - San Francisco, CA.

Diamond, A. (March 7, 2017). Education that works: Serious business (like learning) can, and should, be joyful. Invited talk, Stanley British Primary School, Denver, Colorado.

Diamond, A. (March 3, 2017). Measuring and assessing executive function skills. Invited talk, Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group Conference (HCEO) “Measuring and Assessing Skills” at the University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.
video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=8mxjr_pE-DY
resources: hceconomics.uchicago.edu/news/adele-diamond-executive-functions-and-brain

Diamond, A. (Feb. 25, 2017). Interrelations of executive functions with emotional, social, and physical health. Invited talk. Pacific Northwest Montessori Association, Seattle, WA.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 22, 2017). Insights from neuroscience and psychology to help you succeed at university and in life. Invited talk to students and faculty, St. George’s School, Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 21, 2017). Beyond the books: The value of the arts, sports and free play for boys’ cognitive development. Invited evening talk to parents in the Boy O Boy Speaker Series, St. George’s School, Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 16, 2017). Neurobiological impacts of gonadal hormones, COMT genotype, and early life stress and adversity on prefrontal cortex and executive functions. Invited talk, BC Women’s & Children’s Hospital, Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (Jan. 17, 2017). Principles and strategies for aiding the development of executive functions. Invited talk, Psychology Dept. Colloquium, Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.

Diamond, A. (Jan. 12, 2017). Biological and psychological effects of early life trauma: What can be done to treat or prevent those sequelae?  Invited talk, Pediatrics Department Grand Rounds, Soroka Hospital, Beer Sheva, Israel. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (Jan. 10, 2017). Biological and psychological effects of early life trauma: What can be done to treat or prevent those sequelae? Invited talk, Beer Sheva Mental Health Center, Beer Sheva, Israel.

Diamond, A. (Jan. 9, 2017). Environmental influences on the neurocognitive development of executive functions.   Invited talk, Edmond J. Safra Brain Research Center, University of Haifa, Israel.
video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=uWQqFsXajcM

Diamond, A. (Jan. 6, 2017). Interactions between executive functions and language in preschool and school-age children.  Invited 3-hour Keynote Address, Continuing Education Program on “The Contribution of Executive Functions to Communication, Language and Learning among Children at Preschool and School-age,” Schneider Children's Medical Center, Tel-Aviv University, Israel. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (Dec. 28, 2016). Understanding biological and environmental influences on executive functions. Invited talk for Clinical Developmental Psychology Graduate Students and Faculty, Ben Gurion University. Beer Sheva, Israel.

Diamond, A. (Dec. 28, 2016). What have we learned from attempts to try to improve executive functions? Invited talk, Psychology Department Colloquium, Ben Gurion University. Beer Sheva, Israel.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 26, 2016). Brief closing remarks. Invited brief talk, Curricular Conversations Conference: A Forum for Educational Collaboration, Victoria, BC

Diamond, A. (Nov. 26, 2016). Education that works. Keynote Address, Curricular Conversations Conference: A Forum for Educational Collaboration, Victoria, BC.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 6, 2016). Leveraging what we’ve learned from neuroscience research: Why El Sistema music programs hold such promise for helping children thrive. Keynote Address, Economic Mobility Pathways (EMPath; formerly the Crittenton Women's Union) Biennial Conference: ‘Disrupting the Poverty Cycle’, Boston, MA.

Diamond, A. (Sept. 9, 2016). Leveraging what we have learned from neuroscience research: Why the arts are so important for brain development and for helping children thrive. Invited talk. Houston Arts Partners Conference, Alley Theater, Houston, TX. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (Aug. 4, 2016). What executive functions are, and how the arts, play, & physical activity can aid their development. Invited 3-hour workshop. Alumni of Teaching Fellows Institute, Charlotte, NC. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (Aug. 3, 2016). Leveraging what we’ve learned from executive function research to help every child succeed: Why the arts, play, and physical activity aid cognitive development. Invited all-day workshop. Teaching Fellows Institute, Charlotte, NC. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (Aug. 2, 2016). Joy is not the opposite of serious: The arts, play, and physical activity aid cognitive development. Invited evening talk to parents and the community. Teaching Fellows Institute, Charlotte, NC.

Diamond, A. (Aug. 2, 2016). Executive functions: What they are, their importance for education, and how to improve them. Invited all-day workshop. Teaching Fellows Institute, Charlotte, NCContinuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (July 8, 2016). Helping children with behavioral, learning, or physical challenges to be all they can be. Keynote Address, Training Program in Developmental Disorders and Inclusive Education, Montessori Institute of San Diego, La Jolla, CA. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (June 9, 2016). What characteristics does a physical activity need for it to improve cognition, including executive functions? Keynote Address. Annual Meeting of the International Society of Behavioral Nutrition and Physical Activity (ISBNPA), Cape Town, South Africa.

Diamond, A. (May 13, 2016). Relax, embrace yourself and life, and be there for others. Keynote Address. Mindful Society Conference, Toronto, ON. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (May 3, 2016). What children need most: What moms need so they have the emotional and cognitive resources to provide that. Keynote Address. Mom2Mom Child Poverty Initiative, Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (April 30, 2016). Invited talk. Operation Med School, a one-day conference run by, and for, high school students aspiring to go to medical school, Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (April 16, 2016). What children need most and why executive functions are so important. Keynote Address. Vancouver Island Montessori Association, Victoria, BC. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (April 7, 2016). Executive functions and the brain. What executive functions are, their importance for education, and how to aid their development. Keynote Address. Centennial Niemeyer Lecture. Bank Street School for Children, New York, NY.

Diamond, A. (April 7, 2016). Afternoon talk for teachers: Practical talk about improving teaching practices. Invited talk. Bank Street School for Children, NYC, NY.

Diamond, A. (April 5, 2016). The foundation children need to thrive in school and in life. Invited talk. Resurrection Episcopal Day School (an AMI Montessori School), New York, NY.

Diamond, A. (March 22, 2016). An in-depth look at executive functions and how to assess and improve them. Invited guest lecture. Graduate course (EPSE 553: Theories of Cognitive Abilities), Dept. of Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Education, Faculty of Education, UBC.

Diamond, A. (March 18, 2016). Building connections between people, communities, and disciplines. Invited talk. Nexus Conference: Connecting Communities, Interdisciplinary Studies Graduate Program, UBC, Vancouver.

Diamond, A. (March 17, 2016). Seeing for yourself: Videos of children doing executive function tasks. Invited guest lecture. Student Directed Seminar (ASTU400: Cognitive Neuroscience of Executive Functions), UBC.

Diamond, A. (March 10, 2016). Unpredictable twists and turns in the process of scientific discovery. Invited guest lecture. (SCIE 113: First Year Seminar in Science ), UBC.

Diamond, A. (March 5, 2016). Focusing exclusively on training cognitive skills is less efficient, and ultimately less successful, than also addressing children's emotional, social, and physical needs. Invited talk. Vroom Scientific Advisory Meeting, Austin, TX.

Diamond, A. (March 3, 2016). Serious business (like learning) can be joyful. Keynote Address. California K-12 Superintendents, Assistant Superintendents and Principals Conference, Curriculum Associates, Los Angeles, CA.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 11, 2016). What can be done to treat or prevent the sequelae of early life trauma? Keynote Address. Afternoon Session of Conference on Early Trauma - Impact upon Brain and Psychological Development: Mechanisms and Interventions. Psychology Education Day 2016. Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON. Continuing Education credits provided.
An additional 8 ‘child and family support’ programs in Northern Ontario participated remotely.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 11, 2016). Biological and psychological effects of early life trauma. Keynote Address. Morning session of Conference on Early Trauma - Impact upon Brain and Psychological Development: Mechanisms and Interventions. Psychology Education Day 2016. Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, ON. Continuing Education credits provided.
An additional 8 ‘child and family support’ programs in Northern Ontario participated remotely.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 9, 2016). To improve self-regulation, creativity and problem-solving: Have children play! Invited talk. Boston Children’s Museum, Boston, MA.
video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=k3nPmqj5Ilw

Diamond, A. (Feb. 5, 2016). The development of executive functions: Principles and strategies for aiding that and differences by genotype and gender. Invited Plenary Address. International Neuropsychological Society (INS) Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.

Diamond, A. (Jan. 28, 2016). The role of social and emotional factors in children's ability to exercise executive functions and do well in school. Invited talk. Early Years Pre-Conference, Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (Jan. 22, 2016). Insights from neuroscience to help every child thrive: How dance might aid brain development and critical cognitive skills. Lecture – Performance, Co-presented with the children of the California Dance Institute, Semel Institute for Neuroscience & Human Behavior, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA.
video:   “Lecture – Performance co-presented by the children of the California Dance Institute and Prof. Adele Diamond

Diamond, A. (Jan. 16, 2016). Playful ways to improve the brain’s executive functions. Invited 2-hour workshop. Children the Heart of the Matter Conference, Surrey, BC.

Diamond, A. (Jan. 15, 2016). Child development and the brain: What every child needs to succeed. Keynote Address. Children the Heart of the Matter Conference, Surrey, BC.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 19, 2015). As scientists explore how we can best help children thrive, they are confirming the wisdom of traditional ways for promoting well-being. Invited talk. Universidad Católica de Temuco, plus Universidad de La Frontera, Universidad Autónoma de Chile, & Universidad de Aconcagua, Temuco, Chile.
pdf of slides in Spanish: diamond_2015_talk_in_Temuco_Chile_in_SPANISH.pdf
pdf of slides in English: diamond_2015_talk_in_Temuco_Chile_in_ENGLISH.pdf

Diamond, A. (Nov. 6, 2015). Strategies and activities for aiding the development of executive functions and ways to assess executive functions. Invited 3-hour workshop. British Columbia Association of School Psychologists (BCASP), Vancouver, BC. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 3, 2015). What nourishes the whole child and the human spirit is also best for executive functions. Invited talk, The 3rd Annual Simms/Mann Think Tank, Los Angeles, CA.
video: www.devcogneuro.com/videos/AD_EF_the_Simms_Mann_Institute_Think_Tank_Nov_2015.wmv

Diamond, A. (Oct. 23, 2015). Factors that aid and factors that hinder the development of executive functions. Invited talk. Neuroplasticity and Education: Strengthening the Connection conference, Vancouver, BC.
pdf: www.neuroplasticityandeducation.com/wp-content/uploads/2015/10/adele-diamond.pdf
video: youtube.com/watch?v=fQCq-7tlqrE&feature=youtu.be

Diamond, A. (Oct. 22, 2015). How can we help more children thrive (not simply survive, but flourish)? Invited 4-hour talk. Social Venture Partners (SVP) 2015 Audacious Philanthropy Conference, Seattle, WA.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 22, 2015). A counterintuitive approach to improving outcomes for children. Invited talk. Social Venture Partners (SVP) 2015 Audacious Philanthropy Conference, Seattle, WA.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 17, 2015). Bright young minds: Early learning and executive functions. Keynote Address. Success by 6 / Okanagan Parent Conference, Kelowna, BC.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 6, 2015). What values, principles, and policies make you particularly proud to be Canadian? Requested by, and for, students to excite students about voting in the upcoming federal election by highlighting ways that the outcome could directly impact their lives. UBC campus, Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (Sept. 18, 2015). Research that helps us move closer to a world where each child thrives. Invited brief talk. “Just One Wish for the Study of Human Development ” webinar for the special issue of Research in Human Development.
video: extract_of_5-min_talk_from_18_Sept_2015_webinar_6min_02sec.wmv

Diamond, A. (Sept. 7, 2015). Insights from neuroscience and from psychology of possible benefit to teachers. Invited talk. Montessori School, Bilbao, Spain. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Sept. 5, 2015). Understanding executive functions (sometimes erroneously called ‘non-cognitive’ skills): Insights from neuroscience and psychology. Keynote Address. Economic Science Association (ESA) European Meeting, Heidelberg, Germany.

Diamond, A. (Aug. 10, 2015). The importance of dance, music, and other related activities for the development of children. Invited talk. 'Education for Social Change: Innovative Solutions' Conference, Educateurs sans Frontières, Khon Kaen, Thailand. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (July 30, 2015). Insights and strategies from neuroscience and developmental science for early childhood education. Invited talk. Indonesian Education University (UPI), Bandung, Indonesia.

Diamond, A. (July 28, 2015). The conditions of learning: A neuroscience perspective. Universitas Negeri Jakarta (State University of Jakarta), Jakarta, Indonesia.

Diamond, A. (July 25, 2015). Invited talk. Early childhood teachers, Gajah Mada University (UGM), Yogyakarta (Jogjakarta), Indonesia. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (May 29, 2015). Event of the year talk, California Dance Institute, Monrovia, CA.
video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=nMoUJRfGJxA

Diamond, A. (May 28, 2015). Insights from neuroscience, social psychology, and developmental science for improving executive functions, with clinical implications. Invited talk, Psychology Dept. Colloquium, University of California - San Diego, CA.

Diamond, A. (May 27, 2015). Exercise without a cognitive component produces little or no cognitive benefit. Invited talk, American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Meeting, San Diego, CA. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (May 18, 2015). Interrelations of executive functions with emotional, social, and physical health. Keynote Address,  Developmental Behavioral Disorders & a Spectrum of Pediatric Challenges Meeting, Hilton Head Island, SC. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (May 11, 2015). Insights from neuroscience and psychology to help our young people thrive. Invited talk, Zlotowski Neuroscience Lecture, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel.
NB: gave the inaugural Zlotowksi Neuroscience Lecture in 2000.
video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=FMzHvZpb6X4

Diamond, A. (May 8, 2015). Music matters: The orchestra as a tool for social change . Invited panelist,  Friday Forum, Portland City Club, Portland, OR.

Diamond, A. (May 7, 2015). Child development, executive functioning, and the role of the arts and physical activity among marginalized youth. Invited talk, Portland State University (PSU), sponsored by the Oregon BRAVO El Sistema Orchestra and the Social Determinants of Health Initiative, PSU, Portland, OR.
see: portland_state_university_news_announcements_11_may_2015.pdf
see: www.pdx.edu/social-determinants-health/sdhi-events
pdf of slides: www.pdx.edu/social-determinants-health/sites/www.pdx.edu.social-determinants-health/files/Adele%20Diamond.pdf

Diamond, A. (May 5, 2015). Executive functions: Practical insights with implications for psychiatric practice. Invited talk, Psychiatry Regional Rounds, Vancouver General Hospital, BC. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (April 24, 2015). Invited brief talk, Social Venture Partners (SVP): Seeing is Believing Tour, Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (April 20, 2015). The critical role of executive functions in children and teens. Invited all-day (5-hour) workshop, 4th Annual Grand Erie District School Board Professional Student Services Personnel Conference, Brantford, ON. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (April 17, 2015). Research insights into promoting the well-being of children and their families. Keynote Address, Mindful Families, Schools & Communities: Research-to-Practice Promoting Child Well-Being Meeting, Seattle, WA. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (March 24, 2015). What do our children need to grow up strong, proud, kind, and fulfilled? Invited talk, Success by 6 / Early Years Gathering and Training Event, Richmond, BC. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (March 9, 2015). What executive functions are and their importance for education. Invited guest lecture. Undergrad course on the Developing Brain (PSYC 208), Dept. of Psychology, UBC.

Diamond, A. (March 7, 2015). Executive functioning and pediatric neuropsychology. Invited talk, Pacific Northwest Neuropsychological Society, Seattle, WA. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (March 6, 2015). Executive functions and prefrontal cortex: Genetic and neurochemical influences plus gender differences. Invited talk, BC Neuroscience Day, Vancouver General Hospital, Vancouver, BC. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 27, 2015). What cognitive skills will children need to succeed in the 21st century? Invited talk, 20th National Montessori Congress in Mexico: The Art of Educating, Puebla, Mexico. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 26, 2015). The caring relationship between the teacher and the children. Invited talk, 20th National Montessori Congress in Mexico: The Art of Educating, Puebla, Mexico. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Jan. 30, 2015). How understanding what helps and hinders executive functions can help children thrive. Keynote Address, Increasing Mindfulness and Self-awareness in Children with Disorders of Executive Function, a joint conference of the University of California - Irvine Dept. of Pediatrics, The Center for Autism & Neurodevelopmental Disorders, the Chapman U. Abilities Project, the Orange County Health Care Agency, and the Orange County Dept. of Education, Costa Mesa, CA. Continuing Education credit provided

Diamond, A. (Dec. 5, 2014). Invited talk, Norwegian School Readiness Intervention Workshop, Chicago, IL.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 22, 2014). Executive functions: What they are, why they’re important, and how to improve them. Keynote Address, Cerebrum Conference, Lima, Peru. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 22, 2014). Some ways to assess executive functions. Invited workshop, Cerebrum Conference, Lima, Peru. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 14, 2014). Strategies and activities for aiding the development of executive functions in children. Keynote Address, Early Childhood Education Conference, IDEA Institute, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 14, 2014). Two particularly wise educational approaches: Tools of the Mind and Montessori. Invited workshop, Early Childhood Education Conference, IDEA Institute, Universidad San Francisco de Quito, Ecuador.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 6, 2014). Recent insights from neuroscience and developmental science. Invited talk, Sir Winston Churchill Secondary School International Baccalaureate (IB) Year 2 IBeyond Conference, Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 1, 2014). Strategies and activities for aiding the development of executive functions. Invited talk, Centre for ADHD Awareness, Canada (CADDAC) Conference, Vancouver, BC. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 29, 2014). Benefits of the arts and physical activity for the brain. Invited talk, Mini Med School (MMS), Child and Family Research Institute, Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 21, 2014). Pros and cons of NIMH’s research domain criteria (RDoC) for helping children with executive function deficits. Keynote Address, 2014 Research Forum, American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatry (AACAP) Annual Meeting, San Diego, CA. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 19, 2014). What abilities and skills will be needed for success in the 21st century? Invited talk, Montessori Training Centre of San Diego, CA. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 7, 2014). Some thoughts on how we might better help more children to thrive. Invited talk, Individual U, New York, NY.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 2, 2014). What executive functions are, why they’re important, and ways to improve them in young children. Keynote Address, Symposium on 'Creativity, Flexibility, Self-Control, and Discipline: Building Executive Function Skills in Young Children: Practice & Policy ', Lipsitt-Duchin lecture series co-sponsored by Brown University and Rhode Island KIDS COUNT, Providence, RI. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 1, 2014). Unintended consequences of seemingly rational actions: Often what produces the best short-term outcomes is different from what produces the best long-term outcomes. Invited talk to White House staff of the Office of Management and Budget, Washington, DC.

Diamond, A. (Sept. 29, 2014). Not losing sight of the goal of any mindfulness practice. Invited talk, Mindfulness & Learning Research Symposium, Johns Hopkins University Science of Learning Institute, Baltimore, MD. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Sept. 27, 2014). New findings about the brain are turning some ideas on their head. Invited TEDx talk, TEDxWestVancouverED: Rethinking Education, West Vancouver, BC.
video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=StASHLru28s

Diamond, A. (Sept. 12, 2014). Interventions, programs, and approaches that appear promising for improving executive functions and those that, despite much hype, do not. Keynote Address, FLUX Integrative Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Conference, Los Angeles, CA.
video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=dJDB2aTVtlw&index=7&list=PLLnkOMyQjwZNWaf22GUenDf4igs4fGe2i

Diamond, A. (August 21, 2014). Child development and the brain: Insights into reducing social inequalities and helping every child thrive. Invited talk, Interdisciplinary Research in Education Conference, Santiago, Chile. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (August 9, 2014). What do we know about the brain that can help inform early childhood programs? Invited talk, Pacific Early Childhood Education Research Association (PECERA) Conference, Bali, Indonesia. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (June 26, 2014). Leveraging what we’ve learned from research to help every child succeed: Why the arts, play, and physical activity aid cognitive development. Invited talk, ‘Jean Piaget Conference: Theories of Development’ in honor of the 40th anniversary of the Archives Jean Piaget, Université de Genève, Switzerland.

Diamond, A. (June 11, 2014). Principles and strategies for improving executive function skills. Invited webinar, Annie E Casey Foundation.
video: www.devcogneuro.com/videos/principles_and_strategies_for_improving_executive_function_skills.mp4

Diamond, A. (May 28, 2014). What executive functions are and factors that affect them. Invited Plenary Address, 17th Annual Welfare Research and Evaluation Conference (WREC) of the Administration for Children and Families (ACF), Washington, DC. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (May 20, 2014). Neurochemical modulation of, and environmental interventions to improve, executive functions. Invited talk, Joint Donders Institute for Brain, Cognition and Behaviour / Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University Workshop on ‘Enhancing Executive Functions in Education,’ Nijmegen, Netherlands. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (May 19, 2014). How executive functions foster educational development: Insights from today and perspectives on the future. Invited talk, 'How Executive Functions Foster Educational Development' Conference, Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud University, Nijmegen, Netherlands.

Diamond, A. (May 16, 2014). Interrelations between motor and cognitive development: Development of executive functions. Keynote Address, 'Interrelations between Sensory, Motor, and Cognitive Abilities During Typical and Atypical Development Conference', Groningen University, Netherlands. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (May 14, 2014). Executive functions: Practical insights from neuroscience and developmental science for helping children. Invited talk, Center for Human Movement Sciences, Groningen University, Netherlands. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (April 23, 2014). Towards a major paradigm shift in how we treat our patients: Part 3 of 3. Invited talk, Neuropsychiatry Grand Rounds, UBC Hospital, Vancouver, BC. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (April 16, 2014). Towards a major paradigm shift in how we treat our patients: Part 2 of 3. Invited talk, Neuropsychiatry Grand Rounds, UBC Hospital, Vancouver, BC. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (March 26, 2014). Frontal lobe and executive functions. Invited guest lecture. Graduate seminar (Neuroscience 501: Module on Disorders of Cognition, Communication and Emotion), Neuroscience Graduate Program, UBC.

Diamond, A. (March 22, 2014). Environmental and biological effects on prefrontal cortex and executive functions. Invited talk,  Butters-Kaplan West Coast Neuropsychology Conference, San Diego, CA. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (March 15, 2014). Invited talk, Mother and Baby Prison Health: Making Prison Mother Baby Units work in Canada Conference, Vancouver, BC. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 18, 2014). The importance of play. Invited talk, Contemporary Art Gallery, Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (Jan. 17, 2014). All day (6-hour) Invited Presentation. Brainy Bunch, Napa, CA.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 27, 2013). Toward a major paradigm shift in how we treat our patients: Part 1 of 3. Invited talk, Neuropsychiatry Grand Rounds, UBC Hospital, Vancouver, BC. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 21, 2013). Executive functions: What they are, genetic and environmental influences and clinical implication. Invited talk, St. Paul’s Hospital Continuing Medical Education Conference for Primary Care Physicians, Vancouver, BC. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 20, 2013). What do children need most? Invited Featured Speaker, Cities Fit for Children Provincial Summit Pre-Conference: A special evening for parents and caregivers, Surrey, BC.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 13, 2013). Understanding the roles of traditional activities and of ‘executive function’ abilities in nurturing strong, healthy citizens and communities. Invited talk, Ktunaxa Nation Council Call to Gather Meeting, Cranbrook, BC.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 04, 2013). Keynote Address. 103rd Arizona Town Hall, Grand Canyon, AZ.
the presentation was included as an appendix to the town hall final report: www.aztownhall.org/Resources/Documents/103rd_Final_Recommendations_Report_Early_Ed.PDF
video of news program that references Dr. Diamond: www.azpbs.org/arizonahorizon/detailvid.php?id=14665

Diamond, A. (Oct. 25, 2013). Want excellent academic achievement? Simple, just nourish the human spirit. Invited talk, 13th International Meeting in Preschool and Early Education, Monterrey, Mexico. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 20, 2013). Neuroscience research and Montessori, Presentation 3: What nourishes the human spirit may also be best for executive functions and school outcomes. Invited talk. Canadian Council of Montessori Administrators Annual Conference and Retreat – “Mindful Montessori”, Richmond Hill, ON. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 20, 2013). Neuroscience research and Montessori, Presentation 2: The neuroscience of executive functions, including sex differences. Invited talk, Canadian Council of Montessori Administrators Annual Conference and Retreat – “Mindful Montessori”, Richmond Hill, ON. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 20, 2013). Neuroscience research and Montessori, Presentation 1: What children need most and why executive functions are important. Invited talk, Canadian Council of Montessori Administrators Annual Conference and Retreat – “Mindful Montessori”, Richmond Hill, ON. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 19, 2013). What we know about child development & the brain to help us nurture body, spirit, & mind: Part 2. Invited workshop, It’s Child Play and it Matters Annual Conference, Lindsay, ON. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 18, 2013). What we know about child development & the brain to help us nurture body, spirit, & mind: Part 1. Invited workshop, It’s Child Play and it Matters Annual Conference, Lindsay, ON. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 10, 2013). Development of executive functions. Invited plenary session, Annual Meeting of the European Society of Pediatric Research, Porto, Portugal. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Sept. 30, 2013). The executive functions dependent on prefrontal cortex: Genetic and environmental influences and clinical implications. Invited talk, NeuroDevNet Brain Development Conference, Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (August 26 & 27, 2013). Executive functions 101 for early educators: Nurturing creativity, curiosity, reasoning, self-control, discipline, and self-confidence. Invited talk – talk repeated on two days, First Things First Early Childhood Summit. Phoenix, AZ. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (August 2, 2013). Neuroscience (and psychology) research and Montessori. Invited talk. AMI International Montessori Congress, Portland, OR. Continuing Education credit provided.
PowerPoint: http://montessoricongress.org/wp/wp-content/uploads/Montessori-Congress-Portland-2013.pdf
Video: www.devcogneuro.com/videos/circus_music_dance_v3.wmv

Diamond, A. (July 31, 2013). Invited talk, Trust for Learning Trust Funders' Collaborative Meeting, Portland, OR.

Diamond, A. (June 20, 2013). Self-regulation and executive functions. Invited talk. Centre for Advanced Study of Teaching & Learning (CASTL) and SRCD working meeting, Charlottesville, VA.

Diamond, A. (May 31, 2013). Understanding executive functions: Strategies for supporting each student in realizing his or her potential and for preventing deficits. Invited talk. Meeting of the International Mind, Brain, and Education Society, Quito, Ecuador. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (May 17, 2013). Leveraging what we've learned from brain research to help every child succeed. Keynote Address. Northwest Cognitive and Memory Conference, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Surrey, BC.

Diamond, A. (May 17, 2013). Child development and the brain: Promoting resilience and joy. Invited webinar. The Clinic Technical Assistance Center (CTAC), New York State Mental Health Clinic via webinar. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (May 10, 2013). Cultivating the mind. Invited talk. Heart-Mind 2013: Helping Children Thrive, Vancouver, BC.
Video: dalailamacenter.org/heart-mind-2013-helping-children-thrive/heart-mind-2013-presenters/adele-diamond
Video: www.devcogneuro.com/videos/adele_diamond_NW.mov

Diamond, A. (April 30, 2013). Bright young minds: Early learning, play and executive functions. Invited talk. ParentMap, Seattle, WA. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (April 27, 2013). Executive functions and prefrontal cortex: Genetic and neurochemical influences, gender differences, and novel methods to help children become masters of their own behavior. Invited talk. UBC Neuroscience Retreat, Whistler, BC.

Diamond, A. (April 12, 2013). Workshop: The role of prefrontal cortex and neurodevelopmental disorders. Invited workshop. 2nd Annual Symposium on Community-based Social Pediatrics, Montreal, QC.

Diamond, A. (March 25, 2013). Frontal lobe and executive functions. Invited guest lecture. Graduate seminar (Neuroscience 501: Module on Disorders of Cognition, Communication and Emotion), Neuroscience Graduate Program, UBC.

Diamond, A. (March 22, 2013). Insights from neuroscience and developmental science to help every child succeed. Keynote Address. Gertrude Weigum Hinsz Lecture, North Dakota State University, Fargo, ND.

Diamond, A. (March 11, 2013). What will it likely take to be successful in the 21st century? Invited webinar. Mind, Brain, Health and Education Psych 1609 course, Harvard University via webinar. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (March 7, 2013). What can we do to help every child shine? Keynote Address. Educare Learning Network’s Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ.
video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=DTtYCE2QLuQ

Diamond, A. (March 5, 2013). Listen. Relax. Love. Enjoy. Exercise. Invited talk. Connect Health Centre for Integrative Medicine, Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 25, 2013). Creating effective formal and informal learning communities. Invited one-hour workshop. Nanaimo District Teachers’ Association Professional Development (Pro-D) Day, Dover Bay Secondary School, Nanaimo, BC.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 25, 2013). Child development and the brain: Insights to help every child thrive. Keynote. Nanaimo District Teachers’ Association Professional Development (Pro-D) Day, Dover Bay Secondary School, Nanaimo, BC. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 21, 2013). Measures of executive function. Invited workshop. Washington State Dept. of Early Learning, Seattle, WA. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 21, 2013). Reducing stress in children’s lives and giving them tools to better manage stress. Invited talk. Washington State Dept. of Early Learning, Seattle, WA. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 19, 2013). Interventions shown to aid executive function development in children 4-12 years old. Invited talk. EdBag session - a PIER brown bag lunch series, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 18, 2013). Applying what we know from neuroscience and developmental science to how schools can enhance EFs development and academic achievement in their students. Invited talk. Program for Interdisciplinary Educational Research (PIER) Research Speaker Series, Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 8, 2013). Cultivating the mind: How to improve self-regulation, creativity and problem-solving in children. Invited 3-hour workshop. Sea to Sky Teachers' (District 48) Professional Development (Pro-D) Day, Whistler Secondary School, Whistler, BC. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 7, 2013). Insights from neuroscience and developmental science to help you succeed in university and the job market. Invited talk. Quest University, Squamish, BC.

Diamond, A. (Dec. 13, 2012). What we can do to help every child shine. Invited talk. Montessori Institute of San Diego, CA.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 29, 2012). Benefits of exercise for success in school and career: How important are the social, emotional, and cognitive aspects of physical activity for these benefits? Invited talk. Pease Family Scholar Lecture, Dept. of Kinesiology, Iowa State University, Ames, IA.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 27, 2012). Executive functions: Genetic and neurochemical influences, clinical implications, gender differences, and promising interventions. Invited talk. Interdiscipinary Graduate Program in Neuroscience, University of Iowa, Iowa City, IA.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 19, 2012). Leveraging knowledge about brain science & developmental science to help every child thrive. Invited talk. Montessori Professional Development Day, Tyee Elementary School, Vancouver, BC. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 26, 2012). Effects of physical activity, and type of physical activity, on cognitive control. Keynote Address. ‘Key Issues in Childhood Physical Activity Science,' 7th European Youth Heart Study Scientific Symposium, Madeira, Portugal. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 24, 2012). Helping children become masters of their own behavior: Novel methods for improving cognitive control. Invited Address. “Conference on International Thoughts on Mind and Brain,” The Gonda Center for Multidisciplinary Brain Research, Bar-Ilan University, Ramat-Gan, Israel. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 21, 2012). The effects of stress and genotype on prefrontal cortex and executive functions and how those effects differ in males and females. Invited talk. Ben Gurion University. Beer Sheva, Israel.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 13, 2012). Afternoon talk: Leveraging what we’ve learned from research to help every child succeed: Strategies and activities to aid the development of executive functions. Second of 2 Invited talks. 5th Annual Family Information Session on Executive Function: Development and Facilitation in Children With Focus on Deaf/Hard of Hearing, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, Washington.
PowerPoint: devcogneuro.com/Publications/Diamond_2012_seattle_children_hospital_Development_of_Executive_Functions.pdf

Diamond, A. (Oct. 13, 2012). Morning talk: Understanding executive functions. First of 2 Invited talks. 5th Annual Family Information Session on Executive Function: Development and Facilitation in Children with a Focus on Deaf/Hard of Hearing, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, Washington.
PowerPoint: www.devcogneuro.com/Publications/Diamond_2012_seattle_children_hospital_Understanding_Executive_Functions.pdf
Video: youtube.com/watch?v=rWBn9LOHjzA&index=5&list=PLTMQncsWPsq0AWUDtitolyokayUJ0-04I

Diamond, A. (Sept. 7, 2012). What executive functions are and ways to improve them in young children. Invited talk. “Early Education: Interventions and interactions to promote social and cognitive development,” IVth IAB International Seminar, São Paulo, Brazil. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (August 29, 2012). Leveraging knowledge about brain development and developmental science to help every child thrive. Keynote Address. “Researching Development, Learning and Well-Being in Early Childhood,” Biennial Meeting of the European Association for Research on Learning and Instruction, Utrecht, Netherlands. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (August 26, 2012). What is key to teaching children so they flourish. Keynote Address. Association Montessori Internationale (AMI), Amsterdam, Netherlands. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (August 19, 2012). Leveraging what we’ve learned from developmental and neuroscience research to help every child succeed. Invited talk. First Things First Presummit Symposium on School Readiness, Phoenix, AZ. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (July 9, 2012). Leveraging what we’ve learned from research to help every child succeed: What executive functions are, and strategies and activities to aid their development. Invited talk. Board on Children, Youth, & Families. National Academies of Sciences Planning Meeting. Washington, DC.

Diamond, A. (June 12, 2012). Child development and the brain: Insights to help every child thrive. Invited talk. Garrison Institute, New York, NY.
view online: www.youtube.com/watch?v=MQ_j1mjGLow

Diamond, A. (June 8, 2012). Understanding executive functions and their developmental course. Invited talk. Whole Day Workshop. District Professional Development Day, Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, Ottawa, ON.

Diamond, A. (June 8, 2012). Prefrontal cortex dysfunction in developmental neuropsychological disorders & how to assess executive functions in young children. Invited talk. Whole Day Workshop. District Professional Development Day, Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, Ottawa, ON.

Diamond, A. (June 8, 2012). Leveraging knowledge about brain development to help every child succeed: Programs and activities empirically demonstrated to aid executive function development in young children. Invited talk. Whole Day Workshop. District Professional Development Day, Ottawa-Carleton District School Board, Ottawa, ON.

Diamond, A. (May 30, 2012). The roles of the arts and physical activity in the development of executive functions. Invited talk. Jean Piaget Preconference on Contemplative Developmental Science, Toronto, ON.

Diamond, A. (May 18, 2012). What nourishes the human spirit may also be best for executive functions. Invited talk. Psychiatry Grand Rounds, St. Paul’s Hospital, Vancouver, BC. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (May 11, 2012). Executive functions: Expanding the boundaries of our knowledge and using that to prevent disorders and help children. Invited talk. Research Day Symposium, Alberta Children's Hospital, Calgary, AB. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (April 28, 2012). How can we improve children’s executive functions, and how much would that help children? Invited talk. Workshop entitled “Developmental cognitive neuroscience: A forward look,” London, UK.

Diamond, A. (April 26, 2012). Commonalities across diverse approaches shown to improve executive functions in young children. Invited talk. 3rd UK Paediatric Neuropsychology Symposium, London, UK. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (April 23, 2012). Development of executive functions during early childhood and their modulation by genes and environment. Invited talk. 3rd UK Paediatric Neuropsychology Symposium, London, UK. Continuing Education credits provided.
view online: web.archive.org/web/20120615140724/http://www.ucl.ac.uk/neuropsych/InternationalSymposia

Diamond, A. (April 20, 2012). Executive functions and prefrontal cortex: Genetic and neurochemical influences, gender differences, and novel methods to help children become masters of their own behavior. Keynote Address. Zangwill Lecture. Experimental Psychology, University of Cambridge, UK.

Diamond, A. (March 23, 2012). Frontal lobe and executive functions. Invited guest lecture. Graduate seminar (Neuroscience 501: Module on Disorders of Cognition, Communication and Emotion), Neuroscience Graduate Program, UBC.

Diamond, A. (March 22, 2012). How and why dance, music, sports, and storytelling might well support critical cognitive development in children and youth. Invited talk. BrainTalks series at Vancouver General Hospital, Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 24, 2012) Executive functions: Genetic & neurochemical influences, gender differences, & strategies to help their development. Invited Talk. Adele Diamond Symposium, Department of Psychology, Leiden University, Netherlands.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 21, 2012). Afternoon talk: Leveraging knowledge about brain development to help every child succeed: Programs and activities empirically demonstrated to aid executive function development. Fourth of Four Invited talks. Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 21, 2012). Morning talk: Executive functions: Genetic & neurochemical influences, gender differences, and interrelations of executive functions with emotions, and social and bodily needs. Third of Four Invited talks. Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 20, 2012). Afternoon talk: Ways to assess and study executive functions in young children. Second of Four Invited talks. Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 20, 2012). Morning talk: Understanding executive functions and their developmental course. First of Four Invited talks. Catholic University of Louvain, Belgium. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 17, 2012). Executive functions: Insights into genetic and neurochemical influences, gender differences, and strategies to help their development. Plenary Address. Special Symposium at Leiden University in Honor of Prof. Leo de Sonneville, Leiden, Netherlands.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 8, 2012). What we can do to help all children thrive. Invited Public Lecture. UBC / Canada Foundation for Innovation Dialogues in connection with the American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS) Meeting, Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 3, 2012). Why the arts, play, and physical activity aid brain development and the development of skills critical for success in school and in life. Invited talk. Department of Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Seattle Children’s Hospital and the University of Washington, Seattle, WA. Continuing Education credit provided.

Diamond, A. (Jan. 30, 2012). Effects of physical activity on executive functions. Invited talk. Research Unit for Sport, Health and Civic Society, University of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark.

Diamond, A. (Jan. 29, 2012). What the evidence shows improves executive functions and academic outcomes. Invited Address. TrygFonden Multi-disciplinary Symposium, "Improving the well-being of children and youth,” Copenhagen, Denmark.

Diamond, A. (Jan. 26, 2012). Nourishing the body, spirit and mind: How to improve self-control, creativity and problem solving in children. Invited Public Address. sponsored by the Dalai Lama Centre, Vancity Theatre, Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (Jan. 20, 2012). The importance of repeated practice. Invited workshop. Early Childhood Education Research Forum, Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), Towson, MD.

Diamond, A. (Jan. 20, 2012). Executive functioning. Keynote Address. Early Childhood Education Research Forum, Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), Towson, MD. Continuing Education credits provided.
video: www.youtube.com/watch?v=P0W8Y9l1toE

Diamond, A. (Dec. 2, 2011). Why tools of the mind and montessori educational approaches may be particularly efficacious for developing executive function skills. Invited talk. An Inaugural Speaker in Visiting Distinguished Scholar Program, Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute & School of Medicine, Roanoke, VA.
video: research.vtc.vt.edu/events/2011/dec/01/why-tools-of-the-mind/
slides: static.vtc.vt.edu/pdf/diamond_vtcri_public

Diamond, A. (Dec. 1, 2011). Executive functions and prefrontal cortex: Genetic and neurochemical influences, gender differences, and practical activities and approaches to help. Invited research lecture. Virginia Tech Carilion Research Institute & School of Medicine, Roanoke, VA
pdf: static.vtc.vt.edu/pdf/diamond_vtcri_public.pdf

Diamond, A. (Nov. 17, 2011). Effects of exercise on cognitive control: What is cognitive control and how important are the social, emotional, & cognitive aspects of physical activity? Invited talk. American College of Sports Medicine (ACSM) Conference on Physical Activity, Cognitive Function, and Academic Achievement, Washington, DC.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 15, 2011). Invited informal talk. World Bank Global Partnership for Education, Washington, DC.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 11, 2011). Pets can provide emotional, social, physical, and cognitive benefits. Invited talk. Social Neuroscience of Human-Animal Interactions Workshop, Washington, DC.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 10, 2011). Understanding executive functions: Strategies for supporting students’ development and preventing deficits. Invited full-day workshop. Annual School Psychology Conference, Jewish Vocational Services, Toronto, ON.
Continuing Education credits provided

Diamond, A. (Nov. 5, 2011). Why disciplining the mind, reducing stress & loneliness, and increasing joy may be critical for children's academic success. Invited talk. Education Symposium. Garrison Institue, Garrison, NY.
view online:www.youtube.com/watch?v=6wdFKPTEL2M

Diamond, A. (Oct. 31, 2011). Insights from developmental cognitive neuroscience on ways to improve executive functions in young children and why that’s important. Invited talk. Inductive Development Systems Theory Conference, Penn. State University, University Park, PA.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 29, 2011). Why the most effective and efficient strategy for educating the mind is to also educate the heart and body. Invited talk. Cross-Cultural Symposium on Early Childhood Education: Educating the Heart, Body and Mind, Richmond, BC.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 22, 2011). Insights into ways of improving cognitive control and self-regulation in young children. Invited talk. 37th Minnesota Symposium on Child Psychology, Minneapolis, MN.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 19, 2011). Commonalities among programs that have shown great promise in working with ASD children. Invited talk. Simons Initiative on Autism and the Brain. MIT, Cambridge, MA

Diamond, A. (Sep. 24, 2011). Applying what we know from scientific research in developmental cognitive neuroscience to how schools can enhance executive function development in young children. Invited talk. 2nd Annual Aspen and New York Academy of Sciences Brain Forum 'Conference on the Cognitive Neuroscience of Learning and Education,' Aspen, CO.

Diamond, A. (August 23, 2011). Commonalities across diverse non-computerized approaches that have shown promise in improving children’s executive functions. Invited talk. International Workshop on Cognitive and Working Memory Training, University of Maryland Center for Advanced Study of Language (CASL), College Park, MD.

Diamond, A (August 19, 2011). Executive Functions defined. Invited talk. Symposium at the American Youth Circus Organization's Biennial Meeting, Sarasota, FL.

Diamond, A. (June 30, 2011). Development, neurochemical modulation, and environmental interventions to improve inhibition of thought and action. Keynote Address. Frijda Public Lecture in Cognitive Science, . Cognitive Science Centre Amsterdam (CSCA) Summer School, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Diamond, A. (June 30, 2011). Relation of intention to action: Development of inhibitory control and interventions to help. Invited 3-hour workshop. Cognitive Science Center Amsterdam (CSCA) Summer School, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (June 8, 2011). Executive Functions: What they are, why they're important, and how to aid their development. Invited talk. Presentation for kindergarten teachers, Vancouver School Board Education Centre. Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (June 2, 2011). Aspects of Executive function. Invited talk. Mindfulness Meditation Research Day Meeting, Toronto, ON. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (May 20, 2011). What do we know about child development and the brain that can help promote resilience and help more children be strong and joyful? Invited talk. 22nd Boston Trauma Conference, Boston, MA. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (May 13, 2011). Executive Functions: Insights from Neuroscience and Developmental Psychology. Invited talk. Hershey Montessori Farm School, Huntsburgh, OH.

Diamond, A. (April 28, 2011). Why focusing on only academic achievement or only executive functions might not be enough. Invited talk. Karolinska Institute, Stockholm, Sweden.

Diamond, A. (April 20, 2011). What nourishes the human spirit may also be best for executive functions. Invited talk. Neuropsychiatry Program Grand Rounds, Vancouver, BC. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (April 11, 2011). Leveraging knowledge about brain development to help every child succeed. Invited talk. Centennial Academy, Montreal, QC.

Diamond, A. (April 11, 2011). Insights from Neuroscience and Developmental Science to help every child succeed. Keynote Address. Logan Lecture, Centennial Academy, Montreal, QC.

Diamond, A. (March 28, 2011). Insights from neuroscience and developmental science on ways to improve cognitive control and self-regulation in young children and why that’s important. Invited talk. Montessori Training Center, Minneapolis, MN.

Diamond, A. (March 9, 2011). Frontal lobe and executive functions. Invited 2-hour guest lecture. Graduate seminar (Neuroscience 501: Module on Disorders of Cognition, Communication and Emotion), Neuroscience Graduate Program, UBC.

Diamond, A. (March 4, 2011). Teaching, & raising children, for creativity and fulfillment. Keynote Address. The Roeper School, Bloomfield Hills, MI.

Diamond, A. (March 3, 2011). Training the brain: Improving attention & self-regulation. Keynote Address. Pickering Lecture in Development Psychology, Carleton University, Ottawa, ON.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 28, 2011). Possible neural bases of gender differences in higher cognitive functions. Invited talk. NIH/NIMH Sex Differences in Brain, Behavior, Mental Health and Mental Disorders Workshop, Rockville, MD.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 22, 2011). The development of executive functions in children and adolescents. Invited talk. Professional Day, Ethical Culture Fieldston School, New York, NY.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 17, 2011). Why study executive functions? Invited talk. Eunice Kennedy Shriver National Institute of Child Health and Human Development (NICHD) Workshop on Behavior, Bethesda, MD.

Diamond, A. (Jan. 8, 2011). Love grows brains and shapes gene expression. Invited Address. Seeds of Empathy Aboriginal Meeting. Comox, BC.

Diamond, A. (Jan. 8, 2011). What executive functions are, and strategies and activities for aiding its development. Invited Address. Seeds of Empathy Aboriginal Meeting. Comox, BC.

Diamond, A. (Jan. 4, 2011). Strategies and activities for aiding the development of executive functions in young children. Invited talk. Child Guidance Centre, Sahyadri Specialty Hospital, Pune, India. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (Dec. 24, 2010). Invited Valedictory Address, Conference on Science, Spirituality, and Education, presided over by the Dalai Lama, to advise the Government of Sikkim in its endeavor to overhaul the provincial education system so that they educate not only the head but also the heart, Gangtok, Sikkim, India.

Diamond, A. (Dec. 23, 2010). Insights from neuroscience, psychology, and teaching into how to educate the heart, & not only the head. Invited Address, Conference on Science, Spirituality, and Education, presided over by the Dalai Lama, to advise the Government of Sikkim in its endeavor to overhaul the provincial education system so that they educate not only the head but also the heart, Gangtok, Sikkim, India.

Diamond, A. (Dec. 14, 2010). Development of the executive functions dependent on prefrontal cortex: Genetic and neurochemical influences, and possible interventions to help children. Invited talk. Brains and Behaviors Program, Georgia State University, Atlanta, GA. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 9, 2010). Strategies and activities for aiding the development of executive functions in young children. Invited talk. British Columbia Association of School Psychologists (BCASP) Conference, Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 9, 2010). Prefrontal cortex and executive functions: What School Psychologists might need to know. Invited talk. British Columbia Association of School Psychologists (BCASP) Conference, Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 6, 2010). How the arts and play may aid human brain development. Invited speaker, 'Body Worlds & The Brain' exhibit at Science World, Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 4, 2010). Prefrontal cortex and executive function development for K-12 educators. Invited plenary address, Making Connections Conference organized by UBC School Psychology Program, Richmond, BC. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 28, 2010). Help millions, save billions: Invest wisely in early childhood to improve mental health. Invited speaker, Open Minds Across Canada Mental Health Symposia, Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 22, 2010). Executive functions in children and youth: How and why dance or storytelling might well support the development of these cognitive abilities? Invited talk. Conference on Childhood and Society, Bregenz, Austria. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 19, 2010). The development of executive functions: Surprising ways in which children and adults are similar and different, and surprising interconnections between emotional, social, and physical well-being and executive function development. Invited lecture, Center for Lifespan Psychology Lecture Series, Max Planck Institute for Human Development, Berlin, Germany.

Diamond, A. (Sept. 22, 2010). Executive functions and prefrontal cortex: Genetic and neurochemical influences, clinical implications, and possible interventions to help. Invited speaker, Jane Holmes Bernstein Lecture in Developmental Neuropsychology, Psychiatry Grand Rounds, Children’s Hospital, Boston, MA. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (Sept. 17, 2010). Evolution of how children’s minds change as they grow up, and environmental & biological influences on that. Invited 2-hour applied talk on neuropsychology. FRIENDS program trainers (an anxiety prevention program), Ministry of Children & Family Development, Vancouver, BC. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (Sept. 11, 2010). Genetic influences on prefrontal function and gender differences in that. Invited speaker, Workshop on the Computational Properties of Prefrontal Cortex (PFC), Whistler, BC.

Diamond, A. (June 26, 2010). Want to improve children's emotional and mental health? Consider an activity that requires discipline, sustained attention, and exercise. Invited speaker, “Paediatric Update”, Annual Canadian Paediatric Society Meeting, Vancouver, BC. Continuing Education credits provided.
view online: www.cps.ca/English/ProEdu/OnlineEdu.htm

Diamond, A. (June 19, 2010). Possible ways to prevent or remediate executive function deficits during childhood, adolescence, and emerging adulthood. Invited speaker, 2010 Mind & Life Summer Research Institute, Garrison Institute, NY. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (June 1, 2010). Why the arts are important for the development of children prepared to succeed in school and in life. Invited talk. Center for Integrated Arts Education Institute, Greeley, CO. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (May 17, 2010). What should an intelligent audience interested in a societal commitment to the early years know about prefrontal cortex development? Invited talk. Council for Early Child Development, Toronto, ON.

Diamond, A. (May 7, 2010). The effects of exercise on cognitive control: How important are the social, emotional, and cognitive aspects of the physical activity? Invited talk. 3rd International Congress on Physical Activity and Public Health, Toronto, ON.

Diamond, A. (May 3, 2010). Preschool program improves cognitive control. Invited talk. NIDA Workshop on “Interventions Targeted at Improving Cognitive Control,” Rockville, MD. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (April 30, 2010). Coming full circle from the social end of psychology, to the neuroscience end, and back again. Invited talk. Annual Meeting for the Society of Experimental Psychologists, Philadelphia, PA.

Diamond, A. (April 16, 2010). Insights into selective attention, task switching, and response inhibition. Invited talk. International Workshop on “Selection and Control Mechanisms in Perception and Action,” Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (April 10, 2010). Why executive functions are important and how to aid their development. Keynote. Annual General Meeting, Association Montessori Internationale, Amsterdam, Netherlands. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (March 26, 2010). Development of executive functions in preschool and school-age children. Invited talk. 20th Annual Butters-Kaplan West Coast Neuropsychological Conference, San Diego, CA. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (March 19, 2010). The executive functions dependent on prefrontal cortex: Genetic and environmental influences and educational and clinical implications. Keynote. Royce Conference, University of Alberta, Edmonton, AB.

Diamond, A. (March 17, 2010). Genetic and environmental influences on the expression of cognitive abilities dependent on prefrontal cortex. Invited 2-hour guest lecture. Graduate seminar (Neuroscience 501: Module on Disorders of Cognition, Communication and Emotion), Neuroscience Graduate Program, UBC.

Diamond, A. (March 9, 2010). Development of cognitive functions dependent on prefrontal cortex, and genetic and environmental influences. Invited talk. Javits Research Symposium, organized by Department of Education, National Research Center on the Gifted and Talented, and National Association for Gifted Children, Washington, DC.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 26, 2010). Prefrontal cortex and education: Direct relevance of scientific discoveries to educational practice. Invited talk. The Curry Education Research Lectureship Series, University of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA. Continuing Education credits provided.
listen online: teis.virginia.edu/research-mainmenu-55/2533-education-research-lectureship-series-adele-diamond

Diamond, A. (Feb. 11, 2010). Resonating with Robbie Case and continuing his legacy: Current approaches to optimizing all aspects of a child’s development. Keynote Address. Robbie Case Memorial Lecture, Institute of Child Study, University of Toronto, Toronto, ON.
view online: mediaspace.oise.utoronto.ca:8888/tinkerne/2010CaseLecture.mov

Diamond, A. (Jan. 20, 2010). Insights from neuroscience and developmental science for elementary school teachers. Invited talk, Waverley Elementary School. Vancouver, BC. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (Dec. 17, 2009). Prefrontal cortex and early child development. Invited talk. Meeting on Early Childhood Education, Academia Brasileira de Ciencias (the Brazilian National Academy of Sciences), Rio de Janeiro, Brazil.

Diamond, A. (Dec. 5, 2009). What executive functions are, why they're important, and ways to improve them in young children. Invited talk, Conference on Cultivating Human Capital, University of Chicago, Chicago, IL.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 29, 2009) Invited talk. Royal Society of Canada, Ottawa.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 24, 2009). Very little is fixed or unchangeable. Invited talk. Phoenix Academy of Learning, Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 13, 2009). Cognitive control and self-regulation in young children: Ways to improve that and why. Keynote. Conference on “School Readiness and School Success: From research to policy and practice,” co-sponsored by the Strategic Knowledge Cluster on Early Child Development and the Centre of Excellence for Early Childhood Development, Quebec City, QC. Continuing Education credits provided.
view online: www.skc-ecd.ca/conferences/ready-for-school-ready-for-life.html

pdf of slides: Diamond_2009_slides_cognitive_control_young_children.pdf

The slide presentation was translated into Portuguese
pdf: Portuguese_adele_diamond_school_readiness_conference_2009-11_pt.pdf
and appears as part of a Portuguese online anthology of EF resources
pdf: Portuguese_2013_funcoes-executivas.pdf

The slide presentation was also translated into French and quoted in the text book "Des cerveaux qui apprennent" by Chenelière Education, Montreal, QC. (March 2025). Specifically, slides 4 & 11 as they appear on the web page Diamond A. Contrôle cognitif et autorégulation chez les jeunes enfants : Comment les améliorer et pourquoi? [Diaporama]. In: Tremblay RE, Boivin M, Peters RDeV, Paus T, (Eds.) Encyclopédie sur le développement des jeunes enfants [French]. https://www.enfant-encyclopedie.com/fonctions-executives/selon-experts/controle-cognitif-et-autoregulation-chez-les-jeunes-enfants (Jan., 2013)
pdf: www.enfant-encyclopedie.com/sites/default/files/docs/textes-experts/adele_diamond_school_readiness_conference_2009-11_fr.pdf

Diamond, A. (Nov. 6, 2009). Prefrontal cortex executive functions: Genetic and environmental influences with clinical and educational implications. Invited talk. University of Washington, Seattle.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 5, 2009). Interrelations between creativity and executive functions: Lessons from Psychology and Neuroscience for cultivating giftedness in young people. Invited talk in a speaker series at Evergreen, hosted by the Evergreen School and the UW Psychology Dept., University of Washington, Seattle.
view online: www.evergreenschool.org/ftpimages/551/download/Diamond%20Presentation.pdf

Diamond, A. (Nov. 4, 2009). Genetic and environmental influences on prefrontal cortex executive functions: Practical relevance and clinical implications. Invited talk. Child Psychiatry Rounds, Glenrose Hospital, Edmonton, AB. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 3, 2009). ADD (ADHD without hyperactivity) is a neurobiologically and behaviorally distinct disorder from ADHD (that includes hyperactivity). Invited talk. Glenrose Hospital, Edmonton, AB. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 20, 2009). Insuring that all children and youth have the opportunities and resources to achieve their full potential and to participate in creating a better society. Keynote Address. Honoring Our Advocacy Fundraiser for First Call: BC Child and Youth Advocacy Coalition, Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 6, 2009). Strategies and programs to improve cognitive control and academic achievement in young children: What's joy got to do with it? Invited talk. Positive Psychology Centre, University of Pennsylvania, Philadelphia, PA.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 2, 2009). Prefrontal cortex executive functions: Genetic and environmental influences with clinical and educational implications. Invited talk. Neuroscience and Cognitive Sciences Colloquium. University of Maryland at College Park. College Park, Maryland.

Diamond, A. (Sept. 24, 2009). Normal and atypical development of the cognitive control processes dependent on the frontal lobe. Invited talk. European Science Foundation Research Conference, St Feliu de Guixols, Catalonia, Spain. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (Sept. 15, 2009). Cognitive neuroscience relevant to acting early in children’s lives to promote mental health and prevent mental illness. Invited talk. A Symposium on the Mental Health Promotion Considerations for the Pan-Canadian Healthy Living Strategy for PHAC. Ottawa, ON.

Diamond, A. (Sept. 10, 2009). Cognitive control and self-regulation in young children: Ways to improve it and why. Keynote Address. British Psychological Society Annual Meeting, Developmental Section, Nottingham, UK. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (Sept. 6, 2009). Cognitive neuroscience and the importance of the arts for educating children's minds, hearts, and bodies. Invited talk. Cortona Week 2009 – an interdisciplinary conference of artists and scientists. Cortona, Tuscany, Italy.

Diamond, A. (August 7, 2009). Strategies and programs that help to improve executive functions in young children. Invited talk for a special session (Div. 7). American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto, ON. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (August 6, 2009). Prefrontal cortex and developmental neuropsychology: Practical relevance of what we know about genetic and environmental influences on prefrontal cortex. Invited talk for a special session (Div. 40). American Psychological Association Annual Convention, Toronto, ON. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (July 13, 2009). Developmental change in, and environmental modulation of, cognitive control: Differences by gender and genetics. Invited talk. UC Berkeley Conference on Neurocognitive Development, University of California - Berkeley.

Diamond, A. (June 10, 2009). Prefrontal cortex and developmental neuropsychology: Genetic and environmental influences. Invited academic talk, M.I.N.D. Institute, University of California - Davis.
view online: media.mindinstitute.org/video/dls/2009/mov/diamond_2009_dls_01.mov

Diamond, A. (June 10, 2009). Cognitive control in young children and ways to improve it. Invited community talk, MIND Institute, University of California - Davis.
view online: media.mindinstitute.org/video/dls/2009/mov/diamond_2009_dls_02.mov

Diamond, A. (May 8, 2009). Practical relevance of what we know about genetic and environmental influences on prefrontal cortex. Keynote Address. Australian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment (ASSBI) Annual Conference, Sydney, Australia. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (May 7, 2009). Strategies and programs to help improve executive functions in young children. Invited half-day workshop, Australian Society for the Study of Brain Impairment (ASSBI) Annual Conference, Sydney, Australia. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (April 7, 2009). Development of the refinement of attention, and some ways to aid its development. Invited talk. “Mind and Life” Meeting on Attention and Memory, a five-day meeting with the Dalai Lama at his residence, Dharamsala, India.

Diamond, A. (March 30, 2009). Invited short talk, Board of Directors’ Reception, Canada Foundation for Innovation (CFI). Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A (March 25, 2009). Activities to improve executive functions in young children. Invited presentation, Lake Washington Literacy Council, Edmonds, WA. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A (March 25, 2009). Parents, play, and the brain. Keynote Address. Annual Spring In-Service for Parent Educators, Organization of Parent Education Programs, Lake Washington Technical College Parent Education Program, Lake Washington, WA. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (March 18, 2009). Frontal lobe and executive functions. Invited 2-hour guest lecture. Graduate seminar (Neuroscience 501: Module on Disorders of Cognition, Communication and Emotion), Neuroscience Graduate Program, UBC.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 19, 2009). Practical relevance of what we know about genetic and environmental influences on prefrontal cortex: Interventions to help improve executive functions in children. Invited talk. 2009 Developmental Neurogenomic Seminar Series, Centre for Community Child Health Research, Children's & Women's Health Centre of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 17, 2009). The anatomy, development ,genetic influences on, and cognitive abilities that depend upon prefrontal cortex. Part of a series of four invited talks for Area Counsellors, Speech and Language Pathologists, and Psychologists with the Vancouver School Board, Vancouver, BC. Pro D / CE credits provided for each talk.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 17, 2009). Interventions to improve executive functions in young children. Part of a series of four invited talks for Area Counsellors, Speech and Language Pathologists, and Psychologists with the Vancouver School Board, Vancouver, BC. Pro D / CE credits provided for each talk.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 17, 2009). Early cognitive development, especially the development of executive functions. Part of a series of four invited talks for Area Counsellors, Speech and Language Pathologists, and Psychologists with the Vancouver School Board, Vancouver, BC. Pro D / CE credits provided for each talk.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 17, 2009). Neurocognitive tests used to assess executive functions in young children. Part of a series of four invited talks for Area Counsellors, Speech and Language Pathologists, and Psychologists with the Vancouver School Board, Vancouver, BC. Pro D / CE credits provided for each talk.

Diamond, A. (Feb. 12, 2009). Genetic and environmental influences on cognitive abilities dependent on prefrontal cortex: Practical relevance of what we know. Keynote Address. The Helen H. Molinari Memorial Lecture in Neuroscience, Center for Neuropharmacology & Neuroscience, Albany Medical College, Albany, NY.

Diamond, A. (Jan 15, 2009). What are the tasks we claim are measuring working memory, inhibition, and switching really measuring? Invited talk. “What is the Organization of Prefrontal Cortex for Executive Function?," inaugural conference of a series on "Executive Function & Dysfunction," University of Boulder, CO.

Diamond, A. (Jan. 9, 2009). Prefrontal cortex: Expanding the boundaries of our knowledge and using what we know to prevent disorders and help children. Keynote Address. John P. Zubek Memorial Lecture, Dept. of Psychology, University of Manitoba, Winnipeg.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 20, 2008), Genetic and environmental influences on Prefrontal Cortex: Relevance of what we know to what can be done to help children. Invited talk presented at Schneider Children's Medical Center, Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv University, Israel.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 17, 2008). Relevance of what we know about genetic and environmental influences on Prefrontal Cortex to what can be done to help children. Invited talk presented at Ben Gurion University, Beer Sheva, Israel.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 13, 2008). Genetic and Environmental influences on cognitive abilities dependent on Prefrontal Cortex: Practical relevance of what we know. Invited talk presented at Hebrew University, Jerusalem, Israel.

Diamond, A. (Nov. 4, 2008). Prefrontal Cortex and developmental neuropsychiatry. Invited talk presented at BC Children's Hospital Neuropsychiatry Rounds. Vancouver, BC. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (Oct. 20, 2008). Neuroscience and education: Direct relevance of scientific discoveries to educational practice. Invited public address in day-long celebration of the 20th Anniversary of the journal, Neuron. A free public symposium, “The Impact of Neuroscience on Society,” organized by Cell Press, Fondation Ipsen, and Massachusetts General Hospital, held at the Collège de France, Paris.

Diamond, A. (Sept. 10, 2008). Improving executive functions in young children, and, gender differences in PFC dopamine system in adults. Invited presentation to BC Neuropsychiatry Grand Rounds, at UBC Hospital and linked via video teleconference province-wide to 24 remote sites. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (Sept. 5, 2008). Genetic and environmental influences on the expression of cognitive abilities dependent on prefrontal cortex: Relevance of what we know to what can be done to help children. Keynote Addrerss. RO Jones Memorial Speaker at the Canadian Psychiatric Association Annual Meeting, Vancouver, BC. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (July 15, 2008). Cognitive control in young children and ways to improve it. Invited talk presented at the “Brain Development and Learning” Making Sense of the Science” Biennial Conference, Vancouver, BC. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (July 6, 2008). Prefrontal cortex and developmental neuropsychology. Invited talk presented to the Servicio de Clínicas Interdisciplinarias at the Hospital Nacional de Pediatría, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (July 4, 2008). Cognitive control in young children: Ways to measure it and to improve it. Keynote Address. Birch Lecture at the International Neuropsychological Society Annual Meeting, Buenos Aries, Argentina.

Diamond, A. (July 3, 2008). Prefrontal cortex dysfunction in developmental neuropsychological disorders: Relevance of what we know to what can be done to help the children. An invited 3-hour Workshop at the International Neuropsychological Society Annual Meeting, Buenos Aries, Argentina. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (June 24, 2008). Cognitive control (executive functions) in young children: Relevance of what we know to what can be done to help children. Plenary Address. “Emotion-Regulation and the Central Nervous System: How Children’s Brains Connect with Their Learning” at the Head Start National Research Conference, Washington, DC.

Diamond, A. (June 19, 2008). Prefrontal cortex: Expanding the boundaries of our knowledge and using what we already know to prevent disorders and help children. Invited talk. UBC Dept. of Psychiatry Research Day, Vancouver, BC. Continuing Education Credits provided.

Diamond, A. (June 19, 2008). Commencement Address. Eaton Arrowsmith School, Vancouver, BC.

Diamond, A. (June 5, 2008). Improving children’s lives, discipline, and cognitive skills through dance. Invited talk at National Institute on Drug Abuse (NIDA) Meeting on “Can Physical Activity and Exercise Prevent Drug Abuse? Promoting a Full Range of Science to Inform Prevention,” Bethesda, MD.

Diamond, A. (May 29, 2008). The Neuroscience and cognitive science of executive functions: Where the translational and implementation opportunities lay. Invited presentation at the National Scientific Council on the Developing Child, Washington, DC.

Diamond, A. (May 26, 2008). For disorders such as PTSD & ADHD: Relevance of what we know to what can be done to help children. Invited 3-hour workshop for the Vancouver Coastal Foster Care Support Services, Vancouver, BC. Continuing Education Credits provided.

Diamond, A. (May 25, 2008). Executive function skills can be improved in low-income preschoolers at minimal expense: Implications for reducing ADHD incidence and achievement gap between richer and poorer children. Invited talk. In a Symposium on “Understanding Executive Functions: Integrating Biological, Developmental, and Educational Perspectives” (chair: Adele Diamond), Association for Psychological Science Annual Meeting, Chicago, IL.

Diamond, A. (May 15, 2008). Genetic and environmental influences on the expression of cognitive abilities dependent on prefrontal cortex. Invited lecture, Canadian Centre for Behavioral Neuroscience, University of Lethbridge, AB.

Diamond, A. (May 7, 2008). For disorders such as PTSD, ADHD, & autism: Relevance of what we know to what can be done to help children. Invited 3-hour workshop, Ministry of Children and Family Development, Abbotsford, BC. Continuing Education Credits provided.

Diamond, A. (April 14, 2008). Differential difficulty of inhibitory control and memory load at different periods of life. Invited Talk. In a Symposium on “The rise and fall of cognitive control: Lifespan development,” Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Diamond, A. (April 6, 2008). Invited presentation, Conference on Developmental Issues in Contemplative Education, Garrison Institute, Garrison, NY.

Diamond, A. (March 31, 2008). Genetic and environmental influences on the expression of cognitive abilities dependent on prefrontal cortex. Invited talk. Neuroscience colloquium, University of Western Ontario, London, ON.

Diamond, A. (March 19, 2008). Genetic and environmental influences on the expression of cognitive abilities dependent on prefrontal cortex. Invited 2-hour guest lecture. Graduate seminar (Neuroscience 501: Module on Disorders of Cognition, Communication and Emotion), Neuroscience Graduate Program, UBC.

Diamond, A. (March 15, 2008). Helping children become masters of their own behavior: Novel methods for improving cognitive control (executive functions) in young children and their relevance for disorders such as ADHD. Keynote Address. APS William James Distinguished Lecture at the Annual Meeting of the Eastern Psychological Association, Boston, MA. Continuing Education credits provided.

Diamond, A. (Jan. 18, 2008). Prefrontal cortex dysfunction and developmental disorders: Relevance of what we know to what can be done to help children. Invited talk. Cognitive Science colloquium, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.

Diamond, A. (Jan. 17, 2008). Cognitive control (executive functions) in young children: Some things we’ve learned about it and about how to improve it. Invited talk, College of Education, early childhood administrators & teachers, United Way personnel, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ.

Past Talks (Before 2008): - click here.

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Media Coverage

2025 to be interviewed by second year UBC neuroscience student Liam Chippindale for his student podcast: Bridging the Gap.
  Series of interviews during the Congreso Futuro 2025 Conference, Santiago, Chile
  - Interviewed by Paloma Ávila of the Cable News Network Chile (CNN) (13 Jan)
  - Interviewed by Pascale Fuentes of Televisión Nacional de Chile (TVN) (14 Jan)
  - Interviewed by Paula Molina of Radio Cooperativa Chile (14 Jan)
  - Interviewed by Trinidad Matta Schilling, Scientific communicator & activist for girls in STEM, Santiago, Chile (14 Jan)
2024 Interview with Hernan Chousa for his podcast — www.hernanchousa.com (13 April)
2023 Featured in the article "What is ‘normal’ body temperature? Some experts say it’s not really 98.6." by Marlene Cimons in the Washington Post newspaper (25 Dec)
  Interviewed by Ryan van Patten (Brown Univ.) on "Executive Functions in the Developing Brain" for the podcast Navigating Neuropsychology. Continuing Education Credits provided. (3 Nov)
  Featured in the article "Do brain-training apps really work?" by Marta Zaraska in Discover magazine (17 June)
  Interviewed by Carla McNeil on executive functions for New Zealand's Learning Matters Chit Chat podcast (27 March)
  Featured in the new book by Ana Homayoun (2023). Erasing the Finish Line: The New Blueprint for Success Beyond Grades and College Admission. Hachette Go. ISBN : 978-0306830693 (6 March)
  Interviewed (7 Sept 2022) for an article on me by Jonas Cullberg for the Swedish psychology magazine, Modern Psykologi, titled, “En dans med Diamond. Hur ökar vi barns fokus, impulskontroll och kreativitet? Frågan har varit i fokus för Adele Diamonds forskning i över 40 år" [translated: "A Dance with Diamond. How do we increase children's focus, impulse control and creativity? The question has been the focus of Adele Diamond's research for over 40 years"] (3 Jan 2023)
  Featured in the Oxford University Press (2023) textbook, Executive function in childhood: Development, individual differences, and real-Life importance, by Claire Hughes & Laura Katus of the Centre for Family Research, Univ. of Cambridge
2022 Interviewed by Seth Perler, "Executive functions, a thorough exploration," for the Executive Functions Summit webinar series (6 Aug 2022)
  "One-on-one interview with Adele Diamond." The Huttenlocher Award. The Flux Society, Paris, France (June 2022)
  Interviewed by Anshu Bahanda for the Wellness Curated podcast #72: "Child Development and the Brain" (22 June 2022)
  Featured in the article “Early learning: Holistic intervention” in the Stories newsletter, Bezos Family Foundation
website (25 Feb 2022)
  Featured in the article “Body temperature may not be an effective gauge of COVID-19” by Jill U. Adams in The Washington Post newspaper (16 Jan 2022)
2021 Interviewed by Dr Carlos Vazquez for the IHeart radio show “Circle of Insight” (1 Dec)
  A one-hour interview by Dr. Jean Clinton,“Learning, Doing, Being,” as part of the Human Connections two-day online conference hosted by, Early Learning and Literacy Alliance of Waterloo Region, Ontario. (28 Oct 2021)
  Interviewed by Céline Guerreiro for the "Podcast pour un plein épanouissement affectif et cognitif" [French: Podcast for full emotional and cognitive fulfillment] (30 April 2021)
  Interviewed by Jill Adams concerning our publication, “One size does not fit all: Assuming the same normal body temperature for everyone is not justified” for The Washington Post newspaper (3 March 2021). The article (“Body temperature may not be an effective gauge of Covid-19”) draws heavily from that interview.
  Interviewed by Gill Eapen, "Review of the evidence on, and fundamental questions about, efforts to improve executive functions, including working memory, and ideas to redesign the education system," for the Scientific Sense
podcast (25 Jan 2021)


Radio and TV interviews concerning our publication, Zareyan, Wang, Song, Hampson, Abbott, & Diamond, A. (Epub 30 Oct. 2020 ahead of print). First demonstration of double dissociation between COMT-Met158 and COMT-Val158 cognitive performance when stressed and when calmer. Cerebral Cortex, 31, 1411-1426:
  • Radio interview with host Adam Stirling, CFAX 1070 news/talk radio, Victoria, BC. (21 Dec)
  • Television news interview with reporter Kumud Azad, City News, CTV, Vancouver, BC. (18 Dec)
  • Radio interview, “On The Coast,” CBC Radio One, Vancouver, BC. (18 Dec)
  • Radio interview, “All Points West,” CBC Radio One, Victoria, BC. (18 Dec)
  Feature story, "A bit of stress might not be so good for us after all," by Vanessa Hrvatin on the Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health (UBC) website (23 Nov 2020)
  Interviewed by Roshni & Tina Lulla for an episode on the "Behind Your Behavior podcast (03 Dec 2020)
  Interviewed by Aliza W. Pressman for "The mental tool kit for success with Professor Adele Diamond," on the Raising Good Humans podcast (20 July 2020)
  Featured in the French textbook “Etre bien pour apprendre” by Juliette François & Isabelle Grossetete, Nathan Editions, Paris (April 2020)
  Feature story, "The role stress plays in children during the pandemic," by Vanessa Hrvatin for an article in a COVID-19 series on the Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health (UBC) website (27 July 2020)
  Interviewed by Kathy Weston for her podcast series called #GetaGrip (14 April 2020)
  Interviewed by Victoria Bagnall, "Connections in Mind: Corona Virus Advice Interview Series - Prof. Adele Diamond," for the Connections in Mind website (6 April 2020)
  Interviewed by Art Kleiner for an article to appear on the Mindful Leader website (27 March 2020)
  Interviewed by Sucheta Kamath for the Full PreFrontal: Exposing the mysteries of Executive Functions podcast
(21 Jan 2020)
  Feature story, “Boosting the well-being and performance of kindergarten teachers and students,” by Sarah Ripplinger in the Research Insider newsletter of the Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute (24 Jan 2020)


Highlighted in the online newsletter, "Adele Diamond: Los niños necesitan funciones ejecutivas saludables si quieren prosperar" [Spanish: "Adele Diamond: Children need healthy executive functions if they want to prosper,"] of the Centro Justicia Educacional, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago (16 Dec)
  Interviewed by Juliette François & Isabelle Grossetete for a new book targeted at teachers to be published by the French textbook publisher Nathan Editions, Paris (06 Dec 2019)
  Interviewed by several different news programs and publications in Sao Paulo, Brazil (Dec 2019)
  Interviewed by Alexis Chateau for an article to appear on the Parentology: Parenting in the Digital Age website (21 Oct 2019)
  Interviewed by Lara Smith, a journalism & politics student at New York University, for a mock article as part of a class assignment (10 Oct 2019)
  Featured in the article, "Smart start" [also published under the digital title: "How to prime preschoolers for success"] by Lisa Guernsey in Scientific American (Oct 2019)

  PLoS One article highlighted — "Emphasizing social play in kindergarten improves academics, reduces teacher burnout" — in the online newsletter ScienceDaily (17 Sept 2019)
  Feature Story, "Surrey-Vancouver kindergarten curriculum trial improved student success and reduced teacher burnout" by Emily Wight in the online newsletter of the Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health (17 Sept 2019)
  Interviewed by Faith Inello (grade 10 student) for school newspaper at Lexington Christian Academy, Lexington, KY (14 Aug 2019)
  Interviewed by Jason Tetro for the podcast "The Super Awesome Science Show" on the Curiouscast: Podcast for Curious Minds website (19 July 2019)
  Interviewed for the article “Adele Diamond: “Estudiar o realizar una actividad educativa mientras se es feliz ayuda a recordarla” [Spanish: Adele Diamond: "Studying or doing an educational activity while happy helps you remember it"] by Carmen Bajona for the blog Tiching [an educational social network from Spain that has more than 600,000 followers] (20 May 2019)
  Featured in the article "La educación, ‘sastreria a medida:’ Unos 200 educadores asturianos se acercan a los últimos avances en neurocienca; Los expertos Ignacio Morgado, Adele Diamond y Jon Andoni Duñabeitia explicaron cómo aprovechar los procesos cognitives de los niños" [Spanish: Education, ‘custom tailoring:’ Some 200 Asturian educators approach the latest advances in neuroscience; The experts Ignacio Morgado, Adele Diamond and Jon Andoni Duñabeitia explained how to take advantage of children's cognitive processes] by Marco Menendez, page 21, in the newspaper El Comercio in Gijón, Asturias, Spain (12 May 2019)
see also: https://www.elcomercio.es/asturias/educacion-sastreria-medida-20190512015658-ntvo.html
  Interviewed by L.A. Vega for the article "Adele Diamond: Neurocientífica: ‘Exigimos que los niños sean pequeños universitariosi, cada vez más temprano;’ ‘Pensamos que la escuela debe ser seria, pero se aprende más estando alegre;’ ‘Es mala idea que el profesor haga menos y las máquinas más’" [Spanish: Adele Diamond: Neuroscientist: ‘We demand that children be small university students, more and more early;’ ‘We think that school should be serious, but you learn more by being cheerful;’ It's a bad idea for the teacher to do less and more machines’], page 25, in the newspaper La Nueva España in Oviedo, Asturias, Spain (12 May 2019)
  Feature Story, "Exercise, Executive Functions, and Engaging with Physical Activity for Better Brain Health" by Emily Wight in the online newsletter of the Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health (24 April 2019)
  Highlighted in the member news, Adele Diamond with Bill Gates, in the Djavad Mowafaghian Centre for Brain Health (UBC) online newsletter (Feb 2019)
  Interviewed by video producer Kevin Rosmer for MindEDU. Several videos appear on the website. (26 Feb 2019; and also 14 March 2020)
  Interviewed by Ruairi J Mackenzie of Technology Networks (an online publisher) for a new edition of the e-book “Women in Science.” (14 Jan 2019)


Quoted in the article "Het gestresste brein: Chronische stress ontregelt de hersenen" [Dutch: “The stressed brain:
Chronic stress disrupts the brain”] by Niki Korteweg in NRC Handelsblad (Dutch daily newspaper) in Amsterdam, NL (07 Sept)
  "Separating children from families can harm them for life” by Adele Diamond. Letter to the editor in the Voice of San Diego online newspaper (25 July 2018)
  Interviewed by James Beevers for the Curtanna platform (July 2018)


Interviewed live by Stirling Faux on the radio show, "Middays with Jody Vance", Roundhouse Radio 98.3, a Vancouver radio station with a community focus (2 Nov)
  Quoted in the article 'The ‘Problem Child’ Is a Child, Not a Problem' by Suzanne Bouffard in The New York Times
(24 Oct 2017)
  Article on talk given at Whitianga, New Zealand entitled "Local Residents Captivated by Renowned Neuroscientist" in the Mercury Bay Informer newspaper, page 6 (24 May 2017)
  Profiled with photo in the upcoming 12th edition of the textbook - "Psychology In Action" -  by Karen Huffman and Catherine Sanderson published by Wiley (16 May 2017)
  Interview with Adele Diamond about her talk at the XXIX Institut Guttmann Annual Scientific Congress, newspaper article entitled "Adele Diamond: “Els nens de tres anys no haurien d’estar asseguts” [Catalan; “Adele Diamond: Children of three years should not be sitting”] by Lara Bonilla in ARA (newspaper), Barcelona, Spain (25 April 2017)
  Interviewed on “Mondiali di Orienteering 2017 #DAY1, Palermo” [Italian; "Orienteering World Cup 2017 #DAY1, Palermo"] that was live-streamed on Voicebookradio - Young Creative Network, Italy (24 April 2017)
  Quoted in the article "I mondiali di orienteering a Palermo dal 22 al 28 Aprile" [Italian; "The worlds of orienteering in Palermo from 22 to 28 April"] in Agenzia di Stampa Italpress (newspaper), Palmero, Italy (13 April 2017)
  Lengthy interview in videos on a playful method for teachers with no musical background to harness sound [e.g., rubbing hands] to help children learn, listen and experiment with different qualities of sound (e.g., volume, duration, presence/absence), Greenfield Method videos by Hayes Greenfield (17 March 2017)
  Interview with Adele Diamond in the article: “Find your passion. Strengthen your brain: A Q&A with Dr. Adele Diamond” by James Sullivan in the magazine BrainWorld 3(8) Spring 2017 pp.48-52 (27 Feb 2017)


Article devoted to our work on EF interventions: “Think twice before you…” in Research Features magazine published by Research Publishing International (24 June)
  Feature story devoted to our work on ADHD:“Might we be over-medicating children with ADHD for optimal cognition?” in the Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute (VCHRI) newsletter (02 May 2016)
  Quoted in the upcoming 7th edition of the textbook - “Lifelong Motor Development” - by Carl P. Gabbard published by Benjamin Cummings Publishing Company, San Francisco. (22 April 2016)


Interview of Adele Diamond and her research in the article: “Why Genders Experience Stress Differently: Vancouver study” by Michael Mui in 24 Hours newspaper, Vancouver (27 Aug)
  Highlighted in the notice, "“Adele Diamond receives Honourary Doctorate from Ben-Gurion University," in the Faculty of Medicine, UBC, website (14 May 2015)
  Highlighted in the notice, "“Psychiatry Professor receives Honorary Degree from Ben-Gurion University," in the UBC This Week newsletter (14 May 2015)
  Highlighted in the notice, "Adele Diamond ’74—Influential Neuroscientist," in the Swarthmore College Bulletin (Spring 2015)
  Featured in the article, "Caring for Bedouins' Health," by Cynthia Ramsay in the Jewish Independent newspaper (08 May 2015)
  Interview of Adele Diamond in the article, "Nourishing the Whole Child," by Basya Laye in the Jewish Independent newspaper (08 May 2015)
  Article about Adele Diamond's talk in, "Where Science and Music collide: PSU hosts Brain Development and Childhood Education researcher Dr. Adele Diamond," by Jon Raby in Portland State Vanguard: student-run newspaper (04 May 2015)
  Featured in the article, “Using Research to Provide Developmental Tips” by Betsy Diamant-Cohen in the Mother Goose is on the Loose newsletter (01 April 2015)
  Featured on the TV program “Téléjournal Colombie-Britannique” in a segment on Mindfulness by Geneviève Milord on Ici Radio-Canada Télé (2 Feb 2015)
- “Your interview on our MindUP study has been gaining so much traction - the French love it! The research was mentioned in Le Monde!” said Kimberly Schonert-Reichl.
  Prof. Diamond mentioned in a promo for her later TV interview – see above - on the radio program “Phare Ouest” in a segment on Mindfulness, “Les bienfaits de la méditation chez les enfants selon une étude de UBC,” on Ici Radio-Canada Première (2 Feb 2015)
  Featured in the article “Goldie Hawn program makes Kids Kinder and Better at Math, UBC researchers say,” by Randy Shore in the Vancouver Sun (26 Jan 2015)
  Prof. Diamond acknowledged in a media release, “Mindfulness-based Program in Schools Making a Positive Impact: UBC study,” by UBC Public Affairs (26 Jan 2015)
  Noted for TEDx talk in the “Noticias” section of El Comercio, a national newspaper of Ecuador (Jan 2015)
  Noted for TedX talk on page 2 of The Ensemble, a newsletter for the US and Canadian El Sistema Movement (Jan 2015)


Interviewed by a number of CBC Radio One shows across Canada on the science of self-control (31 Dec):

CBC Station

Show name

Show host

New Brunswick


Vanessa Vander Valk


Mainstreet PEI

Karen Mair


On the Coast

Gloria Macarenko



Dave White


All in a Day

Alan Neal

  Created 10-minute video for crowd source funding campaign ‘Imagine a World where Every Child Thrives!’ and created the content for the associated webpage. Raised over $25,000 for our research in donations thru this.
  Transcript of an interview of Adele Diamond on “The Science of Attention” episode of “On Being” with Krista Tippett (8 Dec 2014)
  Interviewd by Stephen Quinn on the CBC Radio One program “On the Coast”: ‘UBC neuroscientist speaks at the White House’  (1 Oct 2014)
  Interviewed by Sonia Williams on the "Open Forum" show on Women’s Radio Network (19 Sept 2014)
  Listed as #13 of the “30 Most Influential Neuroscientists Alive Today” at the Online Psychology Degree Guide website (Sept 2014)
  Re-broadcast – with new material  -  of the hour-long interview first broadcast in 2010: Learning, Doing, Being – A New Science of Education, which aired on the show, “On Being” with Krista Tippett, on National Public Radio (NPR) (Aug 2014)
  Featured in the book, “Zero to Five: 70 Essential Parenting Tips Based on Science (and What We’ve Learned so Far)” by Tracy Cutchlow and published by Pear Press, Seattle, WA (July 2014)
  Featured in the article, “Are You a Warrior … or a Thinker?” by Molly Triffin in Self magazine (July 2014), pages 92 – 95.
  Invited webinar,"Principles and strategies for improving executive function skills." Annie E Casey Foundation. (11 June 2014)
  Interview of Prof. Diamond on the audio blog post, “Children’s Executive Functions and Evidence-based Activities that Improve Them: An interview with Adele Diamond, Professor, University of British Columbia, Vancouver,” by Andy Feldman in Andy Feldman’s Gov Innovator Blog (June 2014)
  Lengthy interview of Prof. Diamond by Scott Jacobsen in the In-Sight journal, Issue 4.A, “Women in Academia” (15 April 2014)
  Featured in an article by Elizabeth Foy Larsen in Parents magazine (Feb 2014)


Article about Adele Diamond's presentation, "Diamond in the Rough: A Brief Summary of Adele Diamond’s CCMA Presentation," by Jason Phillips on the Dundas Valley Montessori School website (Oct)
  "Neuroscience (and psychology) research and Montessori.Invited talk. AMI International Montessori Congress, Portland, OR. (2 Aug 2013)
  Featured in the article, “Vancouverites Unite to Help a Palestinian Doctor attend Brain Development Conference,” by Peter G. Prontzos in The Georgia Straight newspaper (24 July 2013)
  "Cultivating the mind". Invited talk. Heart-Mind 2013: Helping Children Thrive, Vancouver, BC. (10 May 2013)
  Featured in the article “10 Activities to Help your Baby's Brain Development” by Denise Davy in ParentsCanada magazine (19 April 2013)
  Quoted in the article, “Why can Some Kids Handle Pressure while Others Fall Apart?” by Po Bronson and Ashley Merryman in The New York Times Sunday Magazine article (6 Feb 2013)
This article was highlighted on the Association for Psychological Science (APS) website front page (25 Feb 2013)
  Featured in article, “Pass the Marshmallow Test? Your Brain's More Efficient: Study” by Wendy Leung in The Globe and Mail newspaper (22 Jan 2013)
  Online article about Adele Diamond's research in "Teaching Children to Train their Minds" on the LearnNow.org site (Jan 2013)


Interviewed - “Iowa Blue Zones and Adele Diamond” - by Ben Kieffer on Iowa Public Radio (30 Nov)
  Two 2-minute interviews on "What Makes Kids Happy?" on The Morning News with Philip Till on CKNW Radio, Vancouver, BC. (22 Nov 2012)
  Highlighted on Iowa State University website: Neuroscientist will link Exercise to Academic and Career Success in ISU talk (29 Nov 2012)
  Featured in the article “To Soothe Distracted Students, BC Schools Try 'Self-regulation'” by Katie Hyslop in The Tyee online newspaper (25 Oct 2012)
  Understanding executive functions.” Invited talk. 5th Annual Family Information Session on Executive Function: Development and Facilitation in Children with a Focus on Deaf/Hard of Hearing, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, Washington. (13 Oct 2012)
  Interviewed by Globo News television (Brazil) (7 Sept 2012)
  Interview of Adele Diamond in the Estado de São Paulo - a Brazilian newspaper - article “Ensinar é muito mais que passar conteúdo”, (3 Sept 2012).
  Featured in the article “Mind Games: 5 Brain-boosting Activities for Toddlers” by Ann Douglas in Canadian Family magazine (Sept 2012)
  Online article about Adele Diamond, “Executive Function Skills Predict Children's Success in Life and in School” by Ellen Galinsky in The Blog (Huffington Post) newspaper (June 2012)
  Child Development and the Brain: Insights to Help Every Child Thrive” Invited talk to the Garrison Institute Board of Trustees Luncheon, New York, NY. on Youtube
  Interviewed by Ingrid Wickelgren, editor, Scientific American Mind, who arranged her trip to Vancouver to accommodate when I’d be able to meet with her (28 Feb 2012)
  Article in the Danish weekly broadsheet Weekendavisen (The Weekend Newspaper), "Nej, jeg må ej!" (No, I mustn't) by Lone Frank (17 Feb 2012)
  TV interview which aired live - Adele Diamond on Studio 4 with Fanny Kiefer Part 1 of 2 and Adele Diamond on Studio 4 with Fanny Kiefer Part 2 of 2 - by Fanny Kiefer on the Shaw TV program Studio 4 (24 Jan 2012)
  Interviewed for The Globe and Mail by Anne McIlroy (23 Jan 2012)


Featured in a DVD (Emotional Safety) by KidCareCanada, available both from KidCare and from the BC Ministry of Children and Family Development (23 Nov)
  Featured in the Cognitive Neuroscience of Learning: Implications for Education eBriefing and posted on the New York Academy of Sciences website by Kathleen McGowan (Dec 2011)
  Article in The Star (Malaysia), "She's a Diamond" by Daphne Ling (Dec 2011)
  Interview of Adele Diamond in the New York Academy of Sciences podcast What Your Brain Can Tell You About Learning (21 Nov 2011)
  Why Disciplining the Mind, Reducing Stress & Loneliness, & Increasing Joy may be Critical for Children's Academic Success.” Invited address, Education Symposium, Garrison Institute, Garrison, NY. (5 Nov 2011)
  Article in AMI (International Montessori Association) e-Bulletin, p.19 - “Adele Diamond publishes on Executive Skills in Science Magazine” - “In the mood for Montessori reading?” section (Oct 2011)
  Article on our work in The Children's Mental Health Research Quarterly magazine, “Making Kindergarten more Engaging” by Daphne Gray-Grant, pages 9-10 (Oct 2011)
  Article in The Wall Street Journal, "Learning how to Focus on Focus; In an Age of Information Overload, simply paying Attention is the Hardest Thing" by Jonah Lehrer (3 Sept 2011)
  Interviewed for Radio Canada science program Les années lumière by Chantal Srivastava (31 Aug 2011)

In a set of six 90-second videos on the website AboutKidsHealth: Trusted answers from The Hospital for Sick Children (Toronto) (4 Aug 2011) NB: the following are Adobe Flash Player videos. Adobe Flash Player was retired in 2020.

  Article on the website AboutKidsHealth: "Improving a Child's most Basic Skills"
  Half-hour interview on WebTalkRadio.net podcast with Karen Quinn: 30 Minute Mom – How to Raise a Child With Self-Control, Discipline, and Focus! (7 July 2011, re-broadcast 26 Nov 2011)
  Featured in a video on the KidCareCanada website: “Introductory Emotional Safety video developed for Health Literacy Webinar : The Key to Trust, Learning and Life-long Relationship-building” (8 July 2011)
  Live half-hour radio interview with Tommy Schnurmacher on CJAD radio's, "Tommy Schnurmacher Show" in Toronto with phone-in audience questions (11 Apr 2011)
  Half-hour interview, “Adele Diamond at the Garrison Institute (Oct. 2008),” on her work and insights into topics such as academic outcomes for young children, stress effects on the brain and how contemplative practices might affect executive functions and cognitive control (10 Jan 2011)
  Article in Swarthmore College Bulletin: The Magazine of Swarthmore College, “The Dances of Adele Diamond” by Robert Strauss (Jan 2011, pp. 28-32)
“ 'This is the beauty of Adele,' says Thomas Schilling, professor of psychological science at Fitchburg State University in Massachusetts and a longtime colleague of Diamond. 'She does great basic research, but has the companion career of applying it. She has done things in biology and chemistry, like her research into the dietary disorder phenylketonuria [PKU – a genetic disorder that blocks the metabolism of a certain amino acid and, if untreated, produces widespread brain damage] but then has come up with solutions, such as modifying diets. It is her work in education, though, that will be landmark. If there were a Nobel Prize for psychologists, she would be the first I would propose to win it.' ”


Featured in the headline section - for the Times article "Playing games makes your child clever" - of the UBC Annual Review 2009-2010
  Front page article in Sikkim Express (India), “Paper on Brain Plasticity and Mental Transformation Presented on Day 3” by staff reporter (23 Dec 2010)
  Hour-long radio interview: “Learning, Doing, Being— A New Science of Education” on the show,“On Being” with Krista Tippett on National Public Radio (NPR) (re-aired 24 Oct 2010.) This was a re-broadcoast of an interview on the show, “Speaking of Faith” that aired the year earlier (19 Nov 2009.) . This re-airing of the NPR interview resulted in a 14-fold increase in visits to our lab website. We have never had so many people visit our website in one day as people did on Sunday, 24 Oct 2010
  Interviewed for the Early Childhood Innovation Project, an initiative by the Center on the Developing Child at Harvard University in partnership with the National Conference of State Legislatures (NCSL) and the National Governors Association Center for Best Practices. (12 Oct 2010)
  Article in InnovationCanada.ca, the online magazine of the Canada Foundation for Innovation, “Tools of the Mind” by Laura Eggertson (29 Sept 2010)
  Quoted in article in the American Psychological Association Monitor, “The Recession's Toll on Children” by Amy Novotney (1 Sept 2010)
  Interviewed for Canadian Family magazine by Yuki Hayashi
  Interviewed for Parents magazine by Barbara Brandon-Croft
  Article in the Vancouver Sun on Prof. Diamond’s conference, “Good Mothering Passes Benefits Across Generations, Study Reveals” by Randy Shore (14 July 2010)
  Article in Today’s Parent magazine, “10 Surprising Brain Builders for Preschoolers” by John Hoffman (August 2010)
  Featured in a video for Mind in the Making: The Essential Life Skills Every Child Needs, "What are executive functions?" by Ellen Galinsky (11 June 2010)
  Article in The Times (UK), “Playing Games makes your Child Clever” by Helen Rumbelow (11 May 2010)


Featured in the CTV Documentary, “4 Paths to Peace,” (31 Dec)
  Hour-long radio interview: “Learning, Doing, Being— A New Science of Education” on the Peabody-award-winning show “Speaking of Faith“ with Krista Tippett (later renamed “On Being”“) on National Public Radio (NPR) (19 Nov 2009; re-aired 24 Oct 2010)

Devoted a website for this, & created a blog.

Krista Tippett wrote afterwards, "The response we received to the show with you was really extraordinary and is still coming in. You are working on a frontier that is close to people’s lives and hearts.” and she posted online, “My thinking about the education I received, about school testing, and about what I want for my children will never be the same after the conversation I had with neuroscientist Adele Diamond."

  One of three scientists invited to speak on stage with the Dalai Lama and another Nobel Peace Laureate, Mairead Maguire, on “Heart-Mind Education: Enhancing Academic, Social, and Emotional Competence” at the Orpheum Theatre, Vancouver; broadcast live worldwide by CTV as part of the Vancouver Peace Summit, can be viewed on Youtube (29 Sept 2009)
  Featured in the short film, “Focus and Self Control” by New Screen Concepts, Inc. (with Ellen Galinsky) previewed during Ellen Galinsky’s keynote address at Harvard Graduate School of Education (Jan.), and aired for the Obama transition team on Early Learning, at their request. see Youtube video.
  Article in the Vancouver Sun newspaper, "Scientists Work to Rewire the Brain," by Randy Shore (28 Dec 2009)
  Article in the Washington Post, “The Playtime’s the Thing,” by Emma Brown (21 Nov 2009)
  Article in the Globe and Mail newspaper, "Look to Quebec on Early Childhood Education, expert urges," by Rhéal Séguin (16 Nov 2009)
  Article in the Globe and Mail newspaper, "The link between Exercise and more Brainpower," by Anne McIlroy (6 Nov 2009)
  Featured in a short promotional video for the Central and East European Center for Cognitive Science at New Bulgarian University (9 Sept 2009)
  Article in the New York Times newspaper, "Can the Right Kinds of Play Teach Self-Control?" by Paul Tough (25 Sept 2009)


Interview for CBC documentary,"Fixing My Brain" The video can be seen at:
https://fod.infobase.com/p_ViewPlaylist.aspx?AssignmentID=dkpkbj (18 Nov & 30 Dec)
  Radio interview for the show “Morning Edition” on National Public Radio (NPR) (28 Feb 2008)
NPR also set up a Q&A where listeners emailed in questions and Prof. Diamond’s answers were posted were posted online
  TV interview on the show, “Leisure Talk,” on Fairchild TV (14 Jan 2008)
  TV interview on CTV on the show “Your Health with Dr. Rhonda Low” (7 Jan 2008)
  Article in the The Economic Times: India Times newspaper, “Researchers now Train Young Brains to Behave” (16 Sept 2008)
  Article in the New York Times, “Training Young Brains to Behave,” by Benedict Carey (15 Sept 2008)
  Newsweek Web Exclusive Article by Wray Herbert, “Is EF the new IQ?” (10 June 2008)
This was the most e-mailed story on Newsweek.com the week it appeared
  Article in the Sacramento Bee newspaper, “Teaching self-control can be child’s play, research shows,” by Jeremy Manier (6 April 2008)
  Article in the Chicago Tribune newspaper, “Self-control? It’s child’s play,” by Jeremy Manier (25 March 2008)
  Simultaneous webcast of 10-minute talk by Prof.Diamond as part of the “Brains R’ Us” Scientific Program at the Salk Institute, La Jolla, CA (3 March 2008). That 10-minute talk by Prof. Diamond was broadcast on the Science Network (as part of a special program entitled “Brains R Us” (3 March 2008)


Radio interview on the BBC, Science: Leading Edge program (6 Dec)
  Article in the UK’s Daily Telegraph newspaper, "'Formal play' better prepares Children for School" by Roger Highfield (29 Nov 2007)
  Article in FirstScience.com, an online news magazine (29 Nov 2007)
  Article in the Vancouver Sun newspaper, "Extra Playtime shown to Help Preschoolers Focus" by Chadd Shelton; (30 Nov 2007)
  Article in United Press International, "Preschool Curriculum helps Performance" (30 Nov 2007)
  Article in Science Daily, "Pre-School Program Shown To Improve Key Cognitive Functions, Self-Control" (30 Nov 2007)
  Article in Earthtimes.org, "Preschool Curriculum helps Performance " (30 Nov 2007)
  Article in NIH Research Matters, "an eColumn for a General Audience highlighting NIH research" (10 Dec 2007)


Photo and brief synopsis of our research in the Vancouver Sun’s announcement of the finalists for the YWCA’s Women of Distinction award (April)
  Article about Diamond and our research findings in the Swarthmore College Bulletin (March 2006)


Article in the Dutch newspaper, NRC Handelsblad, on our work (3 July)


Speaker at Press Conference with Canadian Prime Minister Paul Martin, UBC Pres. Martha Piper, and others to announce new CRC Professors (12 Nov)


Feature article on Prof. Diamond & her work in the ARCLight magazine


Article in The Independent (a British newspaper) by Sanjida O'Connell (22 April)
  Live interview, " Nine to Noon" show, New Zealand National Radio, about our research and its implications for ADHD (19 June 2002)
  Segment in Public Television series, Scientific Am. Frontiers Series w/ Alan Alda on PBS, devoted to our research (15 Oct 2002)
  Web article on our research by Jacqueline Mitchell of Scientific American
  Frontiers on the PBS website in connection with the TV program
  Newspaper story on front page of Health & Sci. section, Boston Globe by Judy Foreman, discussing our proposed research on effect of early bilingualism on brain dev. (10 Sept 2002)


Featured Guest, along with Jack Shonkoff, on the Public Radio (NPR) show, The Connection

Featured in two popular Trade Books
  NurtureShock: New Thinking about Children by Po Bronson & Ashley Merryman (published in 2009) - a New York Times #1 Bestseller, featured on Good Morning America, Nightline, All Things Considered, Fresh Air, and in Newsweek
  Mind in the Making: The Seven Essential Life Skills Every Child Needs by Ellen Galinsky (published in 2010) - featured on the CBS Evening News with Katie Couric


Videos of Adele Diamond

Interviews and Discussions
Talks on Neuroscience & Neuropsychology
Talks on Psychology
Talks for Educators and Parents

Interviews and Discussions
2024 My specialty is something called “executive functions."Invited brief talk and Q&A in virtual symposium entitled “Let’s Talk Science of Learning,” a collaborative effort between Let’s Talk Science, Genome Canada, ArcticNet, Stem Cell Network, the Canadian Space Agency, and the Royal Society of Canada. (24 Oct 2024)
2021 Learning, Doing, Being." Early Learning and Literacy Alliance of Waterloo Region, Ontario. (28 Oct 2021)
2020 "Connections in Mind: Corona Virus Advice Interview Series - Prof. Adele Diamond. Connections in Mind
website. (6 April 2020)


Interviewed for the MindEDU website (26 Feb 2019 & 14 March 2020)
  "Funciones Ejecutivas: Entrevista a Adele Diamond" [Spanish: “Executive Functions: Adele Diamond Interview".] Pontificia Universidad Javeriana de Cali, Colombia. (18 Sept 2019)


"Tea and conversation with Adele Diamond." Executive Function Center of New York, NY. (08 Nov)
  Interview by James Beevers of Dr. Diamond about the Curtanna fencing-inspired program (July 2018)


Interview by the Federazione Italiana Sport Orientamento (Federation of Italian Orienteering,) Italy (13 April)


Interview of Adele Diamond and Group Discussion. The 3rd Annual Simms/Mann Think Tank, Los Angeles, CA. (03 Nov)
  Brief comments at the Event of the Year, California Dance Institute, Monrovia, CA. (29 May 2015)


Interview at the 2nd Annual Symposium on Community-based Social Pediatrics (Foundation Dr Julien de Pédiatrie Sociale,) Montreal, QC (11 April)


Part-one and part-two of an interview with Fanny Kiefer (24 Jan)


Short talk with the Dalai Lama (29 Sept)
  Part-one and part-two of an invited interview and discussion with the Dalai Lama at the “Mind and Life” Meeting on Attention and Memory, a five-day meeting at the Dalai Lama’s residence, Dharamsala, India (7 April 2009)


Interview at rhe Garrison Institute, NY (Oct)
Talks on Neuroscience & Neuropsychology
2025 An overview of executive functions: What they are and how we can foster them in the classroom." [in Spanish] Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago. (22 Jan 2025)
  Importance of reducing stress & increasing joy for people to be able to think clearly, creatively problem-solve, & exercise self-control". [with Spanish translation] Congreso Futuro 2025 Conference, Santiago, Chile. (Jan. 14 2025)
2024 Executive functions: Social justice and neurobiology are closely related." International Conference on the Neuropsychology of Silence: Moving towards Peace. San Biagio, Italy. (20 Sept 2024)
2023 Interventions shown to aid executive function development in children." Neuroscience MasterClass, Wumbox Learning Platform, Buenos Aires, Argentina. Spanish translation of talk. (11 Nov 2023)
  Translating neurobiological insights concerning prefrontal cortex and executive functions into clinical implications." Arthur L. Benton Lecture. New York Neuropsychology Group. (9 Jan 2023)
2021 "The bidirectional relation between stress and prefrontal cortex & executive functions," Graduate seminar (Neuroscience 501: Module on Disorders of Cognition, Communication and Emotion), Neuroscience Graduate Program, UBC. (19 April 2021)
  "As funções executivas no processo de aprendizagem - Adele Diamond," [Portuguese:Executive functions in the learning process] Colégio Albert Sabin (a pre K-12 School), São Paulo, Brazil. (18 Feb 2021)
  "What neuroscience says about how stress affects executive functions and how to minimize those effects," Montessori México’s XXVI Congress. (3 Feb 2021)


"Photo-immunology to ward off, or reduce, the intense cytokine storm, the lethal aspect of COVID-19,"" Science Foo Virtual Conference organized by Google, O'Reilly, and Digital Science, with support from Nature. (25 Oct 2020)


Bernice Grafstein Lecture in Neuroscience, McGill University, Montreal, QC (25 Oct)


"Effects of early adverse experiences on the brain," BrainTalks: Epigenetics and Early Life Experiences. Faculty of Medicine, UBC, Vancouver. (22 Oct 2018)


"Development of executive functions in young children, and the importance of executive functions for learning,” Keynote Address, XXIX Institut Guttmann Annual Scientific Congress, the theme this time: Neuropsychology and School, Barcelona, Spain (20 April 2017)
  Measuring and assessing executive function skills,” Invited talk, Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Working Group Conference (HCEO) “Measuring and Assessing Skills” at the University of Chicago, IL. (03 March 2017)


Insights from neuroscience and psychology to help our young people thrive,” Zlotowski Neuroscience Lecture, Ben-Gurion University of the Negev, Beer Sheva, Israel. (11 May 2015)


Interview at 37 min 39 sec in CBC documentary,"Fixing My Brain" The video can be seen at:
https://fod.infobase.com/p_ViewPlaylist.aspx?AssignmentID=dkpkbj (18 Nov & 30 Dec 2008)


The future of learning: A neuroscience perspective,” Opening of the opening of the Academic Year Address, University of Maastricht, Netherlands (03 Sept 2007)
Talks on Psychology
2021 "Aspects of the environment and genetics that affect executive functions for good and for ill, Laboratoire de Psychologie du Développement et de l’Éducation de l'Enfant, Université de Paris (Sorbonne.) (1 Oct 2021)
2017 For optimizing executive functions, what environmental or biological factors might it be important to take into account?” Invited talk at the University of Haifa, Israel. (09 Jan 2017)


Research that helps us move closer to a world where each child thrives,” Invited brief talk for the special issue of Research in Human Development on each scholar’s One Wish for the field of Psychology. (18 Sept 2015)


Interventions, programs, and approaches that appear promising for improving executive functions and those that, despite much hype, do not,” Invited talk at the FLUX Integrative Developmental Cognitive Neuroscience Conference, Los Angeles, CA. (12 Sept 2014)


Prefrontal cortex executive functions: Genetic and environmental influences and clinical implications,” Invited talk at the Center for Cognitive Science, New Bulgarian University, Sofia, Bulgaria. (19 July 2009)
Talks for Educators and Parents
2024 Translating neurobiological insights into how to aid children’s executive functions: Maria Montessori had much of this right." Brain Awareness Week. Lake Forest College, IL. (30 Oct 2024)
  What research tells us about executive functions and how that can be translated into practical strategies for teachers in everyday classrooms." Center for Transformative Teaching and Learning's virtual Science of Teaching and School Leadership Academy at St. Andrew's Episcopal School. Potomac, MD. (17 July 2024)
2023 Why dance, music, storytelling, & sports might be so important for children’s development and well-being." Association Montessori Internationale, Amsterdam, The Netherlands. (15 Nov 2023)
2022 What young children need is you! You are enough." Parenting is Heart Work Conference, Child and Family Collaborative in York Region, ON. (8 Nov 2022)
  Some of the reasons why social and emotional well-being is so critical for the best executive-function and school outcomes." Creating Connections in Child Development: Linking Education and Executive Functions for 21st Century Skills in the Global South Webinar Series. Univ. of Cambridge. (21 Sept 2022)
  "What young children need is you! You are enough. Keynote Address. Parenting is Heart Work Conference, Child and Family Collaborative in York Region, ON. (8 Nov 2022)
  "Some of the reasons why social and emotional well-being is so critical for the best executive-function and school outcomes. Invited talk. Creating Connections in Child Development: Linking Education and Executive Functions for 21st Century Skills in the Global South Webinar Series. Univ. of Cambridge. (21 Sept 2022)
  "Translating neurobiological insights into clinical implications and guidance for parents,” Plenary Address at the American Professional Society of ADHD and Related Disorders (APSARD) 2022 Annual Conference, Tucson, AZ. (14 Jan 2022)
2021 "Optimizing executive functions in children and adults with ADHD,” ADDitude ADHD Expert Webinars, ADDitude Magazine. (14 Dec 2021)
  "Bridging divides – Making connections between ideas, people, and fields of endeavor,” 21 Minutes: Talks on the Future. Patrizio Paoletti Foundation. Rome, Italy. (20 Nov 2021)
  "How and why dance, music, and storytelling might well support critical cognitive development in children and youth,” National Arts in Education, Galway, Ireland. (15 Nov 2021)
  "The essentials of executive functions," Common Ground Speaker Series. (12 Oct 2021)
  "Brief remarks" to graduates at the occasion of receiving an Honorary Doctor of Science from Swarthmore College (2 June 2021)
  "The science of attention and executive function: Joyful ways to improve thinking, reasoning, and self-control," Learning & the Brain Conference. (20 Feb 2021)


"Funciones ejecutivas y el cerebro: Aprovechemos lo aprendido para que cada niño pueda florecerer," [Spanish: “Executive functions and the brain: Let's take advantage of what has been learned so that each child can flourish”.] Centro Justicia Educacional, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago. (16 Dec 2019)
  "Insights from neuroscience & psychology into best practices for educating & raising children so they thrive," Itaú Social Foundation, São Paulo, Brazil. (10 Dec 2019)
  "What characteristics might physical and mental activities need so they yield the most benefit to executive functions," International Symposium presenting Patrizio Paoletti and Adele Diamond on Resilient Children: How to Help Our Children Become Responsible and Happy Adults - Neuroscientific, Psychological and Educational Perspectives, Monastero di San Biagio in Assisi, Italy (07 May 2019)


To improve self-regulation, creativity and problem-solving: Have children play!” Invited talk at the Boston Children’s Museum, Boston, MA. (09 Feb 2016)
  Lecture – Performance co-presented by the children of the California Dance Institute and Prof. Adele Diamond.” Co-presented with the children of the California Dance Institute, Semel Institute for Neuroscience & Human Behavior, UCLA, Los Angeles, CA. (22 Jan 2016)


"What nourishes the whole child and the human spirit is also best for executive functions," Invited talk. The 3rd Annual Simms/Mann Think Tank, Los Angeles, CA. (03 Nov 2015)
  Factors that aid and factors that hinder the development of executive functions,” Invited talk at the Neuroplasticity and Education: Strengthening the Connection Conference, Vancouver, BC. (23 Oct 2015)


New findings about the brain are turning some ideas on their head,,” Invited TEDx talk. TEDxWestVancouverED: Rethinking Education, West Vancouver, BC. (27 Sept 2014)


Cultivating the mind,” Invited talk at Heart-Mind 2013: Helping Children Thrive, Vancouver, BC. (10 May 2013)
  What can we do to help every child shine?” Invited talk at the Educare Learning Network’s Annual Meeting, Phoenix, AZ. (07 March 2013)


Understanding executive functions,” Invited talk at the 5th Annual Family Information Session on Executive Function: Development and Facilitation in Children with a Focus on Deaf/Hard of Hearing, Seattle Children’s Hospital, Seattle, Washington. (13 Oct 2012)
  Child development and the brain: Insights to help every child thrive,” Invited talk at the Garrison Institute, New York, NY. (12 June 2012)
  Executive functioning,” Invited talk at the Early Childhood Education Research Forum, Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), Towson, MD. (20 Jan 2012)


Why disciplining the mind, reducing stress & loneliness, and increasing joy may be critical for children's academic success,” Invited talk at the Education Symposium. Garrison Institue, Garrison, NY. (05 Nov 11)

[up] [home]


Service to the University


Organizer, yearly Colloquium Series for the Institute of Mental Health (2006-2009)

Co-Organizer, Mental Health and Neurobiology Cluster, Child & Family Research Institute, Get-Acquainted Day (2006)

Co-Organizer of the Peter Wall Institute of Advanced Studies Workshop on “Executive and Prefrontal Functions: Exploring Supervision and Volition in the Brain” (2005-2006)

Other service to the University

Organized a meeting with UBC Pres., Benoit-Antoine Bacon, Steven Point (UBC outgoing Chancellor), and UBC graduate students, to address ways students are hurting financially, ways UBC exacerbates that, and things UBC might do to ease students’ financial burden. (Oct 15, 2024)

Invited to host UBC’s honorary Doctor of Laws degree recipient: Dr. Izzeldin Abuelaish, Prof. of Global Health, Univ. of Toronto. This included arranging for him to give 2 talks on the 21 May (a HELP talk on campus and a Wosk Centre for Dialogue talk downtown). I also hosted the lunch with Izzeldin and organized meetings for him and 2 dinners with him. (May 21-22, 2024)

Invited Prof. Dustin Louie, Assoc. Prof. of Educational Studies, UBC, to a special lab meeting. Dustin is a member of the Dakelh people of Northern British Columbia and the director of the Indigenous Teacher Education Program. Dustin spoke on Transformative Reconciliation to my lab and invited guests which included Michelle Downes, Assoc. Prof., Univ. College Dublin (March 25, 2024)

Invited as complimentary faculty to the School & Applied Child Psychology (SACP) Program to attend the Canadian Psychological Association reaccreditation site visit (June 10, 2021)

Arranged for the world leader in Montessori Methods for aged care and dementia, Anne Kelly, to come to Vancouver from Australia to give talks to the community, Dept. of Neurology, and two talks to our department (Feb 10-12, 2020)

University Examiner, Nataliya Yuskiv's PhD thesis defense, Experimental Medicine Program, UBC (2020)

Led four groups, each with 8-10 Grade 6/7 students from Sir James Douglas Elementary School, through doing our Hearts & Flowers and Flanker tasks, as part of the Tween Neuro Advisors Workshop for the Educational Neuroscience & Healthy Child Development Cluster at UBC. (Dec. 7, 2018)

University Examiner, Megan Gray’s PhD thesis defense, Neuroscience Program, UBC. supervisor: Victor Viau (2012)

Guest lecturer, Neuroscience 501 graduate course, yearly lecture (2005 – 2022)

Guest lecturer, Faculty of Education graduate course, biennial lecture (2005 – present)

Teaching, without compensation, an undergraduate course (Psyc 205-006), The Lifespan Social, Emotional & Cognitive Development of the Person in its Social, Cultural, and Biological Context, offered every other year

Teaching, without compensation, a graduate seminar (PSYT 550A), Social, Emotional, and Cognitive Lifespan Development in Social, Cultural, and Biological Context

Teaching, without compensation, a graduate seminar (EPSE 604), Social, Emotional and Cognitive Development in Social, Cultural and Biological Context

Teaching, without compensation, a graduate seminar (PSYT 550), Prefrontal Cortex and Executive Functions

Member, an invited round table participant, Bending the Knotted Oak: Music Therapy and Music Cognition Research in Management of Neurological Disorders, UBC Peter Wall International Research Round Table, Vancouver, BC (May 10, 2014)

Chair, Student Presentations at Dept. of Psychiatry’s Annual Research Day (June 24, 2010)

Invited judge at the First Vancouver Brain Bee: A competition for Vancouver high school students grades 10 – 12 (Mar. 28, 2009)

Gave invited short seminar Conceptual and strategic issues related to 19 years continuous success. NIH workshop for UBC faculty, The Health Research Resource Office, UBC (2009)

Consultant, Dean of Graduate Studies’ plans to submit a CFI application for an Institute for Transdisciplinary Research (2008)

Trying to organize a week-long workshop for Physicists and Artists

Internal Reviewer, CIHR operating grant application by Linda Siegel (in Education Faculty): “Long-Term Cognitive, Educational, Neuropsychological, and Behavioral Outcomes for Survivors of Childhood Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia Treated with Chemotherapy” (2007)

Authored research grant for Dr. Margaret Weiss (Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, UBC & BC Children’s) that got funded on, “Do children with ADHD, who respond well to ampheta-mine medication but not to methylphenidate, have allelic variants of the SNAP 25 gene?”

Internal Reviewer, applications from Psychiatry faculty for MSFHR Career Investigator award: Mark Lau: “Using Mindfulness-based Cognitive Therapy to reduce ‘cognitive reactivity’ – A psychological risk factor of depressive relapse" and Jeremy Seamans: “Dopamine modulation of prefrontal cortex network dynamics” (2006)

Host of Brain Research Centre neuroscience colloquium speakers, e.g. Sheila Innis & Steve Miller, MD

Interviewer for BCRICWH, Candidates for the SFU Leadership Chair in MEG (2006)

Member, Search Committee for an Assistant / Associate Professor, Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, UBC Dept. of Psychiatry and BC Children’s Hospital (2006)

Heavily involved with recruitment of Dr. Amir Raz to UBC (2005 – 2006)

Judge, Student Presentations at Dept. of Psychiatry’s Annual Research Day (April, 2005)

Invited lectures to classes in the Education Faculty, Neuroscience Graduate Program, & Cognitive Systems Undergraduate Program, & to the Vision Program within the Psychology Dept., Grand Rounds in Neuropsychiatry, Grand Rounds at Children & Women’s in: Pediatrics, Neurology, and Psychiatry, and Mini-Med School at Children’s & Women’s (2004- 2005)

Authored article for departmental newsletter on Department’s Annual Research Day

Promoted the work of neuroscience PhD student, Andy Shih (advisor: Tim Murphy) and tried to spearhead multi-site clinical trials based on the implications of Andy’s work for minimizing the consequences of perinatal hypoxia/ischemia for the infant’s brain

Organized meeting at BC Children’s Hospital for a discussion between Andy, Mary Connolly (Head Child Neurology), Philippe Chessex (Head, Div. of Neonatology), & David Holtzman (Head, Neurology, Washington University Medical School)

Arranged for Andy Shih to present at the Combined Perinatal Rounds at BC Children’s & Women’s Press Conference Speaker, at BCRICWH with PM Paul Martin concerning the CRC Program (2004)

Service to the Field and to the Community

External Reviewer (2024 — present) for the National Killam Program.

External Examiner (2021), Dissertation of PhD student Torbjörn Vestberg, Karolinska Institutet, Stockholm, Sweden.

External Examiner (2014), Dissertation of Amanda J. Watson, PhD Candidate, Virginia Tech.

External Examiner (2011), Dissertation of Sissela Bergman-Nutley, PhD Candidate, Dept. Neuroscience, Karolinska
Institute, Stockholm, Sweden

External Examiner (2008), Dissertation of Afra Foroud, PhD Candidate, U. of Lethbridge, AB

External Examiner (2005), Dissertation of Michelle Martin, PhD Candidate, York U., Toronto, ON

External Examiner (2004), Dissertation of Toni Jones, PhD Candidate, U. of Queensland, Brisbane, AU

External Examiner (2008), Dissertation of Afra Foroud, PhD Candidate, U. of Lethbridge, AB

External Examiner (2005), Dissertation of Michelle Martin, PhD Candidate, York U., Toronto, ON

External Examiner (2004), Dissertation of Toni Jones, PhD Candidate, U. of Queensland, Brisbane, AU

External Examiner (2003), Dissertation of Daniela Kloo, PhD Candidate, U. of Salzburg, Austria

External Examiner (2002), Dissertation of Stephan Huijbregts, PhD Candidate, Vrije U., Amsterdam, NL

Invited expert (1989). NIMH Workshop on Neuropsychological and Neurological Assessment Battery for HIV Infected and AIDS Infants and Children, Bethesda, MD.

Invited expert (1989). McArthur Foundation Network 3 Miniconference on Risk and Protective Factors in the Development of Psychopathology, Minneapolis, MN

Resident Tutor (1978-1983). Adams House, Harvard University

Area Coordinator (1975-1978). Danforth Fellows

Co-Area Coordinator (1975-1978). Society for Values in Higher Education

Community Service (since joining UBC in 2005)

Beginning in 2025 ...

Advisor to Juthamas Haenjohn, Assoc. Prof., Burapha Univ., Thailand, who has received funding to conduct a research project through the Brain, Mind and Learning Research and Development Center in Eastern Region (BMLRC) with a focus on “Inhibitory control in brain and behavior of adolescents: Factor analysis, measurement development, and norms.” (2025 – present)

Beginning in 2024 ...

Mentoring Patrícia Araújo de Sousa Lopes, Masters student, Physical Education, Federal Univ. of Maranhão (UFMA,) Brazil. Thesis: “The impact of judo practice on the development of executive functions in children.” (2024 – 2027)

Supervising Anna-Katharina Walpurgius, Masters student, Health Psychology, Univ. College London – as a UBC Visiting International Research Student (VIRS) (1 July 2024 – 31 Aug 2024)

Advising Tobias Constien, MSc, on his PhD thesis, “Identifying the shared developmental trajectory of pretense and executive abilities throughout the toddlerhood period,” Univ. College Dublin, Ireland. (2024 – present)

Advising Mariyamawit Lulu, a senior at Colonial Forge High School in Stafford, VA, USA. She is in a special program (the Commonwealth Governor’s School) that includes research as a part of the curriculum. I am advising her on her research project, “What Are the Best Ways to Mitigate the Effects of Acute Stress on Core Executive Functions?” (2024 – present)

Mentor to Patrícia Araújo de Sousa Lopes, Master’s student in physical education, Federal Univ. of Maranhão (UFMA,) Brazil, to develop a research project focusing on martial arts and executive functions (2024 – present)

Member of the scientific board of The Marshmallow Project, an education company developing a new screen-free, vocal-based interactive device to develop children's executive functions, language, and social-emotional skills. (2024 – present)

Interviewed by high school student Shayla Krogan, grade 11, Abraham Lincoln High School in San Francisco, for advice on a career in neuroscience. (14 Oct 2024)

Advising Anne Marie Kristensen, MSc, on her PhD thesis: “STEP IT: Strategic teacher education for academic, social, and emotional well-being through practice-oriented international research on learning and technology.” Københavns Universitet (2024 –present )

Mentoring with the paired APS Mentorship Program (2024 –present )

Interviewed by high school student Mira Tsui, grade 11, Richmond Secondary School, for an oral history project (11 March 2024)

Interviewed by high school student Manya Arora, grade 12, New Westminster Secondary School, regarding her graduating year capstone project (Feb 2024)

Consultant to LEGO Education, Billund, Denmark, on ways in which children’s ability to pay attention and solve problems can be improved and on ways to increase the impact of hands-on learning with all learners. (2024 – present)

Consultant to KLC International Institute Pte Ltd, Singapore, on ways facilitate the effective development of executive functions in young children. (2024 – present)

Consultant to Les Petits Architects, an educational start-up, to foster young children’s autonomy and self-confidence by creating versions of household tools, such as kitchen knives that are safe for children yet sharp enough to cut raw vegetables. (2024 – present)

Leader of efforts to save the life of a prominent and caring Palestinian child psychiatrist and his family. Dr. Sami Owaida was the only child and adolescent Psychiatrist in Gaza for 3 decades. I brought together a coalition of folks in Vancouver and elsewhere in Canada, and have been working with Canadian Immigration Specialist, Majid Mir, to try to get Sami and his family into Canada. (2024)

Beginning in 2023 ...

Member of the OECD Schools + Informal Expert Consultation – a review exercise of existing evidence on pedagogy with the goal of illuminating common areas of need for policy and practice, Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) (2023 – present)

Mentored Charlotte Wong, a grade 9 student at Gladstone Secondary School, Vancouver. (2023 – 2025)

Mentored Soefae Chen, a grade 11 student at Collingwood School, West Vancouver. (2023 – 2024)

Sat for an interview requested by high school student Mollie Faraguna - a grade 11 student at Ecole Riverside Secondary School in Port Coquitlam, BC. (Nov 2023)

Sat for an interview by a high school. student Reagan Boyer - a senior at a small Christian school in State College, Pennsylvania called Grace Prep. (7 Sept 2023)

Seven examples (out of many) of new connections and collaborations resulting from the 4-day Joyous Celebration conference (17-20 July 2023:

1) Terry Ford, Head of the Lumin Montessori school in Dallas, TX, met w/ Nobel Laureate Jim Heckman at the mtg. Jim & one his mentees, Prof. Flávio Cunha at Rice Univ., followed up immediately & are keen to analyze the decades of data the school has been accumulating.

2) Natalie Evie, who attended the mtg, is now helping Valter Fernandes, a Capoeira master who spoke at the mtg, who works w/ poor kids Rio de Janeiro’s barrios. Natalie is providing coaching to help Valter w/a strategy reset/ re-branding that speaks to donors to achieve the funding he needs. That way he can continue his program sans struggling for funds & can grow it to help more children. Natalie wrote, “He's now got the beginnings of a new blueprint for his endeavours; I'll continue to support him for as long Ashe finds me useful.”

3) Speakers at the meeting, Ellen Galinsky, Laurie Faith, Carol-Ann Bush, & Jim Heckman, have already met since the meeting & will be meeting again to discuss collaborations.

4) Susan Stephenson & Anne Kelly (Head of the Dementia and Aging Training for the Internat’l Montessori Assoc [AMI]) hatched the idea to collaborate on a book at the meeting and the book, Glimpses of Elder Care through a Montessori Lens, is already available on Amazon in many countries.

5) Regina Lohndorf, who spoke at the mtg, is starting a children´s book project in Brazil (w/ Damir Mar Prado, also at the mtg) in the Mapuche language, similar to the children book project in the indigenous languages of the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh that Maung Nyeu reported on at the mtg.

5) Sarah Godoy, Head, St. James Music Academy in Vancouver (whose youngsters performed at the mtg), learned of Tim Mah, a local dance instructor, when a speaker pointed him out in the audience. SJMA wants to expand its curriculum to include dance, & Tim is absolutely thrilled that he now has 120 students there.

6) I met Ira Khan (Founder & Director of the non-profit, Agatsu Fdn) at the mtg. I connected her w/ Ana Lúcia Villela (Founder & co- Pres. of the non-profit, Alana, & Head of Maria Farinha Films, as they are both women whose families have great wealth & are both committed to doing good & helping children, I thought they might be good supports for one another

Advising the international non-profit, Babilou Family group, on their work on “Sustainable Education”. Babilou Family is a French multinational early education leader with a presence of 1000+ child care centers across 12 countries, welcoming over 12000 children in our network of nurseries everyday. (April 2023)

Mentoring as part of APA Division 1’s Mentoring Program in furtherance of its mission to support and encourage undergraduate and graduate students to pursue careers in Psychology (2023 – present)

Advisor to the 'On Track' intervention, a project of prospective PhD student Anne Marie Kristensen of the Dept. of Psychology, Univeristy of Copenhagen (21 Feb. 2023)

Mentoring undergrad Brianna Ragsdale (studying Biochemistry, Neuroscience, Social Justice, and Sustainability/Environmental Science) in the UBC Integrated Science Mentor programme (2023)

Connected Laurie Catteeuw, PhD, an education expert with the Babilou Family Group, working on a French version of basic principles, many from neuroscience, that are important for educators & parents to know with Grégoire Borst, Professeur de psychologie du développement et de neurosciences cognitives de l'éducation (Université Paris Cité), to help her with accuracy and clarity, which he is doing. (2023)

Archana Harit, who had been a secretary in our dept., contacted me about resources for a talented high school student interested in how to improve the ed. in high schools about understanding & recognizing mental illness. I contacted colleagues & psychiatrist Margaret Weiss, grad student Rena Del Pieve Gobbi, & dance movement therapist Lori Baudino sent an abundance of resources, & Dr. Ashok Krishnamoorthy said he would as well. (2023)

When Gerard Gioia, Pediatric Neuropsychologist & co-author of the BRIEF®, contacted me about training youths in EFs to optimize sports performance & reduce sport-related injuries, I connected him with Marco Bettoni in Rome, Torbjörn Vestberg in Stockholm, & Steve Lawrence in Amsterdam, which led to a budding collaboration. (2023)

Connected Radhika Bapat, an Indian psychologist in Pune, who treats poor & marginalised children, modifying Western psychotherapy to make it more culturally appropriate, with Ria Gupta, a UBC undergrad from Hyderabad, who designed a mental health intervention to support the wellbeing of >10,000 students in India. Radhika has since helped Ria a lot. (2023)

Connected Holly Hartman of the non-profit, Unite for Literacy, with West Bank physician, Ahmad Samara, for Ahmad to translate children’s books into Palestinian Arabic, which he’s doing. (2023)

When I learned from Will Panenka in my dept. about a large study in the DTES with people who have dementia & are homeless or at high risk of becoming homeless, I connected him with Judy Graves, the 1st advocate in Vancouver City Hall for the homeless. Will was blown away by Judy’s thoughtful, sincere, & empathic response. (2023)

I connected Brazilian pediatrician, Luiza Sandes (who has developed projects involving public health with vulnerable & minority children in Brazil) with Patricia Mota Guedes of Itaú Social to possibly provide funding &/or guidance to Luiza. 8) Stephen Bayley wrote, “The connections you fostered continue to bear fruit; last week Julia Hermida of the Nat’l Univ. of Hurlingham, Argentina, visited us at Cambridge and we set up a new collaboration.” (2023)

I connected Nati Beltran (an expert on non-violent communication, who is writing a piece on child abuse) with Bruce Perry, an expert on the effects of abuse & trauma on the developing child & how to help children. Bruce has been a great help to Nati. (2023)

When PhD student, Rabia Mir, who works in the DTES at Ray-Cam Cooperative Centre, mentioned concerns that I thought the Office of the Representative for Children and Youth (RCYBC) might be able to help with, I connected her with Pippa Rowcliffe, Deputy Representative, RCYBC, and Pippa & Rabia have been brain-storming. (2023)

When I learned of the existence of a Palestinian students' association at UBC, I connected them with role models, local Palestinian engineer, Sally Househ, and with the person who used to head mental health efforts for the WHO in Gaza, Dyaa Saymah. Sally regaled then with homemade Palestinian dishes. (2023)

I received an email from Ruth Charlotte Entsuah of Ghana, who was hoping to do her PhD with me. I reached out to colleagues to try to find a mentor for her and a possible supervisor for her PhD. Both Delphine Collin-Vezina, the Nicolas Steinmetz and Gilles Julien Chair in Community Social Pediatrics and Director of the Centre for Research on Children and Families at McGill University, and Bruce Perry responded and met with Ruth. (2023)

Beginning in 2022 ...

Helped Chando Maye, a student studying in the Global Institute of Sports Business, Mumbai, India, by sending much material and references relevant to how soccer helps in the brain development of kids under the age of 10 (4 Dec. 2022)

Sat for an interview by high school student, Raha Khoramshahi, on Neuroscience as a career (17 Oct. 2022)

Responded to a set of written questions from high school student, Ava Seguin, on how the brain works and what neuroscientists do (30 Sept. 2022)

Consultant and advisor, to an R21 Project, "Development of an Assessment of Executive Function for Infants and Toddlers (EFIT).”, PI: Susanne W. Duvall, PhD, Assoc. Prof., Pediatrics and Psychiatry, Oregon Health & Science Univ., Portland (2022 – 24)

Connected Carlo Pellegrini, Founder & Director of the Amazing Grace Youth Circus, with neuroscientists on the cutting edge of neuroimaging and with those using a driving simulator, like Adam Gazzaley, Randy Buckner, and others. (2022)

Connected researchers in different parts of Brazil, who were not aware of one another, all interested in developing ways to improve executive functions, to one another (including Margherita Colacino & Daniela Ramos). And then connected this group with prominent researchers abroad, like Silvia Bunge. (2022)

Advised Brazilian researcher, Profa. Daniela Ramos, on developing games to improve executive functions (2022)

Beginning in 2021 ...

Faculty Mentor to Maung Nyeu, Ed.D., Sr. Research Scientist & Lecturer, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, & Human Development, NYU; Founder & Exec. Director, Our Golden Hour, an NGO committed, to extending educational opportunities for children in marginalized & underserved communities. (2021 – present)

Advising Gabriela Vorraber, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, Faculty of Physical Education, Univ. of Brasilia, Brazil, providing theoretical and methodological guidance in evaluating physical education activities designed to stimulate executive functions in elementary school children (2021 – 2022)

Mentor to “Women in Control”, whose aim is two-fold: 1) improve awareness of women who are cognitive control researchers, and 2) develop a mentoring network for women in control at any stage of their career (2021 – present)

Mentor to PhD candidate Meingold Chan in Human Development and Family Science at the Ohio State Univ. for the APA Div 7 Mentoring Program (2021)

Interviewed by Clara Carpintero, Barcelona, Spain, for an honors undergrad project on executive functions in 9-11 year old children (27 April 2021)

Connected researchers and practitioners in diverse regions of Brazil, all of whom are interested in the possible benefits of physical activity and sports for executive functions (Valter Fernandes at the Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro; Maicon Albuquerque at the Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais; Iziane Castro Marques, previously a star in the WNBA, who coaches disadvantaged children in basketball in São Luis since 2017; and Gabriela Vorraber at the Universidade de Brasília). (2021)

Connected two researchers interested in researching the executive function benefits of Niroga’s dynamic mindfulness program and they have now submitted a grant together to research this (Jennifer Frank at Penn State and Kim Lakes at UC-Irvine). (2021)

Connected two MD researchers interested in the possible benefits of psychedelics for underserved, vulnerable persons with addiction and/or chronic pain (Devon Christie & Fady Hannah-Shmouni). (2021)

Connected two researchers at the University of California-Irvine, both interested in how to improve executive functions through physical activity who hadn’t known about one another (Kim Lakes & Autumn Ivy). (2021)

Torbjörn Vestberg at the Karolinska Inst. in Stockholm wanted to do a study with 3 cohorts: A group from mainland China, one from Taiwan, and one from Hong Kong. All 3 cultures are Chinese, but their experiences have been very different. I connected him with researchers in China, Taiwan, and Hong Kong so that he could do the study. (2021)

Beginning in 2020….

Mentor and Research Supervisor to high school student, Edith Bachmann, Byram Hills High School, Armonk, NY, on a research project entitled, “The effects of storytelling versus story-reading on the executive functions of fourth graders,” guiding through initial conceptualization of the idea through planning all aspects of the study, gaining human subjects ethics approval, pretesting data collection, data analysis, and study write-up and presentation. Edith was named to the top 300 out of 1,805 students in the Regeneron Science Talent Search (STS) (the oldest and most prestigious science and math competition for high school seniors in the US). Edith’s project placed first in the Westchester Science & Engineering Fair in the behavioral category and third in the International Science & Engineering Fair. (2020 – 2022)

Have been advising Corner of Hope Displaced Persons Camp in Kenya on how to do a study documenting the benefits of the Montessori School at the camp (2020 – present)

Mentor to Lourdes DelRosso, MD, Seattle Children's Hospital, on the assessment of executive functions in children with restless sleep disorder (2020 – 2022)

Advised researchers in Uganda on a study: Structured chess or physical exercise training to improve executive functions in child survivors of severe malaria (CHEX): A randomized clinical trial (2020 – 2022)

Joined Project Short (Student Health Opportunities and Research Training) to provide pro-bono mentoring to first-GEN students from disadvantaged backgrounds who want to apply to graduate school, thus hopefully increasing diversity in STEM graduate
programs (2020 – present)


Syari Umam, MA, counseling psychology, Indonesia: help with writing her personal statement/SOP for an application to study in the US (2025 - 2026)

Brandon Carone, an honors undergraduate student, Cognitive Science, UCLA (2020)

Aastha Sharma, Master’s student, Cognitive Science, Indian Inst. of Technology-Kanpur, India (2020)

Yuliya Zubak, Honors BSc, Neuroscience, Molecular Biology, & Biotechnology, Univ. of Toronto (2020)

Mentored Seetha Gopalakrishnan (originally from Trinidad), MA (Commerce), a Certified General Accountant in Canada. UBC special student. Potential Thesis project: “The impact of yoga vs music on children between the ages of 3-5 or 5-7” (2020 – 2021)

Advised Laurie Faith, PhD, Educational Psychology, OISE, Univ. of Toronto, on the writing of her book: Faith, L, Dawson, P. & Bush, C-L. (2022). Executive function skills in the classroom: Overcoming barriers, building strategies. NY: Guildford Press. ISBN: 978-1462548927 (2020)

Advised Art Kleiner & Jeffrey Schwartz, authors of “The wise advocate: The inner voice of strategic leadership,” published by Columbia Business School, on writing their article “Challenges of strategic leadership: Mastering executive function for the
mindful leader.” (2020)

Mentored Damir Mar Prado Troncoso, secondary school student in Santiago, Chile. Helped him develop a research plan & mentored him in writing his essays for college applications (2020)

Arranged for the world leader in Montessori Methods for aged care and dementia, Anne Kelly, to come to Vancouver from Australia to give talks to the community, Dept. of Neurology, and two talks to our department (2020)

Connected Angela Duckworth, MacArthur Fellow & author of the book, Grit, with noted educator, Linda Nathan, author of the book, Grit is Not Enough. I knew they both care deeply about helping all children, regardless of background, succeed in school, and I knew they would find much common ground once they were able to talk together. Connected Ahmad Samara, a Palestinian physician on the West Bank, with Prof. Tamara Vanderwal, in our department. It worked! Ahmad has been accepted as a PhD student in the Neuroscience Program & will be coming as soon as travel is again permitted. (2020)

Connected Saba Sagliker Kose with Dr. Gilles Julien, McGill Med Sch & Fondation Dr Julien. That led to Saba getting a clinical internship at Gilles’ foundation. It is a unique opportunity to learn about children's rights, child protection, & community social peds. (2020)

Connected the established non-profit, Mom2Mom, in Vancouver with the new non-profit, Nurture Seattle, since both have mentor parents help new parents. Connected the struggling Logan Memorial School, in a very low-income, Latino area of San Diego, which was slated to become the first prenatal to 12th grade public school in the US, with Silvia Dubovoy, a noted Montessori trainer who is the Founder and Director Emerita of the Montessori Institute of San Diego. This is working so terrifically well. The school is completely transformed. Adriana Chavarin-Lopez, an education leadership PhD student at Harvard (herself the daughter of Mexican immigrants), is documenting the school before and after. (2020)

Connected Prof. of Speech Pathology, Kittie Verdolini Abbott, newly arrived at the Univ. of Delaware with Prof. of Language Development, Roberta Golinkoff, at Univ. of Delaware, when Kittie approached me about who could help one of her grad students. Connected people studying executive functions in low-income countries with one another, including: Stephen Bailey, Cambridge Univ; Bruce Rawlings, Univ. of Texas- Austin; Regina Lohndorf, Pontificia Univ. Católica de Chile, Santiago; Mahsa Ershadi, Boston College; Sebastián Lipina, Unidad de Neurobiología Aplicada, Bueno Aires, Argentina; Irem Korucu, Purdue Univ.; Julia Hermida, National Univ. of Hurlingham, Argentina; & Jelena Obradovic, Stanford Univ. (2020)

Connected Dr. Shazeen Suleman, graduate of UBC Med Sch now at Johns Hopkins, with Brandon Carone, honors undergrad at UCLA, because Shazeen started the Music Box program in the Downtown Eastside and Brandon is the Research Coordinator for Music Mends Minds & founded the UCLA chapter of Music & Memory. (2020)

Beginning in 2019….

Founded HealthLeads (originally modelled on the program in the US) in Vancouver’s inner city, the Downtown Eastside (DTES). This trains and supervises local DTES residents on how to help their neighbors with the social stresses (such as a landlord who won’t make repairs) that are the underlying causes for many health problems, improving health and improving the work resume and skills of those trained (2019 – 2023)

Applied for and obtained $50,000 grant from the Bezos Family Foundation for Educateurs sans Frontières to support First Nations and Native American educators to attend and participate in the summer 2020 Educateurs sans Frontières conference in Missoula, MT (22 July - 02 Aug 2020) [Postponed due to COVID-19]

Mentor to Sheila Threndyle, MA, Registered Speech-Language Pathologist, School District 44, BC, for help with her Speech Audiology Canada (SAC) clinical research grant proposal (2019 – 2020)

I connected Tim McGeer (Principal of University Hill Secondary School, Vancouver) with Prof. Natalia Cadavid Ruiz (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali, Colombia). UHill high school students had discovered, to their surprise, that a great many of the students at UHill are extremely depressed, anxious, and feeling overwhelmed with stress. They have been coming up with ideas to help alleviate that. Natalia’s university students have discovered to their surprise, that a great many of the students their university are extremely depressed, anxious, and feeling overwhelmed with stress. Now they are starting to think about what be able to be done to alleviate that. I thought the 2 groups could share ideas. (2019)

I connected Scott Clark and other leaders of the Our Place community-led initiative in the DTES with researchers to document the benefits of the program. I pulled together Profs. Martin Guhr and Annalee Yassi in the School of Public Health to collaborate with me, and recruited Lisa Ritland, a recent Masters graduate of SPH to conduct the research. (2019)

I connected faculty in UBC’s Dept. of French, Hispanic and Italian Studies with Profs. Prof. Oscar Mora and/or Prof. Rafael Alberto Hernandez Cuesta in the Dept. of English at Pontificia Universidad Javeriana, Cali, Colombia so that UBC can take advantage of a program at their university where students at their university in Colombia talk one on one, face-to-face with North American students. Half of each session is in Spanish, to help the American Spanish-language learners, and half of each session is in English, to help the Colombian English-language learners. (2019)

I connected researchers, NGOs, and social activists in several different Central and South American countries with one another to facilitate possible collaborations. (2019)

Beginning in 2018….

Enlisted 2 faculty members, Martin Guhn & Annalee Yassi, from UBC’s School of Public Health, to collaborate with Diamond in documenting the benefits of the Our Place (Promoting Local Access and Community Empowerment) program in Vancouver’s Downtown Eastside (2018 – present)

Has been working to help indigenous Maasai children in Kenya be able to attend school, to gain a quality education while there, and to help girls rescued from early/forced marriage to realize their dreams through education (2018 – present)

Mentored Stephen Bayley, Research Associate, Centre for Research on Play in Education, Development and Learning, Univ. of Cambridge, on his project: Skills for adaptability in the global south: Researching children’s executive functions in low-income contexts. Stephen wrote: Thank you so much for all your support and encouragement for my work over the past 3-4 years. You've truly opened up so many doors for me! (2018 – 2023)

Beginning in 2017….

Mentored Jessica Guler, PhD student, Clinical Child Psychology Program, Univ of Kansas, on her NIH F31 Application: “Internalizing and somatic psychopathology in Arab refugee parent-child dyads: The role of cognitive and social factors.” (2017 – present)

Beginning in 2016….

Advisor to National and State Governments at no charge in their efforts to markedly change their early childcare and education programs to make them more developmentally appropriate, nurture executive functions, and make them more equitable across the SES spectrum (Nations: Chile, Indonesia, Peru, & Ktunaxa First Nation [in the Okanagan]; USA States: AZ, MD, & WA) (2016-2019)

Started a Mutual Support Network for Graduate Students who share a common commitment to be of service to their local and/or world community, to have a practical impact, and connected them to faculty members who I thought could be role models for them (introducing people [virtually via email]) to one another across 3 continents; 2016 – present)

Worked closely with 2 remarkable young women, Rena Del Pieve Gobbi & Lina Rothman, to help them plan their graduate programs: Helping them design their proposed research projects & helping them draft their applications to the Interdisciplinary Studies PhD program at UBC (2016)

Tried a novel way to try to get scientific concepts across to the public, which worked very well:
Lecture – Performance, co-presented by Adele Diamond and the children of the California Dance Institute, Los Angeles, CA. “Insights from neuroscience to help every child thrive: How dance might aid brain development and critical cognitive skills.”

Beginning in 2015….

Devoted much time and effort to helping Dyaa Saymah, PhD (who led the World Health Organization’s mental health program in Gaza) to find employment in Vancouver (his specialty is mental health service development, especially with traumatized persons) (2015)

Mentored Regula Neuenschwander. PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, Dept. of Pediatrics, UBC (2015 – 2017) [Now, Lecturer, Psychology Dept., Univ. of Bern, Switzerland.]

Beginning in 2013….

Mentored Regina Lohndorf on her PhD studies, Child & Family Studies, Univ. of Leiden, NL [recipient of a Grant from Chilean National Commission on Scientific & Technological Research]; now, Assistant Professor, Universidad de O'Higgins in Rancagua, Chile (2013 – 2019)

Helped Mapuche children in Chile get a better education: Introduced Regina who was studying the Mapuche people of Chile to Sandrine Mallet, Founder of KidsRfuture (which pairs up schools, one with more advantaged youth in the 1st world, the other with less advantaged youth in the 3rd world.) Sandrine was able to locate 2 schools in Europe that raised funds for advanced teacher training for a Mapuche teacher so she could return and train others.

Beginning in 2012….

Advised on the dissertation of Marianna Staroselsky, PhD Candidate, U. of Chicago, IL (2012)

Beginning in 2011….

Mentored Laura Ricci, MA student, Harvard Univ. Graduate School of Education, Cambridge, MA “Perhaps you are, as you say, a professor from the Univ. of British Columbia - but to me, you are an angel sent from the very finest research laboratory in heaven. I truly cannot thank you enough for your generous help. Enormous appreciation.” (2011 – 2012)

Mentored Sarah Short, Dept. of Psychiatry, Univ. of North Carolina School of Medicine, in applying for her NIMH K Award ( K01 Mentored Research Scientist Development Award from NIH) and throughout her postdoctoral fellowship funded by the K award, and then as she applied for faculty positions. (2011-2018) [Now, an Assistant Professor and the Dorothy King Chair in Educational Psychology, University of Wisconsin-Madison.]

Met with aspiring Developmental Science PhD students at “Lunch with the Leaders” session, Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Montreal, QC (2011)

Mentored Carolyn Lye, a Grade 11 student from Sentinel Secondary, West Vancouver, BC. Carolyn went on to enter the dual MD/JD program at the Yale School of Medicine. Co-author on 2021 paper in PLoS ONE (2011 – 2013)

Mentored Deepali Prasad, a Grade 11 student from Crofton House School, Vancouver, BC. Co-author on 2021 paper in PLOS
ONE (2011 – 2013)

Mentored Shazeen Suleman, then a 4th-year UBC medical student, and now Staff Physician, Dept. of Pediatrics, St. Michael's Hospital, Univ. of Toronto. At the age of 16, she co-founded her first non-profit, MusicBox Children’s Charity, which provides free music education to vulnerable children in six cities across Canada (2011 – 2012)

Beginning in 2010….

Mentored Monica Tsethlikai, then a graduate student and postdoc. She held a William T. Grant Scholar Award, a Native Children's Research Exchange Scholar and two Ford Fellowships “You’re awesome! Should you ever need a letter documenting your dedication to helping an emerging scientist of Zuni heritage, count on me.” (2010 – 2018) [Now, Assistant Professor, Sanford School of Social and Family Dynamics, Arizona State Univ.]

Beginning in 2009….

Began an initiative to organize faculty homestays and welcomes for international students who begin UBC in midyear as undergraduates. UBC was leaving them to flounder on their own, without access to their dorm rooms until the night before classes began and no on-site access to advising until classes began (2009 – 2011)

Spearheaded a UBC program in collaboration with Al-Quds Univ., a Palestinian university then committed to peaceful engagement with Israeli Jews. This also united Vancouver Jewish and Muslim communities in helping to sponsor one graduate a year from Al-Quds at UBC (2009 – 2011)

Spearheaded a collaboration across multiple disciplines to create a Parent Resource Center that could benefit parents throughout BC (2009 – 2010)

Tried to spearhead an initiative to help First Nations peoples through the psychological trauma uncovered by the Truth and Reconciliation Commission (2009 – 2010)

Mentored Radhika Bapat, PhD, Founder and Director, Child Guidance Centre, Sahyadri Specialty Hospital, Pune, India (2009 – 2011)

Mentored Mio Tomisawa, a Grade 10 student at Steveston London Secondary, Richmond, BC on a research project consisting of creating a storybook to teach children about research on the brain (2009 – 2010)

Sent eye charts to Nepal and the Tibetan community in India. When Diamond visited Dharamsala, the Headmaster of the Tibetan Children's Village School mentioned that many of the best children in the oldest grades wear eyeglasses. When she asked if children receive vision testing or screening, he indicated they did not. It seemed to her that more children could be successful if only they could receive the vision correction they needed. (2009)

Beginning in 2007….

Mentored Tinashe Chatora, a UBC undergraduate student from Zimbabwe (2007 – 2012)

Beginning in 2006….

Judge at the Annual Adakaar High School Dance Competition Awards in Surrey, BC (2006)

Interviewer of Candidates for the Simon Fraser Univ. Leadership Chair in Magnetoencephalography (2006)

Volunteer Mentor to Junior Faculty (since joining UBC in 2005)

Faculty Mentor to Michelle Downes during her sabbatical research. Assoc. Prof. & Ad Astra Fellow, School of Psychology, Univ. College Dublin (March 2024 – April 2024)

Faculty Mentor to Professor Patricia Schulte, PhD, new CRC Tier 1, Dept. of Zoology, UBC. Mentorship program is part of UBC’s Canada Research Chair Equity, Diversity, and Inclusion Action Plan (July 2023 – present)

Faculty Mentor to Assistant Professor Regina Lohndorf, PhD, Faculty of Education, Pontificia Universidad Católica de
Chile, Santiago (2020 – present)

Faculty Mentor to Juthamas Haenjohn, Assoc. Prof., Burapha Univ., Thailand (2021 - 2024)

Faculty Mentor to Hagar Goldberg, PhD, Instructor, Educational and Counselling Psychology, and Special Ed., UBC (2018 – 2020)

Mentored Assistant Professor Amori Mikami, Psychology, UBC, in helping her to craft her application for a Jacobs Foundation Research Fellowship (2015)

Faculty mentor to Assistant Professor Ziba Vaghri, Food, Nutrition and Health Program, & Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP), UBC (2012 – 2014) [Now, Assistant Professor, School of Public Health & Social Policy, Univ. of Victoria]

Mentored Professor Alessandra Gotuzo Seabra, PhD, Graduate Program - Developmental Disorders, Universidade Mackenzie, São Paulo, Brazil (2012)

Mentored Professor Kimberley Lakes, PhD, Division of Clinical Sciences, Univ. of Calif.-Riverside (2011 – 2015)

Faculty Mentor to Assistant Professor Claudia Jacova, Div. of Neurology, UBC (2010 – 2013)

Faculty Mentor to Associate Professor Naznin Virji-Babul, Dept. of Physical Therapy, UBC. Well into her first term at UBC, Naz could not yet access to the Start-up funds she had been awarded and had no lab space. Diamond got her access to funds within 24 hours and lab space within a week. (2010 – 2013)

Mentored Assistant Professor Tamar Mendelson, PhD, Dept. of Mental Health, Johns Hopkins Bloomberg School of Public Health, Baltimore, MD (2009 – 2014)

Professional Activities (see also university and community service)

Collaborator with Gabriela Martínez, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Neurology and Neurosurgery & Alexia Nuñez, Ass't Prof., Dept. of Biology, Universidad de Chile, Santiago, to support an initiative to create a "Center of Education and Neuroscience Research (CiEN)." (2025 – present)

Collaborator with, & Advisor to, Elayne Vollman, Assistant Professor of Psychology, Lake Forest College, on her project to explore how fraction knowledge might differ for Montessori students and students in traditional schools (2024 – present)

Collaborator & Advisor: “Effects of a child-friendly traditional karate program on mental health, academic success, executive functions, character development, and physical fitness” with Fatimah Bahrami, Profs. Bassam El-Khoury & Armando Bertone (at McGill), and Sensei Alexandru Sorin, Canadian National Karate Team coach. (2024 – present)

Chaired session at the International Congress on Brain Sciences and Early Childhood Care and Education organized by UNESCO and the Babilou Family Foundation, at UNESCO Headquarters, Paris, France. (26 Sept 2024)

Invited panelist. A panel discussion on how can schools help students to thrive in today’s world. District Wide Professional Learning Day for the Delta School District focused on Mental Health/Wellness for Staff and Students, Delta, BC. (16 Feb. 2024)

Collaborator & Advisor: to Alexandra Matte-Landry (at Laval Univ.) on a SSHRC-funded research project, “Developing, between adversity and resilience: A study of executive functions and their role in young people in the context of adversity” (2022 – present)

Invited discussant. Transdisciplinary Training roundtable, Canadian Brain Research Strategy. Online due to COVID-19. (05 May 2022)

Collaborator & Advisor: to Assoc. Prof. Juthamas Haenjohn, Head of Department Research and Applied Psychology, Burapha Univ., Thailand, on the research project, "Development of an executive functions inventory and norm development for a computerized battery of executive functions tests for Thai children and adolescents: Screening and evaluation of executive functions interventions." (2021 - 2024)

Collaborator with, & Advisor to, Paul Bangirana (Senior Lecturer, Makerere University, Kampala, Uganda, and with GlobalHealth Uganda) on a grant application to fund a randomized clinical trial on training in chess versus physical-exercise training to improve executive functions in child survivors of severe malaria (2021 – 2022)

Mentored Prof. Lourdes DelRosso (Seattle Children's Hospital on a study of executive functions and cognition in children with restless sleep disorder, which was published in Brain Sciences (2021 – 2022)

Co-leader: “A qualitative pilot study of the broader socioemotional benefits of the JUMP Math school program. Collaborators include Tonje Molyneux, John Mighton, & Kim Schonert-Reichl. (2020 – 2024)

Collaborator & Advisor: “Mathematical Thinkers Like Me” (or MLM for short), is a project to develop a prototype math learning system that leverages executive function skill development. MLM is a program centered around online collaborative problem-solving that supports students’ ongoing journey as mathematical thinkers. Student voice is at the center of MLM’s educational process, focusing on student success with rich, high-quality mathematics. The EF+Math Program, which funded MLM, is an initiative that funds bold approaches to increase math outcomes for students in grades 3-8. This research project is headed by Stephen Weimar. (2019 – present)

Collaborator with, & Advisor to, Prof. Ricardo Rosas Díaz (PhD, Psychology, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago): for developing a Spanish-language executive-function test battery, Yellow-Red, which we make freely available to other researchers, has already been translated into 5 other languages, and is now being used in studies across 4 continents (2019 – present)

Collaborated with Paul Collard (Chief Executive, Creativity, Culture and Education), Jasmine Wilson(of the Wayne McGregor Dance Co.), & Fotini Vasilopoulos (PhD student at Birkbeck College, Univ of London) on planning a large randomized control trial to study whether a school-based dance program that uses dance to express comp (2019 – 2020)

Invited discussant. Society for Psychophysiological Research meeting, Vancouver, BC. Online due to COVID-19. (15 Oct 2021)

Invited discussant (Lunch chat with Adele Diamond). Next Wave Summit: What’s next, what works. Center for Artistry and Scholarship, Boston, MA (19 Oct. 2019)

Invited roundtable moderator. Conversation Round Table: Reconceptualizing the deficit model of executive functioning among poor children, SRCD Biennial Meeting, Baltimore, MD. (21 March 2019)

Collaborator & Advisor: to Jennifer Kitil, Postdoctoral Research Associate, Psychology Dept., Univ. of Illinois Chicago, on the research project, “Longitudinal relations of executive functions to academic achievement and well-being in adolescence.” (2019 - 2024)

Scientific Advisor, Executive Function Center of New York, NYC. EFCNY provided one-on-one, small and large group mentoring and coaching in Executive Function skill acquisition (2018 – 2019)

Invited master class. What does, and does not, improve executive functions, and why. Executive Functions Master Class with Professor Adele Diamond. Faculty of Education, Univ. of Cambridge, UK. (12 June 2018)

Invited informal discussion. Groupe d’Action en Neuropsychologie Développementale (GrAND), Quebec City, QC. (29 May 2018)

Leader: NIH-funded research project, “Pharmacologically modeling sex differences in the effects of mild stress on executive functions.” Collaborators include Elizabeth Hampson & Clemens Kirschbaum. (2018 – present)

Helped to co-supervise Valter Fernandes, on his dissertation in the Neuroscience Exercise Laboratory, Federal University of Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, on “The effects of capoeira on children's executive functions” (2017 – 2022)

Invited discussion. A discussion with Adele Diamond on executive function and its impact on child wellbeing. Brain and Mind Centre, University of Sydney, Australia. (25 May 2017)

Brain Awareness Activity: Lab tour and demo for a group of eight high school students and their teacher, who is also the school principal, from the Pacific School of Innovation and Inquiry in Victoria, BC. (This included setting-up 9 computers so everyone could try taking a few of our neurocognitive assessment measures so that they could really understand them, as no simple description of them could do.) (29 Nov 2016)

Invited discussant. Symposium on "Risk factors in the development of executive functioning in children," at the International Neuropsychological Society (INS) Annual Meeting, Boston, MA. (6 Feb 2016)

Invited to chair forum. "Empowering Bedouin women in Israel: an inspiring story from Ben-Gurion University of the Negev." The Centre for Israel & Jewish Affairs , Vancouver, BC. (01 May 2015)

Invited respondent to ‘Matching Adolescent Education with Brain Development’ by Sarah Jayne Blakemore. ‘Brain Matters! Vancouver: Brain Science and Social Responsibility’ Conference, Vancouver, BC. (13 March 2014)

Collaborator & Advisor: CIHR-funded research project, “The effects on the children’s executive functions of maternal depression and mother’s use of SSRIs during pregnancy: A 12-year longitudinal study.” Headed by Tim Oberlander. (2014 – present)

Collaborator, Prof. Clemens Kirschbaum (Dean of the School of Science, Technische Universität Dresden, Germany; President, International Society of Psychoneuroendocrinology): Collaborator and co-author on our suite of studies looking at the how the effects of stress on EFs differ by sex and COMT genotype and looking at pharmacological models of those differences in effects (2014 – present)

Collaborator, Assoc. Prof. Sara Cordes (Boston College, MA), an expert on children’s learning, and Prof. Ellen Winner (Boston College, MA), the leading expert in psychology on the arts, on a funded research project: Does an in-school El Sistema music program improve executive functions, academic achievement, and affective development in young children? (2013 – 23)

Invited discussant. Symposium: Controlling actions and acting together: Bidirectional links between executive function and social interaction in development. Society for Research in Child Development Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. (20 April 2013)

Invited discussant. Symposium: Executive function: Basic science to intervention. Society for Research in Child Development Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. (18 April 2013)

Invited roundtable participant. Round Table: Evidence based on the impact of toxic stress, 2nd Annual Symposium on Community-based Social Pediatrics, Montreal, QC. (11 April 2013)

External admissions interviewer (2010 – present), Harvard University

External admissions interviewer (2010 – present), Swarthmore College

Invited to be member of the ‘distinguished panel’ at a public dialogue on “A New Vision of Learning: Balancing Educating the Mind with Educating the Heart,” Wosk Centre for Dialogue, Simon Fraser University, Vancouver, BC. (7 April, 2008).

Organizer of Symposia

Organizer & Chair of Symposium, Diverse methods of facilitating cognitive development (including implications for how we think about cognition and its relation to play, movement, art, etc.), Jean Piaget Society Annual Meeting, Toronto, ON.

Co-organizer. 2nd Annual Aspen Brain Forum, Conference on the cognitive neuroscience of learning and education, Aspen, CO.

Organizer and Chair of a Symposium on Understanding executive functions: Integrating biological, developmental, and educational perspectives for the Annual Meeting of the American Psychological Society, Chicago, IL.

Organizer & Chair of Invited Symposium, International Neuropsychological Society

Organizer & Chair of Symposium, Perception and action in social and non-social domains in children and adults, Jean Piaget Society Annual Meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Co-Organizer of Symposium, Implications of cognitive neuroscience for education, Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting.

Founder and Organizer, International Biennial Conference Series “Brain Development & Learning" (see above). This is a service to the larger community of parents, policymakers, educators, physicians, psychologists, and allied health professions (2005-present)

  • 4th Conference. Brain development and learning, Vancouver, BC, 2013, July 24-28, 2013:  braindevelopmentandlearning.com/BDL2013/
                                   Online Resources
  • 3rd Biennial Conference. Brain development and learning: Making sense of the science, Vancouver, BC, 2010, July 16-20, 2010: www.braindevelopmentandlearning.com/oldbdl2010/bdl2010.html
                                    In Utero Effects; Parent-Infant Interaction
                                    Learning & Memory; Math and Reading
                                    Respecting Cultural Differences
                                    Mental Health; Promoting Joy, Resilience, and Creativity
  • 2010 Conference Feedback:braindevelopmentandlearning.com/oldbdl2010/BDL_subpages_2010/feedback_big_2010.html

    2010 Online Resources: www.braindevelopmentandlearning.com/Resources2010

  • 2nd Biennial Conference. Brain development and learning: Making sense of the science, Vancouver, BC, July 12-15, 2008: braindevelopmentandlearning.com/oldbdl2008/bdl2008.html
                                   Prefrontal Cortex
  • 2008 Conference Feedback: braindevelopmentandlearning.com/oldbdl2008/BDL_subpages_2008/sponsorsfeedback.html

  • 1st Biennial Conference. Brain development and learning: Making sense of the science, Vancouver, BC, August 19-22, 2006:braindevelopmentandlearning.com/oldbdl2006/BDL2006.html


    • Special Theme Editor, issue on Executive Functioning in Perspectives on Language and Literacy: A Quarterly Publication of the International Dyslexia Association (2014)
    • Review Editor, Frontiers in Human Neuroscience (2007 - present)
    • Review Editor, Frontiers in Cognitive Neuroscience (2007 – 2021)
    • Associate Editor, Frontiers in Cognitive Neuroscience (2021 – present)
    • Associate Editor, Developmental Science (2002-2016 )
    • Associate Editor, Developmental Psychology (2005-2010)
    • Scientific Editorial Board, Neuropsychology and Psychotherapy (2022-present)
    • Editor, special issue of Developmental Psychology on the Interplay of Biology and Environment broadly defined, targeting papers with the potential to change or challenge how developmental psychologists think. Topics include: How Experience affects Mind, Brain, and Gene Expression throughout Development; Genetic Mediation of Environmental Effects on Mind and Body during Development; Interrelations between Physical Health and Mental Health during Development; How Emotions Affect Brain Function (and hence Cognition and Perception) during Development (issue appeared in Jan., 2009)

    Member of Editorial Boards:

    • Child Development (2005 - )
    • Cognitive Development (2004 - )
    • Developmental Psychology (2010 - ) (started as soon as term as Assoc. Editor ended)
    • Developmental Science (2016 - ) (started as soon as term as Assoc. Editor ended)
    • Journal of Alternative Medicine and Therapies (2023 - )
    • Journal of Applied Developmental Psychology (2002 - )
    • Neurocase (2004 - )
    • Neuropsychologia (2001 - )
    • Research on Early Education and Child Health (2005 - )
    • Trends in Neuroscience and Education (2011 - )

    Past Member of Editorial Boards:

    • Journal of the International Neuropsychological Society, served 2005-2009
    • Developmental Neuropsychology, served 2003-2008
    • Developmental Psychology
    • Trends in Cognitive Sciences, served 2003-2006
    • Infant Behavior and Development, served 1994-2004
    • Developmental Psychobiology, served 1994-2000
    • Infancy, served from its inception - 2003
    • Brain and Mind, served from its inception - 2003

    Ad Hoc Reviewer for Journals - click here.

    Reviewer of grant applications - click here.

    Consultant - click here.

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    I love to be active and outdoors in nature with others. Love to hike, play tennis, and canoe.

    Most of all I love to dance -- any kind of dancing as long as you get to interact with your partner -- swing dance, waltz, contradancing, tango, hambo, vintage, zwiefacher, and more.

    Was a member of a contradance troupe that toured the Soviet Union in the Spring following the fall of the Berlin wall. Here is a picture of me dancing on the Arbat, a main street in Moscow.

    Our band set up a little platform and people gathered around to see what we might be doing. Little did they know that each of us would invite one of them to dance with us as our partners. What a wonderful way to meet people! We went on to Odessa, Leningrad (not yet re-named St. Petersburg), and Riga. The Soviets allowed us only 36 hours in Riga, but we made the most of them.



    Had such a good time, I organized and led another group of 40 dancers

    and a band of terrific musicians (BLT: Peter Barnes, Mary Lea, and Bill Tomczak) to tour Czechoslovakia (České Budějovice in southern Bohemia, Zlin in the Moravian-Silesian Beskids, & Prague) two years later (June, 1992). Here they are clowning with caller, Larry Edelman, on mandolin.


    some photos of those we met along the way:


    Instead of staying in hotels, we stayed with local families and made close friends in southern Bohemia (České Budĕjovice), Moravia (Zlin), and Prague.

    Here, Adele and Mary Lea are pictured with the family they stayed with in Zlin.

    Of course, both the USSR and Czechoslovakia ceased to exist very soon after I visited, but I think it is safe to have me visit as a scholar or scientist. It is only as a dancer that my visits appear to coincide with regime change.

    I got to bring together my academic and dance interests when I hosted a meeting on the “The Development and Neural Basis of Higher Cognitive Functions” and arranged for another incredibly wonderful band (Wild Asparagus: Becky Tracy, Stuart Kenney, George Marshall, Ann Percival, & David Cantien) to play for an evening of dance at the meeting.

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    Training Others on our Neurocognitive Tasks

    Provide intensive 1-2 week training (free of charge) on the neurocognitive measures Diamond developed:

    • to be scheduled July, 2025: to Juthamas Haenjohn, Assoc. Prof., Head of Department Research and Applied Psychology, Burapha Univ., Thailand, for a 2 week training workshop on neurocognitive measures.
    • July–Sept, 2024: to Anna-Katharina Walpurgius, MSc student in health pscyhology, Univ College London. Visiting International Research Student at UBC working on a mixed-method study in cognitive neuroscience.
    • Feb–April, 2022: to Anne Marie Kristensen, MSc student, Scientific Assistant, Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Copenhagen. Developing a curricular intervention designed to improve executive functions in middle school children in Denmark called On Track.
    • Jan–April, 2020: to Julika Volkmann, MSc student, Neurobiology. Freie Universität Berlin, Germany.
    • Sept- Oct., 2018: to Mie Maar Andersen, PhD program, Elsass Institute, Univ. of Copenhagen, Denmark: supervisor for the time Mie was here (she came to Diamond's lab and trained under her personally). Thesis project: “Sports activities and how they can help improve executive function.”
    • 25 April, 2017: Tamar Green, MD, Instructor, Psychiatry and Behavioral Sciences, Center for Interdisciplinary Brain Sciences Research, Stanford University, CA, for studying executive functions, and attention in children with neurogenetic syndrome.
    • June-Aug., 2016: to Christina Stuhr, PhD student, Sportssience Dept., Sportpsychologie Unit, University of Rostock, Germany, for studying the interrelationship and interdependences of executive function and motor skills in children- how are they linked and how best to improve them.
    • Sept., 2015: to Amparo Viridiana Márquez García, MSc student of Gregorio Garcia-Aguilar, Prof., Dept. of Psychology, Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla, Mexico, for intensive training for a study on 6-12 yr olds with ADHD.
    • June, 2014: to Spyridoula Vazou, PhD, Ass't Prof., Dept. of Kinesiology, Iowa State Univ., Ames, for one week intensive training for evaluating the effectiveness of a structured physical activity curriculum on EFs with preschool children.
    • Aug., 2013: to Ursula Spitzer, a visiting medical student from Witten/Herdecke University, Witten, Germany, for her work on the influence of exercise on academic achievement and social behaviour in children.
    • 2012: to Alessandra Gotuzo Seabra, PhD, Professor in the Graduate Program - Developmental Disorders, Universidade Mackenzie, São Paulo, Brazil.
    • May, 2004: to Eva van de Weijer-Bergsma, PhD student, Utrecht University, Netherlands, for a study of the role of maternal interactive styles in preterm children’s development of attentional networks.
    • Aug., 2001: to Anne-Claire Beernick, PhD student with Jan Buitelaar, University Medical Center Utrecht, the Netherlands, to study predictors, in infancy, of externalizing behavior disorders.
    • June, 2001: to Karen Davis, Research Assistant Linda Mayes, M.D., Department of Child Psychiatry, Yale University, for study of prefrontal cortex cognitive deficits in children who had been exposed to cocaine in utero
    • Sept., 2000: to Julien Gross, PhD student with Harlene Hayne, Dept. of Psychology, University of Otago, Dunedin, New Zealand, for studying delayed nonmatching to sample performance in infants.
    • Aug., 2000: to Erik Hazen, M.D./PhD student with Linda Mayes, Yale Univ. School of Medicine, for study of prefrontal cortex cognitive deficits in children exposed to cocaine in utero
    • June, 2000: to Alex Hogan, PhD student with Faraneh Vargha-Khadem, London University, England, for studies of pre-clinical anterior blood perfusion deficits in infancy in children who have sickle cell disease.
    • May, 1997: to Joseph & Sandra Jacobsen, Wayne State Univ., Detroit, MI, for study of cognitive consequences of PCB exposure among Inuit Eskimoes in northern Quebec (2-day training)
    • Mar., 1995: to Anna Drummey, PhD student with Nora Newcombe, Temple Univ., Phila., PA, to study the development of executive functions in children 3-7 years of age.
    • Mar., 1994: to Shaune Bornholdt, Children's Hospital of New Jersey, Newark, NJ for use in her work with children with treated PKU and with children exposed to lead
    • June, 1993: to Jenna Steere, Assistant to Amy Arnsten, Yale University School of Medicine, for use in research on children with ADHD
    • Sept., 1991: to Virginia Frisk and Jacqui Paige, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, Canada, for their research characterizing the developmental disabilities in infants and children who were born prematurely
    • Aug., 1991: to Sydney Reisbick and Martha Neuringer, Oregon Regional Primate Center, Portland, OR, for their research on the effects of Omega-3 Fatty Acid deficiency on cognitive and perceptual-motor development in infant monkeys
    • Aug., 1990: to Teresa Wilcox, University of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, for use in her study on cognitive functioning, and remaining deficits, in healthy, high-functioning preterm infants. 

    As our neurocognitive tasks have become easier to administer, extended visits to our lab have become less and less necessary. Diamond now provides our behavioral tasks (including training videos, detailed testing procedures, the stimulus materials, and the software programs for computerized tests) and extensive consultation on how to administer the tasks and/or how to analyze performance on the tasks to:

    2024 Elif Biçer, PhD student, Disability Studies, Trakya Univ., Edirne, Turkey, for a study of an intervention program to improve executive functioning skills in preschool children at risk for learning disabilities.
      Nattaporn Tassanakijpanich, MD, Assoc. Prof., Develop-mental & Behavioral Pediatrician, Dept. of Pediatrics, Faculty of Medicine, Prince of Songkla Univ., Songkhla, Thailand, for developing a combination of questionnaires and EF tasks to comprehensively evaluate executive functions in Thai preschoolers.
      Buse Hançer, PhD student, Burdur Mehmet Akif Ersoy Üniversitesi, Burder, Turkey, for Buse's thesis in the Dept. Of Primary Education.
      Pasco Fearon, Prof., Univ. of Cambridge, UK, for the 3rd wave of a large longitudinal nationally representative birth cohort study (Children of the 2020s Study) looking at family, early education, and child-care determinants of early school success.
      Amanda Rose Yuile, Postdoctoral Fellow, Purdue Univ., West Lafayette, Indiana, for a longitudinal project looking at language development over time.
    2023 Beyza Sirvan Ayaz, Masters student, Early Childhood Education, Bogaziçi Univ., Istanbul, Turkey, for a study of the effects of role-playing on children's attention and inhibitory control.
      Juthamas Haenjohn, PhD, Assoc. Prof., Burapha Univ., Thailand, for a large, normative study on the executive functions of Thai children and adolescents using a new executive function assessment tools developed in collaboration with Adele Diamond.
      Camille Eudeline Masters student, Manon Steiniger Masters student, & Nathalie Angeard Prof., Memory, Brain & Cognition Unit, Univ. Paris Cité, France, for a study of whether the presence of visual clues makes cognitive flexibility easier for children between 6-9 years of age.
      Patrizia Tortella, PhD, Researcher of Methods & Didactics of Motor Activity, Faculty of Human & Social Sciences, Univ. Kore, Enna, Italy, for a study on the executive functions of 7-8 year old children.
      Sidika Elsikma, Masters student, & Abdullah Nuri Dicle, Prof. , Dept. of Psychology, Ondokuz Mayis Univ., Turkey, for a study on the response inhibition behavior in children.
      Regina Tahirih Lohndorf, Prof., Faculty of Education, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago, for a study in Chile on the impact, mechanisms and beneficiaries of the implementation of the Kindness Curriculum by preschool teachers in contexts of social vulnerability.
      Karrie E. Godwin, Ph.D., Ass't. Prof., Dept. of Psychology, Sherman Center for Early Learning in Urban Communities, Univ. of Maryland, Baltimore, for a study on whether breaks benefit children’s attention regulation and enhance learning (Brain Breaks).
      Maung Nyeu, PhD, Sr. Research Scientist & Lecturer, Steinhardt School of Culture, Education, & Human Development, NYU, for a study assessing the impact of Indigenous oral storytelling practices on the EF development of Indigenous children in the Chittagong Hill Tracts, Bangladesh.
      Deborah Dewey, PhD, RPsych, Prof., & Marybeth Harrod, undergrad, Dept. of Paediatrics & Community Health Sciences, Univ. of Calgary, for a study assessing whether balance training can improve children’s ability to pay attention, solve problems and/or control their behavior.
      Betül Sari, Research Assistant, Dept. of Primary Education, Faculty of Education, Sinop Univ., Turkey, for a study on the effects of interactive book reading on children's inhibitory control.
    2022 Aysegül Ögütcen, PhD student, Early Childhood Education, Hacettepe Univ., Ankara, Turkey, for a study of children's executive functions.
      Chen Xin, PhD student, Faculty of Psychology, Beijing Normal Univ., for a study on switching in elementary school students.
      Gabriela Vorraber Lawson, PhD, independent scholar, Brasília, Brazil, working on the development of an educational methodology that incorporates cognitive stimulation and social emotional learning in educational sports programs for children living in vulnerable conditions in Brazil.
      Timothy Brown, PhD, Assoc. Prof., Sentia Lab for Childhood Systems Neuroscience, Univ. of California, San Diego, for a study with transitional kindergarten children.
      Alexandra Matte-Landry, PhD, Prof. Adjointe, École de Travail Social et de Criminologie, Univ. Laval, Quebec, for a study among youth experiencing adversity.
      Fatma Gulcin Demirci, PhD student, Marmara Univ., Istanbul, for a study in early childhood education.
      Ana Campos, PhD, lab technician, Regent’s Univ., London & Anna Joyce, PhD, project lead of SWEL, Univ. College, London, for a study looking at how sleep patterns in children with mental disabilities affect their executive functioning.
    2021 Fateme Abadi, PhD student. & Prof. Alireza Moradi, Institute for Cognitive Science Studies, Tehran, Iran, for a study on ‘theory of mind dysfunction’ and its connection with executive function in 4-6 yr old children with high functioning autism disorder.
      Alexandra Matte-Landry, PhD, Ass't Prof., Université Laval, Quebec City, for a project assessing executive functions in children who experienced maltreatment, family dysfunction or poverty.
      Alexandra Matte-Landry, PhD, Ass't Prof., Université Laval, Quebec City, for a project documenting changes in executive functions among children receiving services at Garage à Musique, a community social pediatrics center in Montreal, Canada.
    2020 Hande Haktanir, MSc student, Early Childhood Education Program, Pamukkale Univ., Turkey, for a study of executive functions in preschoolers.
      Bandri Alotaibi, PhD, Ass't Prof., Psychology, King Saud Univ., Riyadh, Saudi Arabia, for a study of executive functions in preschool children with special attention to gender differences in a culture where gender roles are encouraged from a very early age.
      Anjana Bhat, PhD, Assoc. Prof., Faculty in Biomechanics and Movement Science, Univ. of Delaware, Newark, DE, for a study of the effects of creative movement vs. physical activity on executive functioning abilities of children with ASD from 6 to 14 years old.
      Lina Cardona Sosa, PhD student, Economics, Institute for Fiscal Studies, London, UK, for a study on the effect of a preschool intervention in rural India on school readiness.
      Karen Spruyt, PhD, HDR, Prof., Lyon Neuroscience Research Center, Univ. Claude Bernard, Lyon, France, for a pilot study.
      Gemma Gebrael Matta, PhD, Director, Institut de Psychomotricité, Univ. Saint-Joseph, Beirut, Lebanon, for a study on inhibitory control of children between 4 and 5 years.
      Regina Lohndorf, PhD, Ass't Prof. Faculty of Education, Pontificia Univ. Católica de Chile, Santiago, for a study of executive functions in Chilean children 3 to 4 years old.
      Edith Bachmann. High school student, Authentic Science Research Program, Byram Hills High School, Armonk, NY, for evaluating the effect of storytelling vs. story reading on the executive functions of fourth-graders.
      Esra Özcebe, Prof., Çigdem Kirazli, Ass't Prof., Nur Seda Saban, PhD student, Melike Hazir, PhD student, & Özlem Besik, PhD Student, Dept. of Speech and Language Therapy, Hacettepe Univ., Turkey, for a study to observe cognitive functions of children with speech sound disorders.
      Birgit Leyendecker, PhD, Prof. & Julian Busch, PhD, Postdoc, Center for Child & Family Research, Ruhr-University, Bochum, Germany, for a study on school readiness of newly arrived refugee children in German primary schools.
      Hirokazu Yoshikawa, PhD, Alice Wuermli, PhD, & Julian Busch, PhD, Global TIES for Children, New York University, NY, for assess the moderating effects of caregiver’s executive functions in an intervention study to promote early childhood development in humanitarian contexts..
    2019 Maria von Salisch, PhD, Prof., & Katharina Voltmer, Psychology, Leuphana University, Lüneburg, Germany, for an intervention study on mindfulness, emotion knowledge, emotion regulation and executive function with third graders in Germany.
      Mike Crum, Vice President (US Development), Jump Math, Inc., Toronto, ON, for developing a concept paper on executive functions and math.
      Chris Brady, PsyD, Senior Director, Clinical Surveillance & Training, Syneos Health, Morrisville, NC, for a global clinical trial of individuals with Down Syndrome and Alzheimer’s disease in cognitive decline.
      Erica Winter, Undergraduate student, Psychology, Liverpool Hope University, UK, for a study of monolingual and bilingual children.
      Kathleen Wallner-Allen, PhD, Senior study director & Developmental psychologist, Westat Inc., Rockville, MD, for a study on children’s early writing skills.
      Karen Abou Assi, PhD student, CIRNEF Lab, Université de Rouen, Normandie, France, for evaluating the impact of the implementation of a coding and robotics course on the executive functions of students in Lebanon.
      Reut Moran, PhD student, Sheba Medical Center and Tel Aviv University, Israel, for a study of children with traumatic brain injury and the effect on cognitive outcome and executive functions.
      Malathi Thothathiri, PhD, Associate Prof., Dept. of Speech, Language & Hearing Sciences, George Washington Univ., Washington, DC & Caroline Rowland, PhD, Director, Language Development Department, Max Planck Institute for Psycholinguistics, Nijmegen, NL, for testing the relationship between executive functions and sentence processing and learning in young children.
      Gülsah Gürevin, MSc student, Hacettepe Üniversitesi, Ankara, Turkey, for a study on children's executive functions and working memory.
      Pauline Bresse, PhD student, Université Saint-Joseph, Beirut, Lebanon, for evaluating executive function development in Lebanese children aged between 7 and 14.
      Constanza Carballo, co-founder and development manager of Fundación Argentina María Montessori (FAMM), Buenos Aires, Argentina, for a study with executive function tests for 2-4 year olds.
      Jennie Grammer, PhD, Prof., Human Development & Psychology, Dept. of Education, Univ. of California - Los Angeles, for validating the use of an in-classroom EEG EF/attention protocol for children in early elementary school.
      Mattew Eaton, B.Eng.(Hons), Mechanical & Software Engineer, Seasoft Digital & CTO, MindEDU, for an app that is being developed to test executive functions.
      Cansu Alsancak-Akbulut, PhD student, Psychology Dept., Ankara Univ., Turkey, for a study of mother-child relationships & their relations to developmental child outcomes.
      Kathy Hegberg, MA, Founder, Executive Director, Focusedkids, Basalt, Colorado, for a study of self-regulation using mindful activities with children aged 3-8.
      Joana Baptista, PhD, Ass’t Prof., Psychology Dept., Instituto Universitário de Lisboa (ISCTE-IUL), Portugal, for a study focusing on the impact of early trauma on child (6 to 9) cognitive and social abilities, such as executive functions.
      Shigeki Zeniya and Keigo Hanada, researcher, CRECON Medical Assessment Inc. (CMA), Japan, for a web-based survey of high school students.
      Ivan Sysoev, PhD student, MIT Media Lab, Cambridge, MA, for assessing whether the child's (4-5 years old) level of executive function affects the way s/he engages with a constructionist early literacy app.
      Laura Wauthier, PhD student, Clinical Psychology, University of Edinburgh, UK, for a study to develop an intervention for children who have been cruel to animals or deemed at high risk.
      Barbara Arrowsmith-Young,MA , Director, Arrowsmith School and Arrowsmith Program, Toronto, ON, for a study investigating various outcomes related to the Arrowsmith Program.
      Margaret Semrud-Clikeman, Ph.D., Prof., Pediatrics, Univ. of Minnesota, Minneapolis, for a study of survivors of cerebral malaria in Uganda.
      Sofia Anzeneder, PhD student, Institute of Sport Science, Univ. of Bern, Switzerland, for a study to assess core executive functions in children aged 10-12 years.
      Gökçe Karaman Benli, PhD, & Aysegül Ergül, PhD, Faculty of Educational Sciences, Ankara Univ., Turkey, for a study evaluating the academic skills of children from various perspectives.
      Elias Blinkoff, PhD student, Developmental Psychology, Temple University, Philadelphia, PA, for a study evaluating the effects of that "The 6 C's Go to School" intervention on academic and non-academic aspects of school culture.
      Ricardo Rosas Díaz, PhD, Psychology, Pontificia Universidad Catolica de Chile, Santiago, for a Spanish language adaptation of Hearts & Flowers (Perro y Gato: cats & dogs.)
      Taylor Nelles-McGee, MSc student, Offord Centre for Child Studies, McMaster Univ., Hamilton, ON, for a study using the Delayed Response Task.
      Grace Miller, PhD student, Clinical Psychology, & Patrick Tolan, PhD, Prof. , Curry School of Education, Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville, for the Compassionate Schools Project that is developing a health and wellness curriculum for elementary students.
    2018 Terry Ng-Knight, PhD, Lecturer, School of Psychology, Univ. of Surrey, Guildford, UK, for evaluating the effectiveness of taekwondo training on student outcomes, such as students' executive functions, of 8 to 11 year-old children.
      Julie Dunstan-Brewer, PhD, Founding Director, & Susannah Cole, Managing Director, reFLEXions, Bermuda, for an evaluation of phonological skills and executive functions as part the 'Flexible Mindsets Preschool Intervention' in Bermuda.
      Sartzetaki Archontissa, PhD student, & Prof. Asimina Ralli, National and Kapodistrian University of Athens, Greence, for a study of vocabulary acquisition in preschool children with Developmental Language Disorder.
      Negin Motamed Yeganeh, PhD student, University of Tehran, for a study of EF training on children 5-9 years old coupled with training of their parents in how to aid their children’s EFs.
      Samantha Shepard, PhD student, Cardiovascular Psychophysiology Lab. Univ. of South Florida, Tampa, for a study of the effects of subtle vs. explicit prejudice exposure.
      Jelena Obradovic, PhD, Associate Prof., Graduate School of Education, Stanford Univ., for adapting, piloting, and administering a battery of table-top EF tasks with a birth-cohort of about 1400 four-year-olds living in rural Pakistan.
      Samineh S. Pourtakdoust, PhD student, Cognitive Psychology Dept., Institute for Cognitive Sciences Studies (ICSS), Tehran, Iran, for evaluating the effectiveness of a package for improving EFs in 5-year olds.
      Cezara Susa, MSc student, Developmental Psychology, Univ. of Paris 8, St Denis, France, for a study of social competence of 3 to 5 year-olds in an international school amongst bilingual children.
      Silke Kellens, PhD student, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Catholic University of Leuven, Belgium, for a study of the development of the neurocognitive profile of preschoolers (5-year-olds) at risk for developmental dyslexia and ADHD.
      Emmanouella Maria Theodoratou, MSc student, National and Kapodistrian Univ. of Athens, Greece for a study on the impact of behavioral self regulation to the academic achievement of children & teenagers.
      Blandine Hubert, PhD, Assoc. Prof., Dept. of Psychology, Univ. de Lorraine, France, for studying the links between EFs and academic success and social skills in preschool and elementary school children.
      Deborah Leong, PhD, Cofounder and Executive Director, Tools of the Mind, Boston, MA, for an app that supports young children’s first levels of reading with an EF task built into it.
      Sinéad O'Brien, PhD student, Cognition and Brain Sciences Unit (CBU), Univ. of Cambridge, UK, for research examining the relationship between cognitive segmentation, higher order cognitive processes & IQ, and the age at which the ability to cognitively segment emerges.
      Nicole Schatten, Librarian Associate, Mathematica Policy Research, Princeton, NJ, for use on the Mother and Infant Home Visiting Program Evaluation, Long-Term Follow Up (MIHOPE-LT).
      Sheila Threndyle, MA, S-LP(C), CCC, Registered Speech-Language Pathologist, North Vancouver School District (SD #44), for a study of numeracy, literacy, and social emotional learning and executive function skill development in grades 4-7 during a summer learning program.
      Inge Thielen, MSc student, Radboud Univ., Nijmegen, Netherlands, for a study on the influence of working memory when learning mathematics in primary education.
      Kira Lemgau, MSc student, Univ. of Oxford, for a study of belief-based emotion attribution in children 3.5 - 6.5 yrs by reading them the story, Little Red Riding Hood, where they will be aware of the dangerous stimulus (the wolf) but Little Red Riding Hood will not.
      Sohrab Rad, MSc student, Clinical psychology, Univ. of Tabriz, Iran, for a study on ADHD and children’s memory.
      Susannah Cole, M.Ed., managing director of reFLEXions, in partnership with the Bermuda Min. of Education's for an early childhood study of 4-year-old children enrolled in public preschool in Bermuda.
      Cristian A. Rojas Barahona, PhD, Assoc. Prof., Facultad de Educación, Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile, Santiago.
      Alain Chavaillaz, PhD, Postdoc, and Andrea Frick, PhD, Prof., Development of Spatial Cognition Unit, Univ. of Fribourg, Switzerland.
      Regula Neuenschwander, PhD, Lecturer, Psychology Dept., Univ. of Bern, Switzerland, for examining the associations between meta-awarness, metacognition, and EFs in 4-, 6-, and 8-year-olds.
    2017 Zhang Yinan, Dept. of Psychology, Capital Normal Univ., Beijing, for a study to examine the development trajectory of executive functions for school-age children.
      Maicon Albuquerque, PhD, Ass't Prof., Sports Department, Universidade Federal de Minas Gerais, Brazil, for a study to evaluate the effect of COMT polymorphism on executive functions in exercise and rest conditions.
      Margaret T. Owen, PhD, Prof., and Daniel Pacheco, PhD, Postdoc, Univ. of Texas at Dallas, & Margaret O. Caughy, PhD, Prof., Univ. of Georgia, Athens, for a longitudinal study of low-income minority children, their development of self-regulation, and transition to middle school.
      Sheri Johnson, PhD, Prof., Director of Clinical Training & Director of the Clinical Science Program, Univ. of California - Berkeley.
      Deborah Kelemen, PhD, Prof., and Erin Doncaster, Lab Manager, Dept. of Psychological and Brain Sciences, Boston Univ., MA., for evaluating correlations between children's performance on EF tasks and ability to understand/learn about complex scientific concepts.
      Marie Ottilie Frenkel, Dr. Dipl.-Psych., Postdoc, Dept. of Sports Psychology, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany, for a study of the effects of mindfulness training on 10-11 year-old students.
      Leili Zamni, PhD student, Islamic Azad University, Tehran, Iran, for a study of the effects of self regulation on motor development & executive functions in 7 to 11 year-old children.
      Farhat Yasmin, MPhil, Dept. of Special Education, Univ. of Faisalabad, Pakistan, for a study of the effectiveness of kinesthetic training in the development of cognition of physically handicapped students.
      Adam Dubé, PhD, Ass’t Prof., and Run Wen, student, Dept. of Educational and Psychology, McGill Univ., Montreal, QC, for a study measuring attention following a conceptual problem-solving task.
      Michael Ullman, PhD, Prof., Dept. of Neuroscience, Georgetown Univ, Washington, DC, for a study of kids (ages 8-12) with Tourette syndrome.
      Hobby Wang, PhD student, Dept. of Psychology, Sun Yat-sen Univ., Guangzhou, China, for an intervention study aimed at improving children’s self-compassion.
      Shereen Sharaan, PhD student, Clinical Psychology, School of Health in Social Science, Univ. of Edinburgh, UK, for a study on the impact of bilingualism on executive functions of children with autism spectrum disorders.
      Deborah Dewey, PhD, RPsych, Prof., Dept. of Paediatrics and Community Health Sciences, Univ. of Calgary, for a study examining executive function development in Tanzanian children including children exposed to HIV and typically developing kids aged 3 to 9 years.
      Cynthia Fisher, PhD, Prof., and Yi Lin, Grad. student, Psychology Dept., Univ. of Illinois, Champaign, for testing the relationship between individual differences in executive function tasks and individual differences in the learning and use of lexical biases (‘verb bias’) in sentence production, in preschoolers.
      Kaitlyn McLachlan, PhD, C.Psych, Ass't Prof., Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Guelph, ON, for a study of adults with and without FASD.
      Jared McKenzie, MEd student. Faculty of Education, Univ. of Lethbridge, for evaluating the impact of place-based and outdoor education programming on students' EFs.
      Paul Blackman, Co-director/Founder, Nurturing Young Minds, Whitianga, New Zealand, for work with 3-5 year olds.
      Pamela Jervis, PhD, Univ. College London, UK, for a study measuring the development of cognitive, socioemotional and executive functions of 4-11 year-old children.
      Walberto Santos, PhD, Prof., Dept. de Psicologia, Universidade Federal do Ceará, Brazil, for a project to create an attention test for children of 5 - 9 years old.
      Mandy Samra, research ass't, Julie Gross, RN, MSc, research co-ordinator & Teresa Bennett, PhD, Prof., Offord Centre, McMaster Univ., Hamilton, ON, for a study on prevention and early intervention for families with children between the ages of 2 and 4 who are displaying emotional behavioral problems.
      Josie Booth, CPsychol, Lecturer in Developmental Psych., Moray House School of Educ., Univ. of Edinburgh, UK, for a research project in conjunction with the BBC developing a computer administered version of a working memory task for use with a large sample of children.
      Joanna Schiffman, PhD student, Applied Developmental and Educational Psychology, Boston College, for evaluating the association between children's working memory and their choice of addition strategies.
      Alissa Antle, Prof., School of Interactive Arts and Technology, Simon Fraser Univ. Burnaby, BC, for evaluating the impact of 6 week intervention with a brain computer app on 28 young children’s ability to self-regulate attention (and calmness).
      Inbal Arnon, Ass't. Prof., Psychology Dept., Hebrew Univ. for evaluating the relation between executive functions and auditory and visual statistical learning across childhood (ages 5-14)
      Jessica Degol, PhD, Ass't. Prof., Penn State Altoona and Kalani Palmer, PhD, Ass't. Prof., Indiana Univ. of Pennsylvania, for a study examining if children attending noisier child care settings struggle more with executive functions than children in quieter settings.
      Robert Fischer, PhD, Res. Prof., Beth Anthony, PhD, Res. Ass’t Prof., and Meghan Salas Atwell, PhD, Senior Res. Assoc. The Center on Urban Poverty and Community Development. Mandel School of Applied Social Sciences. Case Western Reserve Univ., Cleveland, OH, for evaluating 3-5 year old children's excutive function over time in a universal pre-k program across an urban setting.
    2016 Nimrah Ahmed, MSc student in a MPhil program, Federal Urdu Univ. of Arts, Science & Technology (FUUAST), Pakistan to measure inhibitory control in pre-school aged children.
      Catherina Andreu, PhD, Pontifical Catholic Univ., Santiago, Chile, with Carlos Garcia Rubio, PhD student, Autonomous Univ. of Madrid, Spain, for a pre-post mild brain injury randomized trial with children in schools.
      Inna Kats Gold, PhD, Educational Psychologist, and Daphne Kopelman Rubin, PhD, IDC Hertzlia, Israel, for evaluating the effectiveness of an intervention for preschoolers designed to improve their executive function & social and learning skills.
      Meira Ben Zaken Dray, PhD, Educational Psychologist, and Daphne Kopelman Rubin, PhD, IDC Hertzlia, Israel, for a longitudinal study: Examining the relationships among executive functions, school readiness and school adjustment.
      Mayra Takatsu, MSc student, & Prof. Maria Regina Maluf, PhD, Pontificia Universidade Católica - São Paulo, for a studying measuring inhibitory control of bilingual compared to monolingual children 4-6 years old.
      Kimberly A. Schonert-Reichl, PhD, Director, Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP), UBC, for a study examining a new curriculum for elementary school students called “The Compassionate Schools Project” in Louisville, KY.
      Hermundur Sigmundsson, PhD, Prof., Norwegian Univ. of Science & Technology, Trondheim, Norway, for a study of executive functions in relation to reading skill in children at age 6.
      Wolfgang Sommer, MD, PhD, Group leader, Molecular Psychopharmacology & Translational Addiction Research, Univ. of Heidelberg, Germany, for a study of patients in a day-clinic for addiction treatment.
      Gauri Kirtane Vanikar, EdD, FSG Advisory Services Private Limited, Mumbai, India, for a study to improve the provision and quality of affordable early childhood education in India.
      Erin Kaye Howie, PhD, Ass’t Prof., Dept. of Health, Human Performance, and Recreation, Univ. of Arkansas, Fayetteville, for a pilot study on executive function measures in children 3-5 involved in physical activity / sport.
      Vildan Kiliçay, Graduate student with Prof. Zeynep Fulya Temel, PhD, Dept. of Early Childhood Education, Gazi University,Univ., Turkey for a study of the relationship between executive functions in children and parents’ child-rearing attitudes.
      Patrick H. Tolan, PhD, Prof., Curry School of Educ. & Dept. of Psychiatry & Neurobehavioral Sciences, Univ. of Virginia, for evaluating the effectiveness of a movement based health and wellness curriculum on elementary students' executive functions
      Annegien Langeloo, PhD student, Univ. of Groningen, Netherlands, for studying the differences between monolingual and bilingual kindergarteners on executive functions during teacher-child interactions.
      Regula Neuenschwander, PhD, Postdoc, Div. of Developmental Pediatrics, UBC & BC Children’s Hospital, for a study evaluating the role of executive functions in adolescents' placebo-related responses.
      Natalie Rotzak, PhD student, Psychology Dept., Hebrew Univ., Israel, for a study on school readiness among children who were born preterm, comparing very-low birth weight, moderately-low birth weight and full-term children with normal birth weigh.
      Philippe Gay, PhD, Prof., Univ. of Geneva and High Pedagogical School of Valais, Switzerland, for a) evaluating the effectiveness of “real” play on the executive functions of elementary school pupils & b) evaluating the effectiveness of violin lessons on the EFs of elementary school pupils.
      Christina Stuhr, PhD student, Sportssience Dept., Sportpsychologie Unit, University of Rostock, Germany, for studying the interrelationship and interdependences of executive functions and motor skills in children - how are they linked and how best to improve them.
      Sadia Niazi, PhD, Lecturer, Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Sargodha, Punjab, Pakistan, for a study exploring the role of executive functions, intelligence and personality on academic achievement and psychological well being of young adults.
      Virginia Knechtel, MA, Researcher, and Sally Atkins-Burnett,PhD, Senior Researcher, Mathematica Policy Research, Washington, DC, for a study of the long-term effects of pre-kindergarten.
      Tuppett Yates, PhD, Ass't. Prof., Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of California - Riverside, CA, for an ongoing study of child representation and regulation among 250 caregiver-child dyads that began at age 4.
      Elizabeth Hayden, PhD, Prof., and Ruby Nadler, PhD, Postdoc, Psychology Dept., Western Univ., London, ON., for evaluating the effectiveness of mindfulness practices on 7-9 year-old children's executive functions.
      Asiye Ivrendi, PhD, Assoc. Prof., Early Childhood Education Program, Pamukkale University, Denizli, Turkey, for a study of self-regulation, mathematics, and play choices of young children.
      Alex Baron, DPhil candidate, Dept. of Education, Oxford Univ., UK, with the Campbell Collaboration, for a systematic review and meta-analysis of Tools of the Mind.
      Gema Conchero, PhD student, Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of La Rioja, Spain, for a study on cognitive flexibility and creativity in children aged 4-5.
      Lior Abramson, PhD student, and Ariel Knafo-Noam, Prof., Dept. of Psychology, Hebrew Univ., Israel, for assessing the relation between executive functions, temperament, and cognitive and emotional empathy in preschool twin pairs.
      Dusadee Ooppakarn. PhD student, Early Childhood Education, Chulalongkorn Univ., Bangkok, Thailand, for a study evaluating executive functions of preschoolers.
      Efrat Goeli, MSc student, Bar-Ilan Univ., Israel, for a study of deaf children’s working memory and executive functions.
      Sahar Azarang, PhD, R&D Director, Paarand HEC, Tehran, Iran, for a study evaluating the impact of emotion on executive functions.
      Christie Petrenko, PhD, Res. Assoc., Mt. Hope Family Center, Univ. of Rochester, for a study evaluating the efficacy of a preventive intervention for young children (ages 4-8) with FASD in their families.
      Marianna Alesi, PhD, Ass’t. Prof., Dipartimento di Scienze Psicologiche, Pedagogiche e della Formazione, Univ. of Palermo, Italy for a study with children practicing basketball at school.
      Krystal Wulf, Res. Assoc., and Prof. Colin Sauder, PhD, Univ. of Texas Health Science Center, San Antonio for a treatment study of ADHD.
      Gisela Villa, MSc student, Linguistics Dept., Postgraduate School of the Pontificia Univ. Católica del Perú, Lima, for evaluating the cognitive benefits of bilingualism in low SES.
    2015 Helene Deacon, PhD, Prof., Dalhousie Univ., Halifax, NS, for a study on executive functions and reading comprehension.
      Wendy Viola, PhD, Senior Research Associate, Harlem Children's Zone, Inc., NYC, for an evaluation of a Transcendental Meditation program with middle school students.
      Elizabeth Gunderson, PhD, Ass't. Prof. of Psychology, Temple Univ., Philadelphia, PA, for examining longitudinal relations between spatial skills, numeracy, and executive functions.
      Viridiana Márquez García, MSc student, Neuropsychological Diagnosis and Rehabilitation, Meritorious Autonomous University of Puebla, Mexico, for her thesis evaluating inhibitory processes in children with ADHD.
      John Gabrieli, Prof., and Julia Leonard and Rachel Romeo, PhD students, Dept. of Brain and Cognitive Sciences, MIT, Cambridge, MA, for evaluating the effectiveness of a parenting intervention on low-income preschooler's executive functions.
      Carissa Kang, PhD student, Early Childhood Cognition Lab, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY, for evaluating whether there is a bilingual cognitive advantage on executive functions in preschoolers.
      Liza van den Bosch, PhD student, Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud Univ., Nijmegen, Netherlands, for a study on reading comprehension in monolingual and bilingual children.
      Kim Lakes, PhD, Ass't. Prof., Dept. of Pediatrics, School of Medicine, Univ. of California - Irvine, for a study investigating effects of exercise training on executive functions.
      Carissa Kang, PhD student, with Tamar Kushnir at the Early Childhood Cognition Lab, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY, for a study on children's conceptions of free choice.
      Wen Liu, PhD, Prof., and LinLin Lin, Psychology Dept., Liaoning Normal Univ., China, for evaluating the effectiveness of classic Montessori education on children's executive functions in China.
      Lynn van Wijk. MSc student, Educational Science, Radboud Univ., Nijmegen, Netherlands, for a study comparing paper-and-pencil tests and computer-based-tests of attention control in first grade children.
      Eriko Kuhara, Senior Researcher, Juvenile Research Section, National Research Institute of Police Science in Japan, for research on the relationship between children's suggestibility and executive functions.
      Erin Smith, PhD student, School Psychology program, Fordham Univ., NYC, for a study investigating the relationship between executive functions and spatial memory skills in preschoolers.
      Catherine (Katie) Davis, PhD, Prof. of Pediatrics, Medical College of Georgia, Augusta, to evaluate the effectiveness of an exercise program versus a sedentary program versus no program in children with ADHD.
      Solange Denervaud, PhD student, Neuroscience Dept., Univ. of Geneva, Switzerland, for evaluating the impact of the Montessori method.
      Jessica Mercer Young, PhD, Learning and Teaching Division, Education Development Center, Inc., Waltham, MA, to investigate a mental math intervention that they have developed and its relation to 2nd grade children’s executive functioning.
      Janice Phung, PhD Student, Dept. of Psychology and Social Behavior, Univ. of California - Irvine, for evaluating the effect of a martial arts program on EFs.
    2014 Sara Cordes, PhD, & Ellen Winner, PhD, Profs., Psychology Dept, Boston College, Chestnut Hill, MA, are evaluating the effects of intensive ensemble music training for the development of children's executive functions.
      Todd Braver, PhD, Prof., Psychology Dept., Washington Univ., St. Louis, MO, for evaluating the efffects of mindfulness training for 7th graders on socioemotional and executive functions.
      Sophie Verheijen, Master's student, Educational Sciences, Radboud Univ., Nijmegen, Netherlands, for evaluating the role of inhibition control in the learning of number sense by playing numerical games.
      Tanusree Moitra, PhD, Postdoc, Psychology Research Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Kolkata, India, for working on color-object interference.
      Assal Habibi, PhD, Postdoc, Psychology Dept., Brain and Creativity Institute, Univ. of Southern California, Los Angeles, CA, for evaluating effects of early childhood music training on the development of executive functions.
      Pekka Räsänen, PhD, Clinical Neuropsychologist, Eecutive Vice Director, Niilo Mäki Institute, Univ. of Jyväskylä, Finland, for a study on the connections between physical activities, cognition and learning on 12 to 15 year-old teens.
      Paola Brovedani, PhD, IRCSS Stella Maris, Dipartimento Clinico di Neuroscienze dell’Età evolutiva, Univ. of Pisa, Italy, to teach a course on neuropsychologial evaluation in children.
      Josh Wallack, MBA, Vice President, Early Childhood Division, The Children's Aid Society, New York, NY, for study of executive functions in an implementation of the Tools of the Mind curriculum to about 700 pre-kindergarten children.
      Christine Selby, MSc, Research & Evaluation Analyst, Out of School Programs, Children's Trust, Miami-Dade County, Florida, for a study measuring executive functions on the impact of Out of School programming for elementary students facing high levels of inequalities.
      Diana Miconi, PhD student, Developmental Psychology, Univ. of Padova, Italy, for a study of hot and cool excutive functions and socio-emotional competence among immigrant and native pre-adolescents aged 11-12 years.
      Alyssa Francis, MSc. student, Developmental Science, Univ. of Rhode Island, for a study of the development of executive functions in early childhood.
      Regina Lohndorf, PhD student, supervised by Prof. Dr. Van IJzendoorn, Child and Family Research Centre, Leiden Univ., Netherlands, for a longitudinal study investigating the social-emotional and cognitive development of Indigenous children of the Mapuche culture.
      Miguel Herrera, experimental psychologist, Mexico City, Mexico, for a study with 6-7 year- old kids.
      Mateusz Orlewicz, research assistant, The Baby and Child Rebel Lab, Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas, for a project in which A not B task will be replicated.
      Tuija Tammelin, Research Director, LIKES Research Center, Finland, to evaluate the effects of physical activity and fitness on children’s cognitive function.
      Cindy Klompmaker-Paans, PhD student, Behavioural Science Institute (Learning and Plasticity / Pedagogy: Learning and Development), Radboud Univ., Nijmegen, Netherlands, for investigating the relation between social and cognitive aspect in children who are learning on the Internet.
      Michael Masucci, graduate research assistant, and Cybele Raver, PhD, Vice Provost for Research and Faculty Affairs, Steinhardt School Institute of Human Development & Social Change, New York Univ., for evaluating the longitudinal effect of poverty risk factors and pre-k behavioral intervention on emotional regulation and executive function.
      Janina Klemm, PhD student, Center of the Learning Sciences, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany, for evaluating the effectiveness of training for observation competency in preschoolers and investigating possible correlations between children’s observation competency and executive functions.
      Julia Hur, PhD student, Management and Organizations Dept, Kellogg School of Management, Northwestern Univ., Evanston, IL, for testing effects of organizational structures on employee's cognitive functions.
      Heidy Ng, undergraduate student, Univ. of Hong Kong, for a study of the relationship between executive function and language development of young Cantonese-English bilingual children.
      Regina Lohndorf, MSc, PhD student, Child and Family Research Centre, Univ.of Leiden, Netherlands, for a longitudinal study investigating the social-emotional and cognitive development of children from very low SES backgrounds (poverty).
      Nazly Dyer, PhD student, The Dallas Preschool Readiness Project, The Univ. of Texas at Dallas for a large longitudinal study following a sample of low-income African American and Latino children from age 2½ years.
      Patrizia Tortella, Postdoc, Cognitive Sciences and Education, Ca' Foscari University, Venice, Italy, for studies in developing executive functions through motor activity in children.
      Anna Ermakova, PhD student, Dept. of Counselling, Developmental and Educational Psychology, Boston College, MA, for examining the main effect and/or moderating role of executive functions on first graders' ability to learn addition from concrete objects.
      Frank Schilbach, PhD student, & Sendhil Mullainathan, Prof., Dept. of Economics, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA, for a study investigating different aspects associated with poverty -- such as physical pain, malnutrition, excessive alcohol consumption, or sleep deprivation -- affect cognitive function, decision-making, and productivity.
      Daniel Skarlicki, PhD, Edgar F. Kaiser Prof. of Organizational Behaviour, Sauder School of Business, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, for a study examining whether meditation has a relationship with executive functioning and creativity.
      Dario Coletta. MSc, Audiology Candidate, Dept. of Audiology and Speech Science, Univ. of British Columbia, Vancouver, for a study to assess the visual selective attention abilities in children with normal hearing and children with hearing loss.
      Kate Freiberg, PhD, Senior Research Fellow, Key Centre for Ethics, Law, Justice & Governance, Griffith Univ., Brisbane, Australia, for evaluating the effects of a broad range of child and family support program activities on children's wellbeing.
      Timo Ahonen, Prof. & Noona Kiuru, Adj. Prof, Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Jyväskylä, Finland, for a study investigating associations of executive functions to students’ emotional and motivational functioning in learning situations, as well as to broader academic performance, engagement and adjustment.
      Stephan Verschoor, PhD, Ass’t. Prof., Chair of Social and Organisational Psychology, Ludwig Maximilian University of Munich, Germany, for a study measuring executive functioning in 5-year-olds.
      Elaine Kwang Hsia Tham, PhD student, and Ranjani Nadarajan, Neurocognitive Development Centre, Singapore Institute for Clinical Sciences, for a prospective birth cohort study (GUSTO) aiming to assess attention and inhibitory control of children at multiple time points during development.
      Karrie Godwin, PhD student, Psychology Dept., Carnegie Mellon University, Pittsburgh, PA, for examining the relationship between attention allocation and learning in preschool and kindergarten children.
      Karsten Schaper, PhD student, Univ. of Education, Freiburg, Germany, for evaluating the effects of different kinds of (acute) physical activity on children´s executive functions.
      Nathalie Angeard,. Ass’t. Prof., Dept. of Psychology, U663-INSERM & Paris Descartes Univ., France, for evaluating social cognition and EFs in subjects with the childhood-onset form of Steinert's disease.
      Sally Atkins-Burnett, PhD, Senior Researcher, Mathematica Policy Research, Inc., Washington, DC, for the development of an EF assessment battery for the Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of 2016–17 (MGLS:2017), a project funded by the United States’ National Center for Education Statistics (NCES).
      Andreas Demetriou, PhD, Prof. and President, Univ. of Nicosia Research Foundation, Univ. of Nicosia, Cyprus, for a study on executive control and cognitive flexibility.
      Anne Kær Thorsen, Research Assistant, and Mona Have Sørensen, Scientific Assistant, Dept, of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, Univ. of Southern Denmark, Odense, Denmark, for a school-based randomized controlled trial on adolescents (13-14 year olds) regarding physical activity and cognition.
    2013 Amy Blasberg. Senior Research Analyst, Child Trends, Bethesda, MD, for a system-wide program evaluation of the District of Columbia Public Schools early childhood classrooms to examine the relationship between classroom observational measures and child outcomes.
      Amanda K. Hutchison, MD, Psychiatry Resident, Univ. of Colorado - Denver for evaluating cognition and executive functioning in 4-6 year olds with mood/attention disorders who also display thought disorder in story-telling.
      Kimberley Lakes, PhD, Ass't. Prof., Dept. of Pediatrics, School of Medicine: & Co-Director, Community Engagement Unit, Institute for Clinical and Translational Science; Univ. of California, Irvine, for a study investigating the effects of different forms of exercise on executive functions and behavior: The Healthy for Life Taekwondo Study (published in 2013).
      Nancie Im-Bolter, PhD, Ass't. Prof., and undergrad student Krista Ross, Dept. of Psychology, Trent Univ., Peterborough, ON, for a study with children 4 - 6 years old.
      Mateusz Orlewicz, research assistant, The Baby and Child Rebel Lab, Univ. of Nevada, Las Vegas, for a project in which A not B task will be replicated.
      Anat Prior, PhD, Lecturer, Faculty of Education, Univ. of Haifa, Israel, for examining the impact of various degrees of bilingualism on EFs in preschoolers and sixth graders.
      Noona Kiuru, PhD, Adj. Prof. and Timo Ahonen, PhD, Prof., Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Jyväskylä, Finland, for a study on Finnish early adolescents (12-13 year olds) investigating associations of executive functions to students’ emotional and motivational functioning in learning situations, as well as to their broader academic performance, engagement and adjustment.
      Sidsel Louise Domazet and Mona Have Soerensen, Scientific Assistants, Institute of Sport Sciences and Clinical Biomechanics, Univ. of Southern Denmark, for a school-based randomized controlled trial on adolescents (13-14 year olds) regarding physical activity and cognition.
      Carissa Kang, PhD Student, Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY, for evaluating bilingualism and cognitive advantages on executive functions in preschoolers.
      Beth Prado, PhD, Assistant Project Scientist, Program in International and Community Nutrition, Univ. of California - Davis, CA, for assessing cognition in 3000 children in Indonesia whose mothers participated in a randomized trial of maternal multiple micronutrient supplementation 10 years ago.
      Spyridoula Vazou, Ass't. Prof, Dept. Kinesiology, Iowa State Univ., Ames, for evaluating the effectiveness of a structured physical activity curriculum on executive functions with preschool children.
      Karrie Godwin, PhD student, Dept. of Psychology, Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA, for a study on the relationship between children’s ability to effectively regulate their attention and learning outcomes.
      Jolie Delja, MSc, SEEDS Program, UCLA Semel Institute, Los Angles, CA, for a study of children in a school readiness program.
      Jolie Delja, MSc, SEEDS Program, UCLA Semel Institute, Los Angles, CA, for a study of children in a school readiness program.
      Jelena Obradovic, PhD, Ass't. Prof., School of Education, Stanford Univ., CA, for study of classroom effects on development of executive functions in the third and fourth grade students.
      Eve Kikas, PhD, Prof. of School Psychology, Tallinn Univ., Estonia, for a study of children's development and learning evaluating executive functions of grade six children.
      Karsten Schaper, PhD student, Univ. of Education, Freiburg, Germany, for evaluating the effects of different kinds of (acute) physical activity on children´s executive functions.
      Karen Thierry, PhD, Director of Education Research, Salesmanship Club Youth & Family Centers, Dallas, TX, for evaluating the impact of a mindfulness teacher training program on students' executive functions.
      Catalina Santa Cruz, PhD student, Dept. of Psychology, Universidad Católica de Chile, for a study in the relation between different motivational inductions and executive functions in 4 to 5 year old Chilean children.
      Claire Goriot, BSc, Master's student, Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud Univ., Nijmegen, Netherlands, for a study explaining variance in executive functions in bilingual and monolingual children (approximately 9 years old).
      Rachel Holzwart, Survey Specialist, and Sally Atkins-Burnett, PhD, Senior Researcher, Mathematica Policy Research, Washington, DC, for the assessment of executive functions in students for the Middle Grades Longitudinal Study of 2016–17 (MGLS:2017).
      Emily Veith, PhD student, Occupation Therapy, Dominican University of California, San Rafael, CA, for a study of executive function tasks in children 3 to 5 years old.
      Tuppett Yates, PhD, Ass't. Prof., Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of California - Riverside, CA, for an ongoing study of child representation and regulation among 250 caregiver-child dyads that began at age 4 and is now assessing 9.5 year-olds.
      Nina Attridge, PhD, Centre for Pain Research, Univ. of Bath, UK, for investigating the ways in which pain interferes with attention.
      Rachel Razza, PhD, Ass’t. Prof. of Child and Family Studies, Syracuse Univ., NY, for a study evaluating the effectiveness of a mindful yoga intervention for preschool and kindergarten students.
      Evelien van Wingerden, PhD student, Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud Univ., Nijmegen, Netherlands, in a longitudinal study on the predictors of reading comprehension in children with intellectual disabilities.
    Amanda K. Hutchison MD Psychiatry Resident, Univ. of Colorado Denver for evaluating cognition and executive functioning in 4-6 year olds with mood/attention disorders who also display thought disorder in story-telling.
      Christie Petrenko, PhD Research Associate, Mt. Hope Family Center, Univ. of Rochester. For evaluating the efficacy of a preventive intervention for young children (ages 4-8) with fetal alcohol spectrum disorders and their families.
    2012 Fatima Borry, MA student, Dept. of Educational Psychology, Kharazmy Univ., Tehran, Iran, for evaluating the role of EFs and working memory capacity in the reading performance of primary school children.
      David Hegarty, PhD student, Univ. of Sydney, Australia, for a study looking at the impact of cognitive training on the executive functions of children 7 - 12 years old.
      Nancie Im-Bolter, PhD, Associate Prof., Dept. of Psychology, Trent Univ., Oshawa, ON, for a longitudinal study with preschoolers.
      Arisleidy Jimenez, PhD student, Inter-American Univ. of Puerto Rico, for a study on preschool children (3½ years old).
      Mona Have Sørensen, PhD Fellow, Inst. of Sports Science and Clinical Biomechanics, Univ. of Southern Denmark, for evaluating the effect of physical activity as an integrated part of class teaching as well as an individual stimulus outside the classroom on children’s cognitive function.
      Rikke Lambek, PhD, Ass’t. Prof., Dept. of Psychology, University of Aarhus, Denmark, for a study of preschoolers with ADHD.
      Sahragard Fateme, MA student, Kharazmi Univ., Tehran, Iran, for a study to investigate the developmental relations between theory of mind and EF.
      Christos Symeonides, PhD candidate, Environmental & Genetic Epidemiology Group, Murdoch Children's Research Inst., Royal Children's Hospital Melbourne, Australia, for a study of environmental exposure to modern industrial chemicals and early childhood neurodevelopment within an unselected birth cohort study, with a particular focus upon executive functions and memory.
      Limor Rosenberg, PhD, Dept. of Occupational Therapy, School of Health Professions, Sackler Faculty of Medicine, Tel Aviv Univ., Israel, for a study pf associations between a child's participation in daily activities and executive functions.
      Carmen Campbell, PhD, Prof. Univ. Católica de Brasília, for a study with children in Brazil.
      Paulo A. Graziano, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, Center for Children and Families, Florida International Univ., Miami, for a study investigating the extent to which a summer intervention improves preschoolers with externalizing behavior problems’ self-regulation skills.
    Flora Koutsandréou, PhD student, Univ. of Paderborn, Germany, for the evaluation of the relationship between coordination training and cognitive functions.
      Eva Michel, PhD, Psychology Dept., Univ. of Wuerzburg, Germany, for investigating the development of executive functions and motor coordination in children at risk for developmental coordination disorders.
      Joep van der Graaf, PhD student, Behavioural Science Institute: Learning and Plasticity / Pedagogy: Learning and Development, Radboud Univ., Nijmegen, Netherlands, for explaining variance in the learning behaviour in young children (4-7 years).
      Adi Marom, grad student of Prof. Pnina Klien, Child Development Dept., Bar Ilan University, Israel, for a study of executive functions, language and immigrant children
      Julie Poehlmann, PhD, Prof. & Abra Bankendorf Vigna, Project Ass't., Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, for a study evaluating the potential impact of a contemplative practices intervention on the self-regulation skills of high-risk preschoolers.
      Betul Mazlum. MD/PhD Student, Dept. of Neuroscience, Istanbul Univ., Turkey, for a study on the cognitive profiles of children with Down Syndrome.
      Vanna (Ioanna) Cotzia, PhD student, Educational and Child Psychology, University College London, for a study investigating the effects of social power on cognitive processing and moral reasoning in preschoolers.
      Jessica Love, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, Psychology Dept., Univ. of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, to see if individual differences in EF control mediate performance in a language processing task that requires children to recover from garden-path sentences.
      Tanya Denmark, PhD, Postdoctoral Fellow, & Joanna Atkinson, PhD, Clinical Psychologist/Senior Researcher, Deafness Cognition and Language Research Centre, Univ. College London, UK, for a study looking at executive functions over the lifespan of deaf individuals: Specifically, children aged between 5-11, adults and older adults.
      Elizabeth Votruba-Drzal, PhD, Associate Prof., Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Pittsburgh, PA, for a study examining associations between school readiness and instruction and socialization practices in community-based pre-K classrooms that serve primarily low-income children.
      Spyridoula Vazou, PhD, Ass't. Prof., Dept. of Kinesiology, Iowa State Univ., Ames, for a study on the role of integrated physical activity on motivation, affect and executive functions in 4th graders.
      Cynthia Fisher, PhD, Prof., Psychology Dept., Univ. of Illinois, Champaign, for a study of online syntactic ambiguity resolution in 5-year-olds' sentence comprehension.
      Betul Mazlum, MD/PhD Student, Dept. of Neuroscience, Istanbul Univ., Turkey, for a study on the cognitive profiles of children with Down Syndrome.
      Marinus Van IJzendoorn, PhD, Prof. & Maike Malda, PhD student, Child and Family Studies, Leiden Univ., Netherlands, in collaboration with Birgit Leyendecker, PhD, Prof., Ruhr Univ. Bochum, Germany & Brit Oppendal, PhD, Senior Researcher, Division of Mental Health, Norwegian Institute of Public Health, Norway, for a study of the development of Turkish immigrant children in the Netherlands, Germany, and Norway.
      Maike Malda, PhD, Post Doc, Child and Family Studies, Faculty of Social and Behavioural Sciences, Leiden Univ., Netherlands, for a study of the development of Turkish immigrant children in the Netherlands, Germany, and Norway.
    Rikke Lambek, PhD, Ass't. Prof, Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Aarhus, Denmark, for a study of preschool children (3-6) with ADHD.
      Alice Carter, PhD, Prof., Dept. of Psychology, Univ.of Massachusetts-Boston, for a study on trauma exposure in pre-schoolers.
      Tanya Denmark, PhD, Post Doc, Deafness Cognition and Language Research Centre, Univ. College London, UK, for a study looking at EFs over the lifespan of deaf individuals.
      Eduardo Bustamante, PhD student, Dept. of Kinesiology and Nutrition. Exercise Psychology Lab. Univ. of Illinois, Chicago for a study of aerobic activity as an intervention for children with ADHD and Disruptive Behavior Disorders (DBD).
      Arjan van Tilborg, PhD student, Dept. of Learning and Plasticity, Behavioural Science Institute, Radboud Univ., Nijmegen, Netherlands, for a study measuring EFs in children with an intellectual disability and severe language impairments.
      Marie Geurten, PhD student, Psychology Dept. (Cognition & Behaviour) Univ. of Liège, Belgium, for evaluating the impact of executive functions on meta-memory development in young to older children.
      Amy Medina, MA student. (reasearch ass't in the lab of Dr. Tracy Dennis), Emotion Regulation Lab, Dept. of Psychology, Hunter College, NYC, for a study of Event-Related Potentials and executive functions in school-aged children.
      Yi-Yuan Tang, PhD, Prof. and Director, Texas Tech Neuroimaging Institute (TTNI), Dept of Psychology, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX for preparing a small grant application for executive function intervention in children 6-7 years old.
      Eva van de Sande, PhD Student, Behavioural Science Inst., Radboud Univ., Nijmegen, Netherlands, for investigating the interrelations of executive functions and literacy in early development, and how they can be playfully trained together in kindergartners.
      Bryan J. Matlen, PhD Student, Dept. of Psychology, Program for Interdisciplinary Education Research, Pittsburgh Science of Learning Center, Carnegie Mellon Univ., Pittsburgh, PA, for a longitudinal study examining the development of category-based reasoning in 4 year old children.
    2011 Kimberley Lakes, PhD, Ass't. Prof., Dept. of Pediatrics, School of Medicine: & Co-Director, Community Engagement Unit, Institute for Clinical and Translational Science; Univ. of California, Irvine, on her research on the benefits of traditional Taekwondo for EFs and academic performance of school children.
      Monica Tsethlikai, PhD, Univ. of Utah, Salt Lake City, on her research on how variations in environmental stressors, on the one hand, and cultural support and engagement, on the other, impact the development of executive functions in two Native American tribes, the Tohono O’odham Nation and the Blackfeet Nation.
      Spyridoula Vazou, Ass't. Prof., Dept. of Kinesiology, Iowa State Univ., Ames, IA, for evaluating the effectiveness of integrated physical activity with math practice for improving students’ (grade 4) executive functions and affect in a controlled lab setting.
      Blandine Hubert, PhD student in Developmental Psychology, Centre de Recherche en Education, Université de Nantes, France, for work on inhibition, interpersonal relations, social skills and academic skills with children in kindergarten and Grade 1.
      Lydia Krabbendam, PhD, Prof. of Educational Neuropsychology, Free Univ., Amsterdam, NE, for a study of families to investigate how cognitive flexibility and inhibition in parents and their children influences interpersonal relationships.
      Diana Giraldo Arango, MD, Univ. of San Buenaventura, Bogotá, Colombia, for a study to stimulate executive functions in preschool children.
      Renata Vaysman, Clinical Psychology PhD Student, Child Clinical & Developmental Lab., Univ. at Albany, SUNY, Albany, NY, for a study using Luria's Tapping Test.
      Adena Portowitz, PhD, School of Education, Bar Ilan University, Israel, for studying the underlying mechanisms linking mediated music lessons and language proficiency among kindergarten children of foreign workers.
      Ingunn Størksen, PhD, Universitetet i Stravanger, Norway, for a study of young children as they transfer from Norwegian daycare centers into school.
      Elizabeth Willis, PhD student in Curriculum & Instruction at Florida International Univ., University Park, Florida, for evaluating the effectiveness of the Word of Wisdom Meditation Technique on the development of children's self-regulation skills for ages 4-9.
    Christine Coughlin, PhD student, Center for Mind and Brain, Univ. of California - Davis, CA, for examining early metacognition in children ages 3-5.
    Tracy Solomon, PhD, Developmental Psychologist and Research Scientist, Hospital for Sick Children, Toronto, for studying the effectiveness of Tools of the Mind in preschools.
    Leslie F. Halpern, PhD, Ass't. Prof., Dept. of Psychology, Univ.at Albany, SUNY, Albany, NY, for testing a literacy and executive function intervention for preschool children in Head Start.
    Tamar Mendelson, Ass’t. Prof., Dept. of Mental Health, School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MD, for evaluating the impact of a 12-week school-based yoga program on executive functions in 5th and 6th graders in Baltimore City public schools.
      Ann M. Digirolamo, PhD, MPH, Senior Technical Advisor, Early Childhood Development and HIV/Aids, Atlanta, GA, for use in measuring executive functions in children 5 years of age.
      Adena Portowitz, PhD, School of Education, Bar Ilan Univ., Israel, for studying the underlying mechanisms linking mediated music lessons and language proficiency among kindergarten children of foreign workers.
      Rachel Flynn. PhD Student, Univ. of California, Riverside, for evaluating the acute effects of physically active versus inactive video game play on executive function skills in children.
      Anthony Byers, PhD Student, Univ. of Virginia, VA, for a study testing the restorative environment hypothesis with young children.
      Radhika Bapat, Founder & Director of the Child Guidance Clinic, Sahyadri Specialty Hospital, Pune, India, to assess the EF needs of children across a wide age range and to assess intervention efficacy.
      Rodrigo Azuero Melo, Research Assistant, Inter-American Development Bank, WA, to assess the impact of an early child development program in Rio de Janeiro for children 1-7 years old on the development of executive functions.
      Rachel Montague, MA Student, Dept. of Clinical Psychology, Seattle Pacific Univ., WA, for a study with 3- to 6-year-old children with high functioning autism.
      Charmaine Miranda, PhD, Registered Psychologist, Vancouver, BC, for conducting assessments of children with ADHD and FASD
      Sabrina Wiebe, PhD Student, Douglas Research Center, Montreal, QC, for examining executive functions in toddlers.
      Joy Pieper, PhD Student, Univ. of California-Davis, Davis, CA, for comparing executive functions and eating/activity behaviors in preschool children (ages 3-5).
      Angela Lee Duckworth, PhD, Ass’t Prof., Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Pennsylvania, PA, for a Tools of the Mind random-assignment study in Chile.
      Patrice Engle, PhD, Prof., Dept. of Psychology and Child Development, California Poly. State Univ. San Luis Obispo, CA.
      Rebecca Williamson, PhD, Ass’t Prof., Psychology Dept., Georgia State Univ., Atlanta, GA.
      Rachel Schiff, PhD, Head of the Haddad Center for Dyslexia and Learning Disability, Bar-Ilan Univ., Ramat-Gan, Israel, for improving the available diagnostic tools at the Center and aiding the development of training programs.
      Adelle Pushparatnam, PhD Student, Univ. of Cambridge, UK, for evaluating the relationship between parents’ perceived importance of behaviors related to theory of mind and children’s development of theory of mind in autism spectrum disorders using a cross-cultural perspective.
      Stephane Nave, MD, Clinical Science Leader, Translational Medicine, Hoffmann-La Roche, Basel, Switzerland, for exploratory research in adult and children with Down Syndrome using cognitive tasks to measure inhibitory control.
      Susan Menkes, PhD Student, Applied Developmental Psychology, Claremont Graduate Univ., Claremont, CA, for examining the relationship between executive funtion abilities and media platform on children’s media comprehension.
    2010 Ann M. Digirolamo, PhD, MPH, Senior Technical Advisor, Early Childhood Development and HIV/Aids, Atlanta, GA, for use in measuring EFs in children 5 years of age.
      Rebecca Williamson, PhD., Ass’t Prof. Dept. of Psychology, Georgia State Univ.
      Nathalie Angeard, Ass’t Prof., Developmental Neuropsychology Group, INSERM U 663 & Paris Descartes University, Paris, France, for evaluating the links between EFs and theory of mind impairments in children with cardiac malformations.
      Lindsey Richland, PhD, Ass't Prof., Education Dept., Univ. of California - Irvine, CA, for evaluating the role of EFs in analogical reasoning development, and for evaluating individual differences in learning from a game-based software for teaching classroom mathematics.
      Adena Portowitz, PhD, School of Education, Bar Ilan Univ., Israel, for evaluating the impact of music lessons on the development of EFs among kindergarten children of foreign workers living in Israel.
      Esther S. Ginsberg, PhD Student, Monash Univ., Australia, assessing ocular motor performance in Fragile X Syndrome and autistic male participants.
      Anna Shusterman, PhD, Ass't. Prof., Psychology Dept, & Julia Leonard, research assistant, Wesleyan Univ., Middletown, CT, for use in a study focusing on delay of gratification in children ages 4 to 5.
      Sara Wheeler, PhD Student, Inst. for Human Development, Univ. of California - Berkeley, CA, for evaluating EFs in a study of emergent literacy in preschool children.
      Christine Coughlin, PhD Student, Dept. of Psychology & Centre for Mind and Brain, Univ. of California - Davis, CA, for use in a series of studies examining early metacognition in children ages 3 to 5.
      Willem Bossers, PhD Student, Human Movement Sciences, Univ. of Groningen, Netherlands, for investigating the effects of an exercise program on cognition in older people with dementia.
      Suzanne Houwen, PhD, & Esther Hartman, PhD., Center for Human Movement Sciences, Univ., of Groningen, The Netherlands, for investigating the impact of physical activity during academic lessons on EFs and academic achievement in primary school with focus on challenged children.
      Brian M. Galla, PhD Student, School of Ed. & Information Studies, Univ. of California - Los Angeles, CA, for examining the effectiveness of mindfulness training in promoting EFs in high poverty adolescents ages 11 to 13.
      Alison Parker, PhD, Res. Assoc., Innovation Research & Training, Durham, NC, for evaluating the effectiveness of a mindfulness-based substance abuse prevention program on 4th and 5th grade student outcomes, including attention, EF, coping, and affect.
      Susan Menkes, PhD Student, Applied Developmental Psychology, Claremont Graduate Univ., CA, Claremont, CA, for evaluating the influence of executive functioning skills on children's comprehension of media/story content across different platforms (i.e., television, computer, and touchscreen technology).
      Rikin Patel, Pediatrics Resident, Janeway Children's Health & Rehabilitation Centre, St. John's, NL, for evaluating the benefits of Kung Fu, looking at both clinical and psychological markers.
      Carla Maria Carmona, PhD, Clinical Psychologist, Dept. of Genetics, Saúde Doutor Ricardo Jorge National Inst., Portugal, for evaluating EFs and other cognitive abilities in patients with PKU.
      Alessandra Gotuzo Seabra, PhD, Prof., Developmental Disorders Dept., Mackenzie Univ., Brazil, for evaluating the effectiveness of EFs and self-regulation interventions on academic and social outcomes in preschoolers.
      Roberta Golinkoff, PhD, H. Rodney Sharp Prof., Sch. of Education & Depts. of Psychology and Linguistics & Cog. Science, Univ. of Delaware, Newark, DE, for evaluating the benefits of play for EFs development in 4-year-old, low SES children.
      Paul Skirrow, D. Clin. Psy., Clinical Psychologist, Learning Disabilities Service, Mossley Hill Hospital, Liverpool, UK, for use in an assessment battery for evaluating the presence of dementias and other neurological conditions in adults with global intellectual disabilities who have limited verbal language.
      María Luisa García Gomar, PhD Student, Psychology Dept. & Neurobiology Inst., Universidad Nacional Autónoma de México, Mexico City, for studying the neurodevelopment of working memory in infants and toddlers.
      Rachel Weber, PhD Student, School Psychology Dept., Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX, for studying bilingual and monolingual Spanish-English speaking kindergartners.
      Olivia Spiegler, PhD Student, & Birgit Leyendecker, PhD, Researcher, Psychology Dept., Ruhr Univ. Bochum, Germany, for assessing children’s executive functions in the pretest of the NUBBEK study in Germany (National Study on Children’s Education and Development in the pre-school years).
      Angela Duckworth, PhD, Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Penn., Philadelphia, PA, for use in assessing the efficacy of a school curriculum intervention to improve self-control in school-age children.
      Eva van de Sande, PhD Student, Behavioural Science Inst., Radboud Univ., Nijmegen, Netherlands, for investigating the development and interaction of executive functions and early literacy skills in young children.
      Mariana Maia Portoccarrero, student, Faculty of Psychology and Educational Sciences, Univ. of Coimbra, Portugal, for studying the efficacy and effectiveness of the Tools of the Mind program.
      Kristen Spencer, PhD Student, Psychology Dept., Auburn Univ., Auburn, AL, for comparing executive function performance across tasks.
      Ronnie Weinberger, MA Student, Behavioral Neurogenetics Center, Schneider Children's Medical Center, Petah Tikva, Israel, for testing executive functions in adolescents with ADHD studying in a special-needs school.
      Lex Wijnroks, Senior Lecturer, Utrecht University, Netherlands, for assessing executive functions in preterm children ages 5 & 6, and how predictive early achievements on the delayed response task is of executive functions 5 years later.
      Isabella Hild, PhD student, Inst. for Psychology, Humboldt Universität zu Berlin, Germany, for evaluating executive functions and training of executive functions in persons who are illiterate.
      Kang Lee, Prof. & Director; Heidi Gordon, Postdoc; and Megan Brunet, PhD Student, Inst. of Child Study, Univ. of Toronto, ON, for examining the relation between children's secret-keeping and lie-telling behaviors, and their executive functioning.
      Feggy Ostrosky, Prof. & Head of Neuropsychology Lab, National Univ. of Mexico, Mexico City, for studying the effectiveness in improving executive functions of (a) two training programs for preschool children and (b) a parent-child interaction program.
    2009 Jessica Willard, Dept. of Developmental Psychology, Univ. of Bochum, Bochum, Germany, for studying social integration of migrant children, uncovering family and school factors promoting resilience in 5-15 year old children
      Clyde Hertzman, PhD, HELP (Human Early Learning Project), Vancouver, BC, for assessing executive functions in the GECKO Project (Gene Expression Collaborative for Kids Only)
      Lex Wijnroks, Senior Lecturer and Researcher, Utrecht University, Netherlands, to study memory, task switching, and inhibition in 5 to 6 year olds.
      Zvia Breznitz, PhD, Head, & Ronnie Weinberger, Res. Ass’t, Center of Brain & Behavior Research, Univ. of Haifa, Israel, for testing executive functions in adolescents with ADHD studying in a special-needs school.
      Suncica Lah, PhD, Senior Lecturer, Clinical Neuropsychologist, School of Psychology, Univ. of Sydney, Australia, for a study of executive functions in children who have sustained traumatic brain injuries prior to starting school.
      Lisa Flook, PhD & Richard Davidson, PhD, Center for Investigating Healthy Minds, Waisman Lab for Brain Imaging & Behavior, Univ. of Wisc.-Madison, WI, for evaluating the effectiveness of mindfulness & lovingkindness training in educational settings on attention regulation in preschool & elementary-school children.
      Birgit Leyendecker, PhD, & Arno Mueller, Dept. of Psychology, Ruhr Univ., Bochum, Germany , to develop a pre-intervention measures for the NUBBEK study (National Study on Children’s Education and Development in the pre-school years) in Germany to assess children’s executive functions.
      Susan Carey, Prof.; Deborah Zaitchik, PhD; & Yeshim Iqba, Dept. of Psychology, Harvard Univ., Cambridge, MA, for studying the relation between executive functions & the development of biological concepts & conceptual change.
      Alain Berthoz, Prof., Collège de France, Paris, & Dr. Giovanni Cioni, Pisa, Italy, to investigate possible executive function deficits in children with cerebral palsy.
      Dr. Dana Tal Jacobi, Tel Hashomer Hospital, Israel, for a study of executive functions in children who had brain tumors in their posterior fossa.
      Rachel Weber, PhD candidate, School Psychology Program, Texas A&M Univ., College Station, TX, for a study of executive functions in bilingual and monolingual Spanish-English speaking kindergartners.
      Zeynep Gültekin, PhD candidate, Educational Psychology, Ankara Univ., Turkey, for studying maternal scaffolding and development of hot and cold executive functions in 3- to 5-year-olds.
      Karin Brocki, Postdoc, Dept. of Psychology, Uppsala Univ., Sweden, for studying the structure and interrelations among components of executive functions in children between 5-13 years of age.
      Tracey Fay-Stammbach, PhD Student, School of Health and Rehabilitation Sciences, Univ. of Queensland, Australia, to explore if parental attachment, organization of home routines, and the provision of child enrichment opportunities are associated with the emergence of self-regulatory (executive control) skills during the preschool years.
      Caroline Kleeman, undergraduate in the lab of Monique Lebourgeois, PhD, Brown Univ., RI, to study how sleep and sleep deprivation affect cognitive abilities in young children.
      Shinmin Wang, PhD student, Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of York, UK, for a study investigating executive functions profiles in children with reading difficulties.
      Meghan McCormick, Manpower Demonstration Research Corporation (MDRC), New York City, NY, , for executive function assessments of 1,000’s of children (3½-8½ years old) whose parents are participating in the Supporting Healthy Marriage Demonstration and Evaluation trial.
      Isabelle Amado, MD, Marie Odile, PhD, & Térèse Jay, INSERM, Hospital Sainte Anne, Paris, for a study on ADHD, the prodromal symptoms of psychosis, and infants with pervasive development disorders.
      Bev Wilson, Prof., Dept. of Clinical Psychology, Seattle Pacific Univ., Seattle, WA, for a study with 3- to 6-year-old children with high functioning autism, Seattle, WA.
      Tamar Mendelson, Ass’t. Prof., Dept. of Mental Health, School of Public Health, Johns Hopkins Univ., Baltimore, MD, for evaluating the impact of a 12-week school-based yoga program on EFs in 5th and 6th graders in Baltimore City public schools.
      Anat Prior, PhD, Lecturer, Dept. of Learning Disabilities, Univ. of Haifa, Israel, for evaluating the cognitive consequences of bilingualism for executive functions in two populations of balanced and less-balanced Russian-Hebrew bilingual preschoolers compared to monolingual peers.
      Brian M. Galla, PhD student, Education Dept., Univ. of California - Los Angeles, CA, for evaluating the effectiveness in promoting executive functions of a mindfulness-based skills training program.
      Jaswinder Ghuman, MD, Assoc. Prof., Univ. of Arizona College of Medicine, Tucson, AZ, for evaluating a pilot pharmacological study in preschool children with ADHD to assess if inhibitory control measures and electrophysiological measures can be used to study the efficacy of atomoxetine (stratera) treatment.
      Prof. Wendy Thornton, Prof. Daniel Bernstein, Alisha Coolin, & Ashley Fischer, Clinical Psychology PhD students, Simon Fraser Univ., Vancouver, BC, for examining the relations among executive functioning, hindsight bias, and theory of mind throughout the lifespan.
      Kim Cornish, Prof., & Jacalyn Guy, PhD student, McGill Univ., Montreal, QC, for a study of the development of response inhibition across visual and auditory modalities in preschool children.
      Tom Boyce, MD, Prof., & Jelena Obradovic, Postdoc, Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP), UBC, Vancouver, BC, for studying how social disparities contribute to epigenetic modifications & neurodevelopmental vulnerability, including in executive functioning.
      Tim Oberlander, MD, Assoc. Prof., & Ursula Brain, Research Manager, Dept. of Pediatrics, UBC & BC Children’s Hospital, Vancouver, BC, for measuring executive function longitudinally from early childhood in children who mothers were depressed and who were or were not exposed to anti-depressants (SSRIs) in utero.
      Kimberly Schonert-Reichl, PhD, and staff (Molly Lawlor, Ahmed Rahim, Eva Oberle, Kim Thompson, Paula Andrews, Crystal McLennan, Anne Gadermann, & Angela Jaramillo), Dept. of Educational and Counseling Psychology, UBC, Vancouver, BC, to investigate the effect of in-school mindfulness training on the development of social-emotional and cognitive regulation in elementary- school age children.
    2008 Mitchell Schertz, MD, Director, Institute for Child Development, Herzeliya, Israel, for research use in a community clinic for children with preschool ADHD symptomatology.
      Kim Bishop, PhD, Principal Consultant, Global Pharma Consultancy,LLC, Muncy, PA, for use in an Alzheimer’s Disease clinical trial.
      Gail Ross, Assoc. Prof., Pediatrics, Weill Cornell Medical College, New York City, NY, for a study on whether children of mothers with lupus display abnormalities of cortical function.
      Steve Hughes, PhD, Ass’t. Prof. of Pediatrics, Univ. of Minnesota Medical School, Minneapolis, MN, for evaluating the effects of classical Montessori education on EFs and other aspects of cognitive development.
      Jie He, Dept. of Psychology & Behavioral Sciences, Zhejiang Univ., China, for a study of angry youngsters’ executive functioning.
      Prof. Gary Evans & M arianella Casasola, Human Dev., Cornell Univ., Ithaca, NY, for studying the potential role of the intersection of socioemotional and cognitive processes during early childhood in the etiology of the income-achievement gap.
      Robert Roeser, Assoc. Prof., Psychology Dept., Portland State Univ., Portland, OR, for evaluating the effectiveness of meditative, stress-reduction training of teachers on student outcomes, such as students’ executive functions.
      Tom Boyce, MD, Prof., & Jelena Obradovic, Postdoctoral Fellow, Human Early Learning Partnership (HELP), UBC, Vancouver, BC, for studying epigenetic modifications & social disparities in neurodevelopmental vulnerability.
      Prof. Sebastián Lipina, Unidad de Neurobiología Aplicada (UNA) (CEMIC-CONICET), Buenos Aires, Argentina, for executive function measures to assess the effects of poverty and of interventions to alleviate it.
      Greg Lewis & Stephen Porges, Director, Brain-Body Center, Univ. of Illinois, Chicago, IL,for use in a comprehensive, portable neurophysiological assessment being ported to clinical settings to study cognitive and affective features of post-traumatic stress disorder, autism, & other psychiatric disorders.
      Prof. Penny Hauser-Cram & Ashley Woodman, Counseling, Developmental, & Educational Psychology Dept., Boston College, MA, for an ongoing longitudinal investigation of children with developmental disabilities and their families.
      Akram Ahangi, MA, Dept. of Psychology, Iran, for a study of color/object Stroop interference in Iranian children ages 3-6.
      Brian Galla, MA, School of Ed. & Information Studies, Univ. of California - Los Angeles, CA, for examining the effectiveness of a mindfulness training in promoting executive functions.
      Alain Berthoz, PhD, Chair of Physiology of Perception & Action, College de France, Paris, for examining executive functions in children between 4-5 to 16 years of age in Pisa, Italy (with Prof. Giovani Cioni).
      Justin Wise, PhD, Dept. of Psychology, Georgia State Univ., GA, for examining executive functions in children between 4-6 years of age, looking at white matter integrity of prefrontal cortex in children with obstructive sleep apnea pre- and post-surgical treatment relative to typically developing children.
      Karen Penner, PhD student, Univ. of Manitoba, for assessing executive functions and higher-level visual perceptual skills in 4-year-old formerly high-risk infants.
      Jamie Edgin, PhD & Lynn Nadel, Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Arizona, Tucson, AZ, for the development of a neuropsychological battery for children with Down syndrome.
      Janean E'guya Dilworth-Bart, PhD, Dept. of Human Development and Family Studies, School of Human Ecology, Univ. of Wisconsin, Madison, WI, for a study on urban preschoolers at high sociodemographic risk.
      Ruth Grunau, PhD, Janet Kidd, Ivan Cepeda, & Sarah Duncanson, Child & Family Research Institute, BC Children's & Women's Hospital, Vancouver, BC, for a study on the cognitive abilities of children born pre-term.
      Kathryn Lombardi, PhD student, Dept. of Psychology, Suffolk Univ., Boston, MA, for a study of the effects of dopamine levels in an aging population.
      Jane Appleby, PhD student, Centre for Neurodevelopmental Disorders, School of Psychology, Univ. of Birmingham, UK, for a study on the learning disabilities associated with Rubinstein Taybi Syndrome and Cri du Chat Syndrome.
      Maartje Raijmakers, PhD, Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Amsterdam, Netherlands, for use in studying the Dimensional Change Card Sort task.
      Robert Pianta, PhD & Jason Downer, PhD, Center for Advanced Study of Teaching and Learning, Univ. of Virginia, Charlottesville, VA, for a study of the effects of teachers’ behavior (e.g., warmth, feedback, management) on children’s socioemotional and academic progress during children’s early years.
      Dennis Molfese, PhD, Developmental Neuroscience Lab, Univ. of Louisville, KY, for a study on the effects of sleep restriction in children.
      Karin Brocki, PhD, Developmental Imaging-Genetics, Mt. Sinai Sch. of Medicine, New York City, NY, continued help in training and verifying accurate administration of our tasks for her study investigating ADHD children’s performance on dopamine-dependent & dopamine-independent tasks.
      Tim Oberlander, MD, Dept. of Pediatrics, UBC, & Ursula Brain, Research Manager, Healthy Starts Program, Centre for Community Child Health Research, Vancouver, BC, for measures of executive function with young children who were exposed to anti-depressants (SSRIs) in utero.
      Julie Rusyniak, Juliana Mesa, Devin Carey, & Martyna Galazka, Kennedy Krieger Inst., Baltimore, MD, for investigating the effects of physical connectedness in aiding the grasp of conceptual connections in children with autism.
      Angela Duckworth, PhD, Dept. of Psychology, Univ. of Penn., Philadelphia, PA, for use in assessing the efficacy of a school curriculum intervention to improve self-control in school-age children.
      Doron Gothelf, MD, Tel Aviv Univ., Israel, for a study of executive function deficits in children with velocardiofacial syndrome (22q11.2 deletion syndrome) depending on their COMT genotype.
      Deborah Dewey, PhD, Depts. of Pediatrics, Kinesiology, & Psychology, Univ. of Calgary & Alberta Children's Hospital, for a study of executive function deficits in children with developmental motor delays.
      Alessandra Geraci, PhD student, Dept. of Cognitive Sciences and Education, Rovereto, Italy, for a measure of inhibitory control in children.
      Phyllis Zelkowitz, EdD, & Sumin Na, Research Assistant, Inst. of Community and Family Psychiatry, Sir Mortimer B Davis Jewish General Hospital, Montreal, QC, for a study on the long-term effects of intervention on the cognitive development of children born prematurely to women affected by post-partum depression.
      Kimberly Schonert-Reichl, PhD, and staff (Molly Lawlor, Ahmed Rahim, Eva Oberle, Kim Thompson, Paula Andrews, Crystal McLennan, Anne Gadermann, & Angela Jaramillo), Dept. of Educational and Counseling Psychology, UBC, Vancouver, BC, to investigate the effect of in-school mindfulness training on the development of social-emotional and cognitive regulation in school-age children.

    2007 and earlier: - click here.

    We continue to develop sensitive behavioral assays of the different cognitive abilities that comprise EF, to freely share those, and to provide training in administering those tasks free of charge to researchers around the world.

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Professional Affiliations

American Association for the Advancement of Science (AAAS)

American Association of University Professors

American. Association of University Women

American Psychological Association (APA) (Lifetime member)

Division 1: General  (Fellow since 2014)

Division 6: Behavioral Neuroscience and Comparative Psychology  (Fellow since 1997)

Division 7: Developmental Psychology (Fellow since 1993)

Division 9: Psychological Study of Social Issues (SPSSI)

Division 27: Community Research and Action - Community Psychology

Division 32: Humanistic Psychology

Division 40: Clinical Neuropsychology

Association for Psychological Science (APS) (Charter Member & Fellow)

American Sociological Association

Canadian Psychological Association (CPA)

Canadian Society for Brain, Behavior and Cognitive Science (CSBBCS)

Centre for Interdisciplinary Research & Collaboration in Autism (CIRCA) (Founding Fellow)

Cognitive Development Society  (past Executive Bd. Member [2003 – 2010])

Cognitive Neuroscience Society (CNS)

Human Brain Mapping Organization

International Brain Research Organization (IBRO)

nternational Mind, Brain, And Education Society (IMBES)

International Neuropsychological Society (INS)  (past Governing Board Member [2005 – 2008])

International Society for Infant Studies (ISIS)

International Society for Research in Child & Adolescent Psychopathology

Kids Brain Health Network (formerly known as NeuroDevNet)

Memory Disorders Research Society

Psychonomic Society

Royal Society of Canada (RSC)  (Fellow since 2009)

Sigma Xi

Society for Canadian Women in Science & Technology

Society of Experimental Psychologists (SEP)   (Fellow since 2010)

Society for Neuroscience (SfN)

Society for Research in Aging

Society for Research in Child Development (SRCD)

Society for the Study of Human Development

Membership on university committees

Member, curriculum committee, UBC Neuroscience (2019 – present)

Member, NSERC Adjudication Committee for the UBC Internal Banting Competition (2017 – present)

Member, Departmental Advisory Committee, Psychiatry Department, UBC (2012 – present)

Member, Internal Reviewer, Vancouver Coastal Health Research Institute Innovation & Transitional Research Award (Jan. 16 – Feb. 24, 2017)

Member, UBC Stage 2 Internal Review Committee (CIHR Foundation Scheme: 2014 1st Live Pilot Competition) (2014)

Member, the Canada Research Chair (CRC) Internal Review Committee of UBC (2006 - 2014)

Member-at-Large, Executive Committee, UBC Faculty Association (2008-2010)

Member. Membership Committee, Green College, UBC (2007-2009)

Member, Research Administration Committee, Div. of Child & Adolescent Psychiatry, Dept. of Psychiatry (2005 - 2009)

Member, Search Committee for Leadership Chair in Child Psychiatry (2009)

Member, Search Committee for Leadership Chair in Child Psychiatry (2006)

Member, Canada Research Chair Tier II Review Committee, Faculty of Medicine, UBC (2005)

Member, Faculty Search Committee, Brain Research Centre, for a CRC Professor in Neuroimaging (2004 - 2005)

Memberships on scholarly Boards



  • Member, Global Executive Function Initiative, Stanford Univ. (2024 – present)
  • Member, Advisory Board, National Center for Montessori and Aging, Washington, DC
  • Member, cross-functional design team and advisory board member for the Logan Memorial Educational Campus, San Diego Unified School District, the first public school to have prenatal thru 12th grade Montessori education (2020 – present)
  • Member, advisory board member, Niroga Institute, headquartered in Oakland, CA, uses an evidence-based, trauma-informed program with dynamic mindfulness (yoga) at its core to help disadvantaged youth and incarcerated & formerly incarcerated individuals strengthen their stress resilience, social-emotional well-being and mental health (2020 – present)
  • Member, advisory board member, Institute of Education Sciences' Exploration Grant on whether breaks benefit children’s attention regulation and enhance learning (Brain Breaks): Karrie E. Godwin, PI & Amanda Moreno, Co-PI (2019 – present)
  • Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Indaba Foundation, South Africa, which works to improve disadvantaged young children’s capacity to develop and learn by providing world-class, internationally-recognized, and accredited Montessori teacher training, materials, and educational infrastructure (2018 – present)
  • Member, Scientific Advisory Board, MindEDU. MindEDU is an online resource for parents and connects communities that provides research-based information and advice to give children the best chance at a happy, healthy life (2018 – present)
  • Member, College of Reviewers, Canadian Institutes of Health Research (CIHR) (2016 – present)
  • Member, Advisory Board, NSF project headed by Prof. Alberto Rojo, Physics Dept., Oakland Univ., CA, which is producing La Experiencia Dorada: A Video Series on Science and Art, targeted to Latino parents (2014 – present)
  • Member, Expert Technical Review Panel for the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, Kindergarten Class of 2010-2011 (ECLS-K:2011) (2014 – present)
  • Member, Scientific Advisory Board, the Bezos Family Foundation and the Families and Work Institute, for their efforts to disseminate cutting-edge advances in neuroscience and child development in engaging ways [Vroom website: www.joinvroom.org] (2013 - present)
  • Member, External Advisory Board, Project proposal on “the neural and cognitive effects of poverty on very young children,” PI: Hallam Hurt, The Children's Hospital of Philadelphia, PA (2010 - present)
  • Member, Advisory Board, Kids Brain Health Network, (formerly known as NeuroDevNet) dedicated to helping children
    overcome neurodevelopmental disorders (2010 - present)
  • Member, Advisory Board, Centre for Interdisciplinary Research and Collaboration in Autism (CIRCA), University of British Columbia, Vancouver, BC (2010 - present )
  • Member, Child Neurosciences Research Group (CNRG) within the Neurons to Neighbourhoods Cluster of the Child & Family Research Institute (CFRI) (2009 - present)
  • Member, Steering Committee, Early Childhood Interventions Subgroup of the Human Capital and Economic Opportunity Global Working Group (headed by Nobel Laureate, James Heckman) to foster high-level interaction & collaborations among economists & psychologists around systemic changes to improve early childhood programs (2008 - present)
  • Member, International Research Network on Imagination and Education (2006 - present )
  • Nominator, Ad hoc referee for the MacArthur Fellows Program (sometimes called the ‘Genius Award’) (2004 - present)
  • Member, Senior Advisory Board, National Center for Developmental Sciience in the Public Interest (2001 - present)
  • Member, H1 Connect. The principal aim is to evaluate the vast life sciences literature. I am in the Cognitive Neuroscience section. It was originally called “Faculty of 1000”, then renamed “Faculty Opinions”, and in 2023 it was renamed again to “H1 Connect” (2001 – present)
  • Member, College of Reviewers for the Canada Research Chairs program (a tri-granting-council program of the Government of Canada) (2001 - present)

Recent Past

  • Member, Scientific Advisory Board, KidCareCanada Society, Victoria, BC, which brings the science of early childhood development to new parents in a visual format (short online videos that are easy-to-understand) that show people who look like them (e.g., many of the videos show Indigenous parents and their children) (2010 – 2022)
  • Member, FLEX committee, Reading Bear Society; provides intergenerational mentorship and reading resources to encourage early literacy, social wellbeing, & emotional health in Vancouver (2019 – 2021)
  • Member, Scientific Council, Educational Association for Human Development; founded by Anna Lucia Campos in Peru (2019 – 2021)
  • Member, expert consortium being set up Sylvain Laborde of the Institute of Psychology, German Sport University Cologne. (2019 – 2021)
  • Member, Advisory Board, to the non-profit, "Insight: Independent Interview-Based Journal," Langley, BC (2016 – 2020)
  • Member, Advisory Committee, for Lincos, a non-profit applied think tank working on improving children's capacity for learning in vulnerable areas of Peru (2013 – 2020)
  • Scientific Advisor, Executive Function Center of New York, NYC. EFCNY provides one-on-one, small and large group mentoring and coaching in Executive Function skill acquisition (2018 – 2019)
  • Member, Steering Committee for Ingenuity, a collaboration between a non-profit group and the University of Chicago to bring arts instruction to all of Chicago’s schoolchildren (2016 – 2019)
  • Member, Advisory Board, Reading Bear Society, devoted to promoting early literacy and social & emotional health (2014 – 2019)
  • Member, Scientific Advisory Group for Start2Finish, Burlington, ON, a Canadian non-profit committed to breaking the cycle of child poverty by providing ongoing educational support in reading and ongoing physical activity support in running to Canada’s at risk children throughout their school years (nurturing mind, body and social health) (2012 - 2019)
  • Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Child Guidance Clinic, Sahyadri Hospital, Pune, India (2010 - 2019)
  • Member, Urie Bronfenbrenner and G. Stanley Hall Award Committees of the American Psychological Association (APA) (2014 – 2015)
  • Member, Leadership Council, Contemplative Teaching and Learning Initiative (CTL), Garrison Institute (2006 - 2015)
  • Member, Conference Advisory Committee, Development 2014, A Canadian Conference on Developmental Psychology (2013 – 2014)
  • Member, Content Review Panel (CRP) for Phase II of the Early Childhood Longitudinal Study, reviewing and providing guidance on the EF measures proposed for the first and second grade data collections. National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) (2011 - 2014)
  • Member, Scientific Advisory Committee, The Learning Resource Network (L-rn) , which offers a comprehensive look at a host of topics around child development (2011 - 2012)
  • Member, Distinguished Scientific Advisory Board, The Ultimate Block Party, NYC, NY, non-profit founded and designed by a coalition of leading educators, scientists and cultural leaders to put play at the forefront of children’s lives as a critical factor in the development of 21st century skills. (2010 - 2012)
  • Member, Advisory Board, the Sage School, Hailey, Idaho (2010 - 2012)
  • Member, Scientific Advisory Board, Family Life Project, Univ. of North Carolina, Chapel Hill (2006 - 2012)
  • Member, External Advisory Board, Neuroimaging Institute, Texas Tech University, Lubbock, TX (2012)
  • Member, NSF Outside Advisory Board, a 3-year $950,000 NSF award directed toward using the ECLS-K and ECLS-B to explore the role of factors present prior to school entry that might predict math and science scores at 3rd, 5th and 8th grade. PI: David Grissmer (2009 - 2011)
  • Member, Conference Advisory Committee, Development 2010, A Canadian Conference on Developmental Psychology (2010)
  • Member, Research Management Committee of the Down Syndrome Research Foundation (2007 - 2010)
  • Member, Executive Board, Cognitive Development Society (2003 - 2010)
  • Member, Local organizing committee for Canadian Association for Neuroscience Annual Meeting in Vancouver (2008 - 2009)
  • Member, National Scientific Advisory Committee, Program Project Grant on "Somatic Cell Genetic Studies of Down Syndrome, "Denver University & Univ. of Colorado (1997 - 2005)
  • Member, External Advisory Committee, Learning Disabilities Research Center, Kennedy Krieger Institute, Johns Hopkins University (1995 - 2008)
  • Member, Board of Governors of the International Neuropsychological Society (INS) (2005-2008)
  • Member, Fellows Committee of Division 7 (Developmental Psychology) of the American Psychological Association (2004 - 2008)
  • Member, Selection Committee for the Eleanor Maccoby Book Award (2005)
  • Program Advisor, PBS series proposal on the emotional lives of girls (2004 - 2005)
  • Member, Selection Committee for winner of the McGuigan Prize of APA (2004)
  • Member, External Advisory Committee, Program Project Grant on "Development of Arousal & Attention Regulation,” PI: Judith Gardner, NYS Institute for Basic Research in Developmental Disabilities
  • Member, NSF Grant Advisory Panel for Human Cognition and Perception (2000)
  • Member, Panel on "Perception, Attention, and Memory" for the McDonnell Foundation, Sackler
  • Member, Foundation Initiative on Centers on Human Brain Development (1998-2000)
  • Member, NIH Site Visit Teams (1996, 1997, 1999, 2003, 2004)
  • Member, international scientific committee that planned the Congress in Geneva on "The Growing Mind: Interdisciplinary Approaches" on the centennial of Piaget's birth in 1996.
  • Member, NIH Study Section, Human Development & Aging-1 (AHR) (1991)

Memberships in scholarly societies - click here.

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Kitil, M. J., Guhn, M., Diamond, A., & Schonert-Reichl, K. A. (to be presented April 23-27, 2025). Longitudinal relations of executive functions to academic achievement and well-being in adolescence. Annual meeting of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), Denver, CO

Bachmann, E. & Diamond, A. (July 20, 2023). Tell me a story: The effects of storytelling vs. story-reading on the executive functions of fourth graders. Presented at ‘A Joyous Celebration of Ideas, the Arts, Science, and Efforts to Make the World a Better Place,’ Vancouver, BC

Bahrami, F. & Diamond, A. (July 20, 2023). Karate: Empty your mind with empty hand art. Presented at ‘A Joyous Celebration of Ideas, the Arts, Science, and Efforts to Make the World a Better Place,’ Vancouver, BC

Ling, D. & Diamond, A. (July 20, 2023). ADHD and the dopamine system in prefrontal cortex (and what studying ADHD taught me about being a scientist.) Presented at ‘A Joyous Celebration of Ideas, the Arts, Science, and Efforts to Make the World a Better Place,’ Vancouver, BC

Mir, R. & Diamond, A. (July 19, 2023). RayCam Cooperative Community Centre: Can research help meet community needs? Presented at ‘A Joyous Celebration of Ideas, the Arts, Science, and Efforts to Make the World a Better Place,’ Vancouver, BC

Paz, P. & Diamond, A. (July 20, 2023). Can balance training improve executive functions? Presented at ‘A Joyous Celebration of Ideas, the Arts, Science, and Efforts to Make the World a Better Place,’Vancouver, BC

Ling, D. S., Bhuiyan, I., Hughes, A., Hwang, A., & Diamond, A. (June 9, 2022). Science communication: Using pop culture to teach children about the brain and behaviour. Poster presented at the International Behavioural Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, Glasgow, Scotland. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.24588.80001

Ling, D. S., Hwang, A., Bhuiyan, I., Hughes, A., & Diamond, A. (June 9, 2022). Dopamine: A tale of two cities. Poster presented at the International Behavioural Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, Glasgow, Scotland. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.31299.68648

Bachmann, E. & Diamond, A. (May 10, 2022). Tell me a story: The effects of storytelling vs. story-reading on the executive functions of fourth graders. Poster presented at the International Science and Engineering Fair, Atlanta, GA.

DelRosso, L., Flores, G.V., & Diamond, A. (May 7, 2022). Association between iron levels and neurocognitive functions in children with Restless Sleep Disorder. Poster presented at the 24th Biennial Meeting of the International Society for Developmental Neuroscience, Vancouver, BC. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.26694.55360

No conference presentations in 2020 & 2021 due to COVID-19.

Ling, D. S., & Diamond, A. (accepted for the June 2-6, 2020 meeting but was cancelled due to COVID-19). The effect of higher working memory load on tasks requiring inhibition in 4 to 6-year-olds. Poster accepted to the International Behavioural Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, Glasgow, Scotland.

Kitil, M.J., Guhn, M., Diamond, A. & Schonert-Reichl, K. A. (scheduled for May 20, 2020 but meeting was cancelled due to COVID-19). Longitudinal relations of executive functions to academic achievement and well-being in adolescence. Poster was accepted for the Society for Research on Adolescence (SRA) Biennial Meeting, San Diego, CA.

Ling, D. S., Balce, K., Weiss, M., Murray, C., & Diamond, A. (September 23, 2019). Patients with ADHD are being overmedicated (for optimal cognitive performance). Poster presented at the International Brain Research Organisation World Congress of Neuroscience Meeting, Daegu, South Korea. DOI:10.1016/j.ibror.2019.07.212

Ling, D. S., Mitchell, J. R., & Diamond, A. (June 26, 2019). ‘Tis a mystery: People who are more physically fit have better executive functions, but most physical activity interventions have failed to produce benefits to executive functions. Poster presented at the International Behavioural Neuroscience Society, Cairns, Australia. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.17027.84007

Ling, D. S., Balce, K., Weiss, M., Murray, C., & Diamond, A. (June 25, 2019). Effects of low-dose versus normal-dose psychostimulants on executive functions in children with attention-deficit / hyperactivity disorder. Poster presented at the International Behavioural Neuroscience Society, Cairns, Australia. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.13672.39681

Ling, D. S., Mitchell, J. R., & Diamond, A. (May 25, 2019). Is a positive human relationship key to whether a program or intervention improves executive functions? Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science (APS) Annual Convention, Washington, DC. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.2.20383.28325

Hutchison, S., Chau, C.M.Y., Weikum, W., Brain, U., Grunau, R.E., Diamond, A. & Oberlander, T.F. (May 6, 2018). Prenatal serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SRI) antidepressant exposure influences executive functions at 12 years of age. Poster presented at the Pediatric Academic Society (PAS) meeting, Toronto, ON.
One of only 20 abstracts to be shared with the media in advance of the meeting.

Bichin, M., Chau, C.M.Y., Ranger, M., Miller, S.P., Garg, A., Beg, M.F., Fitzpatrick, K., Bjornson, B., Synnes, A.R., Diamond, A. & Grunau, R.E. (May 7, 2017). Early pain exposure and region specific brain cortical thickness interact to predict executive function at 8yrs in children born very preterm. Poster presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Hogan, J., Cordes, S., Diamond, A. & Winner, E. (April 8, 2017). The effects of intensive general music class on kindergartners’ executive functioning and self-perception. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Austin, TX.

Neuenschwander, R, Hookenson, K., Brain, U., Grunau, R.E., Devlin, A.M., Weinberg, J., Diamond, A. & Oberlander, T.F. (April 7, 2017). Does children’s stress regulation mediate the association between prenatal stress and child executive function? Paper presented at Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Austin, TX.

Balce, K., Ling, D.S., Murray, C., Weiss, M. & Diamond, A. (March 22, 2017). The optimal dose of psychostimulants for the behavioral problems in ADHD appears to be too high to help the cognitive problems. Poster presented at UBC Multidisciplinary Undergraduate Research Conference, Vancouver, BC.

Bichin, M., Chau, C.M.Y., Ranger, M., Miller, S.P., Garg, A., Beg, M.F., Fitzpatrick, K., Bjornson, B., Diamond, A., Synnes, A.R., & Grunau, R.E. (May 25, 2016). Early pain exposure and region specific brain cortical thickness interact to predict executive function at 8yrs in children born very preterm. Poster presented at the Canadian Pain Society Meeting, Vancouver, BC.

Bichin, M., Chau, C.M.Y., Ranger, M., Miller, S.P., Diamond, A., Garg, A., Beg, M.F., Fitzpatrick, K., Bjornson, B., Synnes, A.R., & Grunau, R.E. (Sept. 20, 2015). Interaction of neonatal pain-related stress and regional brain cortical thickness associated with executive function in children born very preterm at 8 yrs. Poster presented at the Brain Development Conference, Ottawa, ON.

Kay, A., Skarlicki, D. P., Diamond, A., & Soloway, G., (Aug., 2015). Reducing interpersonal conflict through mindfulness training: Emotion regulation as mediator. Paper presented at the Academy of Management Annual Conference, Vancouver, BC.

Davis, J.L., Agans, J.P., Vazou, S., Jarus, T., & Diamond, A. (August, 2014). The results are IN! from the Circus & ME: AYCO Youth Circus Study. Poster presented at the Biennial Conference of American Circus Educators (AYCO), Montreal, QC.

Ling, D., Wong, C., & Diamond, A. (Oct. 18, 2013). Double dissociation: Integrating color/shape aids conditional discrimination but separating them aids card sorting in 3-year-olds. Poster presented at the Cognitive Development Society Biennial Meeting, Memphis, TN. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.1748.2726

Ling, D., Wong, C., & Diamond, A. (May 17, 2013). Young children benefit from more time when performing the Day-Night task. Poster presented at Northwest Cognition and Memory Conference, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Surrey, BC.

Ling, D., Wong, C. & Diamond, A. (May 17, 2013). Double dissociation: Integrating color/shape aids conditional discrimination but separating them aids card sorting in 3½-yr-olds. Poster at Northwest Cognition and Memory Conference, Kwantlen Polytechnic University, Surrey, BC.

Ling, D., Wong, C., & Diamond, A. (April 19, 2013). Young children benefit from extra time when performing tasks requiring inhibitory control. Poster presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Annual Meeting, Seattle, WA. DOI:10.13140/RG.2.1.2534.7042

Oberlander, T., Grunau, R., Brain, U., Chau, C. & Diamond, A. (Oct 3, 2012). Prenatal serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SRI) antidepressant exposure and serotonin transporter promoter genotype (SLC6A4) influence executive functions at 6 years of age. Poster presented at the International Biennial Congress of the Marcé Society, Paris, France.

Thomas, J.P., Oberlander, T.F, Synnes, A., Diamond, A., Chau, C. & Grunau, R. (April 28, 2012). Infant focused attention predicts attention and executive functions in very preterm children at 7 years. Poster presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.

Chau, C., Doesburg, S., Cheung, T., Ribary, U., Herdman, T., Moiseev, A., Cepeda, I., Diamond, A., Synnes, A., Miller, S.P. & Grunau, R.E. (April 28, 2012). Executive functions are related to altered magneto-encephalographic spectral structure in school-age children born very preterm. Poster presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.

Oberlander, T., Grunau, R., Brain, U., Chau, C. & Diamond, A. (April 28, 2012). Prenatal serotonin reuptake inhibitor (SRI) antidepressant exposure and serotonin transporter promotor genotype (SLC6A4) influence executive functions at 6 years of age. Poster presented at the Pediatric Academic Societies Annual Meeting, Boston, MA.

Herman, D., Mass, C., Landa, R., & Diamond, A. (May 20, 2010). Performance by children with ASD, developmental delay, and typical development on delayed non-matched to sample task. Poster presented at the International Meeting for Autism Research (IMAR), Philadelphia, PA.

Markey, M., Diamond, A. & Somers, J. (Sept. 24, 2009). British Columbia inventory of parenting programs and services. Poster presented at Simon Fraser University, Burnaby, BC.

Evans, J.W., Fossella, J., Hampson, E., Kirschbaum, C., & Diamond, A. (May 25, 2009). Gender differences in the cognitive functions sensitive to the level of dopamine in prefrontal cortex. Poster presented at the Association for Psychological Science Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4833.0720

Munro, S. & Diamond, A. (April 3, 2009). Developing executive function skills for school success in preschoolers. Presented in the symposium, “Promoting Executive Functions in Young Children: The Role of Family and Child Characteristics and Early Education,” Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Denver, CO.

Munro, S. & Diamond, A. (April 2, 2009). Outcome of a Vygotskian approach to improving executive functions in preschoolers. Presented in the symposium, “Mediating Mechanisms: Building Knowledge of Young Children's Social-Emotional Development from Three Preschool Efficacy Trials,” Society for Research in Child Development, Denver, CO.

Evans, J.W., Fossella, J., Hampson, E., Kirschbaum, C., & Diamond, A. (Jan. 15, 2009). Gender differences in the cognitive functions sensitive to the level of dopamine in prefrontal cortex. Poster presented at the Inaugural Conference of a series on "Executive Function and Dysfunction," University of Boulder, Boulder, CO.

Diamond, A. & Wu, Y. (June 1, 2007). Development of a social ‘Simon’ effect. Presented in a symposium entitled, “Perception and Action in Social and non-Social Domains in Children and Adults: Re-thinking Theory of Mind, Stimulus-Response Compatibility, and Intentionality,” at Jean Piaget Society Annual Meeting, Amsterdam, Netherlands.

Diamond, A., Leong, D., & Bodrova, E. (March 31, 2007). Helping children become masters of their own behavior: A preschool curriculum that improves executive functions. Presented in a Symposium entitled, “Promoting the Development of Self-Regulation in Young Children Through Innovative Curricula and Teacher Interactions,” Biennial Meeting of the Society for Research in Child Development, Boston, MA.

Feng, X., Bialystok, E., & Diamond A. (March 31, 2007). Manipulating information in working memory - an advantage for bilinguals. Presented at Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Boston, MA.

Munro, S., Chau, C., Gazarian, K. & Diamond, A. (April 9, 2006). Dramatically larger Flanker effects (6-fold elevation). Poster presented at Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4289.8402

Feng, X., Diamond, A., & Bialystok, E. (Oct. 22, 2005). Executive functions in monolingual and bilingual children: separating working memory and inhibitory control. Poster presented at Cognitive Development Society Biennial Meeting, San Diego, CA . DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.4322.6082

Diamond, A., Molfese, D., Ratajczak, E. & Fonaryova-Key, A.P. (March, 2003). An investigation of whether assumptions underlying the use of Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging (fMRI) can validly be applied to children. Paper presented at the Annual Cognitive Neuroscience Society Meeting, NYC, NY. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.1373.4883

Diamond, A. & Kirkham, N. (Oct., 2001). Card sorting by children of 3 and 4 years and task switching by older children: Inhibition needed to overcome “Attentional Inertia.” Paper presented at the Symposium on “Rule use through the Lens of the Dimensional Change Card Sort: What develops?,” Cognitive Development Society Biennial Meeting, Virginia Beach, VA.

Amso, D. Gehlbach, L.N., & Diamond, A. (May, 2001). What underlies negative priming? Contributions of memory to the negative priming effect. Poster presented at the South Carolina Bicentennial Symposium on Attention, University of South Carolina, Columbia. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2487.6000

Cohen, S., Bixenman, M., Meiran, N. & Diamond, A. (May, 2001). Task switching in children: A developmental study. Poster presented at the South Carolina Bicentennial Symposium on Attention, University of South Carolina, Columbia. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.3470.6403

Shutts, K., Ross, E., Hayden, M., & Diamond, A. (April, 2001). Grasping that one thing is related to another: Contributions of spatial contiguity, temporal proximity, and physical connection. Poster presented at Child Development Biennial Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.1.2665.7768

Shutts, K., Ross, E., Hayden, M., & Diamond, A. (April, 2001). Appearance matters -- but not to young infants: Development of spatial and visual discrimination learning from 9-21 months. Poster presented at Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Minneapolis, MN. DOI: 10.13140/RG.2.2.30783.92329

Ross, E., Shutts, K., & Diamond, A. (Jan., 2000). Spatial or temporal contiguity: Factors underlying infants' understanding of the relation between stimulus and reward. Paper presented at New England Mini-Conference on Infant Studies. Worcester, MA.

Shutts, K., Ross, E., & Diamond, A. (Jan., 2000). Spatial and visual discrimination in infants: When do they attend to spatial location and when do they attend to object appearance? Paper presented at New England Mini-Conference on Infant Studies. Worcester, MA.

Savoy, R.L., O'Craven, K.M., Davidson, M., & Diamond, A. (1999). Memory load and inhibition in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Paper presented at International Conference on Functional Mapping of the Human Brain, Dusseldorf, Germany.

Kirkham, N. & Diamond, A. (April., 1999). Integrating competing ideas in word and action. Paper presented at Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Albuquerque, NM.

Davidson, M., Cruess, L., Diamond, A., O'Craven, K.M., & Savoy, R.L. (April, 1999). Comparison of executive functions in children and adults using directional Stroop tasks. Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Albuquerque, NM.

Badali, S., Izvorski, R., Ozawa, K., Diamond, A., & Ullman, M. (April, 1999). Phenylketonuria as a model for investigating the role of dorsolateral prefrontal cortex in language. Paper presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.

Diamond, A., O'Craven, K.M., Davidson, M., Cruess, C., Bergida, R., & Savoy, R.L. (April, 1999). Further fMRI-based studies of memory and inhibition in prefrontal cortex of adults. Paper presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, Washington, DC.

O'Craven, K.M., Savoy, R.L., & Diamond, A. (June, 1998). Working memory and inhibition in dorsolateral prefrontal cortex. Paper presented at the Human Brain Mapping Annual Meeting, Montreal, QC.

Diamond, A., O'Craven, K.M., & Savoy, R.L. (April, 1998). An fMRI-based study of working memory and inhibition in prefrontal cortex. Paper presented at the Cognitive Neuroscience Society Annual Meeting, San Francisco, CA.

Churchland, A. & Diamond, A. (April 3-6, 1997). Temporal and spatial separation as limiting factors in infants' ability to grasp relationships. Paper presented at Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Washington, DC.

Prevor, M., & Diamond, A. (March 30, 1995). Color-form interference effects in young children. Paper presented at the Society for Research in Child Development Biennial Meeting, Indianapolis, IN.

Diamond, A. (May 20-24, 1989). Developmental time course in infants and infant monkeys, and the neural bases of, A-not-B and delayed response performance. Paper presented at the Conference on the Development and Neural Bases of Higher Cognitive Functions, Philadelphia, PA.

Diamond, A. & Boyer, K. (May 20-24, 1989). Developmental progression in infants' and young children's performance on a version of the Petrides-Milner temporal order memory task: Multiple boxes. Paper presented at the Conference on the Development and Neural Bases of Higher Cognitive Functions, Philadelphia, PA.

Diamond, A. (May 20-24, 1989). Developmental time course in infants and infant monkeys, and the neural bases of, inhibitory control in reaching. Paper presented at the Conference on the Development and Neural Bases of Higher Cognitive Functions, Philadelphia, PA.

Diamond, A. (May 20-24, 1989). Performance of infants and young children on visual paired comparisons, delayed non-match to sample (direct), and delayed non-match to sample (indirect). Paper presented at the Conference on the Development and Neural Bases of Higher Cognitive Functions, Philadelphia, PA.

Diamond, A. (May 1981). The A-not-B error: A reinterpretation. Paper presented at the Eleventh Annual Jean Piaget Symposium, Philadelphia, PA.



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